Without question there are plenty of compromised political figures who are on film at Epstein Island or at a Diddy party or one of the thousands of other degenerate events we haven’t even heard of yet. I wouldn’t say every politician but certainly most appear to have either blackmail material hanging over them or are getting so rich they will do whatever they are told. It is likely that many of them are lured in by big money and then get filmed while at parties later on. A principled man can walk away from money but it is far more difficult to overcome being on film with three teenaged girls.
Even among the compromised political class, one named stands above all the rest: Lindsey Graham.
Lindsey is clearly a barely closeted faggot. He claims to have had a few girlfriends, one while in law school in the 1970s and a couple while serving in the JAG Corp in Germany in the 80s. Nothing since. That seems kind of weird, doesn’t it? The guy is almost 70 years old and has had no female companions since the 1980s. He has either been a U.S. Representative or a U.S. Senator since 1995 and being a powerful guy in D.C. is a magnet for chicks but for Lindsey nothing? Just too busy, never met the right girl he claims and that might be true as it is probably hard to find a nice girl during anonymous gay hookups with random strangers. At least Larry Craig married a chick and adopted her three children to give himself some cover.
Lindsey is also well known for his over-the-top declarations of love and adoration for Our Greatest Ally. Some of that is pandering to the evangelical voters of South Carolina but it is clearly more than that. If Mossad doesn’t have some really nasty dirt on Lindsey Graham, like gay pedo stuff, I’ll eat my hat. Despite the low expectations I have for Lindsey, even I was a little startled by this one:

This stems from the arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu issued by the “International Criminal Court” , a globalist successor to the International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg that tried Nazis after World War II (while torturing them for confessions, in the name of “justice” of course). Netanyahu has an international arrest warrant for his part in the slaughter of civilians in Gaza to the tune of tens of thousands of Palestinians, almost all non-combatants and mostly women, children and the elderly. No one ever mentions that the military leader of Hamas, Mohammed Deif, also has an outstanding arrest warrant from the ICC.
The ICC has found that Netanyahu and his former defense minister “each bear criminal responsibility for the following crimes as co-perpetrators for committing the acts jointly with others: the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare; and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution and other inhumane acts,” as well as bearing criminal responsibility as “civilian superiors for the war crime of intentionally directing an attack against the civilian population.”
Netanyahu has called the ICC’s arrest warrant an “antisemitic decision” and said, “Israel utterly rejects the false and absurd charges of the ICC, a biased and discriminatory political body.”
Several countries including U.S allies such as Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland, Lithuania, Canada, Ireland, South Africa, Turkey, Jordan, Norway and Sweden, have said they will comply with the ICC’s arrest warrant or are open to it.
Oh, of course it is “antisemitic” and has nothing to do with the fact that Israel has been killing thousands of defenseless civilians for more than a year and displacing hundreds of thousands more in their planned ethnic cleansing of Gaza. You can rely on Them to go to the same playbook no matter the situation, and why not as it usually works for Them.
While I reject the authority of the ICC on general principles, the idea of “crushing the economy” of our allies is bizarre even for Li’l Lindsey.
During an interview appearance on Fox News with host Sean Hannity on Friday, Graham, an ally of President-elect Donald Trump, condemned the warrants.
“If you are going to help the ICC as a nation and force the arrest warrant against Bibi and Gallant, the former defense minister, I will put sanctions on you as a nation. You’re going to have to pick the rogue ICC versus America. I’m working with [Senator] Tom Cotton to have legislation passed as soon as we can to sanction any country that aids and abets the arrest of any politician in Israel. So, to any ally, Canada, Britain, Germany, France, if you try to help the ICC, we’re going to sanction you,” Graham said.
Senator Tom Cotton, an Arkansas Republican, suggested in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday that the U.S. could invade the Netherlands, one of the countries that said they would comply with the ICC, if Netanyahu is arrested and brought there to face trial….
…..Hannity then interjected to say that he wants “every ally” on notice, adding, “And you saw little Justin in Canada and his position. What should the penalty be?”
Graham responded: “If you help the ICC, we’re going to crush your economy.”
Hannity concluded: “Friends and allies, you better beware because this has to happen.”
I don’t think They have any dirt on Hannity, he is just a clown and a terrible person. Let’s look at the list for a moment:
Canada: Fought alongside America in both World Wars, is a member of NATO.
Britain: Fought alongside America in both World Wars, is a member of NATO.
Germany: Member of NATO since 1955
France: “Fought” alongside America in both World Wars, is a member of NATO.
The Netherlands: Member of NATO
Let’s look at Israel.
Israel: Not a member of NATO, never has fought on behalf of the U.S., brings nothing to alliance but takes billions of dollars in “aid” and spend millions to influence U.S. elections to favor Israel.
Well if I was an antisemitic conspiracy theorist it might seem to me that there is a weird standard applied here where a U.S. Senator has unilaterally declared that he would “crush the economies” of nations we have been allied with for over a century if they carried out an arrest warrant issued by an international body that they are signatories to the creation of said body.
To reiterate I reject the authority of the ICC in any matter and the U.S. was not part of the formation of the ICC but I found it interesting to see the company we keep: “On 17 July 1998, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court was adopted by a vote of 120 to seven, with 21 countries abstaining. The seven countries that voted against the treaty were China, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Qatar, the U.S., and Yemen“. China, Iraq, Libya, Qatar, Yemen plus us and Our Greatest Ally.
While the Biden administration cheered an ICC arrest warrant when issued for Vladimir Putin in 2023, it immediately condemned the ICC just a year later when Netanyahu was targeted. Even Lindsey was on board with the warrant for Putin:..
In March 2023, Mr Lindsey supported the ICC arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin, praising the organisation. He said: “The decision by the ICC to issue an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin is a giant step in the right direction for the international community. It is more than justified by the evidence. I hope the international community will continue to support the ICC in their endeavors to hold Putin accountable for the brutal invasion of Ukraine.”
Again, seems kind of weird but you can get dizzy trying to follow the double standards of our political class. The moral authority of the ICC seems to depend entirely on who is being prosecuted and if they have compromising videos/photos of you.
While I despise “leaders” like Keir Starmer in the U.K. and Justine Trudeau in Canada, it is bizarre indeed that we have Senators threatening to crush the economies of century old allies if they follow through on the agreements that they signed. It is not well known in America thanks to Their control of our media but most of the world doesn’t find Israel to be a plucky democracy but instead to be a repressive regime that many nations seem to regret creating in the aftermath of World War II.
Pray to God or gods that you never catch a glimpse of what Israel has on Lindsey Graham, it must be horrifying.
These are stranger times than one could even imagine thirty years ago.
There are a lot of wild “conspiracy theories” about what happened with Gaetz but I’m gonna look at it in a more occam’s razor way and say they just cashed in their kompromat when Gaetz got into a position where he might have threatened them. TBF to Gaetz, he possibly didn’t know they were 17 when he saw them standing there. Of note, Gaetz involvement with the young ladies in question happened very shortly after he was first elected to congress, so they wasted no time in manufacturing some kompromat on him once he was in that position. Being recently elected, he should have known better, whether he knew they were 17 or not.
Anyhow, as for sanctions and allies, this could fracture clown world sooner than we think. It was one thing to drive Russia and China and others together through wanton and reckless use of sanctions every time they did something the GAE didn’t like. Now they’re threatening to do it to their vassals too. Going down that road it’s not hard to picture arriving at a place where they have no friends at all.
Looking at the history of South Carolina senators, we’ve got a good shot at 20 more years of Miss Lindsey
Cotton is a penis puffer as well.
We already knew about the Pink Palmetto Princess Grahamnesty.
MIGA Trumpstein will only save his own bank account.
Look in the mirror for the cavalry.
The youth will throw off the kippah once and for all after we are gone.
AOC turned down $100,000 from the small hats of AIPAC while calling them racist bigots and Palestine must be used as a wedge to drive into the enemy camp whether you like them as a people or not.
I love to point out that Syria, Turkey, and South Korea have all been allies to the US in time of war. (Gulf War 1, Korean Conflict, Viet Nam) Israel never has.
Aussies are not just there, but usually side-by-side. Canucks got butt-hurt when an F-16 dropped a 500-pounder on a bunch of their troopies back in 2002 (close to a barfight in Darajevo, anyway) not realizing US.gov burns children to save them from religious fanatics with dummy hand-grenades.
I’m of two minds on this.
1) I don’t trust Bibi or the ICC, heck I’d rather both went away.
2) Turdeau is an idiot and has a nearly 100% history of choosing the wrong choice. So that inclines me to see no reason to support this declaration. He is pandering to all the muslims who want us dead that he imported.
I see only 1 solution and it involves tossing both sides out of Canada.
Imagine there’s no Israel,
It isn’t hard to do.
No place to send our money,
to prop up ungrateful jews.
But alas, amongst our political class, that notion is about as popular as a bonus track on a Yoko Ono album. In all seriousness, can it even be conceived of how much easier life would be for the US if Israel wasn’t there, always agitating and extorting us to cover their asses. This little shithole, forcibly carved out of a larger shithole, has cost us more in blood and treasure than can ever be truly accounted for.
If it (and holders of it’s citizenship) disappeared tonight, the source of many (most) of our present major problems would cease to exist. Of course, politicians being what they are, would find another rathole to which they’d pledge their undying support, and our money by the billion$. After all, they have to have some kind of sink to divert anything beneficial away from actual Americans.
I did get a chuckle at the mention of Larry Craig, he of the “playing footsie in the men’s room” infamy. What a goof. Let’s face it, politicians have been fake and gay for a long time.
Way too many diaspora elsewhere for a single country’s removal to fix the issue.
The West has a terminal case of parasites made even worse by the traitors that enabled them.
A simple diaspora to the moon, via a chimney, would work.
Perhaps. But with the “home base” gone we wouldn’t be committing billions upon billions in direct financial subsidy, as well as the cost of the military support we give them. Much of the political instability would also be resolved by taking one of the main agitators off the field.
There also would no longer be a centralized power for the tribe to guilt trip the whole world into kissing their asses. Then the remaining diaspora could be more readily dealt with.
It does make one wonder what the diaspora Jews are thinking. If we are to be bled dry in the endless support of Israel, how do they survive when we eventually crash into financial oblivion and pissed off surviving people demand heads as they most assuredly will.
Hell if I know. Since the US is the only major ally of Israel, and provides a substantial amount of material support to it, the destruction of this country would (logically) bring about the destruction of Israel as well. But logic has nothing to do with it, apparently.
I guess this is what happens when a perverted ideal based on an ancient religion takes hold of enough minds that it short circuits any consideration of consequences. It doesn’t help that the tribe suffers from the chronic hubris of being “God’s chosen people”. Claiming a title like that tends to warp one’s thinking of what can be justified. After all, who can argue with God’s chosen, right?
Good one!
You might say I’m a Natzee
But I’m not the only one
One day soon Whites will wake up
And we’ll cook the jews til they’re all well-done!
If only Israel didn’t rank higher than America, that would be a start.
Lindsey Graham: Recipient of over a million dollars in AIPAC donations.
That is not a sum total amount btw.
Our Gone Baby Gone empire with its borderline personality disorder wife Israel is bound in the bittersweet embrace of extreme dysfunction that presents as a lovely facade that must constantly be stuffed with all the materialism and status signals she requires to stay one step ahead of the total ruin that was baked in the day FUSA stumbled into that bar tipsy on exceptionalism and savior delusions.
The mutually assured destruction at work is not some cold war nuke standoff with the Russians. It is first in our own living room. There will always be some lets you and him fight on offer.
To cast off the BPD you have to be prepared to take yourself to zero.
All the way down to nothing but a backpack and that old motorcycle that she let you keep around to keep you believing that you are the badboy and not the gelded cuck of an abusive marriage.
Or keep up the show until she decides to kill you or frame you for murder. Either way, the spicy times are not going to be like any of us have been imagining.
The thing that guys with BPD chix just won’t accept is that its on her terms. Its already been written. Your destruction is a given. Trying to avoid going to zero is how she keeps you imprisoned in your own shitty fake life. The only way to “win” is to beat her to that punch. Then hit the road jack and never look back.
Sumbitch, if that isn’t a perfect analogy for the situation we find ourselves in re “our greatest ally”. And (regrettably) I suspect you are correct in stating that relationship will be the basis of our destruction (getting busted down to zero). Well played, Sir.