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Well She Isn’t Wrong

Lizzo is an enormously fat “pop star” that is apparently famous. I can say with a great deal of pride that I don’t know any of her “music” but lots of people seem to like her, but then again lots of people also contract STDs so popularity isn’t everything. Anyway she was campaigning with Cumala Whorris the other day and made this bold claim:

Pop star Lizzo ripped online after saying ‘the whole country will be like Detroit’ if Kamala wins

Yes, she really said that intending it to encourage people to vote for Cumala.

“I’m so proud to be from this city, you know they say if Kamala wins then the whole country will be like Detroit,” pledged the Motor City native.

“Proud like Detroit, resilient like Detroit. The same Detroit that innovated the auto industry and the music industry. Put some respect on Detroit’s name,” Lizzo added.

Out of the mouth of babes, or in this case corpulent caterwaulers.

I know Detroit a bit. I lived in Detroit suburbs in two different stints, once in tony Oakland County and once in the downriver area. I managed a bank in Taylor, just south of Detroit and Dearborn and had lots of customers come in from the city. I have seen the Tigers play at Comerica Park on a number of occasions and have driven through Detroit on any number of occasions. Let me be clear:

The city of Detroit is a shithole.

Yes they have cleaned up the area around the sports venues so you can go watch a game without being robbed. Once you leave that enclave? It comes apart rapidly. Last time I went to a Tigers game, more than 15 years ago, we made a wrong turn leaving and ended up in a neighborhood without a single working streetlight.

Detroit has become synonymous with urban decay and less openly but just a real it is a symbol of what happens to a city when Whites move out and blacks take over. Like Haiti, Detroit is a reminder that blacks just aren’t very good at self-governance.

It wasn’t always that way. At one time Detroit was a great city with good high paying jobs and yes Detroit once “innovated the auto industry” but that was a long time ago when Detroit was overwhelmingly majority White. Even as recently as 1960 Detroit was still over 70% White but as the black population continued to swell as part of the “Great Migration”, crime and racial strife came with them. The story after that is familiar to any observer: Whites moved out, leaving their ethnic neighborhoods for the homogenized White suburbs while blacks remained. Without Whites to run the place and fund the tax coffers, the city fell into decay and in recent decades with blacks being over 80% of the population Detroit in many places looks like a movie set in a dystopian future. Entire blocks of houses have been levelled as they were abandoned and turned into crack dens and homeless encampments. While Whites are apparently back above 10% of the population, the mestizo population is also increasing and that spells more trouble for the beleaguered city.

Lizzo is exactly if partially right. The entire country will look like Detroit soon, sooner under Cumala perhaps but inevitable even under Trump, and it will look like Detroit for the same reasons Detroit looks like Detroit: a shrinking White population and a surging non-White population leading to a critical mass of non-Whites that inevitably will collapse as the takers outnumber the providers.

Like Detroit, America as a whole will soon be a place where you can see what once was a great civilization that has fallen into decay and dystopia. Congratulations Lizzo, you finally said something sort of smart even if you did so for all the wrong reasons.


  1. Bigus Macus

    I have been to Detroit several times over the years. I remember one trip I took the Detroit people mover downtown. I was surprised what a wreck downtown was. You could tell that back in Detroit’s heyday the city was grand.

  2. Bean Dip Tray

    Self-pwn by a useful idiot is always the best.
    Detoilet played black power fist knockout game and lost.
    The area code is the net worth of the CPUSA (D) shithole dump.
    LMFAO! Trump worked drive-thru and fry cooker in the glorious peoples republic of Pennslyvania (CPUSA) and passed out free meals paid for by him.
    Just got back from scaring the locals and animals (sorry) by my CPUSA (D) RAT POS vermin in a steaming fourth world turd.
    NO WAY! The cop that came out when New Jack replacement tased me got picked up for being a Chester Molester.
    What a steaming fourth world turd.
    Morale off the charts and be of good cheer good commie making time is almost here!
    Rock hard and throbbing.

  3. Jax Bungee

    I performed at a couple venues in Detroit in the early 90s. One with the Detroit Symphony, one with Michigan Opera Theater. We were told, “Don’t leave the theater by yourself”. . .

  4. Exile1981

    Lizzo was in the news for sexually abusing her back up singers. Her career took a crash after that. Of course she is working the streets for the guzzler, she likely already blew her millions.

  5. Pig Walrus

    I visited relatives in Detroit with my parents probably 50 years ago.
    Still remember it.
    Was the first time in my life I ever saw bars on windows.
    Made a huge impression.
    Nightmare material for a 1st grader.

  6. Alex Lund

    I heard that the ahem successful blacks live in 99% white areas.
    Maybe Trump should announce that in the case of his victory he signs an Executive Order forcing things like her to live in a neighbourhood they exhort so much, e.g. for Lizzo it would be the most run down part of Chicago.
    And no bodyguards.

  7. Original Grandpa

    Early ’60s, grew up north of Detroit in Bloomfield. The Detroit metro for the most part was one of the most beautiful cities in America. And, our domestic automobile industry and the many parts manufacturers – it really was “Dynamic Detroit; the Yacht Club, Woodward Ave. car shows… saw games at Tiger Stadium, the Red Wings at the Olympic Auditorium… then, the niggers “flexed and rioted” – and, that fall I started school in Green Bay… fuckers ruin everything.
    And Art – you keep misspelling “Kumswalla”

    • tfA-t

      *Olympia auditorium… i saw YES there in ’78

      i grew up on the East side, in the late 70s we finally moved up along Lake St. Clair about 20 miles north of the D.. haven’t been south of 8 mile in 20 years. my parents were members of the DSO, DYC and GPYC.

  8. TakeAHardLook

    Lizzo: a manatee with a “Dark Continent” spiciness to the miasma that surrounds Her Corpulence.

    She’s actually a perfect spokescreature for FKH and the demo-communist party.

  9. Johnny Paytoilet

    I actually remember when Detroit was still a nice town, so to speak. By the way, that was 1958. For your information, the Japanese used the Motor City as a model, to rebuild their war torn industrial urban centers including nuked out Hiroshima, circa 1947/1952. Hard to imagine this was once the most affluent city in the world & the epitome of industrial & municipal efficiency in post war Murica!

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