I have never been on a cruise ship, the idea of being trapped on a boat as a non-swimmer with thousands of people that I don’t know has never appealed much to me (although I could see an Alaskan cruise or somewhere in the Baltic Sea that is less likely to attract Miracle-Americans). Not that long ago it seemed like cruise ships were for middle class Whites and old White people but like everything else decent in America, cruise lines have become nogrified and ruined for White folks.
Revolver News did a delightfully bold story about this:
It’s time to have a discussion about how black people are destroying Carnival Cruise Line…

Lots of videos of fat, drunk black chicks brawling in spandex with weaves flying. Of all the things I wish we could change, near the top of the list would be enormously fat black women thinking dey look hot and sheeeit in bikinis so they wear them in public.
It isn’t as if White people don’t get drunk and fight in public but the vast majority of these incidents are invariably blacks and often over something stupid. What is really interesting from an anthropological viewpoint is watching the crowds surrounding the fights hooting and capering and egging the combatants on and the way others not involved in the fight will charge into the fray and start swinging.
There is also no ramping up to violence. When White guys fight it usually is an escalation, but blacks go from sipping a drink to throwing chairs in a split second. Someone commented in the Revolver story about something called Intermittent explosive disorder (with the amusing acronym IED).
Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden bouts of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts. The reactions are too extreme for the situation. Road rage, domestic abuse, throwing or breaking objects, or other temper tantrums may be symptoms of intermittent explosive disorder.
These explosive outbursts, which occur off and on, cause major distress. They can harm relationships and cause problems at work or school. They also can result in problems with the law….
…..The explosive verbal and behavioral outbursts are much too intense for the situation, with no thought about what might happen as a result. The outbursts can include:
- Temper tantrums.
- Long, angry speeches.
- Heated arguments.
- Shouting.
- Slapping, shoving or pushing.
- Physical fights.
- Property damage.
- Threatening or harming people or animals.
It is considered to be a mental disorder but it sure sounds like standard black behavior, especially the part about “much too intense for the situation, with no thought about what might happen as a result”. Half the stuff I post is the result of a response that is much too intense for the situation with no thought for the consequences.
I also found this interesting:
Physical health problems. Medical conditions are more common and can include, for example, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, ulcers, and ongoing pain.
It is widely known that blacks have serious issues with heart disease and while much of that is due to being the most obese racial group, I suspect it also is the result of being angry all the time.
Something has clearly changed since George Floyd and the Summer of Love. While blacks have always been unruly, unpredictable and dangerous, in the last five years it has been amped up to unheard of levels. Not since the race riots in the 1960s have we seen such chaos but now it is not political as much as it is simple mayhem that can be triggered by just about anything. Even in the 1980s during the crack wars and the early days of gangsta rap, the shootings tended to be over drug turf wars. Now blacks shoot each other for no reason at all.
The places where Whites can go without the threat of black mayhem are growing fewer and fewer. Find places to go and activities to do that are unappealing to blacks, as everything else will be completely ruined soon.
“Now blacks shoot each other for no reason at all.”
Not the only thing that happens For No Reason At All ™️
Then one day….
“Find places to go and activities to do that are unappealing to blacks, as everything else will be completely ruined soon.”
I agree wholeheartedly, Arthur.
But it is impractical for me to move my entire family to the library at Hillsdale College, there, to build a fortified stronghold and remain for the rest of our days…….
Hillsdale was building some housing for retirees, that might be nice.
Try going to the National Parks…Last year, I didn’t see one black tourist at either Grand Tetons or Yellowstone…And they are virtually nonexistent in the entire area surrounding those parks…of course, law enforcement in Wyoming or Montana isn’t into mere wrist slap justice, and if they end up in the State prison, it will get ugly…..
So it’s interesting you brought that up!
I was going suggest moving here to EastTN, but we are close enough to the Zoo known as Atlanta that they leak out… When we go to various hiking area’s in state and national parks here, it’s not uncommon to encounter them travelling and vacationing from Atlanta. You’ll ruin into a couple, or a family with some young kids, hiking 2 miles deep into the woods to swim in a waterfall. Just like me and mine. Without fail, a friendly conversation or over-heard comment reveals they are articulate, educated, well mannered and agreeable to be around.
Get more than 4 of them together however….
Well I would suggest where I’m at but now it’s to expensive for most…If it was ten years ago when I first suggested the need to build Community well then you would be sitting pretty good right now…
“Find places to go and activities to do that are unappealing to blacks…”
No such place exists, according to the TEEVEE commercials.
Watch em sometime.
It’s the damdest thing.
The TEEVEE negro is quite versatile.
Yes, TV nogs now live in $2M homes, drive BMWs and routinely enjoy hiking in Yosemite, etc. They are also Armani-suited CEOs with lots of White guys as underlings.
Truly, a Master Race. How did I never notice this?
You don’t find them in Yosemite either, if my experience is any guide…Wilderness is so boring!
I think it’s not so much that wilderness is boring for the coloreds, as it is scary. Almost as scary as swimming.
Anywhere outdoors is a good place to start, or in the country. The lack of streetlights and gunfire frightens them
Fishing is a good activity. You’ll see quite a few of them bank fishing and panfishing in the lakes around here. From what I’ve seen, these types are usually more “country” and polite/respectful. You never see any saltwater fishing though.
Several years ago a friend of mine who loves going on cruises (never understood why anyone would) told me to stay away from Carnival for the exact reason you post about.
Two comments:
If you ever look into a cruise seriously and don’t want to spend Viking prices, consider Holland America. I’ve only gone twice, both times with two siblings and my father, who was in his late ’80s so a cruise had become the least physically demanding type of travel. Unless things have changed with HA (this was around 15 years ago) I don’t remember seeing any blacks or any children, and we had a lovely, very restful time. Some of the lines, like Carnival, have outfitted ships and priced themselves so that it’s an attractive option for a cheap vacation with children, and the result is predictable. HA is reasonable but not cheap, and generally attracts middle age to older people who are vacationing without children.
“…with no thought for the consequences…” I’ve mentioned before that I was a high school teacher (I quit nearly 20 years ago after 16 years) and my school probably was between 35-40% black. I had very few discipline problems so no one in administration ever bothered me, personally, but the push had already begun, even pre-Obama, who put it on steroids, for “equity” in disciplinary action. In practice, of course, this means the exact opposite because it translates to ‘do whatever you have to, to make the discipline referral and suspension rates the same for black students as they are for whites.’ One of the things I noticed very early on in my career was that while white kids could be as uncooperative and disrespectful as black kids, the former had an ability to ‘pull back’ that the latter often did not. Meaning that even a relatively minor situation, someone being disruptive in class, for example, could escalate to ejection (which meant a discipline referral) more often with the black kids, because they lacked the ability to control the impulse to defy me. The white kids might want to keep mouthing off, but they could think ahead–to having to answer to their parents or coaches–so they would comply. Besides the impulse control problem, the black kids who did try to cause trouble often had moms who either would take their side or whose disappointment or anger they did not fear.
The same is true with airlines, the cheap ones like Spirit attract the miracles and therefore the chaos. I will pay extra to avoid that. We love kids but if we ever went on a cruise I would want one without little kids if possible.
That is a good point about pulling back, most of the time you can see Whites have their alarm triggered that it is time to stop. Most “fights” when I was in high school were pushing and shoving because we knew that an actual punch being thrown meant a suspension.
Spook Airlines is an experience…
I recall when I was doing some cruises that our travel agent referred to Holland America (with an elderly clientele) as “God’s Waiting Room.”
We did witness a medical evacuation on one of the two cruises I mentioned. Was sorry for whoever it was, of course, but it was pretty fascinating to watch–a C-130 had to circle the ship many times, due to choppy seas and attendant high winds, to dispatch a helicopter which also had a very tough time landing on deck.
Was definitely an older clientele, but we were totally on board with that. None of us was interested in discos, gambling, or stuffing our faces at all-night pizza bars, so I guess it all depends on what one is looking for.
I’m sure there were off-hours food options but we never investigated, just had meals together each day that we didn’t take a shore excursion, with dinner being a table for the four of us so we never got stuck with other people we may or may not have liked. Sometimes afternoon tea, sometimes after-dinner entertainment that tended toward surprisingly talented people singing hits from Phantom of the Opera, et al. Circuits around the deck for exercise, relaxing in a deck chair with a book, and sipping a drink while watching a spectacular sunset.
We loved it.
I believe that you did your cruises correctly.
Amen brothers. I have built my ark and have my tools in place. Growing food, fellowship with my family and tribe.
I proudly fly my Gonzales and Confederate battle flags at the end of my pier. If someone objects, they are invited to leave. Family and those close know that no blacks are permitted.
As for the cruises, me and the Mrs. did one about 10 years ago. It was already dark enough, but plenty of fat normie zombies pushing through the chow line at assigned times. The pool was full of Africa and the water had a sheen on top. We won’t bother doing another one.
Sorry, but I’m confused. Did you mean the surface of the water had a “shine”? Or did did you mean it was glistening and “sheeny” like the rainbow slick on the road after a light rain? It’s so difficult for me to keep up. 🤔
I assume he means Jheri curl juice from dey fancy hair
Is THAT what it is? I was sure that the nogs were using hypoid oil* (SAE 90) that I used in my limited slip differential transfer case.
*Thick, oily, tenacious and rather smelly.
Hahahahaha. It looked like someone dumped a dozen quarts of 10W-40 and pissed and shit in the pool. But it did have a lovely coconut smell.
Whatever it is, Mike, I am sure that the slick covered everyone’s skin as they surfaced.
Memo: Do not swim in the same body of water as a nog. Aside from the health hazards it violates my Rule #1: “If you can see a nog you are already too close.”
My wife and I were on a Carnival cruise in January of 2023. It is totally the case that blacks have taken over that line. From the entertainment, to the music in various shows; it’s all Nog-worship.
I witnessed a fat, black woman get back on the small boat back to our ship perform what I can only call a “mating dance”. Dressed many sizes too small, she got up on the bench and shook her fat ass. Her “man” tried to commandeer the microphone from the boat captain. Thankfully, he was unsuccessful.
The lack of common decency on the ship had me swearing on my grave that I’d never do this again, at least not on Carnival.
Those videos of the niggers chimping out was entertaining. There is nothing more entertaining than watch fat bodies bouncing up against each other. It is like watching balloons fight. More entertaining than the last Star Wars abomination know as The Alcolyte.
“I was sure that the nogs were using hypoid oil* (SAE 90) that I used in my limited slip differential transfer case.”
Kek. This wins the internet for the day.
The Delta Ebonics ad has aged well from 2000.
Made before Year Zero 2009 and the Great WOKE forward.
We need a Boeing update!
I still like the bowling alley brawl with ball to the head, out of Miami, I think.
Is there bowling on these ships?
The “elites” intend to bolt out on cruise ships with no one invited but they can’t make, run, or build anything. DOH!
We spent the day on the river. Haven’t seen a negro all day.
Sorry Im laid up with a cough, and slow on the uptake, I treat these monkeys same as ex-wives and toxic family. lose my number, forget my name and avoid me like the plague. Same stuff, 500 person riot over her daughters barfday.
Thankfully I never wanted to go on a cruise.