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Infantilizing blacks, Disarming Whites

With the summer in full swing trying to pay attention to all of the news stories of Miracle-American shenanigans is like drinking from a firehose but some stories still catch my eye. This is one example of a headline that caused me to stop and read the story:

‘Babies killing babies’: Two teenagers indicted in killing of Buffalo 3-year-old

I remember the story when it first broke because it involved a 3 year old black kid being killed. It didn’t get a ton of play in the press despite it involving a dead 3 year old boy named Ramone “Red” Carter and wounding his 7 year old sister, Jamia Griffin. Why the different last names? Weird. Anyhoo, from the story:

During a news conference Tuesday following the indictment of two teens charged with murdering a 3-year-old, Mayor Byron W. Brown said what so many were thinking.

“Literally, these are babies killing babies,” he said. “It was inadvertent. It appeared they were targeting someone else. But the fact that these children had guns, and were so willing to use them indiscriminately, is what brings us to this point today.”

Babies killing babies. Children with guns. Well that sounds terrible.

Both teens pleaded not guilty. They were arraigned by Erie County Family Court Judge Brenda M. Freedman in the Youth Part of Erie County Court, which underlines the serious nature of the charges and potential consequences if the teens are found guilty, Keane said.

He said two weapons were recovered in connection with the case, a pistol and a revolver.

The 14-year-old is accused of possessing a pistol, while the 16-year-old had a revolver, according to the two-page indictment.

Keane said the 16-year-old will be adjudicated as an adult. If convicted on the second-degree murder charge, he faces a minimum sentence of 15 years to life in prison, and a maximum of 25 years to life.

The attempted murder charge was lodged for shooting at the person who was the intended target, an individual Keane described as a “another young person.”

They were shooting at “another young person” but managed to hit a 3 and 7 year old. Nice shooting. More important, the Mayor of Buffalo, New York had declared this to be: “Literally, these are babies killing babies”. Mayor Byron W. Brown is aptly named….

Question, especially for the parents in the audience. When did you stop considering your children to be “babies”? 2 or 3 perhaps? Certainly once they are out of diapers. Call a kindergartener a “baby” and see how upset they get. Yet here is the Mayor of a major U.S. city with a population of more than a quarter million people claiming that a 14 and 16 year old are “babies shooting babies”. Here in the Hoosier state a 16 year old is eligible for a driver’s license, something I don’t think anyone would issue to an actual baby.

Why does Hizzoner Mayor Byron “Chocolate” Brown refer to a 14 and 16 year old young men as “babies” to shot and murdered an actual baby?

It is part of the weird black culture that extols how manly and tough black men are supposed to be while at the same time infantilizing them.

You see it whenever a black guy is involved in a shooting, their momma rolls out pictures of the fella at his high school prom or graduation even if he has been out of school for years, or the media will use photos that are several years old to portray the black guy as a fresh faced yoof. They never seem to use their photos on Instagram or Faceberg showing the young Miracle-American flashing gangs signs, holding stacks of cash and often pointing a gun at the camera with bared teeth to show off their grill in a animalistic display to signify aggression.

Notice how the only black guys you ever see in mugshots or after being popped for shooting at cops are devoted sons and fathers with bright futures? I am sure at least a few of them are just awful people and everyone knows it but to hear mama talk no black guy was ever a piece of shit criminal that everyone knew would come to a bad end.

This leads to the “dindu nuffin” syndrome where blacks are never, ever responsible for their own actions.

Not responsible but bad stuff keeps happening to them and they keep doing bad stuff so how to explain this? Simple, you just deflect responsibility onto some mystical force like “racism” or “White supremacy”. The less tangible, the less quantifiable, the better. T’moblius shot that guy because he was just so distraught over the racist justice system.

Just as you can’t really get upset with a toddler that spills his Cheerios on the floor, you aren’t supposed to be upset at a 16 year old black “baby” who manages to kill a 3 year old kid for the same reason: they aren’t developed enough to be responsible for their own actions. They have the emotional control and temper of a cranky toddler, only in an adult sized body.

Instead of cracking down on blacks, since they can’t help dey selves, the “answer” is to punish everyone else. blacks keep shooting each other with stolen Glocks, clearly we need to ban bump stocks. Just like instead of screening Muslims with special care before they board an aircraft, instead TSA strip searches and molests old White women in wheelchairs.

Our society was having a hard time dealing with the Miracle-Americans when they were semi-controlled but with them off the leash we have millions of overgrown preschool children with guns and cars. It can’t go on this way.


  1. Anonymous

    Perhaps the good mayor was referring to the mental age of the trigga-niggas rather than their chronological ages when calling them ‘babies’.

    When our eldest ‘baby’ was 15, 16, 17 he was spending his entire summers working as a counselor at a Boy Scout Camp in Rhode Island, far from home. Earning money, saving for college, managing his own affairs. He hadn’t been a ‘child’ let alone a ‘baby’ in many years by then. More of that pernicious White privilege, I guess.

  2. Stealth Spaniel

    I hate Blacks-they ruin everything. Buffalo, New York-Founded: 1801; 223 years ago. How far it has fallen.

    News Item 1- A Buffalo teacher is facing an attempted endangering the welfare of a child charge and has been placed on paid administrative leave by the district. Amherst police said 36-year-old Steven C. DeMart is accused of being involved in an online relationship with what was believed to be a 13-year-old girl. After an investigation, DeMart was charged with attempted endangering the welfare of a child, issued an appearance ticket and released.

    News Item 2- City Action Buffalo. Our City released an extensive report today on the City of Buffalo’s fiscal crisis. The report shows that the city’s current economic woes are partially a result of the city not raising property taxes, particularly on the city’s largest and wealthiest residents and landlords.

    News Item 3-
    From 2006 to 2023, there were 948 homicides in the City of Buffalo, an average of 53 homicides per year. In 2023, there were 38 homicides in the City of Buffalo. From 2006 to 2023, there were 29,542 assaults in the City of Buffalo. From 2006 to 2023, there were 20,405 robberies in the City of Buffalo. From 2006 to 2023, there were 2,646 rapes reported in the City of Buffalo, an average of 147 per year. From 2006 to 2023, there were 139,372 larcenies in the City of Buffalo. From 2006 to 2023, there were 53,677 burglaries in the City of Buffalo. From 2006 to 2023, there were 21,823 motor vehicle thefts in the City of Buffalo.

    The Chocolate Brown makes $81,350 a year. I fear that raising taxes, penalties, and chasing out the wealthy may not be enough. The last Republican mayor was Chester A. Kowal a basketball player, a boxer and a World War II veteran; from 1962 to 1965. Changing the thought process might start with calling trigger-age ninjas what they are.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    Comrade kommissar Pajeet surgeon general was on das teevee prattling on about gun violence as a health crisis.
    The Bolsheviks gotta have them heaters…you dig? (s/) [H/T-Clint as Blondie]
    Never learning how to fight and years of (c)rap songs where they kill a squad on every song and never get hit have caused this.
    Studio gangsters with ghost writers have maybe shot a squirt gun.
    One of the best disses (insult) was on a rap song…you’ll never be half the man your mother was.
    Also the Buffalo Jills are behind this Gay Football League which I thought was Mystery Babylon Be at first.
    Everything fake and GAE? Burn this MOFO down.

  4. Warren Shafer

    I have had mixed dealings blacks. There were a couple of older Women, one who was like a second Mother to me, that I would fought to the death to protect and defend. Plus during my time in the Marine Corps, I had a black Platoon Sargent I would have followed to Hell if necessary. That is about all I trusted. I keep a keen eye peeled on most of them.

    • Lineman

      The good ones are way worse in my opinion than the bad ones because if they were all bad then the solution for them would be a lot easier to implement…But everyone or at least most know a good one so it clouds their judgement in dealing with them enough so that they will end up being strangers in the land their forefathers built at best and in the ditch at worst…

  5. Arete

    “t is part of the weird black culture that extols how manly and tough black men are supposed to be while at the same time infantilizing them.”

    Yes. And it results from them largely being raised (to whatever extent) by women whose parenting is style is often erratic. In terms of love and affection, it swings from lavish displays of attention to emotional absence and neglect, of ten quickly, and with discipline it’s the same, alternating between slapping and yelling when mom’s patience is finally worn out, and ignoring bad behavior until that happens. There is often little consistency in women-led households, so developing personal discipline is a skill that doesn’t develop.

    I taught high school for years, and while there were exceptions, the black kids who behaved well and were respectful were almost always from a household with a mom and a dad, the ones who didn’t and weren’t were almost always living with a single, unmarried mom, very often with other children who had different fathers.

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