Those under 45 or so might not realize it but at one time Eddie Murphy was a pretty funny fellow. His stand up acts are legendary and this is one of the funniest bits from Delirious:
Sadly Miracle-Americans no longer have the same level of adoration for the ice cream man.

A dispute over the price of a $3 ice cream ended with a paleta man shot and a SWAT team response by the Chicago Police Department, officials said. Charges have been filed.
“One of the suspects asked me how much the ice cream was and I told him it was three dollars,” 67-year-old Jose Luis told ABC7. Moments later, Luis realized he had a less expensive option, and he tried to offer it to the men.
He said one of the men displayed a gun and shot him in the 10800 block of South Ewing around 7:37 p.m. last Wednesday.
“I realized he didn’t want to buy any ice cream,” Luis revealed. “What he wanted to do is rob me.”
Witnesses helped police locate the alleged gunman, 29-year-old Paul Redd, nearby. When the officers spotted Redd, he was standing inside the glass back door of a home, taking off his clothes, according to a CPD report. Standing in his boxer shorts, he spoke with the cops but refused to come outside.
The officers summoned a SWAT team. They resolved the situation about an hour later.
During a detention hearing, prosecutors said Redd was the man who pulled out a gun. He first pointed it at Jose Luis’ co-worker and then turned to Jose Luis and shot him in the leg, according to a detention petition.
Paleta is apparently some kind of Mexican popsicle, I had to look it up.
What kind of world do we live in where colored fellas are robbing Mexican ice cream vendors?

If a negro approaches you and says, “Lemme hol fy dollah.”, know that you are mere seconds from killing it with your bare hands.
It’s a long proven historical fact that eyeballs and thumbs cannot reside in the same socket at the same time.
If administered quickly and sternly the eyeball will lose out every time.
Yes, you must gentrify the negro’s eyeball.
It may still kill you, but probably not, and even if it does you will go to your maker knowing you have permanently flawed the animal.
A better solution is to not do business with them
Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor were hilarious. Just watched an old SNL skit with Chevy Chase & Richard Pryor on “word association”. LOLOL
I watched a couple of old Richard Pryor clips, I think he was funnier than Murphy but nowhere near as popular.
There was a wackiness to Pryor that all great comics have, like Robin Williams….Those guys could take a nothing script and turn it into a great comedy routine…
I think Pryor and Williams were both high as a kite during their routines, that certainly helped
Watching some of the early Robin Williams stand up material now with the knowledge of an adult, versus that of a child, is downright uncomfortable. Some of those routines he was so lit up on coke (or God knows what) that you could almost see the guy about to have a massive fucking coronary on stage in mid breath. Granted, some of that may have just been his standard issue hyper rambunctiousness. But I look at some of that video from the early ’80s now and wonder how close he ever came to stroking out in front of a crowd.
As much as I rightly criticize the behavioral shortcomings of black people, I do have to concede that both Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor are (were) genuinely funny guys. I think Pryor’s style of standup comedy appealed to me a little bit more than that of Eddie Murphy, although the first two Beverly hills cop movies we’re great showcases for his style, and I thought both of them were great movies in general. Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor together were great. Silver Streak is still a long time favorite of mine.
I’d say we as a culture are hopelessly far away from the mindset where we can still have people (of any persuasion) doing comedy like we saw in the 70’s and 80’s, which in retrospect was clearly a golden age.
I love the Richard Pryor I performed for the mob from L.A. 1982.
Those movies with Gene Wilder couldn’t be made today.
As Clint Eastwood said, we used to mock each other and have fun doing it.
That was before the Frankfurt Long March and KGB mind viruses burned everything down for Karl and Satan.
All kinds of rap songs as Ice Cream Man is a drug dealer, mail man is another term.
Back in the vintage legacy America the local truck had muh weed hookup.
Saw one the other day jamming The Entertainer by Scott Joplin and a decent line waiting for ice cream.
The screams of Marx in hell are beautiful.
We are a worse nation today because no one can laugh anymore
Not enough people know about the Frankfurt/Commie/jooo/Satanic connections.
The only black comedian I ever appreciated was Bill Cosby, w-a-a-a-y back in the day. His act was clean and race-free. Richard Pryor, Eddie Murphy, Will Smith – they all “led” with their blackness, which I just don’t find funny. Even when it is self-deprecating. Same with joosh comedians, male and female, all of whose acts seem to revolve around their jooshness.
I used to think Steve Martin was hilarious, back in those early SNL days. No racial angst, no religious angst, no gender angst that I can recall.
“Go karts” still cracks me up to this day.
“It went straight for a quarter mile and emptied out into a freeway.” Love it.
I never found Will Smith even mildly amusing but Cosby was the king without a bunch of filth.
Have to concur. Smith, despite being of my generational complement, never did anything for me. Now, after he has revealed himself as a cuck and a simp, I flat out can’t stand him. Cosby was good, and certainly made a fortune as the family friendly comic. He parlayed that into being a paid spokesman for Jello and home computers by Texas Instruments, among other side gigs.
I’m still not entirely convinced he did (all, anyway) of the crimes he got nicked for. He was a vocal advocate for his people policing their own shitty behavior, and ruffled some right powerful feathers in the process. That has long given me some suspicion that he got “paid back” for his failure to be a compliant house nigger for the establishment by bucking the narrative.
And let’s face it, it has gotten obvious that inconvenient public figures are often subject to “take out orders” from somewhere on high, as it has happened too often and too clumsily to be mere coincidence or bad luck.
A palatero. Some guy chasing his own rabbit. Never will you see a fat one. They walk miles and miles with their little carts every day.
This one is Sailer’s Law:
13 injured in Montgomery mass shooting
Johnathan Winters
Tim Conway
Bob Newhart
Jonny Carson
Miles above any “comic” in the last few decades.
Richard Pryor: “Thank God for Penitentiaries!”
(shakes head disapprovingly in Van Halen)