Dude what the hell is in the water in Muncie?
Muncie man says woman hit him in head with rebar after he asked her to leave
The “woman” in question, one Nakota Bennett…..

Oh my. If I woke up with that monstrosity in my bed, I would beg someone to hit me in the head with rebar and put me out of my misery and shame.
A Muncie woman is under arrest after police were called to an apartment and discovered a naked man bleeding profusely from his head.
Nakota Bennett, 30, was arrested early Wednesday on preliminary charges of battery with a deadly weapon, a Level 3 felony.
According to court documents, Bennett was at a man’s apartment in the 1200 block of E. Main Street when she allegedly struck him upside the head with a piece of rebar.
Police arrived at the scene and found the man, who was naked, covered in blood from a wound on his head. The victim told police that Bennett had struck him with the rebar after he asked her to leave because he had to get up in the morning for work.
The man reportedly had obtained the rebar from a construction site near his apartment.
Court records show Bennett is currently facing three pending criminal charges for separate incidents including theft and resisting law enforcement.
“Struck him upside the head”. Even the language in the article is ghetto.
Lots to unpack here but first and foremost:
How hard up for a piece of ass must one be to bring that thing home?
As a former teen-aged boy I know what being horny and not choosy feels like but that thing is barely recognizable as human, much less a bangable female. I really hope for that dude’s sake that a large amount of alcohol was involved but also he obviously realized that this nasty cum-dumpster wasn’t someone he wanted hanging around his apartment after he left for “work”.
Next question. She is 30 years old? She/it looks like mid 50s at least. It brings to mind the recent post, Can I See Some ID?, with a couple of 18 year old breadcrumbs that look like they were in their early 30s. I guess being bred for the cotton fields means they still mature early and then living a hard life makes them look old prematurely.
Why did the dude have rebar in his apartment, rebar that he “had obtained from a construction site”? That sounds a lot like “stole from a nearby construction site”. I assume that stealing from construction sites is what the guy meant by needing to “leave for work”.
Why is this chick out humping random rebar thieves and smacking them “upside their heads” when she has pending charges for three different crimes already? In a shocking twist, if you let criminals run around while awaiting trial, they tend to commit more crimes. Being criminals and all….
This chick is facing up to 16 years in jail when by all rights she should just be taken out back and disposed of, having proven to be a useless and dangerous piece of trash.
Note to self and others: stay the hell out of Muncie.
In term of beauty, black women always finish last. I’ve seen several study/polls where they ask men of each ethnicity to rate the attractiveness of other ethnicities. White women were almost always near the top. Many men chose their own ethnicities near or at the top. But niggers were almost always ranked last. IIRC, even among male niggers, black women were not their top pick. I believe that went to white women.
Can anyone tell me what the reverse mudshark thing is about? Harry’s dorm plastered with hally Barry posters, now with markle, boris Becker only leans that way, others. Doc I worked with was married to one, and she used to be utterly hateful to him. I just don’t get it.
self hate
No, I don’t understand it either.
Bill Maher and Robert DiNero are 2 famous ones.
Frankly, I find ALL negro’s very animal like, and repulsive.
The very idea of being in their presence is more than I can bare.
Did not know that about dizero, looked up a pic pf her. Pretty sure thats a man in drag.
That’s what we refer to as an oil driller. And yeah I don’t get the appeal either. The very best of black women do nothing for me in terms of attraction. I can find what I consider reasonably attractive Asian and Latina women (but would not pursue either for a relationship) easily enough. But I really can’t come up with a black woman l’ve ever seen that made me think “yeah, she looks good”.
Speaking of which, did you know Pink Floyd and Mariah Carey both had the same biggest hit: The Wall.
That term will appear on the blog again. Believe that.
Told the wife I wouldn’t be seen in public with Halle Berry, even in her “hot” years. Sex with blax is bestiality, and I’m just not into screwing the livestock.
Ya know, I was going to mention Bill Burr fucking a pavement ape. I figure the reason, like many NPC’s, is that he hates his own race.
I’ve seen a picture and she is already a fat cow.
Yeah, Bill Burr is an egregious case. For someone who does that style of “gloves off” comedy, I was surprised when I learned he was hitting…that. The self loathing runs deep. DeNiro’s breakdown into an unhinged geriatric douche the last several years is also quite revelatory of his character and mindset, so no surprise he went to the dark side. Kind of funny, I never did like that guy, he always seemed “off to me somehow. Guess I had a pretty good read on him way back when.
Burr likes to act like a badass, but I saw his execrable movie “Old Dads” on Netflix, and Jesus Christ, it’s one of the worst examples of beta cuckery ever. Plot spoiler. His wife is a castrating cunt. He leaves her. Then he comes crawling back and apologizes for her bitchery. I puked. The end.
He’s called Robert DeNegro for a reason…
As far as rebar in an apartment; in another life I was in Eastern Europe, and watched an old Gypsy woman pushing a stroller carrying a piece of 2-3” pipe, with a chunk of concrete still attached to it.
At that moment, I realized why they won tickets to Labor Camp.
So. My friend’s hospital was blessed with lots of Romani as patients. The ICU had a little lounge area for the families of patients. It was stocked with hot coffee and tea, snacks like muffins or donuts, and there was a little fridge with milk, juice, and yogurts. Recognizing that families kept long vigils and might need a snack when the hospital cafeteria was closed, it was all self serve.
Whites didn’t abuse the honor system of take only what you need. Neither did negroes nor Hispanics nor even Asians. But the fucking gypsies would not only take all the snacks and yogurts, they’d steal ALL the coffee cups, lids, sugar packets, even the goddamn coffee stirrers. Every. Single. Time. And somehow they’d leave a mess despite having stolen every fucking thing. Even the “anti racist” Goodwhyttes and the usual suspects on the hospital staff wanted to gas the goddamn Gypsies.
In general, hatred is Earned through actions. It doesn’t happen “suddenly one day, for absolutely no reason at all.”
He has one bit where he, on stage, grovels for making a joke about blacks being too dumb to invent flight. He is all edgy and shit until he runs into questions of race.
My theory is that is one of the main reasons why black women are so unpleasant, they are resentful that no one wants to fuck them. When a black guy becomes successful, the first thing he does is find a White chick.
This just in from Austin P-It’s a man baby!
No one is that hard up.
There has to be some mind altering substances involved.
Just had the LMFAO of the day from FIB:
Iran hacked Trump campaign and sent the info to Brandon/Cackles.
The Clown Air Horn it burns.
“….government officials condemned as part of an effort “to stoke discord and undermine confidence in our electoral process.”
Undermine confidence???
That train left the station a long time ago.
Now all we need is an app that blows people’s phones up when they try to check election results. That’ll build some confidence.
I’m guessing it was a bread crumb that was the victim. The ghetto male has very low standards in females do to genetics.
In africa the climate is bountiful and a male of the species knows his spawn have a good chance of finding food even if its abandoned by him before birth and allowed to free range by the mother as soon as she births another child. If a few get esten by lions, fellow tribe members or an alligator no big deal as the father likely has another dozen spawn to carry on his genetics.
In northern climates males realize that without his support the female is unlikely to find sufficient food to bring a child into the world and that without support of both parents the chances of the child reaching adult hood is zero.
Hence why europeans tend to be more nurturing.
Nah, it’s just that negroes will stick their dicks in any hole, male or female.
The Diddy thing is hilarious for that reason, when they can get away with it even the hyper masculine black men like sodomizing men.
I am 100% sure only a negro would take that thing home. As to the genetics thing, blacks tend to mature sexually much earlier than Whites and Asians and are more fecund. blacks ensure survival by breeding prolifically while Whites and Asians nurture and protect their offspring.
Dang the memories – had to look this up: The Gap Band “Oops Up Side Your Head”
Added that video to the post, that is good stuff
One brother-in-law of the kamster stole a billion with a ‘B’ fedbux from the Department Of Justice?
Plus he and the kamster family diverted billions of Department Of Justice fedbux to private organizations for the goal of importing SIXTY MILLION ILLEGALS?
I doubt many political families don’t have dozens of relatives getting rich from graft like that. The whole D.C. establishment is just a money laundering operation to siphon tax dollars to the connected.
“Why did the dude have rebar in his apartment, rebar that he “had obtained from a construction site”?
He obviously jogs to work?
Reading that detail reminded me of the story from years back when Tonya Harding attacked whoever the guy she was living with at the time (in a trailer no less, as I recall) with a hubcap. Because everyone has a hubcap conveniently laying around the double wide for use as an instrument of blunt force trauma.
It’s an odd thing to remember now, but it was just such an incongruous detail that it stuck in my mind.
She was delightfully White trashy
A man would really need to hate his own Dick.
I don’t hate anyone’s dick enough to sacrifice it in that thing
I’d sacrifice Tim Walz’s dick In Kumala’s mouth. And I’d have a 10kV lead clamped to her ass, so when it energized her horse teeth would reflexively clamp down. That’d make a great video for the dark side of the internet.
Just kidding, Tim Walz has no dick. And for all the scorn I can rightfully heap on veep throat, I don’t think she’s a clam diver.
What’s in Muncie water? Based on that photo, my guess is supra-physiologic levels of testosterone. And probably mutagens.
Maybe some old industrial site leaking into the groundwater?
She’s 30? I guess nigger years are kinda like dog years.
Smoking crack ages you early, who knew?
This probably happened on the south side of Muncie, since it has a higher proportion of blacks compared to the northside of the city. I grew up in Muncie and it’s changed a lot over the years. And it’s not necessarily the water either. More of the mindset of lower expectation that’s metastisized over the years when a lot of automotive plants closed and left the city.
I don’t think I have ever actually been in Muncie, I just drive past it on the way to Indy. It probably was a decent place back in the day, not so much now, but then again Indy is the same way.
You’d have to drive a little ways from I-69 via Highway 332 or Highway 67/32 to get to Muncie. It was a better place back in the 1980s, when I was growing up. The small towns surrounding Muncie, like Albany, Yorktown, Selma, Parker City, etc are a little better.
a buddy of mine from the 187th/193rd Panama back in ’84 lived in muncie. a guy named DeHart. his mamma owned a cafe right at the train tracks somewhere there’s about… any chance you knew him?
in the 60s we had a saying that is 100% apropos here…
“I wouldn’t eff that with your dick”. Not drunk. Not high. Not even blind – because I bet you can still smell it. Eww.
Nope. No. No. Nopity no.
You can almost smell the nasty just from the picture. Shudder.
that’s one good lookin woman… mmmm
She hawt fo sho
That’s cheap rebar if it keeps that out of the gene pool.