Continuing the theme of Them allowing Trump to “win” only to kneecap him in 2025, get rid of him and replace him with a pliable strongman to “save us”…. (see: It Doesn’t Seem As Far Fetched Now).

There may be trouble looming on the horizon for the U.S. stock market, according to BCA Research.
In a note to clients last week, BCA Research chief global strategist Peter Berezin warned that, contrary to popular belief, the economy will fall into a recession either this year or in early 2025.
Should that happen, the S&P 500 could tumble to 3,750, which marks a 30% drop from current levels.
Berezin’s prediction hinges on the belief that the labor market will slow notably in coming months, which will weigh heavily on consumer spending – a major driver of economic growth. The relationship between inflation and unemployment is measured by something called the “Phillips curve.”
I hadn’t heard of BCA Research so I looked it up and it is a Canadian firm. Weird, why is Fox Business running some prediction from a Canadian “investment research company”? If you are a suspicious sort like me, it sounds like a prescriptive prognostication, making a “prediction” of something already pre-ordained to happen. Start to get people thinking about an upcoming “deep recession” next year that just happens to coincide with Trump taking office. If they are expecting it, then the timing won’t seem as suspicious.
While it is true that the economy is crap, those with decent portfolios in the market have been doing pretty well. This is a 5 year chart of the S&P 500. July 1st of 2019 the S&P 500 closed at 2980. July 1st, 2024 it closed at 5537. That is close to a 90% return in five years, meaning if your money was in an S&P 500 index fund with low expenses, it has almost doubled in just five years. That is a scorching return.

You want to see the White Boomers and suburban normies call for Trump’s head, start hitting their 401k plans and IRAs. They won’t give a shit about the fate of their White grandkids if it looks like they won’t have as much wealth to retire on as they were expecting.
Consider this as well. I have pointed out on many occasions that a significant and growing percentage of chiefs of police and prosecutors are either Soros-supported or just generally leftist activists that seem more interested in “equity” than justice, “equity” in this case meaning letting violent black criminals out of jail as fast as they can be processed. It won’t take much to simply dial back the prosecutions even more than They already have, and disheartened cops are less likely to bother arresting people if they just walk right back out of jail.
Add in the antifa being unleashed and maybe a couple of shaky killings of young Miracle-Americans and cities can start burning again.
All of it will be blamed on the Orange Man.
A principle I hold firmly is that if you make things intolerable enough for the average person, they will accept anything to bring some semblance of peace and security back to their lives.
Perhaps I am being paranoid or giving Them too much credit. Maybe not. Either way if you have been paying attention, you can’t put it past them to destroy the country in order to “save” it and rebuild things in Their image. I believe that They would rather rule over ruins than be forced to pretend that peasants like you and I are Their equals.

I don’t think you are giving (((them))) too much credit. They initiated a war between the North and South when the South left the voluntary confederation voluntarily. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They formed the Federal Reserve System which gave them control of banking and currency creation in the US (Just like (((they))) did with the Bank of England in 1694). AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They got us into two different world wars that weren’t our business and borrowed billions of dollars worth of debt to do it. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They collapsed the economy of the US in 1929, 16 years after they formed the Federal Reserve, which was supposed to stop such things. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They made citizens out of the most animalistic and stupid race on the planet and forced Whites to accept them into their communities and children’s schools. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They opened the floodgates to the immigration of different races into the US and their media told us we were racists if we didn’t accept it. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. They have encouraged every demonic activity of the past century, normalized it, and you are a fill-in-the-blank-aphobe if you don’t accept it as normal, nay, superior. AND GOT AWAY WITH IT. No, (((they))) play the long game. Just like their father. They have a plan and it has been successful. In fact, it will only be divine intervention that takes their power from them. God knows the White race has been neutered and won’t do anything about it. Until their food and entertainment is taken from them. And by then it will be too late.
I have thought for years that (((they))) made a mistake by moving all manufacturing away from the US to the East. When they parasitize a county, they know it is just a matter of time before it collapses. So, they prepare another country to use and to hide within. The problem is that they thought they could blend into the Chinese people and use them as their war horse to control the rest of the world. And the Chinese are not cooperating. We live in interesting times.
“An Evil Man will Burn Down his Country, To Rule over the Ashes”. Sun Tzu.
Our rulers who allow illegal immigrants, the reason is one Party wants cheap votes, the other party wants cheap labor.
We need to the argument to have our Manufacturing brought back to America. There was such a plea in an earlier time in our Country. Around the the end of the War of 1812, Henry Clay proposed a plan, referred to the American System. He claimed we needed to have our manufacters brought here. Why send our Treasure to Foreign Powers. Plus, what if our manufacturing came from a Foreign Country we have difficult, relationship with, or the possibility of being at War with. We need our manufacturing then as now.
They’ve set things up pretty well (in a negative sense). Manufacturing really can’t be brought back due to regulations from OSHA, EPA, EDD, etc. These all serve to raise the cost of manufacturing, and Americans are too used to getting cheap crap. If they made things that lasted (20 year appliances, 5 year shoes, sturdy and repairable anything) the cost would be worth it.
But that is not the plan.
The recent scotus overturning of chevron may make a difference, but it will be hard to get things back on the mainland. It would probably take a war to get things moving, but we’re so screwed (old infrastructure, poorly educated populace, lack of ability to process our own raw materials, etc) that it would probably be fruitless. We’d need a generation or two to bring things back, and with the immigration and divided electorate, we’ll never see it.
This made me think of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
A market collapse is baked in anyway, only the timing of it, and whether it happens organically or is triggered by intentional acts of some influential party in order to “pull it” to the detriment of Trump (should he return to office, which is by no means assured) is in question. Much of the market and it’s meteoric gains have been made on fiction, financialization scams and manipulation (same as all the other bubbles formed in my lifetime thus far) so current valuations mean nothing unless one has cashed out at the top, and hides the proceeds in something tangible and defensible against expropriation.
As to the White boomers getting upset at big losses, fuck ’em. They already sold out the futures of their children, grand children on so on, a long time ago with the rampant self absorption and greed fueled by unparalleled decadence. I don’t care if they get pissed, the worst of them have it coming. And just like cops, the best of them still stood by and allowed all this bullshit to go on unabated (because they too benefitted from the scams) while the dirtiest got about doing all the things they did that ruined society and doomed the economy.
So we’ll get a strong man. Yeah, that’s pretty well assured, since there is no orderly unwinding and correcting of all that is now hopelessly screwed up. The collective punishment for what the FUSA has morphed into will be severe and unavoidable. It is useful to discuss that only in the context of trying to make preparations for it, as there is no stopping it now. And preparing is no panacea that will insulate one from the coming troubles. It may slightly improve your survivability, but that’s about it.
30%? Try closer to 80% like what happened in 2000. It’s a similar setup with nothing really supporting current valuations other than AI hype.
The unstoppable uptrend is due simply to “passive” buying, i.e., 401ks. What most people don’t know is that since about 2015, you are automatically signed up for the company 401k when you hire on. Kudos to BlackRock and Vanguard for getting that one pushing through Congress. Once layoffs hit a sufficient level, or people start having to stop/withdraw from 401ks, the market is done.
Whether or not Michelle accepts the D nomination will be my clue as to whether or not the “elites” know the Big Crash is coming imminently. If they let Trump be president, that’s a good sign that they know. They say she doesn’t want the job, but riddle me this: Who doesn’t? Who refuses the presidency when virtually assured of it? It’s hard to find anyone. I daresay no one posting here would. Nor probably anyone you have ever met. But she would refuse it? When she only has to campaign for 2 months? (the media would do most of the work for her). I call bullshit. So if she refuses it, there’s a real good reason. She is the only one they can put up who can defeat the Bad Orange Man, well, either her or maybe Oprah.
I am aware they could rig it so hard that we could get President Harris, but nobody would believe it. They do still care about the appearance of legitimacy.
“Who refuses the presidency when virtually assured of it? It’s hard to find anyone. I daresay no one posting here would.”
Are you kidding? Well, if you can’t find one, know that I wouldn’t. There is no one that posts here that is an insider that would be trusted with the Presidency. They need to know that you would bend over and take it in the butt upon command.
she????-is a tranny/queer male. don’t be so naive
KHAN: Have you ever read Milton, Captain?
Take note of all the WHITE sponge heads around you. There are a LOT of them. Maybe 2 or 3 generations worth. Single mom families, split families, foreign-part foreign families. These are the ones you’ll have to kill first because they will be the closest to you. They are already inside the wire.
I’m talking about the pending Patriot War.
Law enforcement will be spotty but you’ll need to act like it is valid.
Be sneaky – don’t get caught.
Know that you are alone because conservatives don’t typically gang up.
Be the gray lone wolf.
Do what needs done then get gone.
Got unregistered firearms that can be thrown down?
Then use blades, and gloves.
Hammers, crowbars, chisels, screwdrivers, etc.
Don’t get too technical, stay primitive.
Stalking animal like.
Suburban queefy Karens of both sexes?
Barnes IS Reality and they are not your friends.
Vintage legacy America forever, Fundamentally Transformed steaming fourth world rainbow sodomite Omni Consumer Products panopticon bathhouse gloryhole, never!
PT Trump is just more Kabuki for drooling vegetables of the fake and GAE.
There is no political solution…and there will never be another Mustache Man.
To be or not to be?
“Fundamentally Transformed steaming fourth world rainbow sodomite Omni Consumer Products panopticon bathhouse gloryhole, never!”
That, good sir, is a stroke of descriptive brilliance to summarize clown world FUSA 2024. I especially liked the reference to OCP.
Now someone just needs to get pedo joey’s ear (stuff jill back in the sofa where she and her hideous wardrobe belong) and tell him “dick(less), you’re fired!”
How they kept it propped up this long is amazing to me. Biden could use some of that juice.
Read up on the passive bid and how BlackRock/Vanguard got it set up that you are forced into the 401k and index funds when you start a job. That’s the only thing keeping the market intact. Would make a great subject for one of your economics posts.
Didn’t save the Link, but I recently saw an article where a (((economist))) was advocating that the ‘government’ Seize all 401k and other ‘private’ Retirement accounts, hand them over to the (((social security administration))) and then dole out the Money in an “Equitable” manner, so that those who hadn’t ‘contributed’ much would have “Parity” with those who did. Typical judeo-communism, but what I see is the (((plan))) is to use most of that Money (more than 25 Trillion, by one estimate) as an “Asset” against the Unpayable Debt the ‘government’ owes to the (((banksters))).
Since I have no Assets in the grubby hands of the (((moneychangers))) I wil sit and watch with Entertainment as the stoopid boomers see their ‘retirement funds’ they worked hard for get Confiscated to ‘kick the can’ one more Time before the (((federal reserve))) $hekel gets the Wiemar Treatment….