Gather round frens, stay a while and listen.

Here is the tale of one Linzell Parhm, a resident of nearby Fort Wayne, Indiana. Mr. Parhm was riding through the ‘hood with his homies when a Fort Wayne Police officer named Mason Wills pulled their vehicle over. Officer Wills has been named by the local media for reasons that will become clear momentarily. In his 7 year career with the FWPD, he was reprimanded twice for accidents in his squad car, and received three commendations and one award of excellence last year. So all around a good cop but not so great at driving perhaps.
Linzell was rolling near the intersection of Hurd Street and John Street in Fort Wayne, in the southeast jungle of The Fort where most crime and criminals live.

Officer Wills approaches the vehicle from the passenger side and firmly but politely greets and instructs Mr. Parhm…
“Hey there, put your hands on the dash”
Initially Linzell complies but then for some reason lowers his left arm. At that point the officer draws his pistol and becomes decidedly less polite. He instructs home slice to not reach down and keep his hands on the dash as he can see that Mr. Parhm has a Draco at his feet, but of course someone named Linzell doesn’t just keep his hands on the dash, repeatedly reaching down. After several warnings, the cop lights him up and Linzell departs the land of the living.
I know the phrase “dumb nigger” is redundant but in this case nothing else will do. First, travelling around in the ‘hood with your homies with a Draco on the floor. Sure it might be “legal” but it is dumb and suggests that they were looking for someone to spray with 7.62×39. Second, when the cop pulled them over and then especially when the cop had his gun pulled, what the fuck was he thinking (yes I know the flaw in my question)? I don’t think he intended to pull it out and start blasting, I think he was trying to shove it out of sight but the cop already saw it and sure as hell was not going to wait until he pulled it out and started shooting. It was a good shoot and it absolutely could have been avoided if Linzell Parhm had simply kept his hands on the dash. Also if he was not riding around with a Draco on the floor of the car.

The shooting happened at around 10:30 PM on Saturday night and by Sunday there were “protests”, “Justice For Linzell” signs, “black Lives Matter”, etc. and all made worse by the breathless wall to wall coverage by local media. As I have mentioned in the past, the media in smaller cities like Fort Wayne are desperate to be seen as “SERIOUS JOURNALISTS” by their large city peers and they ran with this story hoping for the mythical “unarmed black man shot by the racist police story”. The mayor of Fort Wayne, newly appointed Sharon Tucker, a black woman chosen after the incumbent Mayor Tom Henry died in office, promised to release the bodycam footage after the family had a chance to view it and by yesterday it was made public.
There are still plenty of people, mostly blacks but also some mudsharks and other virtue signaling Whites, that claim it was a bad shoot. You can watch it for yourself if you want: WATCH: FWPD releases body cam footage in fatal shooting of 22-year-old man. Most people are saying the obvious, it was a good shoot caused by a series of stupid decisions by Linzell Parhm that culminated in one last reach for his Draco that triggered the shots by the cop.
Everyone with an ounce of sense and perspective knew that was how it was going to go once the bodycam footage was released. Despite the media narrative, cops don’t just randomly shoot young black men and in virtually every case the shooting is precipitated by some provocation by the young Miracle-American. That in no way changed the news this morning that “Civil Rights Attorney” Benjamin Crump flew into town like the vulture he is to find a way to cash in on another dead black kid. He is drawn to easy cash and television cameras like a vulture is drawn to rotting carrion.

The family of Linzell will sue the city of Fort Wayne and anyone else they Crump can think of that might have some money, hoping for a settlement to buy new rims and gold teef. Crump will take his cut and fly back out of Fort Wayne to seek the next black corpse he can monetize.

Will the media ask question like: why were these fellas driving around with a Draco? Why didn’t he just keep his hands in sight as instructed to by the officer? Was Linzell or any of the passengers in the car on probation or was the Draco stolen, is that why he was trying to hide it? Of course not because that doesn’t give them street cred with their big city counterparts. Instead they will focus on interviewing the family of Parhm to get sob stories about how he wuz a gud boi and loved him momma.
It does serve as a useful reminder. No matter how much you despise the media and hate those liars in the Lügenpresse, it is not nearly enough.

I would have shot the stupid nigger the first time he went for his gun.
One more piece of trash removed from society before it could harm anyone else. That jackboot should receive a $1000.00 bounty and encouragement to earn many more. “You did good, Pilgrim.”
It would be hard pressed to find anyone who despises law enforcement more than me. Having said that, I have been in a similar situation as the recently deceased nigger. I was on my way, on foot, to the liqour store late at night. I hear “freeze, put your hands in the air.” I couldnt see where the PO’s came from, but I did what I was told. I put my hand up and spread my fingers as wide as I could. They did a pat down, asked who I was. I wasn’t the person they were looking for. They were looking for a runaway kid. But as soon as the incident started, it was over and they left me alone.
There are certain times when it is stupid to get attitudinal with law enforcement and this was one of them. Now if cop with his gun drawn told me to keep my hands on the dash “or I will fucking shoot you”, I would have done it. I might have shit my pants, but I would have shit my pants with my hands on the dash.
The LEO told this stupid nigger, a redundancy I know, to keep his hands on the dash three times. When said nigger leaned back, taking his hands off the dash, the nigger knew he was being intentionally noncompliant. So fuck him. Good shoot.
Fuck him. Bye retard.
Interesting how your AI Imaging Program drew Reptiles that look slightly Bird-ish…
Wonder what it would do with the Prompt of “Reptilian Aliens from the Strange-Matter Universe”…. would the be wearing Tiny Hats?
That is the reason, I carry my 1911a1, magazines, and Ammo in the Trunk of my Car.
If it’s in the trunk why have it at all?
My EDC is at 4:00 where I can get it in a nanosecond.
That jackboot could have been a thug.
How would your 1911 help you then?
So far, things have quiet in my neck of the woods. I may have rethink my carrying my 45 and my Rifles closer to me in my car.
Yes, we each have to figure out what works best. Myself, I go out of my way to avoid going to places where threats occur.
Said dead guy in Indiana was dumb, but at least his pew-pew was within reach. It is likely past the time when “quiet in my neck of the woods” is justification for being out of the immediate reach of one’s pew-pew.
Any decrease in the surplus population of criminal chimps is a positive event.
Bolshevik enemedia is showing the case in the glorious peoples of Boston about the wifey running over poleece hubby, ain’t no pretty pink flower worth all that.
Sheeit, comrade Crump is on his way to that flyover country Fort Wayne.
Soros is working on placing the brick pallets and other weapons?
Will ex-Mayor Moseby of Baltiless make sure there is plenty of room to destroy?
Burn this MOFO down, yes we can!
22 years old and driving around da ‘hood after dark with more firepower at his feet than he could possibly comprehend? This monkey was just itching for an excuse to light off 30 or 40 rounds. With a few lucky ricochets he could have nicked one or two of his fellow pongids. Might even have accidentally kilt someone. The blaqq community ought to be celebrating Officer Whitebread for inevitably sparing a couple of them a wambulamps ride and possibly the need for a rent-to-own casket.
Unprovoked attack on white guy at lakeside day use campground in Cherokee County GA. And it’s a jogger with facial tattoos, piercings, and a lengthy criminal record….but he’s in a Cherokee County jail and will face a Cherokee County judge and jury, so lengthy sentence in his future.
As a person of color, I see it differently.
They pulled him over for no reason.
The police killed him for being Black, so now all you fools agree police should be able to inspect at all times and kill if you don’t comply exactly. You all are Natzis.
They pulled him over for no reason. No. They did not.
The police killed him for being (sic)Black. No. They did not. They shot him because he had a Draco in his hands. He died from his wounds.
Stop making things up.
Hopefully they get you next. The world would be a better place.
Of course you see it differently.
You have no choice but to follow the tribe.
Maybe the jackboot will target you next time.
c’mon Las- he’s the winner of the black lottery game “suicide by cop”.
it is racist because only blacks are allowed to play. and play they will.
They need to keep doing it until your breed is extinct.
Damn you guys really never noticed that LaSagna is just sarcastic about all this?
FFS he’s a cool guy just playing around.
“They pulled him over for no reason. ”
That is a strong assertion. How did you come to that conclusion? If it is true, that changes everything. Show your work.
Well, it changes everything EXCEPT the stupid actions taken to assure lethal action.
O/T LMFAO! Watching best teevee news bloopers and there is a jogger mugging behind the reporter after a robbery, they announce the suspect appearance with blue sportsball shirt and he takes off running.
And the classic Sum Ting Wong Wi Tu Low, Ho Lee Fuk from SF, now Leslie Nielson fart machine on teevee!
Keep morale up by any means necessary in the New West South Africa.
Let ‘er Rip.
Yes we can!
Ironically, the cop probably saved another black dude.
Yea wish Whites would come to their senses and stop policing niggers…
Turned him from “Dindu” to “wone du”.
Here’s another one that’s a certainty…Niggers in Power=Corruption and Degeneracy
“As a person of color,”
As a former prosecutor, let me educate you “person of color.” First of all, the pigs pull over and harass White people, too. There is a White man that has been in custody for over 1000 days just because he would not be a narc for the feds. Youtube offers a lot of samples of pigs fucking with Whites. Something you need to understand is that from a pig’s point of view, there are only two kinds of people: people that are pigs, and people that are not pigs. One of the plethora of reasons I hate normie-cons is that normie-cons think the pigs are sympathetic to normies because said normies obey the law. If it is at the end of the month an a pig needs to fill his quota, he will park by a stop sign he knows is known for “california stops”, wait for a White soccer mom to come through and BAM, he makes his quota with the least amount of risk to himself.
Whites still make up a majority of the population. You know why you don’t see Whites getting perforated? Because they are not stupid niggers. Because most Whites can do a cost-benefit analysis. Because Whites have impulse control. Because Whites generally don’t have a knee jerk attitude problem when it comes to authority.
Cops are pretty much allowed to pull you over for no reason. They are allowed to pretty much lie and make up a reason. If a pig wants to pull you over, he is going to find a reason. But, you can lower your chances of getting pulled over. How? Obey the fucking law. Don’t speed. Come to complete stops at stop signs. Use your turn signals when you are supposed to. Dont tailgate. And if you are going to drive around with a weapon in you car, it isn’t rocket science….unless you are a stupid nigger….. that you should drive extra careful.
Like I said above, this nigger was given more than one opportunity to do what he was told. Did the pig have a good reason to pull him over. Maybe not. But in legal parlance, that point is now moot. Instead of living through the experience to complain about the pigs, now he won’t be complaining about anybody.
“Justice For Linzell” signs..
Good Lord, he already got about as much justice as is possible on this planet. ‘Bout all the more you could do is take out his idiot parents for raising such a moron.
I seriously doubt that Linzell was trying to hide the gun.
If he wanted to hide the gun, he’d have done so right when the cop car lighted them up, before they even pulled over and stopped.
No. I think that Linzell was “feeling lucky.”