One of the lesser noticed but important impacts of the Trump “win” is that the minor pressure on the firearms market just dropped through the floor. A week before the election SG Ammo was warning of an uptick in orders as people concerned about the election results were stocking up. That is the same reason, I presume, why Sam’s Club was still out of stock for shipping toilet paper and paper towels until this morning.
Shortly after the election, SG Ammo was advertising that they were selling popular calibers at lowered prices, in some cases at a loss. The owner is pretty transparent about his profit margins and he sent this out with his email blast yesterday:
With Donald Trump securing the presidency, recent high demand levels for ammo have dropped back to more of what it was like this past summer, and my inventory levels on a few items that were stockpiled excessively for a rush that never came must be reduced.
Watch the ammo market, if it drops back to reasonable levels it might be time to pack some away. That market runs in cycles like most commodities and we have been on a high for 5.56/.223 for a while so hopefully overproduction and lower demand in wake of the election will catch up to them.
Gun prices are going to continue to slide with lots of sales and rebates as we head toward black Friday and Christmas time. My distributors are chock full of inventory and even stuff you couldn’t get for a long time like large caliber revolvers, lever action rifles and tactical shotguns like Beretta A300 and 1301s. One place sent out a sales flyer and had Anderson AR-15s for well under $400 for dealers. If the “election” had gone the other way that wouldn’t be the case and guns would be flying off the shelves. Manufacturers have fixed costs on items like AR-15s and while the raw materials like aluminum can fluctuate in price, they do have a lot of flexibility on pricing based on demand and we are seeing the pricing at a low point right now. All it will take are some riots or false flag shootings for that to turn around overnight.
Maybe I am wrong and we are entering a quiet period for guns and ammo that will last for years. I wouldn’t count on it. Do with that musing what you will.
I’m betting there won’t be a nickel’s worth of price drop on the new Colt Pythons, which is what I really really really want. Might look at a Heritage Arms Roscoe just cause we all could use yet another .38 snub, 5 shots that never fail, jam, or misfire. There’s a few other revolvers out there that look interesting, but they’ll never drop price enough to compete with the bargain basement tupperware guns. Dang.
Had a Colt Diamondback in Iraq as a backup backup/throw down piece. Surprised me how quickly that fine sand in the lock work would gum everything up.
Carry piece is tupperware, but I prefer shiny revolvers for range toys. I’ve heard the older Colts were a bit touchy in daily use whereas Rugers and Smiths were deadnuts reliable. Still want a Colt, but yeah it’s going be another range toy.
Did you find it there or bring it? All wars are truly gay after 90 days….. Big Army was the most anti-gun organization I have ever experienced…
We found some awesome ordnance over there.
It was in the safe of the group we replaced. I had a Chinese AK, an Iranian MP5, a SIG M11, my M4, and my M9.
We were working out of the REO on the Basra Palace.
Ah yes… MG3s, the occasional M-1 Garand, 1911s….
Me too. Been yearning for a Python for 50 years. 6″, stainless, wood grips. Like Hutch used to carry.
Better be careful, revolvers can jam. I loaded a Ruger Redhawk with some factory rounds years ago. One had a slightly proud primer. That was enough to keep the cylinder from moving that chamber into firing position. Now when I load a revolver I always run a finger over the base of the shell to make sure the primer is seated correctly.
As a reloader I’ve already seen and experienced that. As a 60-year-old gun nut, I’ve also seen more than a few malfunctions and related mechanical problems. Revolvers aren’t 100% perfect unless they are checked and well-maintained, like anything else. However I’ve never “limp-wristed” a revolver or had an extractor failure.
My dad used to tell me over and over about the Colt Python he used to have that he sold and regretted ever since. It was a powerful lesson to me to not sell guns unless I absolutely had to. Granted he was a doctor and could buy another one but he still wishes he had that Python.
I had some of my guns legit stolen…
The two that hurt was consecutive serial numbered, boxed, Colt .22LR revolvers engraved with Grandpa’s and Dad’s names. Those I can not replace, nor forgive.
There’s something about a replacement gun which just doesn’t sing…
We’re in the ammo business, and speculation is that the local Remington plant will drop off before long.
I’m hoping for great prices on bulk ammo in the coming days.
You sell ammo Brother?
I would love a few thousand more in 5.56, I have more 9mm FMJ than I will ever shoot but I could use more personal defense rounds in 9 but I will hold out until we get to a better spot in pricing. Ending the war in Ukraine would be a huge help.
don, suggest rock island instead. better quality, low price…..i believe this quiet is about be ended with a huge earth shattering kaboom, so keep stacking the ammo. you’ll need it to supply those that didn’t but want to fight by your side.
Good call, you can get a RI .38 for under $300
There’s a conflict in my strategy. I’d like a few nicer pieces, like a Python, simply cause I can afford it now and really want one. But I also look at the RI line and think for the same price, I can get 4 or 5 identical pistols and stash one in the truck, one in the nightstand, one in the kitchen cabinet, etc. and always have one within reach at all times. IDK, if only all my other guns hadn’t of sunk in that canoe accident. Either way I’m well prepared without buying anything else right now.
You know if our side spent as much time and money on Building Tribe as they do on ammo and guns they would be in a lot better position when SHTF…
I only have two hands, and my bag of golf clubs is complete. So is the back-up bag, hand-out bags, and specialty bags.
I have had no intention of becoming either the local armory or an unexpectedly large loot drop for the last few years. I figure supplying around a heavy squad is enough for me, I’m no Rockefeller.
I don’t need to shoot something every day, but it is nice to eat every day.
I have more than I need as well, I haven’t bought anything in a long time but it is also a good time to upgrade for those who have lower end firearms.
Remember the Bathhouse Barry shutting down all smelters scare?
A bud got rich off an insider at CCP-Mart selling out the back door.
I sold too much myself and need to restock back to Ragnarok levels.
Cold Steel for an Iron Age.
Ammo will be the new currency after the controlled demolition wipeout and Emmanuel Trumpstein won’t be draining anything.
You can never, ever have enough ammo
I have been in the market for the 300 or the 1301. Both had a price jump in the summer, so I turned my attention to something else I didn’t need, but purchased anyway. Filling out the armoury is a priority. Once the Ukie thing ends, an ammo drop in price would help.
I have enough ammo.
Said no one, ever!
on fire or under water, two places where excess ammo might not be appreciated!!
I don’t have a Link, but did see a month or so ago someone posting a copy of a Winchester Letter to their Distributors abut a 1 January (2025) across-the-board Price increase of 10%. Since I mostly buy Winchester ‘White Box’ stuff, I’m going with this (rumor, or not) and start Buying More.
Time to stock up!