For as long as They have been working to undermine White societies, They have exhibited a fearsome lust for killing those that They perceived as standing in Their way. Perhaps the best known example is the murder of Czar Nicholas II and the Romanov family during the revolutionary year of 1917. The real story of what happened that night is the stuff of legend but many details that are not part of popular lore are quite gruesome including the stripping of the bodies of the Romanovs and their mutilation to prevent identification. Something that is generally not well known is that a number of servants of the Romanov family were also murdered by the Bolsheviks. All of the proletariat is equal but some are more equal than others.
The murder of the Romanov family kicked off a blood-soaked nearly quarter century of human misery and industrial murder in the Soviet Union, as well as in other Communist nations including China, North Korea and Cambodia. While the language of the revolution spoke of empowering the working class and casting down the elites, it was more often than not the very working class itself that suffered the most at the hands of a new elite. The Romanov dynasty had been cast down but it it’s place rose a new dynasty, one where the members betrayed and murdered one another to rise to absolute power over hundreds of millions of lives.
Not much has changed in over a century of time since the Romanov family was murdered in a basement. As a matter of fact, some of the characters seem eerily familiar. If you haven’t heard of him before, allow me to introduce one “Dr.” Peter Hotez.

You would think a practicing physician could afford a comb. He looks like someone who ought to be on a sex offender registry and he looks like that in every picture and video I have seen of this guy. He styles himself as an expert on vaccinology and gained a great deal of prominence during Covid-19 as a champion fighting back against “disinformation” although he was not terribly willing to have his positions challenged, preferring instead to make declarations and then call any opposition “misinformation”. His personal hygiene seems pretty poor for someone claiming to be an expert at fighting the transmission of diseases. You will not be surprised to discover that his early life section checks out: “Hotez was born in Hartford, Connecticut to a Jewish family”.
While Covid-19 is now mostly a joke, at least to those that didn’t get “vaccinated”, it is still a source of contention in America. Along with being known as “Tampon Tim” for requiring tampon dispensers in boy’s bathrooms in Minnesota, allowing rioters to burn cities his state while governor and for his widely ridiculed stolen valor for his false claims about his military service, the Democrat nominee for Vice President, Tim “Horse Jizz” Walz was responsible for the creation of a Soviet-style “hotline” that allowed Minnesotans to snitch on other Minnesotans if they were not social distancing, including some tips about people attending church or playing basketball outside or buying “non-essential” goods! (See: One Minnesota: Thousands reported on neighbors using tattle-tale hotline during pandemic).
One significant side-effect of the Covid-19 cult was a serious diminishment in the public trust of the medical profession, and rightly so. While I come from a family of physicians, I am embarrassed by how the medical community responded to the Chinese coronavirus. Many have the decency to at least be a bit sheepish now but admitting error isn’t a strong suit for many physicians. This has led to a broader questioning of the entire Vaccination-Industrial Complex. When I was a kid we got a few vaccinations, the MMR or Measles-Mumps-Rubella and maybe a couple of others. Polio maybe? When our kids were younger it was slightly expanded but in recent years the number of “required vaccinations” has exploded. Thanks to Covid, a lot of people are questioning the need for the enormous number of vaccines being pushed on our children. You don’t even need to be “anti-vaxx”, a term that means nothing like “racist” and “transphobe”, just questioning the wisdom of some vaccinations is enough to get you on the enemies list.
Back to creepy as hell Peter Hotez.
Hotez Calls For Police Deployment Against “Anti-Vaxxers”
Well that couldn’t possibly go wrong.
In clips of Hotez’s interview that continue to circulate on X, he claims “anti-vaxxers” caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the United States. I uploaded one clip to my YouTube channel which you can watch here:
What I’ve said to the Biden administration is, the health sector can’t solve this on its own. We’re going to have to bring in Homeland Security, the Commerce Department, Justice Department to help us understand how to do this.
I’ve said the same with…I met with [WHO general director] Dr. Tedros last month…to say, I don’t know that the World Health Organization can solve this on our own. We need the other United Nations agencies—NATO. This is a security problem, because it’s no longer a theoretical construct or some arcane academic exercise. Two hundred thousand Americans died because of anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression.
And so, this is now a lethal force…and now I feel as a pediatric vaccine scientist…it’s important, just as important for me to make new vaccines, to save lives. The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression.
This is a “security problem” requiring intervention by Homeland Security, the “Justice Department” and even the UN and NATO?
Let’s be clear. A foreigner in military uniform wearing a blue helmet is a part of an invading force and Americans are obligated to shoot them. Full stop.

This is how their “logic” works.
You see, “misinformation” can be dangerous so in order to combat misinformation we must employ armed men who use threats of violence. If you resist the attempt to squash dangerous misinformation, you might just have to be jailed or killed to keep misinformation from spreading. It’s for your own safety dontcha know!
There is nothing more dangerous than a wannabe authoritarian promising you safety.
When the commies would arrest some political dissident and send them to the gulag or just put a bullet in their skull in the basement of Lubyanka, it was always under the pretext of protecting the people from “counter-revolutionary” thoughts and ideas that could harm the otherwise tranquil worker’s paradise of the Soviet Union. To uber creepy Peter Hotez, it makes perfect sense to imprison or execute those spreading “misinformation” because that will save lives. He even refers to people questioning the need for vaccines as being “anti-vaccine aggression, anti-science aggression” and calls that “a lethal force”. Hotez claims that “The other side of saving lives is countering this anti-vaccine aggression”. You can watch the video for yourself here, warning that listening to him talk will inspire you to some unsavory thoughts: Peter Hotez says NATO needs to address antiscoience aggression at medical conference, July 2024
“Misinformation” is one of those useful buzzwords used by the Left to avoid actual debate. If something is labelled misinformation, the debate is over. It is false and dangerous and must be stamped out. The taint of misinformation makes a line of argument automatically invalid, regardless of the merits of the argument, in the same way the label “racist” invalidates an argument. In the face of overwhelming crime statistics, the respondent simply declares you “racist” and thereby absolves themselves from having to respond in any substantive way. Question any aspect of the Vaccination-Industrial Complex and you are labeled “antivaxx” and therefore not just incorrect but dangerous, lethally dangerous in fact.

Peter Hotez is a revolting little person but he is also just a mouthpiece for The Regime and he is hardly unique in his zeal for getting foreign armed soldiers to force people at bayonet point to get the jab as many times as you are told to get it. There were plenty of examples of similarly loathsome individuals clamoring for people to be held down and Vaxx-Raped over and over again, especially if they could watch. In January of 2021 I first reported about a bill in New York state, Assembly Bill A416, that would have created prison camps for anyone deemed to be a potential risk to public health. See: Gulags Are A Go for more but as I pointed out in that post, there are many pushing to declare “racism” as a public health crisis, meaning the Constitution can be set aside in order to combat “racism”, and just recently the Surgeon General declared “gun violence” to be a public health crisis.
It all ties together. In the name of “public health and safety” anything goes. We have people like Peter Hotez calling for NATO, a military alliance, to apparently come into the U.S. to combat the “lethal force” of questioning vaccinations while others were fine with holding people down and forcing them to get jabbed in the name of “science”.
Everyone needs to understand the depravity of these people and their lust to control others, especially when you see it being the same lust for power and control coupled with a love of hurting people that drove the Bolsheviks more than a century ago. The names and faces change but the darkness that drives Them remains the same. As I said in December of 2021, Australia Style Covid Gulags Are Still In The Works….
Totalitarians have always found excuses to institutionalize and imprison their political enemies. Just remember, if you get into the boxcar, you probably aren’t coming back.
Scrotez is a rat faced vermin.
If comrade Blue Falcon Kotex Tampon Timmeh and the Veep Throatus curry cackler get in we get to make good commie?
These are golden times as Crazy Earl said.
Any society stupid enough to fall for Bolshevik Revolution II over a flu gets what it deserves.
Soft weak and queefy is no way to go through life.
Be ready to stack subhuman commie vermin side by each.
Good, good.
Invading armies come in many forms and headgear.
If you allow yourself to be handcuffed for “their” protection you won’t really need to worry about the box car. Resistance may be futile, but sometimes that is all a man has.
Every. Single. Time.
It gets monotonous, doesn’t it….Anything to kill white people or wreck their society and standard of living will be pushed eagerly by this certain small minority, that’s already been kicked out of 109 countries…hmmm
110 now. The Maldives has officially had enough of their shit as of this year.
I’ll try to find a link….
Don’t be surprised when Trumpenstein or Scummala gives this stinking kike a cabinet position and then follow through with some or all of his ‘suggestions’ once they move on their next plandemic.
The Doctor looks like Jack Black.
Or Jack Black looks like the doctor?
Well, this doctor and Jack Black are (((related.)))
This punchable faced, pedo looking (and curious that he is a pediatrician by trade, heh) supremely arrogant little jew fuck could be so easily gotten, and yet…nothing. He isn’t a big shot politician or corporate C class douche bag with the budget for serious security. His name and visage are well known, as is his employer. It really does amaze me that pieces of shit like him who make such inflammatory public statements haven’t been cleansed from existence by someone who has a bone to pick. Especially with all the crazies running around now.
If you think about it, the last guy to really take up against such figures was Uncle
Ted, and his chosen targets didn’t have nearly the kind of profile this unkempt, smarmy cocksucker does. Just look at this weasel bastard. A decently fit dude could pull him out of his car on an otherwise deserted roadway, and kick the hell out of him until there was nothing but a greasy pile of shit left, and barely break a sweat. Hell, a 20 year old pizza faced sperg with a range finder and a ladder could take him out.
And I’m not saying I expect someone else to do this because I won’t, only that I’m surprised nobody already has. This guy is a bitch, and his entire personality and attitude is both insulting to decent people, and purposefully antagonistic with the intent to bait those he opposes. He’s the adult version of the little 4th grade shit disturber who taunts the jocks in the school yard, until one of them kicks his ass for being a little bitch. He just looks like he deserves to have his scrote crushed by a masterfully executed wedgie, and then stuffed into a locker with his hands secured by his bowtie, and a tampon stuffed in his mouth. He needs “kick me” tattooed to his ass cheeks.
Fuck this guy. And double fuck the system that made him important enough to gain influence over policy, and enabled him to feel sufficiently cocky to openly shit talk the whole country like the Marxist cunt he clearly is.
The Bolsheviks were comprised of approx. 80% Jews. No one will mention this. Ever.
Corroboration can be found by researching “Russia and the Jews: 200 Years Together,” by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
“The key chapters of Solzhenitsyn’s 200 Years Together detail the Jewish-communist nexus before, during, and after the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia: 5 of the 7 members of the first Politboro were Jews (Lenin, Bronstein-alias-Trotsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev, and Sverdlov), as were 80% of the top Reds who actively made the revolution. Jews were particularly prominent in the organs of State massacre and repression – 13 out of the 14 members of the death squad sent to murder the Czar and his family were Jews – and this pattern persisted well into the 1940’s, despite Stalin’s partial de-Jewing of the Party during the 1930’s purges. The Terror Famine was run by Kaganovich, Stalin’s left hand man, and NKVD chief Yagoda, both Jews. And the reason no quality full English translation and publication of 200 Years Together has ever occured should at this point be obvious: a certain Power-that-shall-not-be-named has prevented it.” –a reviewer
Even Tsar Vladimir the Bad has publicly stated, a number of Times, that the ‘jews’ (ashkenazi from The ukraine) were responsible for the Mass Murder of over 50 Million White Christians.
Oh, and “kaganovich”, like that jewrat Kagan, one of the ‘neo-cohens’ who fomented the current War against Russia? almost all of the Instigators and Promoters of that War of White vs. White are ashkenazi, and still hold a Grudge about how another Russian Leader ran their filthy asses out of there, almost a thousand Years ago.
Would it be wrong of me to wish this piece of shit to be tied to the hitch, set afire with diesel then dragged at 100 mph until there is nothing left but a frayed rope?
I got a rope but no hitch. Anybody else want in on this?
Need a vidcam too to live-stream the show to youtube.
Just tie it to the frame, dumbass.
Stump treatment. Nail his bag to a stump and push him over backwards.
Chust like zee choo-blame your opposition for what you are doing/have done. 200k covid deaths are attributable to ventilators and remdesivir. Not anti vaccine beliefs.
Is the good doctor volunteering to lead the Assault Platoons?
I thought not.
This’s merely another loud-mouth screaming “Let’s you and him fight!”
Rogan asking if somebody who looked as unhealthy as him sould be lecturing in health was pure gold
They’re just looking for an excuse.