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The Continued Capital Crappening

I post lots of “local” stories from the capital of the Hoosier state of Indiana, Indianapolis, thanks to endless black hijinks in the city. Often I will point out that Indianapolis once had a reputation as a lovely city that was one of the best cities to live in anywhere in the country. That is rapidly changing and not just because of the atrocious traffic and endless construction. American Renaissance pointed this out recently (Hat Tip: Normal American) as Marion County, mostly made up of the city of Indianapolis, is now celebrating a “milestone” as the county becomes majority minority:

Marion County Becomes Majority Non-White

The story was first posted in the Indiana Capitol Chronicle by someone with the not surprising name of Leslie Bonilla Muñiz.

Marion County, Indiana’s most populous county, became majority non-white between 2020 and 2023, according to recently released U.S. Census Bureau data.

The consolidated city-county recorded a net loss of about 8,000 residents over that period.

It gained about 7,000 Black, 5,000 Hispanic and 3,900 Asian residents but lost nearly 200 Native Americans.

“I welcome diversity to my district, and I would hope that everybody would embrace that as well,” said Rep. Cherrish Pryor, D-Indianapolis. She represents a “very diverse district on the northwest side of Indianapolis.”

Pryor, who is a member of the Indiana Black Legislative Caucus, anticipates more racial and ethnic diversity in the county’s representation at the Statehouse, as well as growth in non-white voting power.

Marion County also lost about 23,000 white residents.

It is not a happy coincidence that this drop in the percentage of Whites in Marion County runs parallel with the increase in stories about murders, shootings, carjackings and auto theft, general larceny and robbery. When you lose around a net 16,000 residents, that isn’t good news usually, and when the people leaving are White and being partially replaced by blacks and mestizos, as well as “Asians” (which I assume means more Middle Eastern types and people from the Indian subcontinent)? It means you are in the early stages of the same death spiral that has claimed so many Americans cities from Detroit to Baltimore to Memphis.

Indianapolis is at a tipping point and I expect many Whites living in the city limits and immediate surroundings are contemplating moving out to the suburbs that are still very nice. This is only going to get worse, the demographics of the Indianapolis Public School system are a disaster:


With Whites moving out and the future adult residents of Marion County/Indianapolis skewing heavily toward blacks and mestizos, the problems faced by Indy are invariably going to get much worse and that in turn will drive more Whites out of the city. Rinse, repeat.

City after city in America has fallen or is falling this way, all thanks to the glories of diversity.


  1. Steve S6

    “I welcome diversity to my district, and I would hope that everybody would embrace that as well,” said Rep. Cherrish Pryor, D-Indianapolis. She represents a “very diverse district on the northwest side of Indianapolis.”

    Captain Obvious: diversity = not white

  2. saoirse

    “City after city in America has fallen or is falling this way, all thanks to the glories of diversity.”
    Which is why no conscious Whites should still be living in them – at least the large and moderately-large ones. It’s a mathematical certainty that die-versity will collapse all the metro areas in the entire nation. Be on the outside looking in.

      • saoirse

        Not mine. Lots of places still available to watch the circus and simultaneously build staging areas….. unobtrusively of course.

      • Lineman

        Yea I would say your right about anything east of the Mississippi but out here in the west you can still find good areas… Going to cost you though since scamdemic drove prices up in any decent place…I really wish people would of listened way back when on WRSA when I was trying to get people to get out of the bad areas or had the potential to get bad and come build Community with me…

  3. Harbinger

    No one ever says, “There goes the neighborhood” when Becky and Chad Whitebread move in next door. Occasionally you will hear grumbling and resentment about ‘gentrification’ from local pols when (typically) young White couples arrive to reclaim a few square blocks of some formerly all-diverse jungle (looking at you, Williamsburg Brooklyn). Yet no one laments the loss of property values when White faces multiply.

    But there is a direct, irrefutable connection between the disappearance of Whites and the subsequent plummeting of every quality-of-life measure that can be ascribed to a neighborhood. Everything from street crime to graffiti, noise pollution to dramatically lowered test scores in the public schools follows the influx of ‘diversity’ like stink on shit. The very first public figure, black, White, pink or purple, who points this out with unabashed candor will have my vote.

  4. ghostsniper

    I live about 45 miles south of Indy in Bean Blossom. Yes, that’s a place.

    Last month I had to go to the Indy VA hospital for the first time in about 5 years. As soon as I got on the interstate headed north my blood pressure went to the moon and stayed there til I got back home 5 hours later.

    The entire area up there is inundated with negros and the signs of their presence. What a horrifying place to be.

        • Lineman

          Yea I hear you Brother glad I got here when I did back in 12…There still some reasonable places out here for this area that is but they are way in the boonies like 2 hour drive to town…

    • LargeMarge

      “…City after city in America has fallen or is falling…”
      I agree with this truncated version of your lovely, intelligent, and superbly-writ column, the evidence is obvious.
      However, cities [autocorrect seems to believe I want ‘cooties’] are leading indicators of this collapse because cities are non-sustainable.
      City-folk produce sewage, garbage, and ‘laws’ (significant overlap)…
      … while utterly reliant on those they despise, ignore, and call bad names.
      Appallingly delusional, city-folk are shockingly vulnerable to any glitch in their constant continual re-supply:
      * drinking water gets cloudy, truck-in semi-fulls of bottles
      * electric does those Black-out and brown-out break-dances, buy a battery-in-a-box (‘solar-generator’) to tide them over until everything is fixed
      * bums burn the freeway (looking at you, Atlanta), everybody gets to enjoy traveling on ‘surface’ streets through invigorating neighborhoods.
      As recently as four months ago, I predicted city-folk fencing their city-limits, creating city-states.
      Although that could happen short-term, logistics (food, water, blocks-long lines to the latest gang-rape) get in the way of the rest of us giving a hoot.
      Fact is, city-folk are pathetically irrelevant.
      Clearly illustrated by a drive through any city — globally — nobody in their right mind remains.
      Apparently engineered to be dysfunctional from the get-go, cities are rapidly evolving to the point of unlivable.
      After all the inner-city slum bureaucrats and their unions demand to ‘work’ from home, after all the inner-city slum businesses depending on them quit, after all the inner-city slum LawEnforcementOfficials and utility workers realize they are the last folks around, somebody will volunteer to flip ‘OFF’ the lights.
      From that day on, the only visitors to any city will be feral scavengers, sneaking in to demolish the place to recover anything salvageable, then scampering right back to the safety of the countryside.
      Imported diversity is merely one accelerant.
      Heritage diversity is another accelerant, however, absent sufficient intelligence and experience, they may blindly follow OfficialOrders® on televisionprogramming to shelter-in-place… because Northern European Heritage folk always fix everything.

    • ghostsniper

      There’s still some decent places. But all in all the criminal element is strewn through all of it. Where the negro lives danger prevails.

  5. Pig Walrus

    The White’s moving out of the shit holes are not doing their new locations any favors.
    They will continue to live and vote in the same manner that caused their former environments to become what they currently are.
    I want neither the disease nor the vector.

  6. Pingback:Speaking Of Indiacrapolis – Dissident Thoughts

  7. Bean Dip Tray

    The Eastside streets in the 20s & 30s are way too diverse for YT.
    Me I’m cray cray and used to run around out that way.
    The son of 101st Airborne Ranger fears no danger.
    The enrichment is encroaching on all suburbs as Paco moves joggers out.
    CPUSA (D) plantation pets will one day figure out that they got replaced on the totem pole of voting?
    Si se puede!

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