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Meet The New Boss, Same As The Old Boss

Spoiler alert, it isn’t Trump.

Time for a reality check. Many people were pleased when Trump announced that he was not going to include Nikki “John McCain With A Uterus” Haley or Mike Pompeo in his new administration. Both are neocon shills for the military-industrial complex and tireless cheerleaders for Our Greatest Ally™. Those two were easy to exclude, Haley ran against Trump in the primary and didn’t bow out early enough (like Ramaswamy). Pompeo is a slimy character who has little loyalty besides Israel. But as more names are announced, it looks like a repeat of his first term at least on foreign policy.

Some of Trump’s choices are quite positive, I like Tom Homan as border czar. Stephen Miller despite his Chosen status is another good pick. The right kind of people are pissed about Lee Zeldin heading up the EPA. Domestically he is off to a cautiously optimistic good start.

On foreign policy? Yikes.

Marco Rubio is a sleazeball even for a career politician and Elise Stefanik is laser focused on Making Israel Great Again and if that means genocide and slaughtering women and children, all the better. She also was pushing to crush free speech on campus, one of the major criticism conservatives supposedly have about the Left.

Other less well known insiders include Brian Hook who will head the State Department transition team and is widely considered to be another MIGA type. “Pro-Israel” leaders are “reassured” by Hook’s appointment. Hook is tight with Mike Pompeo, Mitt Romney and Jared Kushner and is a “hawk” on Iran, as are so many pencil necked weasels that of course never picked up a rifle. He will pack the State Department with neocons and Israel First types. Look at this creepy dude, I hope he is required to stay 500 feet away from schools and parks.

Even worse is Mike Waltz who is being tapped by Trump to be his National Security Adviser. Waltz is another hardline Israel supporter and also big on supporting Ukraine in their hopeless fight against Russia: Trump Picks ‘AIPAC Favorite’ Mike Waltz as National Security Advisor (Hat Tip: Normal American):

President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly picked “AIPAC favorite” Florida Rep Mike Waltz to serve as his National Security Advisor.

Waltz is “a favorite of the Republican Jewish Coalition and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee” and has argued that Chuck Schumer isn’t pro-Israel enough, the Israeli outlet Haaretz reports.


At least all of the pro-Israel pandering really swung Jewish voters for Trump….

In recent decades, between 20 percent and 30% of American Jews have supported Republicans in national elections. The GOP hit a high-water mark in 1980 when Ronald Reagan won some 40% of Jewish votes, but the more typical split makes Jews among the most reliably Democratic demographics in the United States.

But this year, with some Jews feeling alienated from the left and others all-in on the right due to Israel, some speculated that Trump could post an unusually strong showing among Jewish voters.

Initial polls suggest that is not the case. The National Election Pool, which produces an exit poll for a consortium of major news organizations, found that 79% of Jews said they voted Democratic, compared to 21% who voted Republican.

Exit polls aren’t super reliable but by any measure Jews voted overwhelmingly, at least 2 to 1, for Cumala despite Trump sucking up to Them.

That is the weird thing about American Zionism. American Jews largely don’t support it but both parties, especially in recent years the GOP, trip over themselves to grovel at the feet of Our Greatest Ally. I can see why Democrats do it as Jews have always been a reliable source of votes and of course of money but Republicans?

Part of it is also money. The widow of Sheldon Adelson, Miriam Adelson, reportedly gave Trump $100 million for his campaign. She is the majority owner of the Dallas Mavericks and is the fifth wealthiest woman in the world. Amusing side note, of the ten wealthiest women in America, all of them owe their wealth to either a husband or a father including two of the Walton family heirs, Abigail Johnson who inherited her position at Fidelity from her daddy and two women that are rich because of their divorce settlements (Melinda French Gates from Bill and MacKenzie Scott from Jeff Bezos).

The real reason that the Republicans are so insanely supportive of Israel is to signal to conservative White evangelicals who have been falsely taught that Jews, even Jews that deny Christ, are still God’s chosen people and that the current secular state named Israel is the same as the nation of the same name from Old Testament times. It is cynical and heretical but few will call them out for it. When you add in the pro-Israel Trotskyite “neocons” like Bill Kristol and David Frum, leftists who managed to control Republican foreign policy for decades, what you get is a trainwreck foreign policy. I still maintain that Trump will be marginally better on foreign policy than Cumala would have been but he is already surrounding himself with the same clown car of Israel First types that he had the first time around.

It is only a week out from the election but already the future Trump administration looks to be sharply divided between an America First domestic policy team and an Israel First foreign policy establishment. Hopefully the Orange Man will be too busy dealing with domestic policy to spend much time monkeying around with foreign policy. If my suspicions are correct, it is going to get hot in a hurry in America and that is where he will have to focus. We will see.


  1. ghostsniper

    Didn’t take long for the ether to wear off did it?
    I’ll always be disappointed in this gov’t because it is too big and criminal and based on a foundational flaw. So I will continue to live my life as an outlaw and ignore the “largest criminal enterprise the world has ever known” as much as I can, after all, I have a full time life I’m trying to live out here in the hinters.

  2. GCE

    It is the nature of the beast, that will always leave you disappointed. I am not going to get to wrapped around the axle about Trumpy’s picks. Stefanik is from a safe seat, plus the UN Ambo job is really a do nothing position, no harm no foul. My goal over the next four years, hopefully, is to better develop my skills and get prepared even more than I already am. I have been given a gift, we all have, use it wisely to get a little better each day.

    • Boba O'Really

      Indeed we have been given a gift. If the Donald can keep things from getting any worse than they are now I will consider that a victory. First stop the descent then work to reverse it. “Get a little better each day.”
      Wisdom to live by

    • Anon

      Would have been far better if we didn’t get 4 more years. Rip the veil off the rigged system like in 2020 and 2022. Didn’t take much for people to celebrate and get invested in the system again. His domestic policies won’t get much done either if it is like last time, now with extra dozens of millions of invaders added to the over 50 Million already here.
      4 more years of people doing nothing and procrastinating and going through the motions while everything get shittier for Whites. Note how even though one person got the blame for the FEMA fiasco, plenty of people still followed orders and no one reported anything until long after the damage has been done (and probably only because a Trump win). Look at everything else that happened in NC; that was not an isolated incident, just the only one thrown under the bus.
      But maybe gas gets cheaper before the war with Iran. What a positive.
      I would have preferred Kamala try to wage that war and try a conscription to hammer it into people’s head how antiWhite it all is instead of Trump who will get more Whites killed as more will probably willingly join up again in that dei-cancer-filled antiWhite institution, the us military.
      Four more years is yet more time for the system to destroy Whites and their children, no matter the figurehead. This system can’t be saved and shouldn’t be extended. This is not a victory. This is just more bleeding out, but maybe a bit slower.

      • GCE

        You will get your wish soon enough. I am just enjoying the entertainment value of both sides. I know the collapse is coming with $37 trillion in debt and north of $200+ trillion in unfunded mandates. It’s inevitable, a long with the demographic changes which I see everyday.

      • TakeAHardLook

        You have put into words the unease that I feel as I look at Trump’s choices and their backgrounds.

        The Israel contingent is alive & kicking and sucks the life & treasure out of America nonstop and it seems that few notice.

        Support for the already-lost war in UKR is detestable; the goals have never changed: tie up Russia, moneylaunder our $$$ for congressional & MIC benefit and support the Jew Zelenskyy/Israel.

        White men–especially those Southerners who come from generationally-patriotic lineage, will need to no longer sign up. The American bureaucracy still hates us and no Whites should be at risk of death & dismemberment for State Dept & MIC weenies.


        Prepping continues unabated. I see no reason to slack off.

      • Tired Citizen

        Right on. I’m not upset about this stuff anymore. America died a long while back and it’s never coming back. I just want the chance to enact retribution for all of it.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      Not a great sign. Big Ag runs South Dakota, and that includes her and Thune. They’re going to get their farm laborers and poultry plant workers, and who knows what else

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    Read that Emmanuel Trumpstein got 21% of the Hymie Kippah vote for the ten years of hate… and here it says the historic Red Diaper Wonder Twin II got 79%.
    Maths are a construct of the white male patriarchy. (s/)
    The big shekel donors/influencers are what matters and they sent a tractor trailer of shekels.
    And they expect a return on investment AKA bomb bomb Iran.
    Disco Boots Rubio! LMFAO at least it will be entertaining to hear but my reheated Bolshevik Q schtick and 7 dimensional chess from the ballwashers.
    Savior self and you are the cavalry.

  4. saoirse

    Still grasping at straws trying to make Trumpenstein and his zio-cabal look respectable compared to the shitlib freakshow but sadly finding out there isn’t but a superficial difference between them. I guess the copium will continue indefinitely. Always does.
    Apparently the chosen scum doesn’t need to be present on the front lines now that they have their lickspittle, christ-insane do boys and girls all yoked up and ready.

  5. Big Ruckus D

    [Sigh] there it is, just as I expected. Old habits die hard, so these sorts of appointments are entirely unsurprising. Honestly, this is what I was expecting, so I can’t really say I’m surprised or disappointed as we begin to get a picture forming of what Trump 2.0 is going to look like. I’m more disappointed in the mass of people who are still clinging to the belief that he will deliver any substantive solutions to what ails them (on the country in general). Somewhere in the foreseeable future they will come to be disillusioned, and yet most of them will probably learn nothing from the experience.

    A lot of ass-kissing of the swamp things was inevitable, since Trump owes political favors to those inside the system. That doesn’t excuse tapping people like Rubio, but does explain it. Lots of quid pro quo to be played out yet. As Art has postulated, Trump is likely to get buried in a crisis that is of much domestic import, so even if his foreign policy sucks (and it most assuredly will as it regards favoring Israel) he may end up hamstrung from putting much time and effort in on that front.

  6. Phelps

    I’m much less concerned. Consider his last UN Ambassador — Nikki Haley. Trump used it as a place that didn’t matter, that had no power, and couldn’t really do anything to stop him. He took a never-Trumper rival, and used it to make Haley a non-entity, politically.

    I think it is the same with State. I think Trump realizes this is a position he doesn’t really need. He thinks he is better at foreign policy than anything the State Department can do, regardless of who is at the head. (Not making an evaluation, I mean what HE thinks of HIMSELF.) Meanwhile, Rubio is on the intel committee. This takes him off of it. Once Rubio is there, Trump can give him the mushroom treatment and just do foreign relations himself.

  7. Gryphon

    The Fact that the (((money power))) (s)Elected Donald Drumpf instead of the Kackling Kamelhoe Kommie just indicates that the judeo-communists realized that their ‘Agenda’ of Destroying this Nation was harming its ability to Wage War against Foreign Enemies, like Russia, China, and Iran. Whatever you think about those three Nations, they are the only real organized Resistance to the joo world order. That’s why the (((media))) Lies constantly about those Nations, and is pressing Hard for the FUSSA to ‘Bomb Iran’.

    I expect we will see a ‘dialing back’ of the Woke/Trannyfag/DEI/BLM nonsense, and some (cosmetic) actions to reduce the number of Illegal Aliens. But you Won’t see and Cutoff of the Welfare, or ‘Mass Deportations’ as would be necessary to even make a Dent in the Problem.

    Buy more Ammo.

  8. Berglander

    At this point, it’s fair to assume that all the pro-jew politicians were either at Epstein’s Island or raped by P Diddy or involved in some other kikery that has not yet been disclosed.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      The more swamp friendly appointments Trump makes, the more I think about his old association with Epstein. And how Rothschild employed Wilbur Ross bailed him out of bankruptcy back when.

    • Gryphon

      Berglander – the ‘kikery’, level 11, is satanic ritual Child Sacrifice and Cannibalism. A Meme known as ‘Pizzagate’ began to zero in on that stuff, but it was Very Quickly Censored out of existence on the ‘Net.

      Check you (((babylonian talmud))) for the correct procedures…

    • Big Ruckus D

      That’s about as succinct a conclusion as can be offered. What would be required to bring America (as intended) back is so far beyond the limits of the Overton window – as presently constituted – that I can’t really see a scenario in which events would coalesce in such a way for that to ever happen.

      In all seriousness, it would require a strong man to come to power, followed on by forced removal (or democide) of a greater number of inhabitants than either the Bolsheviks or Mao ever liquidated. And that’s even if some significant quantity of non-Americans were expatriated first). A revolution or civil war could perhaps serve as the basis for creating those conditions, but as things stand, I see any number of more likely scenarios that involve slow bleeding out by economic and demographic factors, plus balkanization. And war of that sort is not to be hoped for, as survival of such a scenario is far from assured, even if one is highly skilled and prepared for hard times.

      • Lineman

        America is a zombie corpse that keeps leaving a trail of destruction wherever it goes and everyone thinks if it’s shocked enough it will come back and be a normal person which isn’t ever going to happen…Must build something new but will take a lot of sacrifice that most aren’t willing to do at the moment and even more so now that Drumph is back in…

  9. Troy Messer

    We will know by the end of February, 2025 how this administration is going to shake out. I don’t put a lot of stock in the “First day” because there is so much do to. There should be a lot of executive orders ready for Trump to sign in the first week.

  10. dagobaz

    I suspect we will all get to experience our own version of Hemingway’s quote: “Slowly, then all at once.”

    Weimar, here we come.

  11. Bobsuruncle

    Well fellas I just bought me a kippah with a bullseye on the top. If you cant beat em join, I am now officially tribe. Shut up, anything you say about me is antisemitic, nor can you question my true roots. I was gonna go with being black, despite being blonde hair and blue eyed, but it is abundantly clear the tribe holds the ultimate victim card and I like being number 1, call it my type A nature of over-achieving. Well thats the train Im riding, see ya later😂

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