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Time To Push The Gas Pedal To The Floor

A week ago today (Monday November 4th) I was still cautiously confident in my theory about Trump being “elected” as a scapegoat but I still couldn’t help the nagging feeling that we might be staring at four years of a cackling whore being “President”. I admit to being far more invested in the election results than I probably should have been. Like most people I was quite surprised by the margin of Trump’s “win”, expecting a race that he barely squeaked by rather than a huge win, sweeping the “battleground states” and winning the “popular vote” decisively with a 3.7 million vote differential.

A week later, the afterglow still remains for many people while the meltdowns were far less satisfying than in 2016. Most of the people doing the screaming into their phone shtick are clearly just doing it for the clicks. The Babylon Bee did a funny piece about it: Sad: Liberal Forced To Have Second Meltdown After Forgetting To Press Record. In 2016 I think a lot of those loons were having actual meltdowns but this time around it seems forced and performative. No one seems to have their heart in it other than some of the sniping among Democrats like Nancy “Drinking Chardonnay Right From The Bottle” Pelosi screeching at Bernie Sanders for daring suggest that the Democrats have abandoned the working class.

Anyway, a lot of “conservatives” are basking in the afterglow, smoking a cig and feeling pretty smug. After all, “we won”! The Deep State is on the run and we are going to make America great again! Just sit back and watch Dapper Don do his thing.


This is a time to start pushing even harder. Pretty soon things are going to get bogged down, Trump will be sending mean tweets, the media will be lying about him, Nancy Pelosi will be using her “Impeach Twice, Get The Third Impeachment Free” coupon. The people lurking around Trump are urging him to seek “unity”: Joe Rogan Urges Trump To Rebuild American Unity.

Fuck that, I didn’t vote for some bullshit “unity”.

Unity means pretending that the last 8 years didn’t happen, the lies, the deceit, the cheating, the lawfare trying to disenfranchise Trump voters, the attempted assassinations, the blaming Whites for everything, the tearing down of statues and monuments, renaming military bases because some druggie Scholar-American died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest.

When Democrats win They are all about pushing Their agenda. When Republicans win they are supposed to set aside politics and find “common ground” in order to get along with people that hate their voters. If Cumala had won, do you think she would be urged to find “common ground” with people her side called deplorable and garbage, people that voted for a “fascist”? Of course not, she would claim a mandate no matter how slim her victory and dump even more anti-White crap on us. So take your calls for “unity” and shove them up your ass.

Now is the time to push back harder than ever on “woke”, on DEI, on anti-White rhetoric, on the fags and trannies trying to groom our children, on the illegals in our country (and most legals for that matter). When you have a mandate you use it, you don’t surrender your position unilaterally.

I doubt this will happen from Trump, he will hear the whispers of flatterers and clowns like Rogan and try to be The Great Uniter to people who hate him and would have loved to see his brains splattered in Butler, PA. Packing his inner circle with former Democrats like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard isn’t going to help either and I don’t think Trump is smart enough to ignore the flattery.

That leaves it to us. Keep pushing your normie friends and family. Keep talking about the hordes of illegals, about the abuse of our “aid” money by Our Greatest Ally, about crime statistics that show that blacks are responsible for most violent crime.

We had a week to laugh and point at those freaks on the other side. We should keep laughing at them but now is the time to get to work once more. Right now our people are probably as receptive to the message from /ourside/ as they have been for decades and right now is the time to use this window of opportunity to keep moving the needle. Soon enough the shit will hit the fan, and as the saying goes ya gotta make hay while the sun is shining.


  1. Anon

    People relaxed during the last trump years and people will relax again. It’s disappointing but expected. It is also one reason why I am disappointed he won; people will treat these four years as a time to relax and people will act like things can be fixed legally even though they clearly blatantly cheated last time and this time just left the cheating out (or much less). The same with the unifying shit; happened last time and will happen this time and the antiWhites will advance their schemes one way or another, slow or fast. The longer this system is in place the older we all get, and extra years of prep mean nothing if people are too old to do anything, hobbling about loaded with drugs to keep their hearts beating another week.

    • Big Ruckus D

      All true, I suspect. As are Art’s assertions. The one gut feeling I can’t shake is that we don’t get 4 years this time until an exogenous crisis or event puts us over the edge.

      I figure the economic factor is key. We are flat busted, with a cumulative debt of 3.6 trillion dollars already and a burn rate in further deficit spending that is absolutely unsustainable. BRICS is an emergent challenger to settlement of international payments, and if it gets enough traction, the USD is shit outta luck.
      The cost of healthcare is a total shitshow and is continuing to chew up ever more.

      Not sure how many here read Karl Denninger at Market Ticker, but I think his working theory that healthcare sinks us economically (unless something else unexpected happens first) is pretty damn solid. And that can’t be fixed without causing a huge economic dislocation that will also permanently junk unfold tens (hundreds?) of thousands of jobs in the healthcare sector.

      In the meantime, we have the possibility of assassinations still on the table (I can’t see why they wouldn’t be, given certain subsets of the left are willing and probably able to make good on such a threat), terrorist attacks in US soil (now with greatly increased odds thanks to unchecked invasion across our borders) and who knows what all else that may not even be on our radar presently.

      I expect that even if Trump does everything right (and he won’t) that he gets buried in some intractable shit within 2 years. Then who really knows what the hell shakes out.

      • Troy Messer

        IMHO, there is a lot of fat that can be trimmed in the health care system. I’ve seen stories of people that go to a doctors office for an MRI in a eastern European city and the cost is a small fraction of what it cost in AINO.

        One anecdote, I had to have cataract surgery. At every visit at the eye doctors office, there would be 3 women behind the desk. Only 1 of them seemed to be working. Every time I wanted to ask, “what the fuck do you two bitches do? How much does it cost this doctor to have you sit there on your fat ass talking about your last visit to Starbucks?”

        BRICS is moving full speed ahead. The whole reason BRICS is a thing is because AINO is run by selfish psychopaths. Trump said that any country that refused to use the dollar would get sanctions. You fucking moron, that is exactly why BRICS is a thing. The psychopaths in the federal government only know one philosophy, “It is our way or the highway.” Well the rest of the world is building themselves a highway.

        The calls for unity are going no where. Both sides hate each other and want the other side dead.

        • Arete

          Most of what you need to know about how good our ‘health care’ system is can be gleaned by any visit.

          Virtually every female employee (but most of them are female) is obese.

        • Big Ruckus D

          As far as healthcare, the fat is inconceivable. There are so many administrative and paper pushing positions filling office towers ). My own fair town has probably at least a dozen freestanding (i.e., not attached to a hospital campus) office building scattered about for one of our three major health “systems” that operate locally.

          These are not even medical facilities, just offices full of cubicle monkeys. And for only one major health system that runs 4 or 5 big hospitals here (and others beyond the immediate metro/state), plus numerous urgent care locations. Nobody working in any of these satellite offices is contributing one second worth of medical care to a patient. They are all parasites, drawing pay and benefits that have to come from somewhere. If you look at the monthly jobs report when it drops (ex-revision, anyway) it always has seems to have a 5 digit number of positions added in “healthcare”, the overwhelming majority of which are more cubicle monkeys and admins.

          Again, these “jobs” are contributing NOTHING useful, and are just people suckling at the teat. This is another result of the rampant credentialism and managerial class expansion that has been built up to employ people with no useful skill set.

          Ultimately, damned near all of that has to come out of the system. Think of how many jobs that is, and how many of those pay a fairly decent white collar wage. Boom, game over.

    • saoirse

      Pretty spot-on! Republicunts and MIGA maggots will do nothing, except vote, pray and wave their flags. All the broken promises (lies) that intentionally put us closer to the toilet bowl drain will again be blamed solely on the Democraps and their incessant freak shows. Minions of this upcoming ruling clown show make no effort whatsoever at even basic introspection nor do they have the guts to throw down. Nothing of any substance happens until the bread and circuses come to a screeching halt.
      Rogan is the reigning head mouthpiece for the phony ‘anti-elites’. A bruh boy huckster who’s part in this Kabuki show is advocating for empty, feel-good ‘reaching across the aisles’ crap.

      • SirLawrence

        This is what gatekeeping looks like. It will all feed back into the system via new ‘don’t let them divide us’ onramps so all those pipehitters on the black rifle coffee drinking team can avoid becoming racist but still own the libs in the meme war.

        Joeprah left California because muh tyranny of taxation on $200MM. He moved to Austin, Colorado. Not somewhere actually wrongthink.

        These chameleons are good at changing stripes but also going zoggly eyes on their followers such that nobody seems to remember last week let alone last “election”.

        The runway of this lumbering shitbird has been a long one. Will it take flight? I’m struggling to see how. But it would be glorious.

  2. Steve S6

    Trump’s record wasn’t very good from the first time, couple of good reviews on that from Identity Dixie below. Of course since the cost of bread and circuses was down (gas, food, etc.) the conservative masses were happy. The Dems that voted Trump this time? No surprise really, when the “it’s the economy stupid” is bad the current party just about always gets ousted by both sides.

    Then there is his abject failure to stop the 2020 rioting (summer of love, remember?)

    “Faced with this chaos in the streets and the utter refusal of elected Democrat governors and mayors to use whatever means were necessary to restore order, one of two things needed to be done to salvage the situation. President Trump needed to invoke the Insurrection Act, use U.S. Marshals to arrest the most recalcitrant governors and mayors for sedition, federalize all National Guard units across the country, and deploy regular units of the Army and the Marine Corps to the worst affected cities with explicit orders to use deadly force to end the violence.

    President Trump had the Constitutional obligation to “ensure domestic tranquility” if governors and mayors abdicated their responsibility to do that in their states and cities. He had the statutory authority in the Insurrection Act to use his powers as Commander in Chief to act if necessary – and it assuredly was necessary then and there.”

    Trump is incapable of playing the hardball necessary to swing the pendulum of societal decay.

  3. Barefoot Peckerwood

    Fuck unity. Give them the same shit they’ve heaped on to us for the past 8 years and then a helping of 2nds.

    Full throttle forward, warp 20 Mr Zulu

      • 3g4me

        I’m totally with you. F*ck unity. There is no such thing in a polyglot, multiracial shopping mall. I neither forgive nor forget all the c*nts who wanted me dead during the covid hoax. Everyone elated at Trump’s ‘historic’ win is an idiot, choosing to ignore that 70 MILLION people in AINO voted for the Indian Jamaican whore. They voted to steal and destroy the few traces left of America, to subjugate and eradicate White people. I will not comply. I will not forgive. They will never tire in their quest for our destruction – and they can never be trusted, only eradicated. Trump wants to be loved – we need to be feared.

  4. Bean Dip Tray

    Unity? Eat Shit Commie.
    What a trouncing of CPUSA/CCP (D) RAT POS vermin.
    Not my comrades, not my countrymen and never will be.
    Joe Joe Brandon had a big grin as the historic Red Diaper Wonder Twin II got trounced.
    Good, good.
    He finally got something right.

  5. Carrie

    Thank you to Art and all for saying this.
    It is truth.
    I am saying the same thing too, to all who will listen. But human nature is what it is.

    Indeed: the bread and circuses will go on.
    And people must have no has in the car and hungry bellies before they notice how bad things (still) are.

    Maybe we can “plant some seeds” with Normies or even those on Our Side of the Great Divide to not get complacent and push even harder with both our own preparation plans as well as externally in our own areas of influence.

    In the end, we can only take our own actions and maybe some will notice and get curious. Sigh.

    But maybe at least the hammo will get a bit cheaper, for next year.

    We (the DR) are a small group. And it could be satisfying in future to say “No” when a normalcy-biased-for-three-years Normie asks us for help when it all goes kinetic.

  6. ozark homesteader

    The pretense of unity is like urine in the blood. If people be unified by morality, faith, hopes of prosperity and achievement then all to the good. Unity for the purpose of the tyrannies of the minority that we have survived the last fifty years is a pretense. Having the globohomo, antihuman satanic agenda down our throats does not feel like genuine unity. It is in fact a tyranny a deception and a farce.

  7. Mike in Canada

    We are finding it most amusing, to watch as our PM tries to find a way to have a good relationship with President Trump after talking shit about him since 2020. Justin thought he was on the right side of history or something, but those ‘fringe elements with unacceptable views’ are proving him wrong, wrong, wrong. Again.

    It’s going to be really cool to observe him trying to sell President Trump (I reeeeallly like typing that name) on the idea that the Canadian gov is all for the American way and the Republic for which it stands…. as long as the values that support it stay south of the 49th parallel. Think President Trump will buy it?

    In the meantime, there is a definite sense of ‘Gosh, for a bunch of fuckwits that spent three generations creating this Brave New World Order, they gave up awfully easily’. Very much waiting for the size, colour, and odour of the other shoe whenever it arrives. These matters are by no means concluded.

    For all his faults, President Trump has now given us more time to get right with God, continue to accumulate ammunition, educate our children the proper way and in the proper things, and ensure our individual houses are in order before we are required to leave them, come together as family-by-association, and finish this task we have been set.

    There will be no unity, no reconciling, no covid amnesty, no forgive-and-forget-hail-fellow-well-met…. not when the left just spent eight years telling us how much they hate us, and demonstrated their intentions to see us all dead. The situation in WNC, and that bitch from FEMA, are only the latest instalments in this tale of infuriating bullshit. The next time those mandates are enacted, I strongly believe things won’t be nearly so polite and understanding.

    We now know enough to know that there is more to know, and we will find out the rest. And may God have mercy on the souls of those we determine were in on it.

    God Bless America, and those who would stand with Her.

    • Arthur Sido

      Just wait, if Trump starts deporting people a bunch may flee to Canada for refuge, because everyone knows what Canada needs is a bunch of dumb people from third world shitholes clogging up the system.

      • Mike in Canada

        We would warmly invite them…. it is now November, and as you might recall there is a reason 80% of the population lives within 200 miles of the border.

        There’s lots of room, if you aren’t choosy about things like heat and food, especially in the Trudeau economy.
        Otherwise, those persons you mention can live in the hives of Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver like every other useless import does. Those of us that don’t live in those shitholes enjoy what we call a Triple S policy.

        I know how it sounds, but the time is coming. We are just about at the end of our endurance.

  8. Mikr in FLA

    As to your poast title – like I told a friend yesterday – Fuck a buncha unity & across the isle BS! Bolt on a supercharger, plumb up a turbo and some nitrous, and stand on the loud pedal with both feet – after disconnecting the brakes, natch!! Then hang on!!!

    Y’all take care,
    Mike in FLA,

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