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Orange Man Bad Has Broken Their Brains

I went over to the Washington Post site, the official party organ for the Uniparty mandarin class ruling us from Coruscant-On-The-Potomac to read the editorial by Jeff Bezos explaining why he ordered the WaPo to not endorse anyone (Cumala) in this election cycle: The hard truth: Americans don’t trust the news media. Bezos rightly points out “The Washington Post and the New York Times win prizes, but increasingly we talk only to a certain elite. More and more, we talk to ourselves.”. Well duh, the WaPo and Times are written by people with a specific worldview and written for people with that specific worldview. Not endorsing Cumala isn’t going to change that. Anyway…

While I was there another “news” story caught my eye on the landing page. These people have lost their fucking minds.

They are still yammering about a bunch of White guys carrying tiki torches and marching in a public demonstration, something that is essential to “democracy” when Their side does it but a threat to “democracy” when the other side does. Still the idea that this is a serious headline of a story (archived here if you want to see it for some reason) that a “poop artist” created a statue to attack Trump that is being displayed with the blessing of the powers-that-be (approved by the National Park Service) in a public place….well that should dispel any notion of the WaPo being anything other than a far left rag.

On the one hand, the Left demands that we take them seriously because they are so smart and worldly and that we stop mocking them but on the other hand they think stuff like a “poop artist” is clever and edgy. Trump has broken Them and if for nothing else he ought to be given some credit for that. The meltdown that might come next week? It will make praising poop artists seem tame in comparison.


  1. ozark homesteader

    The communists have trained everyone to recoil at the term “fascist” and then declare everything that stands against their brand of totalitarian groupthink to be fascist. Kind of like some sort of perverse outgrowth of the proverbial “nanner nanner boo boo, stick your head in doo doo”. I say enough of their childish bs.

    • Berglander

      As the saying goes, “if the people destroying and subverting your country hate Fascism, maybe it’s time to look into Fascism.”

      • Steve

        Sure, but keep in mind what they are calling fascism is not fascism. They have no objection to corporatism or common/national ownership of “means of production”. What they are opposed to is what used to be called “capitalism” before it got smeared by the existence of corporations.

      • Troy Messer

        The definition of fascism has always been fuzzy to me. Here is a working definition from : From brother dissidents @

        “…there are two indisputable facts about fascism that are at complete odds with leftwing totalitarianism. First, fascism is entirely built on nationalism. Every fascist believes and embraces the idea that their people and, by extension, state [i.e., country], are the primary purpose of government.

        The second indisputable fact about fascism is that they are socially conservative movements. In all four examples of fascist systems, homosexuality, transgenderism, and other forms of sexually depravity were made illegal at some level.”

        If these are true, I have no problem being called a fascist. I am an unrepentant nationalist. The Pacific Northwest should be a place primarily for White Americans. I also believe that sexual degeneracy like faggotry should be illegal.

  2. TakeAHardLook

    Bezos is another of those billionaire oligarchs who purchased the WaPo (intel agency) rag as a means to hardwire his empire into that of The Blob that is FedGov today. Bezos–a Leftard scumbag with lots of money–owns much and seeks to control even beyond his ownership. A wall-eyed, despicable slime (other than that he seems okay).

    Trump represents a mass awakening of more free thought & independence than has been evident for 100 years. More sheeple are awakening every day to the fraud/deception/immorality of our FedGov, corporate and bureaucratic agencies than ever before, and The Blob is displeased!

    1913 was a bad year for good people. We got the Federal Reserve, taxation at the Fed level and the debauchery that followed.
    Now, in 2024, we need to WakeTFU! Trump is assisting in that Awakening, AND THE BLOB IS DISPLEASED.

    • JerseyJeffersonian

      One other crucial calamity also occurred in 1913. See April 8th in this post:

      Another check on the untrammeled power of the federal leviathan was cemented into place by altering the Constitution to impede the agency of the individual States be discontinuing the appointment of their federal Senators by the State legislatures – to best represent that State’s interests – in favor of direct election by the populace (and also the influence of huge, immortal beings, Corporations on an national and international scale, as well as “outside agitators”).

      The 9th and 10th Amendments looked increasingly lonely as guardians of States’ rights under a federal structure after this. Invoke the Commerce Clause frenetically, and pass layers of civil rights legislation (occulted racism against whites and the underpinnings of republican governance), and Their goal is nigh.

  3. Filthie

    Dear gawd.

    On OyTube, CBC on Trump: RACIST!!! RACIST!!!! RACIST!!!!

    Global City TV, also OyTube about Trump: SEXIST!!! SEXIST!!! SEXIST!!!

    Comrade Cow Cnut err… Comrade Misfit on her blag: NAZIS!!! NAZIS!!! NAZIS!!!

    This is what happens when women vote and are given positions of power. To them there is nothing more important than their right to murder their own babies.

    If they cheat this time – SHOOT THEM. They will have earned it. Maybe burn the witches too…


    I would bet a shekel that the poop artist is a nigger.

    What was considered authentic art from the African land of milk and honey was often no more than animal or nigger shit that had petrified and carved into something recognizable.

    To have a blessing of the National Park Service is appropriate. All three go together quite well; niggers, shit and feral gubbmnet.

    • Anon

      The tiny hats are also obsessed with scat. Look at all the ‘jokes’ from their ‘comedians’ or bathroom ‘humor’ pushed in kids shows for decades or, well, some of the nastier stuff on the net (some of which tying into homosexuals and their obsessions as well).

  5. Big Ruckus D

    For all of their university degrees, much vaunted intellectualism, and purported social sophistication, they really are a bunch of juvenile, puerile, emotionally reactive pussies. Pathetic. So many men with punchable faces, and so many women who need to be slapped back into submission. Will we ever see a proper resolution of this bullshit? Entertaining though it will be, tweaking them into a frothing rage by making Trump president again isn’t nearly enough of a punishment for what they’ve done, and continue to do.

  6. SirLawrence

    It is important to keep in mind that the mind virus fears well-dressed White men in any kind of gathering but especially those that are centered around explicit claims to our land, heritage, posterity.

    Sadly the magic power of racisms has us all in crimestop 24/7. I had hoped Trump1.0 would have broken the spell but he has demonstrated his civnat clorblind and zionist preferences time and again. Maybe this time? Doubt it but who knows. Things are changing fast for the worse and thus for the better is also on the table.

    When you go into meatspace with your beautiful families and enjoy life, engage in the world around you, connect with other people, and embody the truth through your actions, you drive the demons crazy. Take joy in that. But also remember that in this war like all the rest is one of inches. Take care to bring the world you want to see to life in all that you do in the commons.

    The littlehats have gone out of their way to propagate the imagery of dumb white trash for any Whites who reside outside the urban bubble.

    Unfortunately, this has been internalized by both sides and far too many of our people oblige. The whiggery and pride in all the wrong things, in part as a reactionary position to the onslaught is understandable, but is a front in this war that should not be ignored.

    The aesthetics of the Occident matter. The other side clearly knows this and has thus been tearing it down both physically and spiritually for decades.

    White men have made it our cause to bring forth the Truth into our physical worlds. Beauty and purpose. We must not lose sight of the fact that our people own this domain. It is ours, but also ours to lose.

    That these ghouls are smearing literal feces and calling it creation while supposedly lashing out at some phantasm of mustache man is a perfect illustration that they know their domain and it is not ours but something far lesser, far darker and more depraved.

    Their blood libel has been unfortunately inculcated into many of our people and they too react as an insect might twitch under a magnifying glass, but the only way to cast off this wicked charade is to burn them with the sunlight of our people’s beauty and strength at every opportunity.

    • Lineman

      Yea hear you on that and well said, it drives them absolutely mad when they see White Families like mine and my family can sense their hatred which confirms what I tell about niggers and other mud people…

    • Big Ruckus D

      What I found most amusing about lex luthor bezo’s explanation is that he actually thinks he can recover the public trust (the part that isn’t rabid leftists, anyway) in WAPO, or the broader media in general. Fuck outta here with that delusion, they (the major media) have utterly destroyed their credibility and trustworthiness for the next 10 human lifetimes. Even if they somehow demonstrated legit ongoing neutrality in their coverage (which I don’t believe they’ll ever do) I’d still not buy and consume their “product”. They have permanently alienated me, and countless others.

      In the legendary words of dubya, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, uh, a fool won’t get fooled again!”

      • Lineman

        I might read his stuff if he came out and said it’s the kikes and niggers that are killing the West/White People but still wouldn’t give him money…

  7. Bean Dip Tray

    Comrade Bezos has lost 200,000 subscribers to the Sauron Compost.
    Watching the Logansport IN Fundamental Transformation of Haitian replacements with car crashes, snatching purses, don’t mind if I do grab something off the porch.
    Ahh… Tyson chicky bird factory got tax breaks.
    Bathhouse Barry the Chimpy Kenyan is loving it as they will all be CPUSA (D) voters.
    It only gets worse under the CPUSA (D) CCP/CPC fellow travelers and only about 3% have a clue.

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