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It Doesn’t Seem As Far Fetched Now

Last October, more than a year ahead of the 2024 “elections”*, I proposed what seemed like a wild theory: Setting Up A Scapegoat?. The basic gist is as follows:

Imagine Trump taking office in January of 2025 and almost immediately civil unrest breaks out again, but far worse than in 2020. At the same time, more major calamities take place: a financial system collapse, some new “pandemic”, a war against one or more near-peer adversaries. All of it orchestrated of course, just like 2020.

If things get bad enough, the Uniparty would happily “impeach” Trump again and this time maybe throw him out, or even better yet let things burn for four years. He could be scapegoated for the chaos and the electoral bloodbath in 2028 would be a thing of terrible beauty. Remember, these people have a long time horizon and They are usually thinking strategically while “conservatives” were thinking tactically. The march through the institutions started in earnest back in the 1960s and started bearing real fruit in the 90s or so. They have a long memory and a lot of patience.

Four years of chaos that they could then blame on Orange Man Bad and all Whites by association would lay the groundwork for Them to do whatever They want. One of my unshakable rules of life is that when faced with the unacceptable, people will happily embrace an alternative no matter how distasteful.

That seemed to be an almost ridiculous idea. Then as 2024 progressed and Biden appeared to be the horse the Democrats were going to ride into this election it seemed less far-fetched with each passing day. Then last night happened.

Again, I know this is all kabuki theater but I don’t think most media talking heads are in on it. They are useful idiots. Would you trust Jake Tapper with any serious information? Van Jones was on CNN giving his reaction calling Biden’s performance “painful” and damn the dude was nearly weeping. This was the CNN landing page this morning

Democrats are openly saying what many have been whispering, they need a different candidate. Will they jettison Biden? Can they? Will “Dr.” Jill allow that? We have already had the first “debate”, a carefully controlled farce with a two minute delay and no live audience, so who knows what we didn’t see. The whole thing was bizarre, I didn’t bother watching it but the reaction seemed to be an unmitigated disaster for Biden and it was weird from the get-go as we have never had a debate this early in modern history. A debate before Independence Day? Biden was in hiding for the last week and still was a disaster on stage, so either They miscalculated his meds or They let him stammer and cough on purpose. There is only one more debate on the schedule right now, September 10th, although Trump is calling for more, but I can’t see the Biden camp agreeing to that. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if they canceled the second debate.

Even still, it seems to me that short of a major revolt, war or something similar that Biden is going to be on the ballot in November and that performance last night bolsters my theory. Biden was trying to spit out the talking points They had imprinted on him the last week but he could barely even do that.

Keep this in mind:

Orange Man Bad was the best thing to ever happen to globohomo.

They couldn’t have asked for a better fetish to focus the short attention span of their dimwit followers. There are millions of people that found meaning in their otherwise meaningless lives by hating Trump. People who woke up every morning and couldn’t wait to get on social media to reply to Trump tweets and to rail against the Cheeto Jeebus on social media.

Traditional media was on it’s death-bed until Trump came along and suddenly they had something to talk about. If Hilary was the President from 2017 to present day, what would the media be reporting on?

So I will admit to feeling a little smug this morning.

However it shakes out, I believe we are witnessing the death throes of the American Republic and the grand experiment of self-governance by a free people. It has been dying a slow death since at least the Civil War when half of the country used war crimes and terrorism to force the other half to remain in a Union that they had voluntarily joined nearly a century prior. That experiment is not dying because it is inherently flawed as an idea but rather because it failed to have a sufficiently low expectation of humanity.

What will emerge in the aftermath of the collapse of the Republic is yet to be decided. It won’t be good unless Trump “wins”, immediately starts a Stalin-esque purge of the Federal government, especially the law enforcement/DOJ parts, and guts the guys wearing stars in the military. What needs to happen next won’t happen in a country where some black chick wearing a robe on a court in San Francisco can arbitrarily block the President. Will Trump do that? Can he? I don’t know but I doubt it. All I know is that I figured this year would be spicy and next year might be worse and what happened last night reinforced that belief.

Just remember, all of the “debates” and news analysis and polling is a steaming pile of bullshit. Don’t watch the shiny objects They dangle in front of you, watch the knife They have in the other hand.

* I understand the “elections” are all fake and gay, and that is a critical premise of my post.


  1. Differ

    Two options:
    1. Dems introduce an electable blank slate candidate at the convention, and perhaps with some additional fraud, defeat Trump. They get 8 more years of the current ruling cabal ru(i)nning the country from the shadows behind their new puppet.
    2. Your prediction; they keep Biden or crown a non-electable candidate and ‘let” Trump win and pull down the economy with him at the helm as scapegoat.
    Bad juju either way

    • pyrrhus

      But how does the new candidate get on the ballot…Nevada’s ballot, for example, will be closed by the time anything happens….

      • MN Steel

        Like the man says, voting is all fake and gay. Only have to vote by party, it’s the electiral college that votes in a new president.

        I’m not as cheerful on the future, don’t think the banks make it through summer, and they sure have been pumping alien encounter movies and shows on the Boob Toob lately.

        Yeah, Satan’s Box is fake and gay as well, everything is fake and gay right now, except me and the old lady and maybe a couple other people. Good luck in the Hunger Games.

  2. Jeffrey Zoar

    Part of me feels like it would be foolish to try and predict their plan (other than knowing that they have one), but certainly one of the shoes dropped last night. And who is going to remember my predictions anyway?

    I don’t see think it’s coincidental that She has been in the news a lot the past month or so. An all girl general election, H vs Nimarata, would not surprise me. I remain skeptical that there will be Orange on the ballot. H, if she is so positioning herself, would likely not take the chance of being humiliated a second time by the Bad Man.

    • Arthur Sido

      I try to look past the obvious, because right now the media and pundits are all saying the same thing about Biden needing to step down which makes me assume that is not what is going to happen

      • pyrrhus

        One problem…. I agree with Martin Armstrong that there probably won’t be an election in 2028, at least one that all 50 States participate in….

  3. 3g4me

    I’ve been in full agreement with you on this issue for a number of years now – i.e. yes, we are witnessing the “death throes of the American Republic.” Every major family decision has been made with this in mind. Are we fully self reliant? Of course not. Do we feel confident we can handle every economic and social disruption to come? Again, no way. But we’ve done what we can and will continue to do so as we are able.

    Meanwhile, people continue to follow electoral politics as though they matter. As though all change and salvation will come via the system. That the framework and magic papers are still perfect and ‘we’ just need to get the ‘right’ people into office.

    I cannot fathom this mindset and I will not waste my time with such. Those who put their trust in the ephemera of ‘muh democracy’ while ignoring or at least minimizing demographics and inherent genetic differences will have to learn the hard way – or their children and grandchildren will. It will be interesting to see how things play out, but I know that regardless of elections and candidates, things will just get harder for me – and for my White, heterosexual sons. Their future is what I care about – and elections are no part of that.

  4. Lineman

    We can be right about everything and still can’t do a damn thing about it which in my mind is way worse than the grillers that won’t know what hit them…Sad type can’t get our act together so that we would have the power to do something about it or at the very least be able to avoid the worst part of the chaos…

  5. anonymous

    “We have already had the first “debate”, a carefully controlled farce with a two minute delay and no live audience, so who knows what we didn’t see. ”

    They even forced the White House Press Corp to watch the debates from a building across the street. I bet there was a lot that we did not see…

  6. Warren Shafer

    I could not bring myself to watch the debates. Since it was on CNN, Communist News Network, I felt it would be rigged. I know all I would do if I watched it, would hurl curse words in German and Portuguese. I like to curse in German and Portuguese. Friends keep your head on a swivel. Also, Vivamus Paratus: live prepared.

  7. Pat H. Bowman

    I don’t think your hypothesis is that far off. It’s certainly as plausible as many other scenarios. I’ve been on record since Trump announced that there is no way they would let him back in office. However, being intellectually honest, I’ve had to moderate that position.

    Seeing the ((people)) Trump is surrounding himself with makes me believe, just like last time, there will be no draining of the swamp. Watching Biden’s obvious decay with CONgress being completely unwilling to 25th him does make me think they want him to lose. Biden’s campaign is structured in a way to make it hard to swap in a new candidate at the last minute. Not impossible, but hard.

    I could absolutely see a scenario where Trump takes office and ((they)) crash the system and blame it on him. However, as Matt Bracken likes to say, having a plan to ride a tiger is not the same as riding a tiger. And we can’t underestimate the incompetence of the parasite class.

    Store food and water, have a plan to make more, tribe up and buy precious metals–gold, silver, copper and lead–and tribe up. It’s likely to be a bumpy ride.

    • Bob Barker

      Congress doesn’t get to invoke the 25th amendment. Biden’s cabinet would have to do that and put Cackles in charge. Don’t see that happening.


      Roger that brother. I’ve been intensely doing precisely that these past few months. Haven’t wasted a precious minute on newz, debates, normie tripe.

  8. Gryphon

    The (((tribe))) is DESPERATE for a Big War, for many reasons, not the least that their current “fiat money ponzi scheme” is about to collapse. The problem is, (((they))) being Parasites, are like Ticks on a Dog (or maybe a Bear) and as much as they think they are ‘in control’ of the Animal, they have no ‘plan B’ for when the Claw comes to Scratch them Off.

    I really believe that (((them))) and their shabos goy minions actually “Think” (rather, hope) that when the Chaos Comes, it will not affect them (or at least their ‘leadership’ does) and that in whatever aftermath, (((they))) will remain in ‘Control’, and everyone will again just fall in to Obedience just as if Nothing Happened. How this is going to happen evades them, because as Parasites, not Producers, they are incapable of understanding what it takes (lots of Intelligent, Competent White Men) to “Keep the Lights on” and the ‘government’ (((they)) Own, functioning.

    I’ve stopped paying any attention to the Kayfabe Sham that is ‘politics’ in the FUSSA. What Matters is what the Rest of the World is doing to defeat “Clownworld”, particularly the Russia/China/ Iran/ North Korea Alliance, which is half an inch from Open War against the (((west))). That Rocket Attack with Cluster Bombs on a Beach in Crimea is NOT playing well in Russia. There are congresscritters (Senate and Duma) who are openly questioning if Tsar Vladimir the Bad is being “Bad enough” towards the FUSSA forces that are Obviously Responsible for the Attack. I would expect that either a Drone, or perhaps a Satellite, is going to get ‘splashed’ very soon, and then the reaction of the FUSSA will set the course going forward from there; either Escalation, or ‘walking back’ from The ukraine.

    And FFS, my Horse could do a better job as President than Joe Biden… He knows better than to F- with a Bear….

  9. anon2

    I, too, did not watch the debate, got better use of my time.
    I noticed Biden (or whoever that is) was not wearing his earpiece, ‘they’ let him wing it..
    I have an OPINION of what may come, no crystal ball, no sooper seekrit info:
    After his many years of bribery and corruption, oops, I mean ‘Public Service’ to the American people, The Big Guy will suffer a short illness and ‘Die Suddenly’, an empty casket will lie in state in the Rotunda, while potato brain is sequestered far away from the public to vegetate. He will be lionized and lauded. Dr Jill will be given ‘an offer she can’t refuse’ to exit the stage and keep her yap shut.
    ‘Cackles’ Harris will receive the same ‘offer’ to exit quietly and intact or also have an empty coffin lie in state in the Rotunda as the first Vice President of Cul-oor in the U S. If she goes quietly she’ll receive a face lift and go into WITLESS Protection, any hysterics and she’ll be lobotomized.
    The Trump 2.0 administration will be the same as Trump 1.0, undermining him, Making America Last Again, but this time the economy will crash & he’ll be blamed.

    • Arete

      I did watch the debate, which went as I expected it to–was flabbergasted that whoever is in control of him not only let this happen but had _him_ issue the challenge (so maybe it WAS all a setup)–and while I did not see an earpiece, I did see Joe appearing to listen intently when Trump was talking, but not to him. Surely they can make those things small enough to be invisible, and I definitely got the feeling he was being fed his responses to Trump’s remarks.

  10. Don Curton

    I watched, simple because I wanted to see it before any of the tilted commentary. OMG it was bad. Biden was straight up drugged to the max. There were a few flashes of anger where he got a little animated but could not articulate anything beyond orange man bad. Hell, at one point Trump – fucking TRUMP – had to tell him “let’s not act childish”. Ain’t that the pot calling the kettle black. CNN for it’s part was more fair than I expected, which is telling right there. Also some interesting camera cuts, maybe to avoid showing Biden drooling?

    Trump for his part was mostly restrained and, in my mind, pulling his punches. There was so much there he could have said but didn’t. Partly ego, since he kept saying how great everything was when he left office (after letting that little rat Fauci fucking things up the last year).

    But yeah, I can’t see them letting Biden make it all the way to November. There’s going be something happen, I just don’t know what.

  11. Squib

    You have a jewish-Cuban in charge of your southern border. Myorcass arrived in the US at age six. He is a naturalized citizen. He does not much care for his new country.

  12. Pingback:More Ominous Signs For 2025 – Dissident Thoughts

  13. Pingback:More Ominous Signs For 2025 - Identity Dixie

  14. Fido

    I don’t know, but much of the behavior on all sides suggests that most of them don’t think they *have* four more years.

    We are in the quickening… the suddenly that follows the slowly.

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