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Lies Upon Lies

Another of my operating principles is that the more you are told you may not question a historical event, period or person, the more likely it is that what you have been told is a lie. Some obvious contemporary examples:

  • The Las Vegas shooting
  • The Covid-19 “vaccine”
  • The death of George Floyd
  • The real story of 9/11/2001

Those are relatively small events compared to the big one:

World War II

World War II comes up quite often as it is the pivotal event of the 20th century and the ramifications of those events continue to impact the world and will likely do so for long after I am dead and gone. Of course the Second World War, or perhaps more accurately the First World War continued after a brief intermission, also includes THE Signature Event In All Of Human History™.

One of the, surely intended, consequences of retconning World War II to be all about “The Holocaust” is that now anything and everything having to do with Germany in the 1930s/1940s, National Socialism in general and of course Adolf Hitler in particular, has been turned into the epitome of everything bad. No matter the subject, if you don’t like what someone is saying the solution is to call them a Nazi or fascist, regardless of the fact that virtually none of the people who employ this tactic could tell you the first thing about fascism or National Socialism other than “It was the baddest thing ever in the history of Bad Things”.

Making this worse is the normiecon insistence on playing this game despite it being a game they cannot win. You cannot out Reductio ad Hitlerum a leftist.

One of the most common examples is gun control. Normiecons will claim that gun control is bad because dictators often seized the guns of citizens and first and foremost was Moustache Man Bad. It is an article of faith for normiecons that Hitler is the ultimate gun grabber.

The problem is that it simply isn’t true.

A number of us asked Zoomer Historian on Twitter to do a video about this topic and he obliged.

Did Germany under the Reich have the sort of gun laws we have in many states today? Well no, of course not. Germany has never had a Second Amendment, no other nation really does. It was however a pretty open system of gun ownership for the German people especially. It was not so for the Jews and there are reasons for that.

There is a term Zoomer Historian uses a couple of times in reference to Jews: “untrustworthy foreigners”. The Third Reich didn’t consider Jews to be Germans. Like most nations where Jews have dwelled for thousands of years, often before being booted for being bad guests, They were considered a foreign presence in the nation rather than natives of that nation. What is more, They generally don’t even consider Themselves to be natives of a nation. Notice how many American Jews maintain a dual-citizenship. Jews in America, not all but many/most, consider Their own ethnic solidarity and the safety of Their ethnostate to take precedence over what is best for America and the American people. The value of America is not America itself but what it can for Them and for Israel.

Understandably a nationalistic nation that prioritizes the Volk over anyone else and that sees Jews as untrustworthy foreigners doesn’t have an interest in allowing a potentially hostile group to be armed within the German nation. I would be absolutely in favor of interpreting the Second Amendment to only apply to native born American citizens. It ought not apply to people here “legally” who are not Americans. No American should want a potentially hostile group of untrustworthy foreigners, whether Jews or Africans or mestizos, to be armed within our borders.

For average actual Germans in Germany under the Reich? Gun ownership was pretty common and was actually more liberal under the Nazis than it was under the Weimar Republic. When it comes to guns, Hitler was nothing like Stalin or Mao. Sorry normiecons.

Something else ZH said: “Hitler didn’t disarm the Germans, the Allies did, twice”. I have recounted before but the man I am named after used to tell us about his time in Germany after the war ended where he and other engineers would use bulldozers to crush enormous piles of privately owned firearms including many that he described as being museum pieces (matchlock rifles, fancy double barreled shotguns, etc). The U.S. as part of crushing Germany didn’t merely employ concentration camps and starvation leading to the deaths of countless German civilians but did everything it could to destroy Germany as a nation. It seems to have worked as Germany slowly allows itself to be overrun by a different group of untrustworthy foreigners, an invasion being aided and abetted by the same old group of untrustworthy foreigners that cause so much trouble everywhere They go.

Here are a few more Third Reich myth-busting videos I liked from Zoomer Historian. My point is not to convince people of the virtues of National Socialism but instead to reinforce how much we have been lied to about this time period. If They lie about stuff like this, you know They are lying about most everything else.

The “Blue eyes and blonde hair” myth….

The book burning myth (note my position is that some books, and some authors, should be burned)…


  1. ozark homesteader

    Haha. The myths and propaganda that is become the fable that is WWII. Commencing in 1917 Russia was overthrown by an extremely bloodthirsty jews…extremely bloodthirsty by comparison to normal people anyway. These jews, fired by lust for blood and the lust for the enslavement and destruction of Whites, went on to murder 66,000,000 Russians. That is SIXTY-SIX MILLION!!! RUSSIANS. Many in death camps, tortured to death in the most brutal ways. That is a horror and a holocaust that was strangely (not really once you understand that commie jews have been pulling strings in The West for a long, long time) overlooked by the press, American politicians and politicians in Europe.

    According to authentically sourced data that I have seen, there were never six million jews in Europe EVER. Tops about 2 million. About 400.000 jews died in NAZI work camps. I believe the myth of the ‘holocaust’ was in part to cover up the brutal and bloody terror that the jews reigned down on the conquered Russians, and in part to generate sympathy for the zionists to steal land in the middle east.

    Very clearly American men fought and died, fighting the wrong enemy. They fought and died fighting a very unjust war, They fought and died as the foot soldiers of the globalists, the zionists, the jews. It is a national disgrace and a wrong that can never be righted.

    • Tree Mike; eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn

      Uh…I’m pretty sure your comment falls under the forbidden history category. You might want to prepare for the Thought Crime Police to visit at oh dark thirty.

      • ozark homesteader

        Haha. Will do. And because it is forbidden information I have to share as much of it as I can when I get the chance. Using the internets for researching WWII in general and the real truth about what occurred in Germany laborious at best.

        • Mike_C

          Speaking of internet truthiness and thought police, have you all noticed Mark Zuckerberg has a new look? He’s gone from the supershort cropped hair (the ginger lizard-person look) to growing out his Jew-fro. And now with the gold necklace that supposedly has a Jewish prayer “Mi Shebeirach” engraved on it. Zuck is leaning heavily into looking “ethnic”. I think it’s an attempt to signal “I mustn’t be touched! Can’t you see I’m one of Them?” Or maybe it’s a cry for help of “I’m one of YOU!”

          • Lineman

            Yea seen that…It’s funny and sad to watch even some from our side scrambling for crumbs he throws while he laughs at how easy it is to manipulate people into thinking they are winning…

          • ozark homesteader

            Zuckerborg is another one of the nerd kids (probably in band or drama classes and like that) that somehow (CIA) slingshotted into some sort of prominence. Wienie boy then leveraged his new station the way most misfits do and became a bully-of the then “caste as lowlife” MAGA’s and whatnot, supported and encouraged by Soros, various commies and The Globalists. The-e-e-e-e-e-n enough MAGA’s grew a spine, pushed back against the pedo left, stopped enough of The Cheat to get Trump back in to the presidency, and now bully-nerd-kid is having to suck up to those whom he once bullied and antagonized. He is trying desperately to fit in. Like most of his ilk, he’s probably endured various mind control methods (MKUltra) as a youth like torture and other “physical violence” and now he is a psychic shell (like Chamelea) that needs inputs to know who he is and how he fits into the world.

  2. Gryphon

    The fastest way to Freak Out a jew (or brainwashed normie) about the ‘holy cause’ is to say, “IF it were True, why do the jews make Laws against questioning it? TRUTH does Not need ‘laws’ to make it “The Truth”. Stand back, their heads will explode…

    And don’t get me started about the hundreds (if not thousands) of “Holocaust Museums” (((they))) have built, all over the World, to solidify the propaganda meme. A good example of the Fraud involved in this effort was, at the “United States Museum of The Holocaust” in Washington, District of Criminals, they have on display an old Deutche-Bahn (German Railways) Wood Boxcar, “This very boxcar was used to carry jews to the Death Camps”.
    Well, someone took the Serial Number from the Dataplate on that Boxcar, and looked it up in the DB Records… Which showed it was Built in 1952. Wait, wut?

    And O-H’s comment is Correct; WE White People were fooled into Fighting our Brothers, in Wars fomented by what can best be described as “Reptilian Aliens from the Starange-Matter Universe”.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    I got a cool Uncle Adi poster at the fairgrounds gun show years ago, it says when I come back no more Mr. Nice Guy.
    My favorite meme is Heil is it me you’re looking Fuhrer.
    Both are thoughtcrime under Jew convert (2017) Trump?

  4. Lineman

    If we aren’t applying what we learned from History though we are going to be doomed to repeat it and maybe we don’t get a reprieve this time…

    • MN Steel

      I’m hoping for a 60° pole shift with accompanying surface slip.

      Things will still be fucked up but at least the view will be different!

  5. Big Ruckus D

    No argument with any of the points made. The real question is how can the mass brainwashing ever be broken? Is it even possible? We are now into at least 80 years of propaganda pushing these lies and embellishments.

    While there appears to be some progress in lessening their hold on the minds of younger generations, those who have controlled the narrative and it’s major methods of distribution for so long still have that control, and will not be changing their message now. Perhaps the boomers are the last generation over which the officially approved narrative has a death grip, but I also suspect there is enough juice (heh) behind the effort at propagating the same old bullshit that it will still be a long time before it fails to persist in the public consciousness. One may as well preface any mainstream discussion of the holocau$t with “We hold these truths to be self evident…”

    Certainly there is no indication that there is a decline in the hold Zionism has over so many “American” political figures, and over a large swathe of the public at large. Unless and until the pukeworthy worship of Israel by so many Americans (and at the expense of our own best interests) can be broken, I don’t see much hope of getting out from under “their” thumb. Meanwhile their program to ruin the USA just as they did Germany proceeds apace.

    • Steve S6

      “The real question is how can the mass brainwashing ever be broken?”

      You stop the continually refreshed brainwashing, probably by eliminating the brainwashers.

      • Big Ruckus D

        Well, yes. But one has to have a fairly broad base of support to undertake such an action. Otherwise, even if that solution is successfully carried out, those who saw to its execution subsequently get hung out to dry as war criminals. Thereby, I don’t see a realistic shot at that happening, as long as public sentiment has been so heavily inured against supporting such measures. A classic catch-22 if ever there was one.

        Ask yourself, when was the last time a large scale ethnic cleansing was successfully carried out, with those who planned and performed it not then being destroyed themselves by “the rules based international order”.

        • MN Steel

          The Turks and Armenia come to mind, also the Holodomor, de-kulakification, Great Leap Forward, Killing Fields, Rhodesia, Angola, currently South Africa….

    • TakeAHardLook

      It nauseates me to no END to observe the procession of U.S. politicians (including, very recently, Trump & DeSantis (separate visits). The photos always show the politician wearing a small hat.

      Do NOT tell me that this is a “gesture of respect.” It is (IMO) a necessary act of OBEISANCE to one’s superiors/benefactors, without which an American political hopeful cannot get elected.

      Eighty percent of O’FknBiden’s Cabinet are dual-citizen joos. Coincidence? No, I’m too old to believe such.

      Joos control our politics, our media, the Fed and–most important of all–world banking (courtesy, primarily, of the Rothschild empire, the U.S. affiliate being Goldman Sachs).

      I often wonder: didn’t Hitler know about the atrocities committed by the joo Bolsheviks as he came to power? And, would that knowledge NOT direct his actions towards same?

  6. Max Wiley

    For some time I have been thinking hard about religion and culture. Andrew Breitbart famously said “Politics is downstream of culture,” a statement so immediately and obviously true it gets little discussion. But I immediately wondered, what is upstream of culture? The only answer I could come up with is: religion. But I needed a good definition of what religion is for that concept to have meaning.
    The best answer I have come up with is that it is a foundational myth upon which is built a moral code that provides the framework for social cohesion, which leads to the common background known as culture.
    If you look at all of the world’s great religions (by numbers of followers), they all have a positive foundational myth. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Confucianism are all based on the exemplary life of a man that crossed over into the divine in some way. (Hey, don’t shoot the messenger here, I don’t find Mohammad to be all that inspirational but over a billion others seem to. Only one of the above has created the greatest civilization in recorded history though.) Even Hinduism has the concept of karma which is similar to “life well led” messages of other large religions.
    Progressivism (gay race communism if you prefer) meets all of the checkboxes of a religion. Dogged belief in things that are unproven and unprovable, foundational myth, attendant moral code. The problem is that it is different from the religions I mentioned above in that it has a negative foundational myth – the horrors of the holocaust – and the moral code appears to be based on “the opposite of what the Nazis were.” The Nazis were against homosexuality, transgenderism, communism, and Jews, so all of those things are necessarily venerated by the Progressive religion. The Nazis were for nationalistic determination, Christianity, and family values, so all of those things must be bad. The one thing we must absolutely NEVER do is look closely at the actual factual history of WWII, because that calls into question the Progressive foundational myth.
    It is important to point this out because Progressivism is not a policy disagreement, it is a religious war with everything that implies. These are two different foundational myths and their attendant moral codes at work creating two vastly different cultures that result in completely different politics. The two can not cohabitate in the same geographic space, one or the other must be eradicated.
    And the leftists have been doing a pretty good job of that up until now. The problem with creating a religion is that it must survive in the fires of history, and only the best have created civilizations that are even remembered. Progressivism appears to be incapable of even maintaining that which a better religion built, can’t even create meaningful stories,media, or games, keep planes flying, or even, apparently, keep the lights on and the water flowing and cities from burning to ash. It is an obviously disastrous dead end for any civilization to follow. Let’s not fail to recognize it for what it is and tear it out root and branch, destroy it with fire if need be, or exile it far away from us if necessary, but cohabitating is out of the question.

    • Johnny Taopi

      Some very keen thoughts, Max. And well articulated.

      Perhaps we should then ask: what is Progressivism downstream of? It would have to be Democracy. That very thing that Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all concluded (after having been there, done that, got the t-shirt) was a terrible idea. But good luck trying to convince anyone today that it’s a bad idea.

      My definition of Progressivism: man raising himself up to be God.

      • Max Wiley

        The better question would be, who created it? Because it is obviously an unnatural creation, seeing how it is completely incapable of producing a functioning society. In my opinion it has a negative foundational myth because it is designed as a poison pill to destroy the Christian West, and give the followers of the Talmud that long desired satisfaction at last. However, the Zionists have determined that the modern incarnation of Bolshevism is endangering the Israel project, seeing as that relies entirely on the military power of the Global American Empire that has been faltering.
        Does no one think the sudden subsidence and reversals of DEI a little bit too pat?

        • Big Ruckus D

          Yes, and I think there is a certain amount of panic deep behind the scenes now, as the FUSA is (was) the really only source of the funding and projection of power needed to maintain their large scale project. Now they’ve fucked it up badly enough that their big operation is at risk, and are not sure what to do about it. One would surmise they probably planned to pivot to China (and it appears that some effort was made to do so, but failed) as the next underwriter for their perfidy and subversiveness. Russia won’t be hosting them again (if the can help it) as they have just about recovered from their last outing with these parasitical shits after over a century.

          There must be somewhat differing factions involved, one maniacally desiring total destruction of the White Christian West for it’s own sake, another a bit less fanatical who would prefer to keep the host healthy just enough to keep exploiting it. The latter seems to have lost control of things, at least for a while, and now may be in the process of beating back the former in a last ditch effort to prevent killing the host that has been their benefactor for so long. Having nowhere else to turn for such generous arrangements, they really have no choice but to try.

          • Max Wiley

            It’s the same Bolshevism vs Zionism that Churchill wrote about in the London Times circa 1910 and it is still dominating politics and policy over a hundred years later. But people are starting to wake up and desire an option that has their best interests as primary, not Jewish ones. “Lies always incur a cost to the truth, and sooner or later the bill comes due.”

          • TakeAHardLook

            And, of all that fails, will not Netanyahu and his cabal invoke the Samson Option?

            And which cities, in the M.E. and globally, are on the target list?

            • Mike_C

              Whatever they can reach is on the list, and the whiter the better. The Samson Doctrine was never about nuking say Tehran or Damascus. It was and is a threat to take out European capitals and major cities (e.g. Rome) as a final “fuck you for failing to love us enough to protect us.” It’s the worldview of a narcissistic abuser. If nations are people, they’re Amber Heard.

    • Cybele

      In my opinion, Max, race is upstream of culture. Our culture was built by the White Christian race. Our politics reflected that. Now, we have been compelled to let in other races, thus we arr now experiencing a different culture with different politics.

    • Jeffrey Zoar

      Progressivism’s problem as a religion, and I’m far from the first person to point this out, is that there is no possibility of redemption for the “sinner.” The only prescription for him is a lifetime of groveling. The only thing a white male can do to gain approval is get a sex change, which you could say is the ultimate in groveling. So, lacking any other path for redemption or approval besides that, the white man is left with the question, “What’s in this for me?” And the answer is nothing, nothing at all. He is expected to sacrifice himself, in a Christ like way, for no return whatsoever, either in this world or the next. Since progressivism recognizes no next world. And they wonder why we haven’t signed up.

      In spite of their relative numbers lessening, whites aren’t going extinct, and if progressivism has nothing for them, then at some point it hits a hard wall beyond which it cannot expand. Since it cannot create a carve out for or accomodation with whites without ceasing to be progressivism.

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