I always include the caveat that sometimes Michael Yon comes across like a goofball but when he is right, he is right. His latest post (There Is No 911 We Are It) takes a number of shots at the Orange Man, well deserved in my opinion, but I really like this part:
And come the screams, “But who will you vote for!?” And then in the next breath acknowledge elections are rigged.
“You only complain without solutions!”
A meteorologist cannot stop a typhoon. A meteorolgist has zero solution for a typhoon other than warning YOU WILL BE HIT. Choose to have a typhoon party, or to acknowledge the power and prepare. That is YOUR CHOICE.
BBRE: Big Boy Rules in Effect. Mistakes will be paid for on the spot in cash and blood.
This is only truth. Nothing more. We are on our own. There is no 911. We are it.
That sums it up neatly. I know it is easy to point out problems and harder to come up with solutions but sometimes there just aren’t solutions. I can’t stop what is coming, nor can you, nor can the God-Emperor Cheeto. Saying that isn’t being black-pilled or fatalistic, it is being realistic. You could spend every penny you have and every waking hour between now and “Election Day” to get Trump elected and even if he is, it won’t stop what is coming and at best might delay it a bit or more likely hasten the collapse.
That is why I try to encourage people to focus on what they can control. Getting stocked up on food and ammo, figuring out how to survive if the lights go out, making contacts with local people who can be relied upon in a crisis. I love my readers but most of you aren’t close to me geographically. We can laugh at the nonsense in the world as long as we always remember that our focus ought to be local, local and then more local.
Minimize the chance of mistakes, maximize the chance of survival. Solid advice for any situation.
Graham’s Combat Killhouse Rules. #5 probably more frequently than the others.
The kind of people involved in the upcoming storm are the key. When they get rolling, people die by the hundreds of thousands if they’re lucky…by the millions if not.
When things get that snakey… money, property, even preps…can get you killed. Darwin, God, and Murphy are rolling the dice now, all we can do is place our bets the best we can…
…as well as making the necessary & indicated decisions, in advance of needing to make them. In the moment is not the time to be figuring out the best way to deal with… well, whatever it is.
We will all do our best, and that will have to be enough.
God Bless America
Fulfill your destiny and make good commies.
Subhuman vermin get what they deserve.
For morale look up that painting of G Washington crossing the Delaware.
Be of good cheer, making good commies time is almost here!
Here’s a nice BIG version:
Thank you for this vital acknowledgment. Facing reality – accepting that there really aren’t any earthly solutions to the crises coming to a head – is not despair. I’m not advising anyone to give up or not have a family or take a new job or simply cower in a corner. But it is beyond foolish to pretend that everything will somehow work out, or that God will protect you from all harm. Plenty of people in the Thirty Years’ War were decent and hard working and Christian – and they died nonetheless. We can all analyze the multiple causes, but world wide convulsions are en route. Accepting and preparing as best one is able is a good thing, better than placing one’s hopes on voting or one fallible human.
If you haven’t yet, read “The Warwolf” by Hermann Lons. Great novel of the Thirty Year’s War.
Also, if Jabba the Yon would push the plate away it would be a thousand times easier to listen to him.
Yon is generally ‘Over the Target’ but I see him as a bit Hysterical at Times, but this article is very accurate in pointing out the Fact that there is ‘No Political Solution’ (and hasn’t been for a long time). Where I would argue with him is saying “There is no 911. We are it.”
Until the Complete, Absolute, Total, Collapse into (Radioactive) Rubble of the ‘government’, “911” will function remarkably effectively FOR the Criminal Element, in Suppressing ANY act of self (or Dog Forbid) community Defense.
Stocking up (in the long run) costs nothing. Not stocking up might cost everything.