One of my favorite things is when blacks try to give fancy names to themselves to cover up for their deficiencies, as if calling something a different word will change it. A great example is when inner city schools call students “scholars” when 99% of the students couldn’t spell scholar or tell you what it means.
This is another fun example: calling an inner-city future felon holding pen a “STEM” school. STEM used to stand for “Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics” but now it has been applied so broadly that it means nothing. Case in point, Englewood STEM High School in Chicongo.
According to their website: “ENGLEWOOD STEM aims to develop industry innovators through an accelerated career and post-secondary preparation program. Our graduates will excel in competitive academic institutions and the global workplace.”
Well that sounds great! How is that working out? According to the school’s Great Schools profile…it is a not so great school.
The school has only been around a short time, since 2019, but brags that it already has a “rich history of academic excellence…”
At Englewood STEM High School, our short but rich history of academic excellence spans just four years, but in that short time, we have been committed to providing students with a transformative educational experience that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).
Is that so? While I am not a professional educator, this is what Great Schools has to say:
The school rates a solid 1 out of 10. For the math challenged among us, that is not good. Rather stinky I would say. Why such a low score? It could have something to do with a few factors like this:
71% of students are “chronically absent”. If you aren’t at school it is tough to become a STEM scholar and the results are what you would expect.
While they graduate 72% of their STEM scholars, well under the state average but still almost 3/4, the average SAT score for those that took the test is a 769. That score is combining two sections, verbal and math, and spoiler alert: that is not a great average score. The national average is 1010 according to the College Board and a score of 760 is in the bottom 9th percentile. Keep in mind that is the school average so at least some of the test-takers scored even worse than that. How can this be in a brand new, state of the art school building? Here is how:
The school website has it laid out like this, I am not sure what is the cause of the disparity but either way there aren’t many White or Asian kids there.
The administration staff is pretty “diverse”, led by the principal Mistah Christopher Shelton….
Sheeeiiittt indeed. I absolutely owed it to you to get a better look at Ms. (?) Melanie Glover, a “Dean” and Youth Intervention Specialist. I had to see it and now you do as well.
Wow. I am not even sure what is happening there nor do I know what a “Youth Intervention Specialist” does as I went to a school where the average IQ was in the triple digits. Here is the more critical part of the staff:
When you have 11 staff in administration but 13 in “security”….well you might have a problem.
In short, they can call this pre-prison holding pen a STEM high school and brag about a “rich history of academic excellence…” but that is just putting lipstick on a pig. It has all the markings of a place where troubled kids are concentrated so they don’t kill/rape/assault kids that actually might make something of themselves. The “scholars” at Englewood STEM shouldn’t be in a school that talks about sending them to college and offering robotics, they should be at an intensive vocational school where they could learn a marketable skill so they can get a job. Putting them in a STEM school and expecting them to turn into scientists and engineers is like putting me in a stable thinking it will transform me into a horse. It is not only hilarious but it really is a disservice to the students.
This “school” caught my eye because of this story….
Four Chicago police officers injured responding to a massive high school brawl at Englewood Stem High School
— The Daily Sneed™ (@Tr00peRR) December 14, 2024
From the Chicago Sun-Times
5 arrested after large fight breaks out at Englewood STEM High School
Five people were arrested after a large brawl broke out at a high school in Englewood Friday morning, Chicago police said.
Officers were called to Englewood STEM High School, 6835 S. Normal Blvd., about 11 a.m., police said. They arrived to find a large group of students fighting on the second floor of the building. It wasn’t known precisely how many students were involved.
While attempting to break up the fight, several officers were battered; four officers were taken to nearby hospitals with minor injuries, police said. Five people were arrested, though it was unclear how many of those arrested were students at the high school.
In a letter to the school’s community, Englewood STEM High School Principal Christopher Shelton said pepper spray was used during the altercation, which put the school into lockdown.
Does that sound like something that would have happened at your high school? Not mine and it wasn’t even a STEM school.
Good job all around Chicongo Public Schools! What I am sure was a hugely expensive school staffed with over a dozen security officers still had an enormous brawl that was so ugly four cops were battered and taken to the hospital. Meanwhile please go on pretending that this is a STEM school and not a holding pen for soon to be felons and single moms.
As Red Foxx once quipped during a courtroom scene in an episode of Sanford and Son, “we got enough niggers here to make a Tarzan movie!”
As to Ms. Melanie Glover, with that melon, she reminds me of a melanin enriched version of either Shrek, or Alice the Goon from the old Popeye cartoons. WTF even is that thing?
I was thinking maybe it was a trannie but now I think it is just a horribly ugly black chick,
It has a mustache but no 5 oclock shadow. That suggests just ugly women.
Let me guess, lots of taxpayer money paying those salaries, federal, state and local
I actually took a lot of college prep and advance placement courses in high school. The two biggest problems we had in those classes were getting kids to come to class, and the constant brawling-usually over getting disrespected. If someone shot you that look and said something like “you suck at quadratic equations” or “do you even brit lit, bro?” it was ON!!!
If someone ever said “Your momma couldn’t solve a second order differential equation!” to me, they were dead meat!
The problem is that these .6 GPA ‘scholars’ will still be given evathang dat dey needs. The role back in the private sector of some DEI scam jobs will require an increase in gubment jobs fo da needy, O-ppressed nigs, muds and shitlibs.
And please don’t tell me Trumpenstein will stop it! There will be no increase for White men in the employment statistics – unless of course you factor in all those fools that will sign up to fight for Pissrael.
Schools like Englewood STEM H.S. exist for one primary reason: to provide the means to extract dollars/pupil out of the Public Treasury.
Seeing all those melanin-enriched faces on their website tells all!
But the first clue as to the school’s future excellence is that “it already has a “rich history of academic excellence…”.
[Picture “coffee jetting out of my nostrils”].
So, five years counts as “a history” to these nogs? Oh. My. F’n. Word.
The school, its location, its student body, its admin/teachers/security staff, are all at the bottom of the “Hopeless” Barrel.
What they get from this place is employment. And bragging rights, believing their own hype about the STEM “edumacayshin” that they are providing.
Riiiight! Those 72% of students who graduate? Tell me, has NASA, CalTech or MIT placed their “diversity hire” orders yet for these amazing “scholars?”
WE, the Taxpayers fund this boondoggle and dozens like it.
“Lipstick on a pig” for sure!
This reminds me of the “Cargo Cults” from WWII. They completely don’t understand the purpose of what they are doing but have devolved it into a performative ritual. They do the ritual, they expect accolades and enrichment to rain down upon them.
The vast majority of them have no place in our culture, and leaving them here to be miserable in a system they don’t understand is cruelty at best.
Dat post beez rayciss n’ sheeeiet!
Makes me think of a school in Columbus Ohio. Don’t know if it’s still around, but it was called Africentric. Oh yeah. It was a great school…for basketball. They even got in fist fights when they WON the games. Should have named it Nigger Central high school.
Likely, the nogs believed that fighting was just part of the end-of-quarter ritual–like Whites who glad-hand each other after a match. But the nogs instead were punching each other’s lights out. Cause…….nogs.
Reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield’s quote:
“I went to a fight last night and a hockey game broke out.”
Good grief. I just saw that “AFRICENTRIC” sign as I left the VA clinic right across the street from it. It was an immediate WTF?? moment…. I just looked it up and it is called- hold on to your dashiki:
“Columbus Africentric Early College”
It a early collage, yo! Sheeeeeit, dawg!
I believe that there is some confusion here regarding Englewood’s ‘STEM’ label. It clearly does NOT stand for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Rather, it is shorthand for “Stems ‘n seeds” and refers to the weed that is freely available and ingested throughout the skoo’ day by those scholars who bother to show up for the free breakfast/lunch.
As for Englewood’s 1/10 rating, can we assume that, like Amazon reviews, there is no ‘0’ rating? Many’s the time that I wanted to rate an inferior product with something less than one star, but mighty Amazon will not allow that ultimate insult to one of their suppliers. Perhaps skoos in Chicongo are afforded the same courtesy.
The SAT scores were horrible, but then I remembered that probably only the brightest took the SAT. Ouch.
Pre-prison holding pen is exactly what i was thinking, add in the “heres where you hook up with Laquisha” factor at 49/51% female/male, its a dang birthing factory for hood rats.
Imaging the smell…
Another example of the gov’t stealing from the productive and giving to the parasites.
Get the gov’t out of it and the negro problem in this country will mostly vanish in a couple years.
Have you noticed that even on a global scale nothing good ever comes from the negro race, just misery?
Don’t be fooled by the “battered” cops.
In shit holes like Chicago, they go to the hospital when they get a hangnail.
If they can get any traction, they’ll get a medal, a disability, and medically retired with full pension.
Like soccer players, but with a lifetime of payments relying on it.