Anyone that has raised toddlers knows that often they will act out in the hope of provoking a response. They push your buttons because it is a way for them to explore being able to impact their world. It used to be called “The Terrible Twos”, as that marks the age when babies start to say “NO!” to everything you say, act out and become defiant. Parents learn, or at least ought to learn, that if you react the way they want, toddlers don’t stop acting out. They act out even more.
This week brings us to the Summer Olympics and honestly I didn’t even remember that this was an Olympic year much less that they were being held in France until a couple of days ago. It just isn’t all that interesting. I don’t care about any of the sports they are competing in other than wrestling and most of the events aren’t even sports. They are subjective performances that are scored by biased judges in events that I couldn’t care less about like synchronized swimming and apparently some form of breakdancing that is new this year.
Because it is 2024 and everything has to be some sort of political statement, there apparently was some freakshow that was mocking Da Vinci’s Last Supper as part of the opening ceremonies with some faggots and trannies lounging around and a fat Jewish lesbian in place of Christ. I didn’t see it, I won’t watch it and I don’t find it all that interesting. I have no idea how prominent it was in the ceremonies. It is just another example of cultural vandalism by degenerate toddlers that are controlled by their genitalia.
Causing outrage was the entire point. Why else would you do that? There was nothing artistic about it, it was simply performative degeneracy intended to cause a backlash. The backlash reaffirms to these freaks that they are on “the right side of history” and probably at some deep level serves as a way to get back at their parents for not buying them a pony for their 7th birthday.
What it did accomplish was to get a bunch of people upset and serve as clickbait for normie “news” sites to drive traffic for the latest outrage du jour. Places like Fox News and Newsmax love stuff like this because it drives traffic numbers way up.
So what good does it do to get all upset and frothing at the mouth? Not a damn thing. That is exactly what They want you to do, chasing after the latest stick of outrage until you get tired and then they throw a different stick in a different direction. It is the same thing I tell people when I say Quit Chasing The Stick. The Left throws out charges of “racism” and normies go chasing after the stick to prove that they are in fact not “racist”. They bring back the stick and say “See, I am not racist!” at which point the Left throws the stick again and there they go chasing after it.
The same basic thing happens with cultural vandalism. They do something like mocking the Last Supper or they recast White historical characters as black or claim blacks have invented everything under the sun when blacks couldn’t even figure out the wheel and normie Whites go chasing after it. There is nothing wrong with pointing it out and then of course mocking it but to get upset about it is doing what They want. Nothing good will ever come from you doing what They want.
It ought not be a surprise that people that not only don’t believe in the tenants of Christianity and in fact hate it would therefore mock and revile it. In fact if people would occasionally read their Bibles they would know that an absence of mockery and hatred of your faith ought to be considered a sign you are doing something wrong. Don’t give them the outrage they crave. Mock them and then move on. They crave your vitriol but your scorn is a far more effective weapon.

Indeed…These childish displays are boring and silly…But since we aren’t watching any part of these Olympics, really uninterested…Obviously, when France is taken over by the muzzies, and falls to pieces, no one will remember that it once was the greatest country in the World…
They have to keep amping up the degeneracy to get a rise. When people call me racist online and I laugh at them, they short circuit because they no longer have the ability to even formulate an actual argument.
I always show happiness that they noticed, and thank them for noticing, and show some confusion that they say it like it’s a bad thing.
Conservtards and Christian Zionists never act; they only react. Always concerned with principles and optics, not reality on the ground. They go chasing off after the latest outrage and simply add fuel to the fire. No one who has any White pride or nationalist sympathies ought to be watching the parody that the modern Olympics have become. It’s Africans, trannies, and pseudo-affletes in an affront to the circus.
There is NOTHING in modern public life that is intended for Whites. It’s all meant to minimize and mock and ultimately erase legitimate White history and civilization. Stop participating. Stop playing. Stop paying. Just separate from kultural klownworld. This means movies, local ‘festivals,’ county fairs, concerts, plays, and the local water park (now infested with mystery meats and fecal matter).
All public space has been stolen from Whites. Create your own. Separate from the poison. Keep your children away from it all. It is anathema to you and yours.
And yet, were Whites to walk off from their jobs, the infrastructure that underlies virtually all of modern civilization would cease to function in a short while.
“Who is John Galt” for REAL.
Which is why we need our own country…Soon it will get bad enough that everyone in the dissident sphere will recognize that… Hopefully it won’t be too late to save at least some of us…
Most of us do recognize it but we are so scattered right now.
Yea and most don’t see the need to come together because the pain hasn’t hit them hard enough yet… It was a lesson I’ve learned the hard way over and over again because I keep hoping people will have just a tiny bit of not only self preservation but want their people to survive…
We won’t even have to walk off the job, it is getting to the point where there won’t be enough of us left to keep the lights on even if we want to.
Arthur – This is something most people really have no clue about. In the midst of a discussion about modern dystopia with my husband last night, the bleak future numbers came up and I actually looked up ‘official’ stats on the racial demographics of public schools. Yes, I know a small % of White children go to private schools – and half of those are expensive prep schools where White kids are taught to hate themselves just as much as those in diverse public schools.
People talk about ‘illegal’ immigrant numbers and birth rates, but I haven’t seen many online – even in the dissident sphere – who are willing to go so far as to not simply cancel birthright citizenship, but do so retroactively. Well, officially only 44% of K-12 US public school kids were White in 2022. And they didn’t have a “White alone, nonhispanic” category. So between the mestizos who claimed to be White, and the Arabs and Jews who are counted as White, legitimate Whites of European Christian descent were perhaps 40% of public school kids two years ago and less than that right now. Give it another 5 years and you will be lucky if it’s 35%. Try planning a future modern functional civilization (let alone a ‘technical’ and digital one) with those demographics.
People have no clue as to what’s coming. Demographics are a tsunami and most Whites are unaware and unwilling to face the real numbers.
People have no clue as to what’s coming. Demographics are a tsunami and most Whites are unaware and unwilling to face the real numbers.
Amen Sister I would say a fraction of a percentage of Whites are aware and a Fraction of those aware that are willing to face the demographic tsunami coming at them like a freight train…The water has been sucked away from the beach and most are just standing around, some are talking about that’s weird I wonder what’s happening, some are out seeing what they can find now that the water is gone, some are ordering another drink, but very few are heading for high ground…I take it everyone can figure out what each one of these groups stand for…
Absolutely, brother. I worry daily about the kind of future my little grandson will face, and what I can do to help best prepare him for it.
“Conservtards and Christian Zionists never act; they only react.”
If you cross this line, I’ll, I’ll, I’ll draw another line.
“Why else would you do that?”
Because when you consider Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, listed hereinafter, this one off stunt is an effective application of many of those rules.
“The Left throws out charges of “racism” and normies go chasing after the stick to prove that they are in fact not “racist”. ”
This is the application of Rule #3, Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. Because normie is a fucking coward, the worst thing in his rule book being called a racist. Doesn’t matter if niggers and illegal immigrants are literally hunting him and his offspring down. The worst thing ever is being called a racist or an anti-semite.
In the context of the Olympic outrage porn (OOP), the faggot that came up with this knows that normiecon will not react violently. Because if normiecon reacts violently, normiecon will be labeled a domestic terrorist. In pick up artistry, they call this frame. Normiecon submits to the frame of the satanic faggots. “They crave your vitriol but your scorn is a far more effective weapon.” They crave vitriol because they know he will submit to Rule #3. They must jerk themselves off with satisfaction bathing in the impotent vitriol of normiecon. IMHO, this is one of if not normiecon’s greatest weakness. Rule are all fine and all if everyone is playing by the rules. If it is only you that is playing by the rules, you are not virtuous, you a just a stupid fucking chump.
The OOP is also an application of rule #4 : Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. This is an open mockery of Christianity daring normiecon to violate Rule #3. Which is why Arthur’s advice to mock them back is spot on. Faggots hate being mocked. Fake, paper Americans hate being called fake paper Americans. Mockery is probably the greatest weapon before the kinetic kind.
The OOP is an application of Rule #5: A good tactic is one that your people enjoy. These faggots enjoy mocking Christianity. They enjoy mocking Christianity because normie is a moron that will “chase the stick.” The OOP was a chance to ridicule Christianity on a world stage with zero …ahem…kinetic consequences. Why shouldn’t they enjoy that?
The OOP was an application of Rule #7: Use action and symbol to make the opponent tick. Use dramatic and symbolic actions to create pressure and force the opponent to respond. As Arthur pointed out, normiecon took the bait hook, line, and sinker. And normiecons choice of response wasn’t to …ahem…pejorative kinetic responses but whining about it online.
The OOP is an applicaton of Rule #10: The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. The OOP was but just the latest fusillade of the degenerate satanists in the continuing culture war. The demoralization campaign is constant and ubiquitous.
Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals
1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
2. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.
3. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
4. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
5. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
6. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag
7. Use action and symbol to make the opponent tick.
8. Make the enemy realize that they have a choice of responses.
9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through to its roots and emerge, revealing some more affirmative consequence.
12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
13. In conflict, stick together and having your forces united do not attack weak points; this only causes you to spread your forces out too much. Maintain unity and focus your efforts on the main target, rather than attacking weak points.
Alinsky was a pig but his rules are very effective
Alinsky in another, earlier, time would go by the name of “Marx.”
Same Khazarian bloodline, same intent, working in the dark like a cockroach.
Getting outraged online makes them feel like they are DOING SOMETHING, it is a release valve.
Had that revolting freak show brought to my attention in the gym where it was on all the screens. Lots of people looking and shaking their heads. One guy asked out loud what the fuck this had to do with sports. I told him it was typical France and that woke faggot bullshit is hyped to the max there and in most of western Europe. He looked at me with a blank face. Another guy then bellowed “they’d never get away with that over here”. I walked away shaking MY head.
Just like in every major sporting event in the last 20 years, they’ll make a woke political spectacle out of it. I won’t watch 30 seconds of that crap. No one-sided panegyrics about (White only) racism and hate. No ass-kissing promotion of niggers, muds, womyn, fags, trannies, liberals etc. No umpteenth requisite homage to the ‘brave’ Pissraeli athletes that got whacked in ’72. None of it.
The collapse is nigh and is being televised!
Nothing will happen until Whites are in such dire straits that they no longer can hide behind their good paying jobs, sportsball and consooomerism
True story.
Wonder if the cheese slice to the head would work? ref: Feral Irishman today.
That is the only appropriate use for sliced American “cheese”
I remember the ‘72 Olympics when the Pallies killed the Israeli athletes. And the USA got ripped off of the gold medal in basketball.
They eventually resumed the games and I remember Frank Shorter winning the marathon. It would inspire me to be a runner and I had some decent success in high school running.
Then the ‘76 games in Montreal. And a highlight was the ‘80 winter games in Lake Placid when USA beat the mighty Soviets.
Then Prez Dipshit Carter boycotted the ‘80 summer games in Moscow and had some fake and gay “Friendship Games” or some such shit. Then the Russians boycotted the ‘84 summer games in L.A. And on and on and on.
And it only got more retarded after that. Whatever year it was we decided to send our NBA “dream team” niggers to Korea to act like retarded niggers for all the world to see. Haven’t tuned in at all since.
Apparently Russia and Belarus aren’t allowed to participate this year. Boo hoo. Sounds like they are decent White Christian people who would not find it appropriate carrying their flags into Satanic worship fests mocking Christ. Good for Putin. And fuck the Gay Olympics.
The first “Dream Team” was amusing because it was so lopsided but I wouldn’t watch the monkeys on the current team if I was being paid to.
This is just another example of weirdo perverts running the West that I can slap Normie in the face with
It has some utility for red pilling but otherwise it is only something to mocked
Don’t feed the trolls.
Don’t touch the poop.
But people love to bitch, so they respond to this garbage with all the bitching and indignation they can muster, and in turn they supply loads of reinforcement and encouragement to the assholes who do it. It’s all so tiresome.
They give them the outrage they desire and the complainers get to make a grand statement before moving on to whatever amusement they have on tap next
What is this Olympics everyone is yammering about?
No, I don’t need to get out more, thank you just the same.
I wouldn’t say I’ve been missing the Olympics Bob
“Cultural Vandalism” Once again, you’ve hit the nail squarely on the head. I don’t know if you coined that term Arthur, but it’s the first time I’ve heard it, and it perfectly describes what we’re in the midst of. Well said Sir.
I only sent snap shots of the scenes to family that were still positive about any global production, no links, no news just to make them aware as Christians of what is being done before them.
Another reason why at some point we need to disconnect from the internet, smart phones, etc… and what plays out, plays out. At a certain point the psyop of info isnt helping you or anyone, and the enemy mind virus is rooting further. Choose not to participate.
None of this is about the Olympics, which died around 1988.
“I was going to firebomb the house of Klaus Kinski and kill him but his Alsatian bitch saved him.”
Werner Herzog
Don’t wait for the barking dog burn this MOFO down.
HE has given us dominion to do so.
Ferocious thunderstorm right now with claps and bolts!
“Create your own. Separate from the poison. Keep your children away from it all.”
Yes, we need our own festivals, state fairs, concerts, etc. The ones we first created have been usurped by “the minorities” to make them anti-white in every possible way. We need our own stuff! Going Galt is an awesome idea. Hitler really wasn’t wrong. We have gone from educated thought and talented ideas to remedial English and fornication in public.
Summer Games are easier to subvert; the weather is forgiving, one can nancy around in one’s colorful tranny garb and be as repulsive as one wishes to be, all aspects of one’s costumery (or lack thereof) in full, repulsive view.
The Winter Olympics, not so much.
In a similar vein, I was always somewhat perplexed to observe the Summer Olympics, wherein an athlete could win actual gold medals for “synchronized swimming” and “baton twirling” for example. Really?
Fast-forward to The Winter Olympics where (with the exception of “curling”) the athlete risked his/her very LIFE, at 70+ MPH, in a GS or Downhill skiing event. I saw several deaths over the years, many ACL knee injuries, etc.
I do not recall any injuries during baton twirling–though–shocking, I know–I may not have been paying close attention.
Summary: I give all Summer Games a hard pass; the Winter Games, a careful look to see if men are men, and women, women.
And, if I see a schedule to include “Snowflake Appreciation Painting,” “Rainbow Apres-Ski Hot-tubbing” or “Close-Contact Tandem (glued to my partner’s bum for the duration of the program) Figure Skating” then I will be done there as well.