If you know your Bible, and if you are a Christian in America I assume you don’t besides misinterpreting passages about Israel being God’s Chosen People, you know that according to the Bible John the Baptist preceded Jesus*. He was not the Christ, he was a herald that presaged the coming Christ. He was the voice of one crying out in the wilderness, etc. He ended up baptizing Jesus and then wound up getting his head cut off and served on a platter. Oops! John the Baptist was likely the first Christian martyr but his role was always to pave the way for the one that was greater than he.
Hold that thought…
This was Trump’s last election so regardless of what happens next the torch is going to be passed to a new generation of Republicans. There is going to be a massive civil war in the GOP as the Beltway establishment types seek to turn the Republican party away from MAGA and mildly right-wing populism in 2028 and back to the lovable losers who mostly go along with Democrats while publicly complaining about it. The other side will likely be led by J.D. Vance who is as different a running mate as you could imagine from Mike Pence. Pence was chosen because no one would pay the slightest attention to him. He could have left on a four year trip around the Amazon jungle right after the election and no one would have noticed.
Vance on the other hand is outspoken and bold. I still have my doubts about him but you can’t deny he is the anti-Pence. He has a far better grasp on the issues and can argue his points far better than his Orange boss.
As the transfer of power approaches in January, Trump is going to be faced with a series of nearly insurmountable tasks. Chief among these are the tens of millions of both outright illegal aliens in America as well as the bullshit “asylum seekers” who have been unceremoniously dumped into small towns all over the country. The news stories keep coming out, first and most famously from Springfield, Ohio but not restricted to Springfield.
Logansport, Indiana is a city of around 18,000 that has received thousands of “migrants” who speak at least 27 different languages over the last few years including thousands of Haitians: Logansport officials say immigrant population growth is unsustainable. It is causing an enormous burden on local schools and housing with rental properties being stuffed with two dozen people in some cases. Residents are pissed and of course the local party officials are claiming nothing is wrong: Haitian migrants overwhelming small Indiana town: ‘It’s just overrun’….
Others have pointed to other effects of Haitian migration, with one mother telling the Post her daughter was accosted by Haitian migrants as she walked to a nearby coffee shop. Multiple residents also told Fox News the new arrivals make them feel uncomfortable and unsafe, with one woman saying some of the male Haitian migrants in town would “stop in front of our porch and just stop and stare. They don’t say a word. They just stare. It’s unnerving.”
The Health Department has seen an uptick in cases of diseases like tuberculosis and HIV.
“We’re all for compassion,” one resident told Fox. “But you can’t do that at the expense of everyone else either. You got to have compassion for those who are here.”
Everyone is being offered a better life but at the cost of the quality of lives for actual Americans. The American dream is for everyone in the world except for Americans.
Lockland, Ohio is another small city of around 3,500 people infected with around 3,000 “migrants” from Mauritania: Tiny Ohio town sees population double with influx of 3,000 migrants from African nation as mayor blames ‘open border policy’. Mauritania is a shithole in NW Africa bordered by nations like Algeria and Mali. Itis one of the poorest nations in the world and slavery is still practiced there despite the lack of White people to oppress Africans. The nation is around 100% Muslim and the Moor majority doesn’t like the blacks that live there, so lots of them are somehow finding the funds to flee one of the poorest nations on Earth to travel some 4,000 miles to end up in a small suburb of Cincinnati where they proceed to cram dozens of people into apartments and then cause fires when their “cooking fires” get out of hand. Why they are using “cooking fires” when there are stoves in the apartments is a mystery, almost as if you can take Africans out of Africa but you can’t take Africa out of the Africans.
There are other stories out of places like Pennsylvania, Alabama and Ohio among countless others. What is somewhat startling is that this has been happening all over but only recently has gained any national notice. No one asked these people if they minded having thousands of people without a proverbial pot to piss in (but enough money to make a 4,000 mile trek) and IQs under 70 dropped into their towns without even a semblance of support.
My point being that on top of the tens of millions of illegals from Mexico and elsewhere in Central and South America, we also have an unknown number of people from shitholes all around the globe, from Haiti to Somalia and Mauritania. Are there hundreds of thousands? Are there a million or more? That is the thing, nobody really knows and no one is keeping track of these people. The one indisputable fact is that they need to go. All of them. They are already dropping babies all over the fruited plains who magically become “Americans” and each day that passes more new “Americans” are being born and given the golden ticket of American citizenship.
Trump was yapping about deporting these illegals (while apparently welcoming lots of legal pajeets and other low IQ worker drones, “as long as they come legally”) all though the campaign and he seems to be mostly serious about it as of now. He has claimed it must be done regardless of the cost….
Trump says US has ‘no choice’ but to issue mass deportations regardless of ‘price tag’
President-elect Donald Trump on Thursday said he has “no choice” but to carry-out mass deportations because of the surge of migrants who are living in the country illegally that entered the U.S. during the Biden administration.
Trump promised to strengthen border security and crack down on illegal immigration during his presidency if he was elected back to the White House. The former president was successful in his bid for reelection on Tuesday….
…..When asked about the costs of his plan to issue mass deportations, the former president said that it was not about the money, because he really did not see a choice.
“When people have killed and murdered, when drug lords have destroyed countries, and now they’re going to go back to those countries because they’re not staying here. There is no price tag,” Trump insisted.
Of course it will be an enormous undertaking to deport even one million of the 20 or 30 million illegals already here but simply by not sending money to Ukraine we could finance a lot of deportations and more critically, it doesn’t matter what it costs. It must be done.
Here is the problem.
These illegals have been coached by NGOs including a lot that are ostensibly Christian to say the right things and claim “asylum” in the U.S. Unless Trump orders the INS to simply put everyone that looks like a mestizo and can’t produce proof of citizenship on the spot on a bus, drives them to the border and dumps them in Mexico, each and every one of these people will get some sort of bullshit immigration hearing. The backlog is already enormous and it seems to me that most of these “judges” were selected to be reliable rubber-stamps on any and all request for “asylum”. The other day I read that there are over one million illegals that have already had their hearing, were ordered deported and just decided not to leave.
Trump has made some noise about using the military to round people up and send them home: Trump vows to use US military for mass deportations. This has led to the predictable kvetching and hand-rubbing.
On Monday, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued ICE for more details on how the deportation plan will work. The group plans to continue to file legal challenges in an effort to block the mass deportation.
The “American” Civil Liberties Union can always be relied upon to champion everything but actual Americans. The horror some people feel at the American military being used to actually defend America. If the military shouldn’t be used to remove invaders from our borders, what is the point of having it besides being the muscle for Israeli war crimes?
Basically there will be some greaseball lawyer standing by to file suit for every Pedro and Juanita that is in this country and every lawsuit will drag out every deportation. Meanwhile even with a strengthened border there will still be new waves of illegal aliens trying to get into this country and cartels and human smugglers willing to help them. Think about it, people will send their teenaged daughters on a trip of thousands of miles where it is known they will likely be raped the entire journey, just to get to America where they will disappear into the seedy underbelly of this country to work in some sweatshop, if they are lucky, or to be sex trafficked into prostitution if not. You think the threat of deportation is going to stop them?
There has been a concerted effort for decades to game the system so that illegals that arrive at our border not only are let in, not only are they given financial resources paid for by American citizens via NGOs and religious groups, they are also scattered like the wind into the country where no one has any clue where they went. If they do get picked up they are mired in the legal process for years and even when they finally get deportation orders, the few that are deported are more than replaced overnight. Deporting a million while two million more come into the country isn’t getting it done.
So with Trump looking at four years and at his age, the sand is already running out to get anything done and he hasn’t even been sworn in yet. Tom Homan seems like the right kind of guy to head this up but there is already lots of pushback from blue state governors and mayors. If they start to really crank the deportations we will see a rush of illegal aliens to places like Boston and California which might lead to some interesting confrontations, although on the other hand it might also get people thinking about separation if the states are defying the Feds.
The 2026 elections are already looming over the horizon. While the Senate looks pretty secure (barring a manmade calamity as I have predicted): The 2026 Senate Midterm Map Looks Rough for Democrats, the party in the White House typically loses seats and the House margin is pretty thin. That means again that Trump’s window is small and closing already, even assuming that he is able to get anything done.
Therein lies the problem and it is one that has been deviously designed by Them. The system is heavily weighted against being able to deport illegals. More broadly the entire monstrous Federal bureaucratic system is deeply embedded into the American society like ticks, sucking the lifeblood of Americans and nigh impossible to dislodge. It seems to me that it will be impossible for Trump in his second term to make any meaningful changes, just as it was in his first apart from the SCOTUS picks.
What is needed pains me to say but that doesn’t make it less true. America needs someone who will bend and ultimately ignore the rules created to crush the American people. A strongman if you will, an American Caesar that will do what is necessary to fix things before it is too late although it likely already is. “But muh Constitution and muh rule of law” many might say but how can you say that having seen what has been happening in this country? The “Constitution” is mostly meaningless and subject to the whims of random judges. The country has seen violent rioters arrested and released without charge when their politics were in favor while people who wandered around a public building without permission have been jailed in solitary confinement like murderers. Somewhere around 30 million illegal aliens have been brought into this country in a direct flaunting of our laws and “legal refugees” have been dropped by the thousands into small cities and towns across America, often in red states, and are overwhelming social services while a handful of wealthy business owners get wealthier.
Despite what his detractors say, Trump simply isn’t the wannabe strongman they fear and we need. He is mostly a big talker who surrounds himself with flatterers and lickspittles, a man easily distracted by personal squabbles. Trump is too old and too easily manipulated. No, Trump is not the one who will bring America back.

But we must have hope. We must hope for….another.

Perhaps, just maybe, Trump is our John the Baptist, the voice of one crying in Mar-A-Lago “‘Make straight the way of the Caesar”. He is not the one to bring us back from the brink but maybe he is paving the way for that man.
Who is that man? I don’t know. I doubt it will be J.D. Vance but maybe. More likely it is someone we didn’t think of, maybe someone we don’t even know about yet. We can hope that he is out there as I believe that absent a Caesar who sets aside the law and does what has to be done, we are headed for a major calamity.
It says volumes about where we are that I am hoping for someone who will have the fortitude and the sheer balls to do what needs to be done, rooting out not just the illegals among us but also those that have enabled their invasion. Who will stamp down on our criminal perpetual underclass and bring the urban bandits to heel with extreme prejudice. Someone to lock up the people that need to be locked up. It isn’t what I want and even writing this would have shocked my younger, more idealistic self but I didn’t get us to this point. I simply want a path forward to get us out of it without mass bloodshed. We aren’t going to Constitution our way out of this, we aren’t going to wish our way out nor will we vote our way out. What we are left with is a shrinking number of pathways forward and all of them are ugly, but some are maybe not as ugly as the other options and I think this is one of those.
Will it happen? Probably not but perhaps there is still some hope. After all, without a hope for the future why do any of us bother?
I liked this one too much to not include it….

*Please note that I don’t consider these to be historical events in any sense.
Any society that stupid deserves the SARMAT Hellstorm.
110 is the only hope.
In other words there is none.
Manboons is not a learning animal and never will be.
Put no faith in entertainer or politician, savior self.
LMAO! Don The Craptist as forerunner to a ‘strong man’ coming from the Republicunt…… excuse me, New Republicunt party – possibly Vance the pajeet lover? You must be sucking that hopium through a bong filled with cold gin!
The Senate is “secure” for the mid-term selection? Secure all right – from anyone putting a stop to their whoring to jews and corporations!
Just as expected, all the patriots, dissidents and 2A nobs bellowing “there is no voting our way out of this”, have become giddy about the prospect of a savior coming to do the dirty work they’re too chicken shit to do and always were.
The sequel to Mein Kampf may just be written in my lifetime, but the author sure as hell won’t be a part of that pack of eunuchs these cowards cheer for!
Oh by the way. The only way to combat the illegal immigration attack is to counter attack. Round up all the leaders that enabled and financed it and shoot them for treason. Politicians, judges, NGO operatives, corporados, church leaders, all of them. Confiscate all their funds and real property. Cut off all aid to Jewkraine and Israhell and invest it in our country (turning rapidly into a cunt-ry).
NOW show me, not just one guy, but a very large contingent of men willing to do that. Ain’t coming from your pack of traitorous poseurs!!
Cut off the money. To the NGOs, to the illegals. Close down any business hiring them. Offer transport. The majority would probably deport voluntarily given the choice to stay and starve or leave.
As to ACLU and such, have them arrested for aiding and abetting America’s enemies and tie them up in Federal legal proceedings. Oh, add to that any local blue hive politicians and DAs trying to cause problems especially for an American citizen (I repeat myself) has to use lethal force to defend themselves against the animals. I mean illegals. Maybe some Congress critters too for good measure.
Of course as a precursor Trump would have to decapitate the 3 letter agency power structure and military so they didn’t obstruct any of this.
Sadly, bloody is so much easier. In the beginning anyway.
We’re going to need bigger helicopters for this cleanup, as General Pinochet would remind us…
Right fuking answer. More Helicopter rides.
Paging Francisco Franco!. You have a call on line 1.
There is no solution that doesn’t involve dispensing with the constitution. That oft ignored document is always conveniently trotted out by the subversives among us to provide for their defense against being eliminated with extreme prejudice. Fuck arrests, trials, convictions and prison terms. That bullshit takes too long and costs too much on the scale that is now needed. Kill ’em all and let God sort them out. And historically, that is how it goes down once there is no more buffer left in the system to keep conflict from erupting onto an “all-in” scenario..
You get a strong man (hopefully one who comes down on the right side of the key issues, otherwise all hope really is lost for a lifetime if a leftist strong man emerges as happened in Russia and China, among others) and then you let him do what needs doing without restraint, or concern over the “legality” and PR implications of the actions being taken. That is the most direct path to a cleanup and re-establishment of a properly functional society. Gotta purge the trash first, and right now there is an almost insurmountable quantity of human debris. Do I relish the idea of having to all that? Not really, but this is an existential matter of survival, either mine or theirs. One side isn’t emerging from this cage match with their lives, and there can be no compromise or coexisting.
Balkanization might buy some time, but the same issues of competition and natural hatred of the other will emerge quickly enough where friction exists at the borders of incompatible populations. There will be constant war at least at the periphery, and nothing will ever be truly settled by breaking the land mass of the FUSA up into a European style setup. Besides which, if you can manage to resettle the amount of population needed to create new quasi-homogenous nation states here, you can certainly get rid of the shit that makes the current one intolerable. The numbers involved, and force required would likely be much the same either way.
Yes, time to do a Lincoln and ignore the courts and lawyers, maybe declaring a State of emergency, and just pitch out everybody who’s not a legal citizen…Then mine and patrol the border except at a few crossing points..It’s not really that hard….
As a first step, cut all the gibs. No housing, no food, no cars, no debit card, etc and most of these people will self-deport and/or wipe out their handlers (so it’s a win either way).
and where are all these gibs coming from anyway?
If bleeding-heart “Christians” want to sacrifice themselves for the virtue points, then let them foot the bill for the dreamers they think they are saving. The U.S. is already so far in debt that economic collapse is all but inevitable, and such luxury items as military aid to foreign belligerents and freebies for illegals will not be spared when SHTF. It really does come down to supply and demand. And when the supply is gone, all that remains is the demand.
What, I wonder, would Jesus do?
Now everyone knows what California experienced when “the Dreamers” and other BS popped over the border. Nice, but older neighborhoods, that had affordable starter homes and still decent schools were suddenly turned into hovels with 5 & 6 families living in them. I once went to rent a 4 bedroom house in Sepulveda during the 90’s. Sepulveda used to be full of 4H kids because the lots were large enough for (limited) animals. Houses were slurped up by the Hindus, the Cartels, and other assorted riffraff. The FIRST question out of the “landlords” mouth: how any people were gonna be there each night? That huge kitchen had wide open countertops that could sleep 2 people each. He wanted a cut of what I would be charging. This was a lovely 4 bedroom, 2 bath house with big rooms, nice lawns, and a 2 car garage. I shudder to think what it looks like now. Multiply that by Pasadena (NOT Montecito), Van Nuys, North Hollywood, Canoga Park, etc. THIS is how you get $900,000 houses. By 1998, Sepulveda was an area full of illegals, unsafe, and disease was rampant. Close the GD borders and get all of them out of here. The nonprofits, the NGOs, the bleeding hearts have all contributed to this debacle. Nowhere in the Bible does God or Jesus Christ tell you to be a damned fool and idiot. Quite the opposite.
Yes, cut all the money – but no, they will NOT ‘self-deport. Life here is still far softer than in their homelands. How many of your ‘nice’ wives will get the sads seeing all the ‘hungry’ brown and black nits?
Absolutely – the fallacy of ‘rule of law’ must be jettisoned. Getting rid of even a few thousand will take massive rule breaking and trampling bleeding hearts – both red and blue. As Arthur notes, the magic constitution is nothing but a dead letter. And even if it wasn’t, it was still insufficient to prevent us from getting to where we are today. It is full of ‘enlightenment’ lies about humanity that do not conform to reality.
I will genuinely be surprised if Trump manages to deport more than a few hundred – mostly Venezuelans. And meanwhile, the pajeet inrush will increase. And all the ‘judeo-Christians’ and merkans will advocate for their favorite IKAGO. “But he’s such a hard worker!” But she takes such good care of my children!” “But we’re a nation of immigrants!”
Nothing substantive will change without massive suffering and violence. And since people love kicking the can down the road and hate making hard choices, this will be passed to our children – the few who will be left.
Yes. The will of the people is not what we think it is. The will of the people to send the invaders packing is limited to the government doing the heavy lifting and doing it in a way that gives everyone the goodfeelz while also improving the quality-of-life comfort index. The same government that got us here.
The will of the people is to continue living in the economic bandwidth that the invasion and the massive credit bubble has enabled without sacrificing any social status or comforts. The will of the people does not consider that to trade out of a ponzi position is to take a huge loss but not as huge as the inevitable zero that is the end of a People. The same economy that got us here.
It is purely economic because the will of the people is entrenched in the psyop of blank slate magic dirt proposition nation economic nationalism.
And so in that Trump is their economic advisor.
He plays up the shitlord memes but in reality, his world view has been entirely shaped by the values that got us to this point. His toolbag only contains those tools that the system favors anyhow.
He is literally solving for 1989 civic nationalism blank slate america but with the demographics of decay baked in – and worse, the de facto validation that diversity is our greatest strength. He is certifying diversity by deporting some inconsequential aspect of diversity.
His deportation solution is not final. It is a negotiation. A stepping stone toward normalizing our greatest strength. Against those who would dare make a claim as Heritage American. US. He is not negotiating against the beast to carve out the disease but rather appealing to our economic Achilles and the conditioned Goodness of white submission.
People are framing the deportation talk incorrectly. It is purely a “law and order” and economic “deficit” and “budget” axis of the narrative. Literally a consolidation toward shoring up the System while codifying Our Greatest Strength in perpetuity.
The invader tribal interests are already so embedded in the economics and political nodes of power that there is no ability to countersignal those values.
This is why the legal vs illegal is so explicit. And why we see so many examples of past invaders in favor of “strong borders” or whatever. No pajeet running a gas station or motel in alabama is afraid. No mexican running a restaurant in tennessee is afraid. No cuban in florida laundering money is afraid. But many are shown to support common sense immigration crackdown.
Because none of this crackdown theater is about anything other than securing the interests of global economy that already defines who we are.
Meanwhile the street shitters are already in the White House. Along with the chinks and spicks and of course the little hats rubbing hands furiously to make sure that one certain kind of nationalism or populism never emerges.
In fact, that our side spends so much time debating the various words and categories and philosophies of what to call ourselves is evidence of just how enslaved we are to the idea of our right to exist and self-determine is downstream of the moral imperative of our captors.
We negotiate against ourselves all day long while waiting for “something to happen”.
So of course, the Orange savior will do the same. “We” constantly expect our “elected” morons to do things our wives won’t let us do ourselves.
The real will of the people vis a vis invaders is what happens in meatspace and how our own individual choices define the local commons.
The rewards of prioritizing our people and way of life are not economic nor comfortable nor really even beneficial in ways that we can always see in real time. These things are measured in generations.
It can be a slog. The tradeoffs can be costly, a toil of pulling silver linings out of dark clouds. I don’t particularly enjoy that I threw my personal lot in with the whole mirage of Our People being a thing outside some coincidental or utilitarian happenstance alignment of extreme self-interest. But I guess after I’m long gone the needle might have moved toward White a cat’s whisker because I wasn’t just voting and hoping and poasting. But who knows. Its a cursed world.
For mass deportations to have a chance, they need to be just as lawless about it as the Biden admin was about bringing them in. If they try to do it through legal channels it will fail and just be a colossal waste of time and energy.
A lot of this seems to depend on the rank and file border agents/military. When the Biden admin ordered them to illegally fly in/bus in/house hordes of illegals, they said “Yes sir.” What will they say when the Trump admin orders them to deport? “We can’t do that, it’s illegal” would be my guess. Hope I’m wrong.
You know what they say about hope in one hand and sh*t in the other. I think you’re absolutely right. Border agents are majority mestizo. Military is full of civnats. Those expecting to see some max exodus are blinded by hope over experience.
History doesn’t repeat itself, buy it sure rhymes allot. The Romans faced the same situation as we do now. At first the immigrants learned Latin and assimilated. Plus the Romans would halt immigration to allow for assimilation. Later the borders were overrun, and they did not learn Latin or even try to assimilate.
Assimilation is a lie, born from “nation of immigrants” civnattery and the “melting pot” myth (pushed by small hats). The Ellis Island immigrants assimilated to a point – but they changed Anglo-Saxon-Germanic Protestant America at least as much as it changed them. And they were all – with the exception of the Jews – White Europeans of Christian descent and culture. Different races and religions and cultures with NO connection to Greek and roman thought and what used to be known as “Christendom” CANNOT ‘assimilate.’ They may learn a form of English, wear jeans, and eat pizza, but that does not negate their genetic inheritance – going back thousands of years – which informs their culture. Take heed of the wisdom of Horace: “Caelum non animum mutant qui trans mare currunt.” Those who sail the seas change their skies, not their souls.
This. He is not the one. He is before the one.
Dismantle every single NGO. Throw the fuking mexicans, hatians, and every other son of bitch that is illegal out of America. Throw the NGO leaders and NGO workers out as well.