The study of history just for the sake of learning about historical facts and figures is all well and good. Knowledge is power, those that fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them and all that. When you move beyond mere dates and names and start to ask the question: what does this mean for what is happening today and in the very near future? That is when history truly comes alive for me.
History is nothing not replete with warnings to future generations. Human history is ten thousand years of us killing and harming one another, sometimes for territory and survival, very often for religious or ethnic reasons and all too commonly just for the sheer love of hurting and killing. Just as often reasons were giving like religion or an existential threat that served only as cover for a quest for power. In the opening of The Fellowship Of The Ring it is said that 9 rings were given to human kings, rings that would enslave them and turn them into the Nazgul, because above all else men desire power.
I have been listening to some podcasts by Darryl Cooper who produces the Martyr Made podcast. Cooper recently came to Their attention during an interview with Tucker Carlson where he suggested, even stating that he was speaking somewhat hyperbolically, that Winston Churchill was the chief villain of World War II. Churchill is an untouchable figure in America history despite not being American, along with Martin Luther King Jr., FDR and Abraham Lincoln. Like other untouchable figures he was also a terrible person, as so many famous powerful people were. While many people choose Churchill as their hypothetical historical figure they would like to meet, the evidence seems to suggest he was an asshole and a drunk.
I don’t have much respect for Churchill either.

Cooper crossed a line when he talked with Tucker Carlson about World War II and did so coloring outside of the approved lines. The Approved Official Narrative must not be questioned. We were the Good Guys and Hitler was the Worsest Of Bad Guys Ever so Stalin mostly gets a pass because he led the Soviets in fighting Hitler. As Cooper said in his response to the interview backlash by people who mostly only heard one sound byte, he was accused of Holocaust denial even though they didn’t talk about the Holocaust and of antisemitism although Jews were barely mentioned.
The freaking out was epic with Greta levels of “How dare you!” especially from The Usual Suspects. Alex Berenson is a Jew I follow on Substack who was and continues to be good on Covid and especially the vaccines but is awful on most everything else. He posted a screed against Tucker even though Tucker platformed him and probably is responsible for most of his audience. Another Jewish guy on Substack named Jordan Schachtel was even more over the top. Lots of mainstream media outlets attacked Tucker for having a “Holocaust revisionist” on his show and not a few have suggested that Tucker Carlson having Darryl Cooper on his podcast for a two hour conversation that barely touched on World War II brings into question the very notion of free speech in a “we must suspend freedom and democracy in order to save freedom and democracy” sort of way.
I don’t want to get lost in the weeds about what Cooper said re: the “Holocaust” but his basic points were that the Germans were not really prepared to feed all of the people, Jews and others, in those camps and with the British blockade food was scarce and needless to say Germans and German soldiers got food before people in camps, leading one German to say in a letter that perhaps it would be more humane to kill the prisoners outright rather than watching them starve to death. Making points like that using the historical records rather than Spielberg Holocaust-porn flicks constitutes “Holocaust revisionism”. That is itself an amusing term as much of what is done in university history departments is “deconstructing” the American and Western narrative, in essence “American history revisionism”. That is good, questioning the Holocaust in any way, no matter how minor the question, is forbidden. If They didn’t have double standards They would have no standards at all..
I bring all that up to get to my point. I listened to another of his podcasts the other day and while all of his podcasts are interesting, thought provoking and raise follow-up questions for me, this one? It did all of that while making me physically ill. The podcast is titled The Anti-Humans and runs a mere 3 hours and 53 minutes so you will need to make an effort if you want to listen to it. Cooper looks deeply into something most people, probably greater than 99% of people, know absolutely nothing about and don’t even realize there is something to know. That topic is the treatment of the people of Eastern Europe both before World War II, during the time when the Red Army was driving the Wehrmacht back and then the horrifying continuation of this mistreatment in the “peace” that followed the surrender of Germany and the partitioning of Europe.
Listening to hours of recounting of the atrocities of the Soviets actually made me ill. At one point my chest started to hurt and I had to turn off the podcast and do something else. If these stories came from just a few sources I could dismiss them as hyperbolic but the sheer volume of the stories of Soviet wanton cruelty is simply too great. I feel as though I have a decent command of the English language and an exceptional vocabulary but I am at a loss to find words adequate to capture the malice and cruelty of the Soviets. It was purely evil, and I don’t mean in a cartoonish “The Devil made me do it” sense of evil. Mankind doesn’t need an excuse to be evil but even by the standards of the sum of human experience what happened in Eastern Europe was something new and horrible.
The brutality of the Red Army when it swept across Eastern Europe and Germany was horrible but not without precedent. Men committing violence during war even to non-combatants isn’t that uncommon and while rape on a scale like that with millions of women raped is somewhat unprecedented, women being raped by conquering soldiers has been going on since the dawn of time. Something I find interesting is that there are nowhere near the same volume of reported rapes by the Wehrmacht going east as there was by the Red Army going west.
What Cooper builds up to is what happened after the war. The inhuman torture carried out in places like Romania was not to pry information out of dissidents but was done to destroy them as human beings, to get to the most foundational beliefs and crush them simply to prove it could be done. It is hard to even fathom being able to do that to another human being but dehumanizing your enemy has a long tradition in human conflict. It is worth listening to the entire podcast if you have time but be warned that it delves deep into the very worst of humanity.
Something he said a couple of times was one of those things that sets off bells in my head. Cooper described how the Soviets would often use aggrieved ethnic minorities in occupied areas, often Jews who were understandably enraged. As the German concentration camps were emptied of the prisoners of the Third Reich, they were often filled right back up again with ethnic German non-combatants who were treated every bit as cruelly as the worst excesses of German camps.
According to Cooper these aggrieved ethnic minorities were useful because they would be less hesitant and often quite eager to engage in the wanton cruelty ordered by their Soviet masters.
Recall that that is something I have talked about in the American context.
With the push for DEI and “diversity” in the military, police and Federal law enforcement, Whites are being systematically being pushed out and replaced by non-Whites and degenerates, We are already seeing non-citizens being given badges and my warning has always been that a non-White and better yet a non-citizen would be far easier to persuade to arbitrarily arrest, imprison, torture and murder White prisoners than a White American. Look at the absolute lack of remorse on behalf of White LEOs already when they imprison political prisoners like Derek Chauvin or the January 6th prisoners. Do you think that will improve under a less White, less American police state?
The ethnic minorities flooding into America are mostly lower IQ and being hammered with political propaganda as soon as they cross the border. This is not being done for humanitarian reasons or even just for new voters. It is being done to create an ethnic bioweapon in our midst that can be unleashed on White heritage Americans in the final stages of the Great Replacement.
The names change but the mission does not. I used to be fixated on the idea of the enemy being Communism or Marxism but those are just words that cover for the ambitions of people who desire totalitarian control. Something else Cooper talked about was the difference between authoritarianism like we saw under fascism and totalitarianism as we saw in the Soviet Union. The authoritarian seeks to control behavior but the totalitarian seeks to control every aspect of you as a person down to what you think in your private thoughts. The ideological bastard children of Soviet Communism today are not pure Marxists, just as the Chinese Communists are not either. They are happy to use capitalism as a tool to control and dominate people. What drives them is not the “class struggle” but the desire to control everyone else. That is why the noodle armed antifa and the enormously fat blue haired freaks were so into the Covid restrictions, it was a way to control people and to make them affirm something that was obviously not true, like a paper mask preventing the transmission of the flu.
It is easy to mock our enemies. An individually soyjack isn’t much of a threat to beat you up but even a soyjack can kill you by shooting you in the back or burning down your house with you and your family in it. Put those freaks in positions of power and then give them the power of the state to punish their enemies? Suddenly you have a very dangerous situation. Look at someone like Lavrentiy Beria. Beria was the head of the NKVD, one of the precursors to the KGB, from 1938 to 1946.

Beria looks like a goober, someone who should be running an actuarial firm rather than the most feared secret police of that era. Weenie or not, he oversaw parts of the Great Purge and countless executions and murders and was later found guilt of raping many women, often driving around and picking up girls at random or other times promising to free relatives if women would have sex with him, including at least one where he promised to free her father and grandmother if she would submit even though he knew they were already dead. Nice guy, ended up being executed under Nikita Khrushchev, likely because he was a rival.
Never stop mocking these people but never underestimate Them either. People just like Them enslaved hundreds of millions of people for half of the last century, murdered at least one hundred million people and tortured and enslaved tens of millions more. The freaks and weirdos holding up bLM signs and dressing in black while breaking store windows, screaming at the sky because the Orange Man was taking office and asking you where your mask is are the same basic people that tortured and murdered millions just because They could.
Is your mind and heart and body prepared for the sort of total war They seek to inflict on you and your family?
Wow-you just put into words exactly what I already fear; absolute control from imbeciles. I saw the pattern with Covid, people-friends, family, coworkers- that I thought would never become fear mongering assholes. I now understand why some Russians VOLUNTEERED to go to work at Chernobyl. At least they got away from the million+ Karens, traitors, and snitches. I honestly believe that the people in the District of Criminals are insane and soulless It is why art became so ugly after WW2. Harden our hearts indeed.
Churchill starved 5 million Bengalis to death so he could take their food for the Brits…Of course he was a monster and drunk…He refused peace offers from Germany, but prevented the British public from knowing about that, just as the British Government did in WW1…
In general, the last 12,000 years have seen many mass movements of peoples, almost always followed by a genocide of the native inhabitants…When the Maori moved to what is now New Zealand, they ate the natives…Don’t expect anything different from the Haitians and Africans brought into the USA by our criminal Government….
The Death of Stalin is a very dark “comedy” movie about the transfer of power when Stalin unexpectedly dies. It touches on some of these thoughts. (also Marshal Zhukov steals the show). It’s well worth the watch. If you know some history it’s much better.
As many have said, your skin will be your uniform.
Somewhat ironically, the actor who played Zhukov, Jason Issacs, is a Jew.
But yeah, it was a great performance.
That was a fuggin’ awesome show. Busceme killed it as Lil Nikki.
Good stuff: sounds like a podcast of the book “Hellstorm”. Interesting that the Reds allowed many Jews who had fled from Europe to America to return and commit some of the most horrific tortures and atrocities I had the displeasure of reading. The Cheka and the NKVD in the Soviet Union were some of the most evil humans ever to live. They shared that same tribal drive. I truly believe they are the embodiment of the serpent, that the evil of Set courses in their veins. There are others who deny the deliberate famine of the Ukraine peasants, the Holodomor who post intelligently about “Russia Today” – their current revival over the “West” etc, but willfully ignore the evil of the jews- whose weird fuzzy hat people appear with Putin just as with our leaders.
Greta is out of favor for stepping off the chosen uber alles plantation and supporting Palestine/Gaza.
Central casting is working on a replacement, maybe a disabled Mexican tranny who is hearing impaired and worships satan? (historic!)
Jacobins are the first verminous utopian horseshit commies.
Always the faculty lounge maggot vermin working on that tikkun olam fundamental transformation that no one was asking for.
The average drooling dullard normietard is a completely lost cause and only useful as a bullet catch cover or human boat anchor.
Do not waste time on them.
Most of Humanzee Manboons is happy to be a serf slave peasant and lick “chosen” feet for a ticket on the Rapture Express funland park with delusions of being whisked away like Calgon while the rest are in hell.
Once you are forged in hellfire you don’t fear it anymore.
Ronald C. Spiers for preezy of the steezy for only he gets it.
Tribe Up, Be a Slave/Prisoner, or Die…If you aren’t putting all your efforts into Building Tribe then you will face what these people faced and it will even be worse for you because you knew what was in store for you and you did nothing to have the means to stop it…
Amen. Wish more of our folks would understand the importance of this.
It was good to see you, Brother.
“When Bad Men combine, the Good must Associate, or they will fall one by one in an Unpitified and Contemptible Struggle”. Edmund Burke
Word, my brother. We blessed with native Idahoan neighbors who know the meaning of rules 308, 6.5 and 556. Bleib ubrig.
I read about Pitești in John Carter’s Substack–was titled “To Shatter Men’s Souls”. Harrowing doesn’t begin to describe it. He references “The Anti-Humans” so perhaps that’s where he got the idea for the post.
Commies are subhuman vermin unworthy of the gift of life.
Make good ones with axe, gun, knife.
O/T-I have some chiggers in my socks that just won’t come off ever after multiple washes and end of summer.
No need to get niggardly with it though as I have plenty of pairs.
That hideous eyesore fence was torn down as an apparatchik of crapitol city came through with some zoning enforcement after complaints by the comrades of the Kwanstain Amerikwa, steaming fourth world turd.
I heard Cooper’s long, long podcast about the treatment of Catholic priests in the prisons of Romania some months ago. It was probably the most horrifying and angering story I have ever heard. Sorry, I can’t provide a link to it from where I am at the moment.
Here’s the link, courtesy of a RL friend who also reads here. Not family listening.
“Is your mind and heart and body prepared for the sort of total war They seek to inflict on you and your family?”
I think about this every day. We are at war. In the movie Patton, George C Scott advises, “No poor dumb bastard ever won a war dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his.” I try to steel myself for that.
Well said.
Beria was not a tribesman but he was an enthusiastic and loyal Bolshevik, and he was recruited into the Cheka in 1920. The Red Terror of the Cheka was so brutal that the 1992 Russian Constitutional Convention disavowed it and declared their actions illegal. They didn’t merely execute millions of political opponents, they tortured them in ways that will make you sick to read and that I won’t be specific about. If you want to know, go research it yourself but you have been warned. Nothing with Beria in charge of it is going to surprise me in regards to inhumane brutality.
The US didn’t exactly cover itself in glory in regards to the treatment of Germans after the war. Read up on the Morgenthau Plan and JCS1067. It is likely that millions of Germans starved to death unnecessarily in the postwar years due to the vindictive policies designed and implemented by members of the Tribe.
Everyone likes to use the “later, how we burned in the camps” quote from Solzhenitsyn, but this following one has pretty much disappeared from the web. They say that an official English language translation of “Two Hundred Years Together” will finally come out in 2026. But I’m not holding my breath.
“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators”.
You can’t beat this lesson into the heads of the masses, their tribal brainwashing is already in place. They refuse to listen and will respond with ridicule to any form of re-education.
We are headed for Bolshevik Revolution 2, and the white European Christians won’t wake up, they now worship the Bolsheviks as victims.
My grandmother was one of those raped to death in EastPrussia in 1945.To this day I cannot imagine what my grandfather went thru, fought the Czar in WW1, made a POW 2x, and then watched his family killed off in WW2.
regarding Troy’s comment about Patton: At the end of the war, Patton said “We defeated the wrong enemy”. He stated openly that it was a mistake for the Allies to allow the Bolsheviks to occupy and control ANY part of Europe. He advocated to his immediate boss, Omar Bradley, to allow him (Patton) to initiate a war with the Russians and use his 3rd Army to drive them out of Eastern Europe and back into Russia.
In addition to which, Patton also told Bradley – I believe – that once he got home, he was going to travel around the country on a speaking tour and let the American people know exactly what their leaders have been up to. He went on to add that, “Once the American people understand what’s been done in their name, there are a whole lot of them who are going to be mighty angry.”
Now after that statement, does anyone doubt that he was killed off to prevent this?
Two days before one of the so-called death camps was liberated, two German guards, after a trial, were hung for mistreating the prisoners. After the night of the broken glass, German Police rounded up and arrested those responsible.
There’s a reason “The Greatest Generation” didn’t like to talk about what they did during the War.
They all want to be Beria.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn talked about the conditions for prisoners in the Gulag. The conditions and lengths of time for regular criminals were far less then they were for political prisoners were.
I say it way too much, but now is the time to start getting in shape. A man that thinks he’ll get plenty of work on the day and that’ll get him in shape is thinking hopefully, but hope is not a plan.
violence is the only thing that will make them see sense. when the time comes – and we all know it is – steel your mind, make your heart as cold as iron, and prepare yourself to be the most vicious and cruel motherfucker you can be.
Because that is what you are going against. “They” are rabid with fear of us, “they” are counting on others with that fear to join them in the desire to kill White men.
“They” need to be shown the error of their thoughts, and brutally. What has happened is but preamble. There must be no stopping, no quarter, no halfway measures, no mercy. “They” must be reminded that the modern world was built by White men, and we intend to keep it.
Bolshevism is a cancer on society.
There is ONLY ONE WAY to deal with it, completely eradicate it!
Being nice and allowing it to grow again will mean you lost, everything.
Exactly one year ago I was diagnosed with throat cancer, I had surgery a week before Christmas. I’m healthy and cancer free today, because they cut it all out, and then some. My throat is a mess, I choke a lot, but I’m alive.
Dang it’s crazy that it’s been a year already since that. Glad you’re doing better!
I’m currently reading “The Anti-Humans” by Dumitru Bacu. Having listened to the anti-human podcast a while ago I believe Cooper drew much of his information from this book. I have to read the book in small doses with much reflection in between. I can’t help but see some parallels with the current situation in the US today. Different degrees but certainly some rhyming going on.
With the rise of the Soviet Regime Jews have been granted rights not accorded even in the most advanced countries. The state, which previously did not employ any Jews, now employs in White Russia 61 per cent Jewish officials. A Jew is commander of the Ukrainian Army; a Jew is President of the State Bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions; universities, professions, judiciary and administration, now have a greater percentage than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolution.
In Jewish Opinion, December, 1933. As quoted in Common Sense, No. 485 (December 15, 1966)