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What A Relief

I am glad to see local public schools focusing on the important stuff. No, not learning basic math and reading skills, nor keeping violent yoofs from shooting one another. Nope, they are after the scourge of a tradition of marching band members making a gesture to say “hi” that looks to some people (Guess Who) like a “Nazi salute”.

Louisville, Ohio is a small city on the outskirts of Canton and according to Wikipedia is a whopping 98% White and only 0.2% black and 1.3% mestizo. Still too high but overall it sounds like a lovely place to live. Probably because of that, an innocent gesture that is part of the school tradition has been labelled “offensive” and now has been changed to try placate people who will never be placated.

These people never learn. Removing this will not satisfy the professional perpetually aggrieved class, it will only embolden them to go after something else. The only proper response to demands from people like the ones complaining about an innocuous gesture is to say: “Fuck you, no”, laugh at them and then move on.

For people who have being offended as their only purpose in life, there is no amount of groveling that will satisfy them so just stop. Hell, I would rather have band members doing an actual Nazi salute than some of the weird twerking crap I see some marching bands doing.

You would think that after the last decade more people would be fed up and stop playing Their little games but apparently not.


  1. Bean Dip Tray

    These things happen in steaming fourth world turd banana republics destroyed from within by quisling traitor ingrate pieces of shit.
    I’m surprised some washing machines still have the whites/colors feature.

    “My legacy will be that of bringing America down to a level of the rest of the world.”

    The immaculate Chicago messiah (THE ONE!) water walker/lightworker Barry Soetoro.

    • Arthur Sido

      Younger Whites are quietly waking up and seeing the turd sandwich they are being told they must eat. Let’s hope that translates into rage and action instead of apathy.

  2. ghostsniper

    “Feedback from some community members has indicated that this traditional gesture can be perceived as offensive.”

    The solution is simple, BAN the complainers.
    Tie them to the hitch, set them on fire with diesel, and go 100 mph til there’s nothing left but the frayed rope.

    Bow to these assholes and you can expect more of the same.
    Nip it in the bud early one and deter other asswipes from attempting to do similar.

  3. TakeAHardLook

    I checked out the Louisville Leopards Band and they look good!

    One has to be a flaming (((‘Tard)))–to be looking for any “DEI violations” anywhere in America–to take offense at the nicely choreographed opening movements of this excellent band.

    The board wrote, “cherished custom…symbol…gesture…greeting.” Yet, “after careful consideration and thoughtful discussion” the above was shitcanned–forever!

    Tradition must be discarded for “inclusivity.” “Respected and included….everyone feels comfortable and welcome.”

    And, in case you missed it, the last word of the above nauseating treacle was………”inclusivity.”

    Why do I sense that it is the usual suspects who are behind the decision?

    Add the above to the list of statues removed throughout our Nation so as to erase our history–whatever one feels about it. It is still OUR history.

    [Next week, folks, we will be having “thoughtful discussions” about those somewhat militaristic hats, gloves, batons, etc, of the Band’s uniforms; they may be construed as “threatening to some of our newly-arrived citizens” who have so recently made the arduous journey to our shores to escape the militaristic and authoritarian figures in their former countries. All persons of color must be made to feel welcome, respected and included as we live our lives here in small-town America. It is our duty and honor to abase ourselves, to examine our faults and to extinguish all micro-aggressions and school traditions that carry even a wisp of “White privilege” or “cis-heterocolonialist views”].

  4. Nolan Parker

    this traditional gesture can be perceived as offensive

    But Only if you need it to.
    Another instance where FukkOff is the only reasonable response.

  5. Lineman

    Ahh just proves my point again that it doesn’t matter how White your town is if they aren’t part of your Tribe and are just a bunch of isolated individuals then you can still be conquered by a very small minority…

  6. Steve S6

    Leopards? Well I guess we’ll hear from PETA next.

    The proper response would be “After full and careful consideration (entire band turns and moons the morons), we will not comply.”

  7. Stealth Spaniel

    Once Again:


    are White children in public schools? This is insanity, there is NO good there. Get your children, and any neighbors that will join, into a good homeschool program and leave this shXX behind. Both The Ron Paul Institute and Hillsdale College have outstanding homeschooling curriculum.

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