This at first blush isn’t an especially interesting story…..
4 teens arrested in Greenwood gun store burglary
Greenwood police have arrested two 14-year-olds and two 18-year-olds for an attempted burglary over the weekend at a Greenwood gun story.
Officials with the Greenwood Police Department were called on Saturday to 1240 Airport Parkway for an attempted burglary at Atkinson Firearms.
As a result of the investigation, Greenwood police arrested 18-year-old Javanta Tavainy Phillips and 18-year-old Devon Warren Tibbs. Additionally, two juvenile 14-year-olds – a boy and a girl – were arrested and taken into custody. All four suspects are from Indianapolis.
Javanta Tavainy is pretty funny but so what?
Here is the so what, check out the mugshots.

Those MFers are 18? GTFOH. Would anyone card the guy on the left, Javanta? When I was 18 and a senior in high school I was about 125 pounds and couldn’t grow a moustache, these dudes look like they are in their 30s. Javanta especially, how does one develop such maniacal dead eyes in just 18 years?
I guess they were bred to mature early so they could get out in the cotton fields?
It’s the negro variant of live fast, die young, leave a beautiful corpse.
Live fast, breed early and often, and leave a butt ugly corpse?
I started getting served at the liquor store at 16 due to early shaving.
Greenwood Johnson Co. is just south of Indiacrapolis and where the guy with the Glock stopped the mass shooter a few years back.
The Venezuelans use minors as smash and grab at the gun shops in commierado.
Once knew a guy who did a rooftop job and got a tote of guns in glorious misspent youth.
He eventually went to state’s camp with the gray bars and no view.
I was still getting carded into my 30s
While in the course of being questioned by peckerwoods in Greenwood regarding a heist at a gun store, the lead detective asked of Devon “so, what do they call you back there in Indy, boy?” His response, naturally, was “dey call me mista Tibbs, nigga! Sheeeeit.”
Hey, I couldn’t resist.
Motherfuckers like this have to be dealt with headshots with a 12 gauge. It’s messy and serves as a warning to other negros.
Negro’s are terrified of the notion that their mug will be so fucked up as to make a viewing at the funeral impossible.
They may mature early because they tend to die early.
Ooook. Oook ook.
Make The Klan Great Again…
The Klan was an Adjunct to the Democratic Party, before it went judeo-communist (or rather, was Taken Over by (((them))) ). Robert Byrd, Senator from WV, was the State Leader of the KKK in that State. The “democraps” today are Scared Shitless, and Hate, any White Christian or Nationalist Groups, and will do anything to suppress them.
Unfortunately, most ‘christian’ Whites have been so completely Brainwashed by the judeo- communists and their subverted zio-christian ‘preachers’ that there’s No Chance of any large, politically-influential White groups forming or being effective.
Drugs bring the dead eyes.
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