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It is easy to point out problems. It is much harder to come up with solutions.

Here is one problem:

Whites in America that are not self-loathing are being systematically replaced in the very country their forefathers built from the wilderness. The cities they built are being overrun by crime. Their children are being targeted by degenerates and perverts and are going to grow up in a country where many of them will perceive that they won’t be able to afford to have a family or buy a home. America is irretrievably broken short of a bloody conflagration and being rebuilt from the ground up. Wut do?

Here is another:

Meanwhile in Russia, a vast country that is around twice the size of the United States…. While Russia has a large population of around 146 million which is good for 9th largest in the world, the population density of Russia as a whole is only 21 people per square mile with most of that in the larger cities of the west like Moscow while the eastern half of Russia is nearly devoid of people. Compare that to the United States with a density of 87/square mile, around quadruple that of Russia, and consider that much of the interior of America is pretty sparsely populated as anyone who has driven across the Great Plains can attest.

The problem is that the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Russia is a paltry 1.5 children. That is well below the level for population replacement of 2.1 and it means that Russia is like many majority White nations in that it has more deaths than births every year so the Russian population is shrinking. Wut do?

A possible solution?

I have looked at the satellite Google map of Russia and thought about how all that empty space could be used. For a long time I thought that Russia should offer the Boer farmers in South Africa a refuge in Russia. Bring in hardy White people who can farm and let black South Africa starve. Then I got to thinking about us.

Why not offer refuge to White American dissidents? I mean actual dissidents, not catamites like Nick Fuentes. The most right-wing people I know are pretty handy, many are entrepreneurial because they have to be as they aren’t welcome in corporate America. We could settle in some of that barren land (not the swamps or Siberia of course) and become an expatriate community with our own culture, distinct from and yet a part of Russia as a whole. It would be like the Amish, they live and work within the system while maintaining their own language and culture apart from the broader “English” culture. There are ethnic groups already that are part of the Russian Federation like the Tatars who speak their own language.

One problem besides the horrifically hard to learn Russian language is that Russia is not America and doesn’t have some of the rights that we take for granted thanks to our now nearly dead Constitution, particularly the First and Second Amendments. This is true for many places that are considered favorable for expats. I have considered Uruguay as a possible location but again the lack of certain individual rights we cherish makes that less than appealing.

Then it hit me. There is a perfect place in Russia for U.S. dissident, because it isn’t actually in Russia proper: Kaliningrad

Nestled between Poland and Lithuania and with access to the Baltic Sea, Kalingrad is separate from the rest of Russia. The climate isn’t bad, the summer mean temperatures are in the low to mid 70s and the winter mean temperatures are right around freezing so it is pretty similar to northern U.S. states.

There are only around one million people living in Kalingrad with about half of those in the capital of the oblast also called Kalingrad. This is a population density of around 180 people per square mile across the 5800 square miles, about the same as my state of Indiana with 189 people/square mile and believe me, we have lots of empty space in Indiana.

My proposal would be to open Kalingrad up to American expats and change the name of Basedograd.

Giving the region slightly more independence and some individual rights guarantees and you would have a great location for Americans to get away from our slowly imploding nation to start afresh. The Chads moving to the area who aren’t married would be chick magnets for Slav women in Poland and Lithuania as well as Kalingrad itself and other regions like the mainland of Russia and Belarus. Better to marry Slav chicks than resort to miscegenation.

Sure that won’t ever happen but it would be kinda cool. Increasingly there is little left in America except nostalgia and family so why not start fresh somewhere less diverse? Because of my children it would be hard to us to leave America but who knows what the future might hold? Russia has mentioned in passing the idea of becoming a refuge for Americans, perhaps they were serious….

When you consider how often I am accused of being a “Russian bot” by people that don’t know what a “bot” is or where Russia is located, I am sure that Vladimir Putin is a faithful reader of the blog so Vlad baby, hit me up about this plan.


  1. Carrie

    I don’t have any familiarity with Russian, but my multilingual (besides English) also read your new name as “bah-SED-oh-grad.”

    At least, that’s how I predict a non-native English speaker would read it, with no knowledge of the long-a / magic-e combination of letters.

    Either way is fine. Jsut thought it was an interesting linguistic exercise to ponder!!

    Thanks for your fantastic posts, Art!

    And I’d be open to possibly moving, if there was a community that went along with the destination.

  2. Anonymous

    If you need a reference, I can do a better Red October Russkiy imitation than Sam Neill…

    “Arthur is good boychik. Vas ice cream salesman in heartland, U.S. Not CIA at all.”

  3. Scot Irish

    Interesting proposal!
    I never thought you were a bot. What are the gun and speech laws in Russia? I’ll look into it. Hope Vlad takes notes.

  4. 3g4me

    I honestly didn’t find learning Russian difficult, even after only having studied Spanish in middle school. Can’t remember much of it now, of course, but I imagine it would come back with use. I always found the local people extremely friendly during the year I spent there. I know we also had Russians settle some towns in California in the 19th century, didn’t we? Some similarities among the two peoples, but some big differences as well. Still they are White and Christian, so a good synthesis should result.

  5. Gryphon

    Kalingrad is right in the middle of Northern Europe, cut off from Russia by Lithuania and Poland. Access to Belarus (still not Russia) is through a Corridor like what connected Berlin to Western-Occupied ‘germany’ after WWII. Given the Current, and likely Future, conflict in that area, I think that the Kamchatka Peninsula might be a better bet….

  6. LGC

    Russia already did this once before (at least) back in the days of the Czars. . They invited german’s to come and populate the Volga region and they did some amazing stuff, had a thriving community with great soil. Until of course Stalin.

    1763: Catherine the Great issues a manifesto inviting Germans to settle in Russia.
    1764: First wave of German settlers arrives in the Volga region.
    1804: Alexander I issues another invitation for Germans to colonize southern Ukraine (the Black Sea Germans).
    1914: Estimated 2,416,290 ethnic Germans living in the Russian Empire.
    1941: Soviet government forcibly relocates over 400,000 Volga Germans to Siberia and Central Asia.
    2002: Estimated 394,138 ethnic Germans remaining in Russia.

  7. SirLawrence

    Look up the Wolgadeutsche, Volga Germans. Invited to Russia by Catherine II to farm the land along the Volga River valleys. They were allowed to keep their language, culture, traditions etc. and operate largely autonomously, though definitely subjects to the Russian crown.

    It worked out well. Until it didn’t. The Soviets uninvited them. Part of my family is from this stock. Who eventually fled to the US and took up winter wheat farming, what they were good at over there, and settled along the plains and river valleys all the way to the northwest, which were similar.

    To the subsequent generations that place will be there home but at the same time it won’t be – until/unless they take it, most likely by violence.

    The embedded ethnic model can work in many ways and can indeed be less hostile than being openly hated by your own government, institutions, elites, and replacement populations. But at the same time the proposition of nature’s arbiter is always on the table.

    As natural builders and settlers we can certainly make something out of nothing, but the heritage population of the host nation must want you there and be willing to cooperate in some areas. This gets stressed when natural competition enters the equation. The amish and others operate differently enough that there just isn’t the same scale or type of competition. It may not take much to start breaking local stuff by means of culture/competence mission creep.

    Having moved to the southeast as an old man I can say that I would have rather moved overseas as a young man had I known what was coming and what was waiting for me here.

    So perhaps you are correct that settling a new continent is a young mans game and they would carve out something better for no other reason than having fewer bad habits and expectations that clown world imprints. It is certainly hard to watch the wreckage forming all around me that is the next generations steeping in this fucking wreck of a culture.

    For all intents, dissidents are already some remnant in a foreign land. Might as well save the long boat ride and crush some skulls here.

      • SirLawrence

        I will assume we are related until proven otherwise!

        The cemetery in the dusty little one stop town where my mom grew up is full of “Sch” surnames. Could take all day to find grandpa.

        Her father was one of ten surviving kids from the patriarch. Growing up with that huge German side and all the traditions and stories – and all fairly concentrated still after immigrating years prior was a treasure.

        It’s the all too familiar bittersweet of our stories. My mom had scores of cousins all in one place. I had a handful. Now there are a few, cast across the FUSA chasing donuts. My own immediate family have a couple that have met maybe once.

        The aspirations of going to tame a new land or to follow saint Elon to the stars is part of who we are – but there is another part equally as important. Without it we are left to the wind, swept up like so many little hats, rootless merchants and middlemen, mercenaries and islands longing for our archipelago as we search the stars for what is right under our hats.

        It’s called home. Coming home. Like many here I am on my own but not for a lack of trying. There is simply too much material abundance and technoconvenience for people to slow down and consider our own stories, what we have lost, how we got here, how to return to home – even if that means it’s somewhere else.

        Time and again we hear that nothing short of collapse will alter this course. So be it. I won’t be fully prepared for it. But then I spent decades preparing for a world that is now but a mirage.

  8. Jeffrey Zoar

    Putin has recently loosened up immigration laws in Russia with the express purpose of attracting western dissidents. One of the requirements they eased up on was how fluent in Russian you have to be. If you really want to go then I bet you probably can. That’s a separate question from whether or not we are allowed to form our own communities (of any size). I kinda doubt it.

  9. MN Steel

    I’ve always wanted to see the shores of Lake Baikal, Siberia would be better than this insanity running wild in this land of plenty.

    Maybe the vaxx really will kill off the gullible and beaners will self-deport and niggers will self-delete, they are all good dreams…

  10. Bobsuruncle

    I have Cossack Warrior lineage, German/Ausro-Hungary as well and would not be welcomed. From the frying pan to the fire as they say comrade. Id rather stay here and wait for for 1776 part deux

  11. Lineman

    Ahh if people won’t move even to a better place here in the US they damn sure won’t move halfway across the world to a foreign country while the lights are still on, the toilet flushes, and they can still buy food and beer…

  12. Stealth Spaniel

    Putin has already changed the laws so Americans and Europeans can emigrate with relative ease. Many Germans are fleeing the wonders of Islam. The head of the German Police Union has publicly said that Germany is no longer safe. So the Germans are starting entire cities with Putin’s blessing. Many English/Scots/Irish are also leaving for a Christian country. Russian is hard, but not impossible to learn. Russians take English in school from primary on, so most speak and write English quite well. The Americans are leaving; farmers, tech folks, everyday entrepreneurs that are fed up with the insanity. I hope Trump can change what is happening in this country….but I am not holding my breath. Russia’s economy is on fire with manufacturing and building. Most people that I know that have gone are very happy.

  13. Bean Dip Tray

    You can almost dip your cup in Baikal and enjoy.
    A bud went there to see WAR monuments and met first wife.
    Russia will be a haven in the Final Chapter times.
    Under Satan’s Authority will not.

    • MN Steel

      I grew up dipping a cup in Lake Superior, still haven’t grown a third eye from PCBs or whatever.

      All the brain tumors and other cancers in my hometown were from mine waste and uranium in wells that could never get cleaned up by the Superfund project.

  14. LGC

    There’s also another possibility, documented in the book The Forsaken (2008) ( )

    Where lots of Americans suffering in The Great Depressions were welcomed to Soviet Russia in the early 1930’s started up a Ford plant among others things and started a new life for a years and then basically disappeared into the camps. Almost none came back or were even heard from again. And of course, FDR’s state department abandoned them. The book is fascinating and something almost nobody seems to know.

    • ozark homesteader

      First I ever heard about it. Our federally subsidized youth inculcation programs never say anything bad about the joos that destroyed Russia.

  15. Johnny Taopi

    Probably the only safe way to relocate there would be by marriage into a Russian family. It’s likely that if you move assets there worth more than $100k, the Russian mob will at least know of it. An interesting topic and a good comment thread.

  16. ozark homesteader

    A great idea. Which means that Basedograd would immediately be infiltrated by faggots and kenites looking to grift off of hardworking American expats just like they always do. Ironically enough, Viktor Bout in an interview with Alex Jones a few months back mentioned that Russia is either currently considering inviting dissidents to emigrate to Moh-thor Rosha or is now actively inviting dissident Americans to emigrate to Moh’thor Rosha for many of the reasons cited in your article-not the least of which being that the expiration date on ‘Murica is dubious at best. I don’t remember if Bout said they were doing it, or if they were talking about maybe doing it. The part that makes me really sad about Your Great Idea is that if Joni Ernst hears about it she will certainly be rushing to form an American Expat Caucus to get in on the grift for herself and so probably manage to blow the whole thing up.

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