Remember this guy, Commander Cameron Yaste? He was the commanding officer of the USS John McCain, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, pictured shooting some rounds into the ocean with an AR that had the optic mounted backwards….

I wrote about him here: In The Navy….
Commander Yaste is now out of a job…..
‘Loss Of Confidence’: Navy Relieves Officer Once Pictured Shooting Rifle With Backwards Scope From Ship Command
The U.S. Navy relieved an officer who was once photographed firing a weapon with an attached scope facing the wrong direction from the command of a missile destroyer ship on Friday.
Rear Adm. Christopher Alexander, commander of the Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group, relieved Cmdr. Cameron Yaste of his duties as the commanding officer of the USS John McCain, citing a “loss of confidence” in his ability to command the ship. Yaste and the Navy were ridiculed in April after he was pictured in a since-deleted Navy social media post firing a rifle with a scope that was attached to the weapon facing the wrong way.
I imagine it is tough to command a ship when the whole country is laughing at you, including no doubt many of his own sailors behind his back. Perhaps the Navy can replace him with someone more qualified like a male-to-female tranny in a wheelchair or something similarly stunning and brave.
Say what you want about the Navy, they do nuke stupid or unlucky officers in a heartbeat.
That’s because you can’t just walk home after a f-ckup.
But how long will that last?
Or like Sneha Nair, run it from Mumbai.
Ah remember 1958 anyone? The USN fired nukes into our atmosphere in an effort to destroy the recently discovered Van Allen Belt. Good times.
Can you imagine the shame if you were in today’s USN and got assigned to the USS Harvey Milk?
The funniest part of Amerikwa is how it is so soft and queefy.
External enemies have noticed.
A feature to internal quisling traitor vermin.
Brandon von Tzu?
How many F-16s did the Taliban have?
NY Slimes now says UKE shot down in F-16 Wunderwaffen that could shoot down the entire Sukhoi fleet wasn’t friendly fire.
There is some yellow rain on my leg.
“…Navy[-crats] can replace him with someone…qualified like a [transvestite] in a wheelchair or something similarly stunning and brave…”
‘A strong independent transvestite.’
We tried that with j. ed hoover and his federal bureaucrats of investigation.
Look at the mess that created.
Rigid discipline among the USN senior enlisteds these days