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The Radicalization Of Younger Normies

For most of us, the problem of the normie White is a vexing one. We have plowed this same field repeatedly and the result is always frustrating and perplexing. I want to look at it from a different angle today, and examine the much maligned younger generations. I try to not get caught up in the generational wars as it is mostly counter-productive but there certainly is a generational component to the great war we find ourselves in.

While most of the “Greatest Generation” is now dead, the next generation called “The Silent Generation” is also on the way out. The youngest of them are about to turn 80 and most of the rest are dead or very elderly. My mom would have been in this generation if she were alive and my father is part of that generation. They haven’t ever been terribly relevant to the culture and are even less so now.

It is the Boomers that the kids like to crap on today and not without some justification. They grew up in a safe cocoon purchased with the blood of their fathers and they squandered the paradise they inherited. Boomers have entered retirement age en masse and the youngest Boomers turned 60 this year. This has led to a generation that is largely, although with plenty of exceptions, a very timid group that simultaneously holds much of the wealth in America and is running the clock out, hoping to avoid any major calamity before they die. What happens after? It doesn’t seem to matter as much to them as they will be dead. There are plenty of /ourguys/ in the Boomers but most are not only useless to the cause, they are an impediment.

That brings us to my generation, the stupidly named “Generation X”. I was born in the middle of this generation, the quintessential 80s kid that graduated in from high school in 1990 into a world we thought was going to be different.

Today it is eerie how the political world parallels our personal lives. The first of my generation will turn 60 next year while our youngest are in their mid-40s. Our parents are either elderly or dead, and those that are still around are increasingly becoming people we care for instead of the other way around. It is the great reversal of families when the children start to care for their parents. Our own children are young adults growing up in a world that is in every way worse than the one we grew up in and understandably many of those children are pissed about it.

The political world is very similar. By “political” I am speaking of something far broader than simply voting and which political party is ascendant as that really is for the most part simply irrelevant. I am using political in the broader sense of the word, “the total complex of relations between people living in society”. The process of voting and electing officials is only a portion of politics as a whole. We place far too much emphasis on the political theater and not enough on the cultural and societal aspects. That is something the Left has done far better than us with their Long March Through The Institutions that slowly infected and degraded our cherished institutions from schools and the military to religious organizations and entertainment. While “conservatives” were “winning” elections, the Left was winning the broader body politic and thereby winning the war.

Like many Generation Xers, I look at the political world around me and it reminds me a lot of my personal life. On one side kids that never seem to grow up and on the other elderly parents that need constant care. As a result of marrying young (at 20) and having my first two children while I was still in college, I ended up with two Millennial kids and six Gen Z children. Those generations are frequent targets for complaints by older generations, labelling them entitled snowflakes who insist on a participation trophy just for showing up. Of course that begs the question, who raised those generations that ended up that way?

It is difficult to get away from the “get off my lawn” mindset but despite their flaws that we in my generation are largely culpable for them having, I do see some white pills. Tiny ones to be sure but still while I think many on /ourside/ have written off the young as a hopeless cause, I am becoming less pessimistic.

Something that is a bit of a shocker for me is that the Orange Man did better with young men that anyone expected. While Trump just barely won the male Millennial cohort (ages 30-44) by a margin of 50%-48%, he did very well with Gen Z young men (18-29), a group he won handily 56% to 42%.

He did as well with young men as he did with Gen X men. When you consider that Generation Z is barely 50% White, and that Trump mostly draws from White voters, it is fair to assume that of the White male Generation Z voting block, a huge percentage of them voted for Trump (as did a fair number of non-White young men). Of course the flip side is that Trump did as poorly with young women as he did well with young men.

Perhaps young White men are finally tired of being crapped on by society and told they need to cuck even harder to atone for things that allegedly happened hundreds of years before they were born? Maybe the prospect of working for a lifetime and still not being able to afford the things that were taken for granted in earlier generations is leaving a bad taste in their mouths? Who could blame them?

There are a growing number of smart, astute young guys on /ourside/. They tend to be significantly less religious in contrast to older guys on the dissident right and also not at all interested in being scolded about pulling themselves by their bootstraps. Unfortunately they are pretty soured on the whole idea of marriage but it is hard to blame them when they have lived through generations of divorce and men getting shafted by the courts and of course the fact that young women are just a hot mess. That is something that concerns me greatly, the best way to achieve the Great Replacement is to convince young Whites to not have White children, but it isn’t as easy to convince young White men to settle down and have a family when they can’t afford to own a home and their breeding pool is full of crazy chicks with body counts in the high double digits.

All in all, it gives me some hope. We are going to need young men on our side. The youth can be a force for great evil, as can be seen in Mao’s Cultural Revolution, but they can also be a powerful force for good. As men like me get older, the heavy lifting will shift to those younger men in the movement. The days that are coming in the near future are going to demand strength and bloodshed, and however willing you might be it is a lot easier to mete out physical violence when you are in your 20s than when you are in your 50s. There is a reason there is an age cap on military enlistment.

Our young men need to learn to take pride in their people and to reject those that demand they grovel. They need to hit the weights and learn to shoot, and they need to read books and make a living outside of the system wherever possible. They are already moving in the right direction and with Trump “winning” in 2024, this is the time to get them radicalized.

Without the youth there is no future and no reason to fight. They are getting ready to take the torch, it is up to us to make sure that they get the right torch to preserve the future of our people.


  1. saoirse

    “They are already moving in the right direction and with Trump “winning” in 2024, this is the time to get them radicalized.”
    Please explain how the selection of Trumpenstein by the deep state helps accelerate the movement of White kids in the ‘right’ direction. The only thing that this next group of corporate Zio whores could do to radicalize them would be to further delude them, which is what they’ll do – which, in turn, may send some to the radical right. The more the merrier. There are quite a few in my group already. They’re here because they abandoned the uniparty sewer and it’s bullshit religions (and saviors, Trump included) years ago. The impetus came from the two sites you have listed at the bottom of your ‘best of the rest’ column and others like them. So-called ‘dissident right’ tenets were never in the running because they smacked of conservative Republicanism with a pair of small, phony balls attached. They put their race first. Everything else must be vetted thoroughly.

      • saoirse

        How so? He supposedly supports Trumpenstein and had something to do with that J6 ‘insurrection’. Neither if which I give two shits about.

    • saoirse

      In addition: The generation blame game was hatched by jew radicals in the 60’s to create a rift amongst White people. Continuing to play it gives them what they want. All generations have their pros and cons. A blanket indictment of the preceding or succeeding generation(s) for your or society’s ills is a coward’s contest!

  2. Peter

    We were given the name “Gen-X” because our generation didn’t have any defining feature they could put their finger on.

    That the subsequent generations followed the alphabet is an indication of the fall of the West that has been captured by half-wits. What about Generation I for the the generation that grew up not knowing the world without a mature internet?

    Perhaps Gen-X best is yet to come? Perhaps we can pass on the knowledge that better did exist and can be obtained again?

  3. LGC

    1. The silents have gotten away with murder. Lots of things the boomers are blamed for are really the silents. All that 50’s sock hop, stuff? all silents. The oldest boomer wasn’t 18 until 1963. So all the yippies, hippies, beatniks, civil rights, leaders of that crowd? All silents. All the crowd that has been “in charge for 50 years? All silents. Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, Feinstein, etc. All silents.

    2. GenX (of which I’m one), pretty much raised themselves. (older having silent gen parents, younger GenX generally having boomer parents) and thus what’s important to us is our group of friends/like minded people. We trust no one else and figure everyone/thing else is out to screw us (we learned it all from an early age) and everything is lies. But we love our kids and you still see GenX walking their kids to school (something very few GenX kids actually experienced)

    3. Zoomers are either incredibly based or incredibly fragile, there’s no in between. Find the based ones and teach them everything that the culture/schools/society hasn’t. Zoomers are right to be angry and there’s not much. reason to work hard/boostrap. They’re screwed and they know it. Most of the zoomers I know are really bright, they just don’t know anything (and aren’t all that curious, which is odd to me, i supposed the school systems worked that magic).

  4. ghostsniper

    The generation name game is as weak if not weaker than the red-blue dynamic that has become so stylish for grouping people.

    The people that identify with those metrics want to drag everybody else into the mix with the end result of everybody arguing and nobody is thinking.

    Calling negro’s african-americans or blacks doesn’t change reality, just your perception of it. Be real or be fake, your choice, but you also have to take the consequences.

  5. Bean Dip Tray

    Doesn’t Gen-X come from the book by Douglas Coupland?
    The youth will see that their standard of living is suffering due to star of Remphan worship?
    I think so, and I believe they will throw off the kippah for good.
    Also they don’t care about some mythical Scofield Rapture Express that goes through yarmulke land.
    Be of good cheer.

  6. LGC

    One more thing, the zoomers DGAF about Israel. The based half is anti-Israel because they don’t see the point, nor want to go die for Israel. The fragile half is anti-Israel cuz they are pro-Palestinian.

    AS the boomers die off, Israel is finished.

  7. Mike in Canada

    It’s counter-productive to apply these generalisations.

    Every large group, no matter how big or stupid, is still composed of discrete individuals that each make their own choices, one at a time, just like the rest of us do.

    I suspect the key is to change minds and encourage the positive the same way….one at a time. It is at the individual level that things change, and with what seems to be inbound, large groups will not be useful except as guides to where not to be.

    I hope not to offend with these thoughts. Everyone that comments here is very very smart, and far be it from me to cast aspersions on your ideas. It just seems that treating the generations as large lumps of flesh that all agree is not just unreasonable, but also lacking in utility.

    God Bless America.

  8. Steve

    The real question is how do you make it better? How can you bring down the cost of housing or automobiles, or, heck, even groceries?

    The answer is to increase the supply greater than the increase in demand.

    Yes, deportations would help to a great degree. But it’s not anywhere near enough. Even if we were to deport 30 million, and assuming a mere 3 illegals per household, which we all know is a serious lowball, that’s only 10 million, most of which are apartments. There’s a couple million 24 YO alone, and they are mostly going to be 1 person households. Maybe 2 person, though most such are going to be career women. At the very least, a working couple are going to be able to outbid a Chad and a tradwife pretty much every time, leaving them no option but apartments.

    So how do you bring it down enough for Chad and trad to buy a house?

    What is not going to help is adding more expenses to houses. Illinois already is requiring sprinkler systems in houses in 2026. That’s adding about $35k to the cost, and actuarial shows that as a loss. So property taxes go up, insurance goes up, principal goes up, interest goes up.

    How about Trump’s proposed tariffs on Canada? Their primary exports to US are energy, auto and auto parts, and softwood. Increasing any of them will screw Zoomers in particular, since Millennials and up can generally afford a little higher prices, and Trump is talking about increasing them all.

    Mexico is similar. Its primary exports are energy, autos, and food. Trump’s plan is to raise prices of all three.

    Hate on the Greatest and Silents and Boomers all you like, but we are currently set to fuck Zoomers more than all three combined.

    • Lineman

      The real question is how do you make it better? How can you bring down the cost of housing or automobiles, or, heck, even groceries?

      Get rid of the federal reserve, abolish income and property tax, get rid of most of government, abolish every amendment after the first ten, oh and last but not least have our own White Homeland again… That’s just for starters…

  9. ozark homesteader

    I spent years in a retail meat environment. ALL retail environments experience getting slammed. Customers everywhere, the more customers the more laborious their demands. Stock levels running low. Employees scrambling, the worst ones reluctantly, the emotionally immature ones with crankiness. As a leader you direct your people to be polite, professional and to focus on the basics. At some point you’re so busy that your efforts are reduced to keeping the whole fryers, boneless skinless breasts, new york steaks, chuck roasts and your two top sellers of ground beef full, and maybe one or two other items depending on the market. Everything else is either optional or bonus. If you don’t focus on THE BASICS you will anger rafts of customers and end up with stock levels in your sales cases so low that it may take days to recover. So you focus on THE BASICS with energy and professionalism. Don’t leave piggy piles. Keep the supplies full. Keep your team on their breaks rotation. Don’t ever “F” the next guy. Keep the newbies and miscreants behind the counter and working rather than roaming the store dodging the chaos. Society is getting slammed now. Time for THE BASICS. Teach young men responsibility and sobriety. Their purpose is to create a family, a heritage. Chasing skirts and drunkenness are for fools. Find a chaste gal that will submit to masculine authority and will never murder her man’s children. Never “dating” for the sake of dating, but always with a purpose-to find a bride, a mate, a mother for your children. Have as many children as possible. God will provide. Raise up those children up right. Forget about pastimes and entertainment. Every day is a learning or a doing day. Fitness. Sound eating habits. Charity to the unable and less fortunate, but not for the lazy and unwilling. Time outdoors and time building skills. It is time for the basics or we are lost.

  10. Jeffrey Zoar

    It is hard to believe that 41% of women aged 18-29 voted for Trump. Not just 41% of white women, which I would also find hard to believe, but all women. So hard to believe that I don’t believe it. Which calls the figure for men into question as well.

    I am also befuddled by the “all others” category

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