Even casual observers of the “news” know that crime is out of control in America. Just the other day I saw a story about people (of the expected race) looting freight train cars in broad daylight, even bringing a (likely stolen) panel truck to haul away their loot: Mob of up to 30 looters, some armed, ransack freight train in Chicago. It took nearly an hour for the cops to show up. Outrageous crime like that is so common it is barely noticed in the same way that some blacks shooting 8-10 people over a “beef” occurs with such regularity that is has become background noise.
That isn’t what the government has been saying and the media has been faithfully parroting. I run into people all the time online swearing that crime is down thanks to Biden doing everything he can to make crime worse. Normal people of course know it is a lie but like most “news” we just ignore it.
Then something weird happened. Just recently the FBI released “revised” crime numbers and the story has changed. This happens all the time, all during Biden’s admin and for 8 years under Obama the government published bogus jobs and economic numbers only to “revise” them sharply downward the following quarter or month. This time it has to to with crime and hoo boo, this is what we all already knew:
In September 2023, the FBI released the “final” crime data for 2022 – showing that the nation’s violent crime rate fell by 2.1% – which Democrats used to counter Donald Trump’s claims that crime has been soaring.
Now we find that the FBI has quietly revised those numbers – and that crime actually increased by 4.5% in 2022 (4.9% in absolute terms)…
Breaking it down by type of crime, we see that property crime and larceny/theft were the top changes, followed by aggravated assault, burglary, rape, and motor vehicle theft.
Oh, crime was actually up when the Feds said it was down? How curious indeed!
It makes one wonder why the Feds would release this information now, just a few weeks before the election. Curiouser and curiouser, no?
With many cities no longer voluntarily reporting crime to the FBI, the real increase is much higher. Who could have imagined that punishing police for doing their jobs because a violent felon died of a drug overdose and letting Venezuela and other South and Central American nations dump their violent criminal gangs over our border without so much as a by your leave would lead to higher crime?
Now if we had actual journalists in America instead of the Lügenpresse, someone would have dug into these numbers and reported that they were bullshit. Instead we have conservative pundits and bloggers doing the work the media refuses to do.
The government and the Lügenpresse media are your enemy and don’t even pretend They aren’t. No matter how much you hate Them, it isn’t enough.
“The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.
That was Solzhenitsyn. He was talking about who the Bolsheviks were (are*), but it kind of fits here too.
* Bolsheviks have “rebranded” themselves and go by other names now (such as Neocon), but it’s the same old story.
Since they no longer break it out by demographics, of what possible use are the FBI crime figures, original or revised? They are STILL wrong, or I’ll eat my hat. The very worst places (Chicago, Memphis) aren’t going to voluntarily provide truthful data, and why should they? It would just scare off any potential businesses and home buyers.
MLK must be spinning in his grave (if not on a spit in Hell) to see what has become of his legacy, and to note that any street in any city bearing his name is Ground Zero for negro monkeyshines.
Why did the hammer and sickle assless chaps Hoover butt plug FIB bathhouse gloryhole server phags release the information so close to the (s)election?
The “historic” Red Diaper Wonder Twin II is not even as likeable as the pig in a pantsuit?
The cure for crime is carry condition zero and not being afraid to snap back at any trash talk with a 20 round box sticking out of your pocket.
No room for a subhuman commie RAT POS vermin.
Useful idiot or fellow traveler.
The way I see it, the “Criminals” are not the Problem – it is the Just-(((us))) ‘system’, which will ignore “Crime” but Viciously Persecute anyone, particularly if they are White, that acts in Self-Defense in any way, sometimes even ‘Verbally’. Always Remember, that “law enforcement” exists only to “protect and serve” the Regime. And the (((regime))) openly wants to Genocide Whites.
I have said for many years that a simple way to reduce crime like this , as well as other types of larceny, theft, burglary, is to allow the use of deadly force to protect property. If someone is trying to steal your car or do a smash and grab in your store, you can use deadly force to stop them. And also in that law would be a provision that no arrest and prosecution of the person using the deadly force may occur until after a complete investigation that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that the deadly force was not being used in defense of property.
I’m quite sure that property crimes would plummet.
Chicago, the murder capitol of the US, has never, to my knowledge, reported its quite detailed crime statistics, due to a dispute with the FBI about format…Atlanta doctors its statistics, and doesn’t count some murders…So the numbers are significantly underreported….
As you are witnessing right now, the outright lying across the board by all the officials to where the formerly reliable sources are no longer so, we must rely on, well, more reliable means to find the truth. This is how we are slowly but surely being forced back to the 18th century way of life.
Soon, being a member of a local militia will be part of your lifestyle as people learn to take over where the officials have abandoned or ignored. It’s been this way always here in ruralville where there is no telling how long it will take for a LEO to respond to a 911 call. When seconds count LEO is 1/2 an hour away at least.
The numbers are even higher than that, of course. Wonder why they’re admitting it? Has the Deep State decided Trump can’t do too much damage compared to the idiot?
“The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.
That was Solzhenitsyn. He was talking about who the Bolsheviks were (are*), but it kind of fits here too.
* Bolsheviks have “rebranded” themselves and go by other names now (such as Neocon), but it’s the same old story.
Since they no longer break it out by demographics, of what possible use are the FBI crime figures, original or revised? They are STILL wrong, or I’ll eat my hat. The very worst places (Chicago, Memphis) aren’t going to voluntarily provide truthful data, and why should they? It would just scare off any potential businesses and home buyers.
MLK must be spinning in his grave (if not on a spit in Hell) to see what has become of his legacy, and to note that any street in any city bearing his name is Ground Zero for negro monkeyshines.
Why did the hammer and sickle assless chaps Hoover butt plug FIB bathhouse gloryhole server phags release the information so close to the (s)election?
The “historic” Red Diaper Wonder Twin II is not even as likeable as the pig in a pantsuit?
The cure for crime is carry condition zero and not being afraid to snap back at any trash talk with a 20 round box sticking out of your pocket.
No room for a subhuman commie RAT POS vermin.
Useful idiot or fellow traveler.
Well, given that they were forced to revise it – you can probably assume the REAL rise in crime is probably three or four times what they posted.
The way I see it, the “Criminals” are not the Problem – it is the Just-(((us))) ‘system’, which will ignore “Crime” but Viciously Persecute anyone, particularly if they are White, that acts in Self-Defense in any way, sometimes even ‘Verbally’. Always Remember, that “law enforcement” exists only to “protect and serve” the Regime. And the (((regime))) openly wants to Genocide Whites.
I have said for many years that a simple way to reduce crime like this , as well as other types of larceny, theft, burglary, is to allow the use of deadly force to protect property. If someone is trying to steal your car or do a smash and grab in your store, you can use deadly force to stop them. And also in that law would be a provision that no arrest and prosecution of the person using the deadly force may occur until after a complete investigation that shows beyond a reasonable doubt that the deadly force was not being used in defense of property.
I’m quite sure that property crimes would plummet.
Chicago, the murder capitol of the US, has never, to my knowledge, reported its quite detailed crime statistics, due to a dispute with the FBI about format…Atlanta doctors its statistics, and doesn’t count some murders…So the numbers are significantly underreported….
As you are witnessing right now, the outright lying across the board by all the officials to where the formerly reliable sources are no longer so, we must rely on, well, more reliable means to find the truth. This is how we are slowly but surely being forced back to the 18th century way of life.
Soon, being a member of a local militia will be part of your lifestyle as people learn to take over where the officials have abandoned or ignored. It’s been this way always here in ruralville where there is no telling how long it will take for a LEO to respond to a 911 call. When seconds count LEO is 1/2 an hour away at least.
The numbers are even higher than that, of course. Wonder why they’re admitting it? Has the Deep State decided Trump can’t do too much damage compared to the idiot?