I am not sure why the horse looks kinda like a polar bear.
After a hectic couple of days, capped by a very late Friday night, I am heading into what I am hoping is a quiet weekend. It has been beautiful here and looks like more of the same today.
Last night was late because I took some Amish kids to the same rodeo at the Elkhart County Fair in Goshen that we went to in 2022, I wrote about it here: This Isn’t Your Country Anymore. There seemed to be fewer mestizos around this year but I didn’t spend as much time on the midway as we left shortly after the rodeo ended, and ended not a moment too soon because that was an embarrassment to the very notion of a rodeo. Still a smattering of blacks and mudsharks and of course women wearing clothing neither age appropriate nor body type appropriate. A fair number of mestizos and lots of cops and signs about no gang colors.
Lots to talk about, provided I can keep the coffee intake at sufficient levels.
Reading the comments on the piece you linked and just had to shake my head on the one about having to sell their house at a third of what it was worth because it had turned into a shit hole around them…What is it about our side that wait until it’s to late to do anything proactive about their situation…I wonder if it’s a genetic defect in us that we hope things will turn around so we aren’t forced into doing something instead of doing it when it cost us little and benefits us greatly…
It’s not a genetic defect. It’s very, very difficult for most Whites to actually grok that their government hates them and wants them replaced.
My grandmother had that happen recently. It’s bittersweet to see.
I’m not even really talking about the government aspect of it Brother I’m more interested why it’s always conservatives that are left holding the bag in housing, jobs, marriages, etc etc…
You know, it’s kinda like holding to civnat ideals, being a good citizen, and paying your taxes isn’t a good strategy for Whites.
Not when it ends with us all dead or enslaved…
“I wonder if it’s a genetic defect in us that we hope things will turn around so we aren’t forced into doing something instead of doing it when it cost us little and benefits us greatly”
This sentence is very dense and, therefore, has so much to unpack.
First, I do think there is a genetic component to our situation. Women are self selecting for beta males instead of alpha/masculine types. There might be a number of reasons: birth control, lack of alpha males from war, etc. Women have been picking pussies with which to have children with for since the 60’s. Then those pussies have children. A negative reinforcing feedback loop.
Surely other my age, 58, and older, have looked at the 20 – 30 somethings and thought, “Jesus, they all look like pussies.” Go look at men in the 1920’s, 1930′, and 1940’s men in their 30’s. The looked old and they looked masculine.
The ” it cost us little and benefits us greatly” part has to do with the fact that we have grown up in the peak of human civilization. We have trauma surgeons, antibiotics, rotary drills, Caterpillar front end loaders, pick-up trucks, etc. All these things were both the product of the continuation of great times with great productivity per person. We some much excess calories (bread) at our disposal that obesity is a problem We have a plethora of entertainment (circuses) choices: video games, bicycles, rock climbing, chess, car racing, golf, streaming movies and music in high definition….the list, when compared to 100 years ago, would probably be unimaginable to someone from just 70 years ago. Great times create weak men. A smorgasbord of ubiquitous, cheap, and varied bread and circuses have created the weakest men ever.
Men do have ” a lot” to lose. A house full of chattels. Credit Score. Ability to secure a livelyhood. A 1820’s farmer was much simpler.
A third reason is cultural. America did not have 1000 years of cultural history and velocity to fall back on. Take China and Russia for example. Both civilizations that go back millennia. Both cultures managed to survive communism because their cultures were more than than just communism. Both might have vestiges of communism, but calling them communist is just retarded. America never had a common cultural identity. Since it was founded by immigrants of various ethnicities, the only common glue was the Constitution and the institutions ingrained therein. The Constitution is dead and the institutions it created are completely corrupted. We don’t know what to do because we don’t have a history to look upon for ideas.
We are atomised. We are literally strewn across a big damn continent.
Lastly, we are pretty far on our end of the political spectrum. Not saying we are wrong. I am sympathetic to the far left when I see those far left prostestor giving the middle finger to (((the tribe that shall not be name))) because said tribe thinks it has a license to genocide Palestinian children. We almost circle around their side on some issues. Normie just doesn’t give a shit about politics because the modern political system and distribution of bread and circuses caters to the stupid normie who just wants to continue to consume and grill.
All these vectors of discontinuity and chaos has created a deadly stew of circumstances. The best long term solution for our tribes may be to move to the whitest, reddest states like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, West Virginia, Kentucky and Oklahoma and have as many children as possible.
All these vectors of discontinuity and chaos has created a deadly stew of circumstances. The best long term solution for our tribes may be to move to the whitest, reddest states like Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, West Virginia, Kentucky and Oklahoma and have as many children as possible.
Along with building Tribe in those areas that’s the best course of action which I’ve been advocating for a long time now…
I have a number of fond memories of our local county fair. I’d save up lawn mowing money to spend on rides and fair food. The fair would have fireworks on Friday night and a demo derby on Sunday. It was one of the highlights of summer. Also a harbinger of the end of summer vacation.
My wife and I go to the fair now on Saturday evening to get some supper. One thing missing is the displays from local merchants. No lawn mowers, snowmobiles, or pictures from the local photographers. The local radio station used to broadcast live. Rather sad that has now disappeared.
The ” it cost us little and benefits us greatly” part has to do with the fact that we have grown up in the peak of human civilization…
This quote was said though when we weren’t at our peak though so it has to be something more than that…
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed;
if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may
come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.
“You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”
I honestly do not believe a sufficient numbers of Whites have it in them to fight. As long as there is Amazon Prime delivery and internet, they will happily live as slaves. Like I said below, they can’t even bring themselves to cancel Netflix. The idea of getting out of their comfort zone and perforating some pedophiles is beyond their comprehension.
Look at Mexico. It is a shit-hole third world nation. It is a failed state. The population just takes it. I only see two demographics willing to fight: Russians and Muslims.
Troy, I agree with everything you said. The Russians want trade, tourists, commerce, peace, but they’re done trying to negotiate with The Empire of Lies/Clown World/WEF/etc. Their military will dominate in central Europe, they’ve been getting practice, experience, working out the SNAFU’s, figuring out how to NOT shoot friendly forces, rapidly ramping up anti aircraft capabilities, increasing production of subs, ships, armor, arty, aircraft, helo’s, rockets, missiles, ammo, everything. They’re doing it with all generations of industrial machinery that they didn’t scrap or send over seas. We have no industrial base to increase production with. USA Inc. will soon have a DEI/enemy action (Antifa, Chinese, Arab, whatever) that will trip the “Complex Systems” failure cascade.
Then everyone (OK, only most) will be very unhappy with the loss of civility, commerce, food, safety, electricity. Oh, and gas, gas is useful, yes, definitely gas.
“into doing something instead of doing it when it cost us little and benefits us greatly…”
We often talk about the big things our side needs to do to win. But White Christians can’t even sacrifice the little things. Take the opening ceremony in Olympics in Paris that were openly satanic and mocking of Jesus:
Big Bear said, “Christians are targeted for mockery with the Olympics because marketing research says they’ll tweet about it with outrage but still watch. Which means free advertisement with no drop in viewers. In fact more will probably tune in to join in on the rage.
It’s actually smart. Most other demographics would then not watch. White Christian’s will not only watch but send it to everyone they know with a “we are under attack” or “disgusting.” As they watch and share. And when the Christian’s share all of these clips but never share local community projects or anything inspiring, the people that enjoy seeing Christianity mocked because of their upbringing will see it and remember to watch the Olympics.”
White Christians will still watch the Olympics. They won’t cancel whatever streaming service it is on. White Christians won’t cancel Disney +, Peacock, or Netflix. Fucking Whites Christians can’t even bring themselves to boycott the streaming services that openly hate them. Despite the plethora of entertainment solutions, they can’t even bring themselves to not be entertained by the Devil.
After you cancel those services, boycotting is a completely passive exercise. You fuckers can’t even do that….even though it saves you some money to boot. White Christians, a large portion of you deserve to go extinct.
Amen to that. I ditched cable TV over 15 years ago and have zero tv services (no streaming, and not even an antenna to receive OTA broadcasts). I have a modest library of older movies on DVD, along with a few series from the 70’s/80’s. And yet, my TV hasn’t actually been turned on in over 4, maybe 5 years now, and at this moment I don’t even know if it works anymore. Not even sure why I keep it, except that it fills a hole in the entertainment center.
I have effectively eliminated tv viewing from my life, excepting periodic incidental exposure to one in someone else’s home or business. I rarely see a doctor for anything, so rarely see TV in the waiting room, and I eat out much less now than the pre-covid era, so don’t see much of it in restaurants (which all seem to have installed them) either.
I haven’t set foot inside a movie theatre since 1989. They won’t get my money, nor the opportunity to poison my senses and my mind with the shit being produced. Not even their crafty appeals to nostalgia (like the wildly popular Top Gun sequel) could drag me into the local cineplex. Was persuaded by my brother to watch Ghostbusters Afterlife on DVD after he bought it. Movie wasn’t terrible (nor was it great), and it cost me nothing but the time spent viewing it. That was my lone (somewhat) recent concession. I have not seen the follow up to that out earlier this year, and based on what I’ve heard about it, I won’t.
Point of all the above is that it can be done. It isn’t even difficult (at least it wasn’t for me). But most people I know are pussies when it comes to giving up the tv. It’s pathetic, really. My mom (being a good boomercon) is addicted to fux snooze, like a heroin junkie is to the needle. Been particularly bad lately with campaign season in full swing, and after the shooting, she’s been glued to it probably 5+ hours a day. Drives me fucking crazy, and I don’t even want to go over there now because I can’t stand even to hear those assholes commentating. I give her shit about being a junkie and being incapable of dispensing with the propaganda, and she just gets pissed at me. No real surprise there.
Most everyone I know who vehemently declared they were done with the NFL/NBA during the “kneeling protest” BS have long since forgotten their indignation, and have been back to their senseless, full on nigger worship for at least the last 2-3 years.
I have family that still buys Disney product (shirts, toys, etc.) and even though they are generally of the older properties, I’ve asked them why they continue to give money to their sworn enemies, who are actively working against what they claim are their ideals. “Oh, the kids like it. What’s the big deal?” Well, fuck. I’ve tried, and they just refuse to comprehend it. This kind of stuff – more than anything – is what has black pilled me and caused me to take a “fuck it all, let them suffer” attitude in general of late. Like Vox Day stated in the referenced post about the Olympics, these people will bitch and moan about being insulted and attacked. But they will eat that shit up and keep coming back for more. It appears they are incapable of learning the lesson of withdrawing their support from their enemies. Paying for and watching this garbage is direct material support, of course.
Meanwhile, I can barely boycott anymore than I have already, without foregoing eating, clothing, and having phone service. I try very hard to avoid food and clothing products from asshole companies. There is no phone service provider that isn’t an ideological enemy, so I’m stuck there. But, I have done far more to remove myself from enemy influence than anyone else I know. And I hear others complain all the time of the filth and wokeness, but they won’t buck up and forego the products of those who are destroying them – with great success even – because the sacrifice is just unthinkable. I’d say that represents a good 80 plus percent of society, probably north of 90%.
I don’t know what else to do to get through to those close to me. The revelation on the nature of evil corporations, and the decision to avoid their brainwashing, clearly has to be arrived at by one’s own decision. The external influence of a family member or friend just cannot break the spell in almost all cases.
Yup, you nailed it, BUT remember, at least 70 to 80% of the population were sheeple to start with and now, 70 to 80+% of the population got the injections and are now retarded, ill tempered, mutant, sheeple.
I’m doing my best impression of a red neck, hermit out here in the hills of Tennessee.
Amen Mike, AMEN! Roane county here…
I haven’t supported those companies or watched any of that shit in decades…
Lots to talk about, provided I can keep the coffee intake at sufficient levels.
Well did the coffee pot go dry Brother?
Guys, it’s not your country anymore, it’s ours.
Sam Donaldson, 2012.
Breaking-Historic gutsy call the Kamal Messiahette held a rally in Philthadelphia and 68 people attended. (H/T-NCR)
OMG! Like historic, gutsy call, one half of the Red Diaper Baby Wonder Twins with the immaculate Chicago messiah Bathhouse Barry!
A fundamentally transformed steaming fourth world turd, burn this MOFO down.
So, the Mrs. and I were at the local county fair up here in central Wisconsin last night. We wanted to get some fair food and take a look around. I couldn’t help noticing a black shade canopy that said http://www.goarmy.com. There were two young guys under the canopy in army fatigues and a table with literature. This is the first time I’ve seen an army recruiting presence at this fair in quite some time. Also, it was odd that there wasn’t a professional recruiter around, but maybe there had been one there earlier. Considering the state of our sad, woke army, perhaps the move is on to bolster recruitment for the next war They have planned
I also say a similar setup for the Wisconsin National Guard, but I guess I am less surprised by that.
As the old joke goes, “What if they threw a war and nobody showed up?”
At least you have a right to bare bear arms?