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Justice? Not In America

The political persecution of Daniel Penny is coming to a close in New York. Penny was the White man who foolishly forgot that it is a crime to interfere with blacks committing crimes in America and in trying to protect the passengers on a subway car by subduing a lunatic jogger named Jordan Neely, a drug addict who did a George Floyd and died while loaded up on fentanyl, he now finds himself on trial for his life.

As this happened in New York, there is virtually no chance that Penny will be acquitted and that is yet another reason to avoid far-left enclaves where if something happens you will be facing a jury of your “peers” who are all leftist dimwits. In many jurisdictions the case never would have been brought to trial but then again in most jurisdictions you don’t have prosecutors like Dafna Yoran. She is a real peach….

You probably already figured it out but Dafna Yoran is of course a Jewish chick.

Oy vey, her daddy was a gen-u-wine Holocaust Survivor!

With an ugly mug like hers, it won’t also won’t surprise you that she is a dyke “married” to a far-left lunatic named Ana De Orbegoso.

Dafna Yoran makes prosecutorial decisions based solely on race. If a black man murders an Asian man during the commission of a robbery, and Asians are of course the wrong kind of racial minority, the black guy gets his crime reduced to manslaughter because of slavery or something. When a White guy tries to protect innocent people from a loon that already has an outstanding warrant for assaulting a woman on a subway, he is clearly dehumanizing the noble black man and should be put on trial.

Simply driving over a state or local political boundary in America can mean the difference between receiving due process and being persecuted. It is obscene but that is where we are. A good rule of thumb: if you can’t carry legally in a jurisdiction, you should avoid that area.


  1. 3g4me

    I’d like to feel sorry for Daniel Penny, but I cannot. Who on earth, with a smidgen of common sense, would intervene on behalf of the sort of human refuse that ride the New York subways? Whom did he think he was ‘saving’? What country did he think he was living in? I’ll bet you he still fancies himself a hero for trying to protect ‘fellow merkans.’ There are vanishingly few heritage Americans in New York, if any at all. Plenty of Jews, a few Ellis Island ethnics. They all choose to live there in that sh*thole (I visited -briefly – twice, and I HATED the place). I’m only sorry the hideous lesbian Jewess judge will have another White to visit ‘restorative justice’ on, but he put himself in that position.

    • Arete

      “The sort of human refuse that ride the NY subways”??

      The vast majority of people who ride the subway in NYC, or any other major metropolitan area, are law-abiding people who use the system to get to and from work. For most of them, cars are not practical, and taxis are not affordable.

      Nor are there ‘vanishingly few’ ‘heritage’ Americans there, despite that demographic becoming less represented. Of course that’s hard to quantify, since you seem to think ‘a few Ellis Island ethnics’ don’t qualify (and there are hardly just a few.) I descend directly from a Mayflower passenger. I also descend from people who left Ireland in the 19th century to avoid starvation. My skin is lily white. But apparently I don’t quality as a ‘heritage’ American because of those ‘Ellis Island ethnics’ in my lineage.

      • 3g4me

        It’s not all about YOU, sugar britches. Drop the virtue-signaling outrage . My husband’s ancestors were part of the Ellis Island immigrants from Ireland and Italy. Doesn’t change the New York city demographics in the least. And during one of my two visits to NY, I was persuaded (against my better judgment) to take the subway. And I’ve seen plenty of video. No, most of the riders are not employed, and they are certainly not law abiding, and most of them are not White.

          • Arete

            And the point you miss (but inadvertently make, by referencing your husband’s ancestry) is that my comment was not about me–it was about the many millions, most likely including readers of this blog, who are like me.

            Apparently including your husband. “There are vanishingly few heritage Americans in New York. Plenty of Jews, a few Ellis Island ethnics.”

  2. ozark homesteader

    I appreciate Penny’s willingness to step to the fore in the presence of a menace to society. I can add nothing to your article Arthur, but I will reiterate that it is prudent to being mandatory that the wise among us will stay out of communist dens of iniquity like pretty much every major city in the US. This is what this is…the slow creep of joo-communism where the criminals get free reign and the innocent defender of humanity/faith/property rights/dignity is punished or destroyed.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    ESFT there is a nose.
    Can we ever have a country of our own free from interlopers and foreigners?
    How did Europe have more noses after WWII than before?
    Why does the Auschwitz number keep being revised down?
    Where are the blue stains on the wall of the chambers?
    It would take 600 years or more to get ride of six million with 1940s technology.
    Arbeit Macht Fweedom Fwies.

    • Steve

      Srsly? It took the Khmer Rouge 4 years to kill 1.3 million, a huge fraction of them using just knives. The Hutus got at least a half million in 3 months using machetes.

      If the Germans wanted the Jews dead, there would have been no “holocaust” survivors.

      • Mike_C

        “ It would take 600 years or more to get ride of six million with 1940s technology.”

        Not the killing part. The part where the corpses were disappeared without a trace, leaving only piles of shoes. And of course heartstring-tugging boxes of wedding rings.

        Of course, it was all done by cremation, duh. A fuel-starved nation desperately fighting would of course use its scant energy stocks for mass crematoria. I have also read claims that the dastardly Germans used some sort of prototype nuke to destroy evidence of the mountains of corpses. (The corpses that were left after the eagle and the bear in the cage did their part. I am not making this up. Maybe someone else made it up, but not me.)

  4. Gryphon

    Daniel Penny forfeited his “Right to Self-Defense” the instant he Raised a Hand against the Sacred Negro, without having been being Stomped on the Floor by said negro. Maybe not even then. This case is a Perfect Example of jew control of the Courts and Media, being used to make an Example of a White Man Defending Himself against feral apes.

    The reality is, No ape (or burrito goblin) is anywhere near a Threat to Whites as the zionist occupation ‘government’ and its thugpig enforcers (especially the ‘white’ ones).

    • Mike_C

      Gryphon gets it.
      Unlike that idiot over on Wilder’s site who snarked (incompetently) “You mean like Jesus right?” in response to our host sarcastically almost noticing out loud the shocking lack of diversity in the non-German Frankfurt School. Fuck’s sake.


          “A good rule of thumb: if you can’t carry legally in a jurisdiction, you should avoid that area.”

          Indeed. For me, this includes particularly so-called civic duties such as jury duty in a fake and gay courthouse and any other public place that my legally owned and carried firearm is not allowed.

  5. pyrrhus

    I grew up in the era when Daniel Penny would have been given a medal, or at least never charged…We have been invaded and conquered, at least in many States….

  6. Stealth Spaniel

    The minute that I saw the face…….another remarkable Holo-caust family survivor. Millions of white men and women murdered in WW2, yet the anointed ones survive to kvetch another day.

    • 3g4me

      Wrong. “They” have already won. And behaving as though one still lives in a civil, rule-of-law White society, when one actually lives in a third-world Patel motel, is NOT noble – it is foolish. Any White who sacrifices himself or his family for fellow ‘citizens’ (of the magic dirt/magic paper kind) is a sucker – just like any White who now volunteers for AINO’s military and its wars.

  7. TakeAHardLook

    We have read innumerable articles here on DT, courtesy of AS, wherein a White person intervenes (“the right thing to do”) and loses his very life, or winds up in a docket like Daniel Penny, fighting for his freedom.

    The “right thing to do” sounds great–just, moral, admirable–yet, measured against the environment in which the valiant one finds himself (a NYC subway car, for chrissakes!) one should take a pause.

    Were I in a NYC subway car (unlikely to impossible) and a Fentanyl-fueled nigger was “doin’ his thang”, my hard rule for a violent put down would be his invasion/threat to my or my friends’/family’s personal space/safety.

    “Identity Dixie” ran an article a few years ago, making the point (regarding a CWII event) that America was long past fighting for (in a general way) because about 50% of the people would be sitting on their couches while you were fighting for their freedom; they were people whom you would despise–nogs, welfare babies, outright criminals and other WPOS (worthless pieces of shit).

    The world is now a different place. Philadelphia, a Leftard/commie nog-infested hellhole unfit for any decent White person, is called “The City of Brotherly Love.”

    I. Shyt. You. Not.

  8. Troy Messer

    First, here is something that will put a smile on your face. It is an illegal immigrant getting his dome aspirated. When the POS falls to the ground, you can see the blood start to pull. That is going to give me a 4 hours boner. This is what should happen to every doctor and medical team that sexually mutilated children in the name of transgender.

    I could watch a loop of that spic getting aspirated all day long.

    RE: Penny. He is a Marine. He couldn’t just sit by because it is antiethical to the Marine code. So, I’m not going to call him a chump for that. I would ask him why the fuck he lives is a 3rd world shithole like Jew York City. If this event would have gone down in, say, Bonner County, Idaho, where would have protected him. Specifically,…

    “In the exercise of the right of self-defense or defense of another, a person need not retreat from any place that person has a right to be. A person may stand his ground and defend himself or another person by the use of all force and means which would appear to be necessary to a reasonable person in a similar situation and with similar knowledge without the benefit of hindsight. ”


    “In any prosecution for the unlawful use of force, including deadly force, or the attempted or threatened use of force contrary to title 18, Idaho Code, the burden is on the prosecution to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the use of force, attempted use of force or threat to use force was not justifiable.”

    Good luck getting a prosecution of Penny in Idaho. Restraining a crazy (is there any other kind?), theatening nigger in a tight space with others present is immensely reasonable. In Bonner County, Penny probably would be hailed a hero.

    The moral of this story is whites need to vacate blue state if they have the economic capacity to do so. Whites that can’t escape need to adjust their headspace to understand they are behind enemy lines and act accordingly including conceal carry. If you are going to be prosecuted in a blue state no matter to what extent you defend yourself, you might a well shoot the niggers and spics dead.

    • Lineman

      That does put a smile on the face Brother and concur on Why is any White People still living around niggers and other assorted mud people…I know quite a few people now that didn’t have shit to their name and they were able to get the hell out of their hellholes..

  9. Big Ruckus D

    Meanwhile, we have the CEO of United Healthcare popped on the sidewalk in what appears to be a planned hit, right in the middle of NYC. Is this the start of something larger? A disgruntled policy holder ruined by the cost of healthcare? Retribution for a COVID shitshot (or ventilator, or remdesivir) induced death? My oh my the imagination runs wild at the possibilities.


      And they are offering a pissy $10,000 reward for info on the shooter. Hahahahahaha

      That doesn’t even cover a year’s worth of insurance premiums for a fambly of four with Jewnited, er, I mean United Healthcare.

      • Big Ruckus D

        Yeah, I had to chuckle about that reward. That’s a “tell me you don’t give a shit without saying it in so many words” moment right there.

        Somehow I doubt we’ll ever get the truth as to the motive for popping this guy. If it was a disgruntled customer of UHC, they won’t publicly admit that for fear of “normalizing” such thinking amongst the serfs. If it was personal, they’re likely to run cover for the guy, as he was undoubtedly well connected by dint of his position. And if it was a deep state hit (because maybe he was about to do something that would shake up the status quo of an industry that constitutes 1/5 of the US scamconomy) we will never get any real answers.

        In any case, this one looks too well planned to be a random killing. The perp had a specific target in mind, and got him.

      • Troy Messer

        I saw a graphic that showed that United Health had the highest rate of denials among the insurance companies listed. Apparently, “deny, depose, and defend” was written on the shell casings. I took a legal CLE that talked about suing Allstate insurance. They had a motto something like this.

        The whole business model of insurance companies seems to be totake in as much in premiums in possible while denying as many justified(!) claims as possible. In other words, their whole business model is fucking people over when the are vulnerable.

        Well then, fuck them. If you are going to work for such an evil institution, you should be looking over your shoulder. If even one of your denials cost someone their life, livelihood, or caused them immense suffering, I don’t have any problems if a disgruntled customer aspirates your dome.

        I also saw that there might be some kind of connection between the decedent and Nancy Pelosi and insider trading. So, then, I will start with the rebuttable presumption that this guy deserved what he got. I am open to evidence to the contrary, but I doubt it exist.

    • Gryphon

      BRD – the Instant I heard of this (on WTOP, “The Voice of the Swamp”) I thought, ‘What if this is a Best-Case Scenario? Someone with a Family Member(s) Murdered by the Medical-Pharmaceutical-Industrial Complex, carefully taking Revenge (served Cold) on a high-level Criminal. How does the joomedia and the ZOG put a ‘Spin’ on it?

      If (((they))) present it as the “Lone Nut/Conspiracy Theorist” they run the Risk of showing that one of them CAN be ‘Touched’, and More follows. Do they try and ‘Defend the Narrative’ by portraying this individual as “Deluded by the mis-information and Radicalized by the Internet? Do they understand that enough people now are Aware of their Lies, and trying to stick to ‘The Narrative’ only make them look Worse?

      It seems that the joo york city po-Lice have already Blown the possibility of claiming it was
      a “Mugging gone Wrong” by quickly declaring the Crime to be a “Targeted Assassination”. Now, how would they have known That? Also, I’ve yet to hear a Description of the Perp that includes Race; does this mean they know it was a Competent White Man? Or are they sticking with the protocol of Never Accusing a nogger?

      • Big Ruckus D

        All good points, many of which had already occurred to me. I’m waiting to see how it gets spun. Or maybe it just gets memory holed altogether, if they cant pervert the incident into something useful to the narrative. Perp has been already be reported as a white male, so there are any number of ways they can run with that. Calls for more gun control being one of the typical plays.

        I have to figure it was either due to a disgruntled customer/policy holder, or it was personal in some way. But again, what we are told about the motive (if anything) could be a million miles from the truth. Your guess is as good as mine, as things stand now.

  10. ghostsniper

    Probably since the end of WWII the Patriots of the US have gotten lazy or slack, thus, a whole bunch of people that should have been killed on a regular basis over that duration did not get killed and them roosters are coming to roost.

    That ghastly gov’t employee, Yoran, for example, should have been killed outright a long time ago, preferably before it became an adult.

    Just try to imagine the amount of grief that skinbag has brought to others over that time period.

    It’s never too late to kill someone that needs killin’.
    Who will bell the cat(s)?

    Ya know, Jefferson would have skint that criminal himself right on the town square and everyone would have lauded him.

  11. Leo

    We need to remind our Zio-Christian friends who slob the nose-goblin’s knob, that calumny is a sin just like murder. They have been calumniating the Germans for decades following the lead of the nose-goblins who are at least as disdainful to those pathetic goyim as they are to all goys.

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