I posted this two years ago, and with each passing year it seems that what we know about that day is less certain. I helped a young Amish teacher get some material together to teach her class about 9/11 today, a young woman I have known for a number of years since she turned 16, and realized that she was a couple months old when 9/11 happened. I have a busy morning today so all I have time for is a repost for now.
At first, it seemed that the events of September 11, 2001 would be my generation’s Pearl Harbor. I was 29 years old, the father of five children, and working at a decent job at Fidelity Investments. That one sunny day 21 years ago went from another dreary day of working in financial services to a horrifying disaster. Some of the vivid memories of those events included talking to my wife on the phone about a plane hitting the World Trade Center while she was home with the kids watching Fox News when she said something that made a mildly interesting bit of news turn into something else when I heard her say that a second plane had hit the other tower. What happened next is the stuff of history, although history doesn’t always reflect what really occurred.
I have tried to compartmentalize that day. There is what actually happened to the people that died, in the planes and the towers. Real people with families that were murdered as part of an ongoing struggle.
Then there is what happened after the attacks and, this is where my thinking has changed a lot, what happened before the attacks. I make no claim to know what happened, who was actually responsible, what their motivation was, but I am pretty sure that the official narrative is largely bullshit. Who did 9/11? Was it an inside job, the Feds, Mossad, some other international actor? Don’t know. Whoever did it, whatever their aim, it crushed the last little bit of the old America and paved the way for the surveillance state and the 20 year cash grab under the guise of “The War On Terror”.
If it was done by a state actor, then the mission was a success. 21 long, cynical years later and I still get a little choked up watch the news from that day. It still feels like a punch in the stomach. As far as a psyop, this was a masterpiece.
Normal to not normal to nightmare in just a few short minutes. The talking heads were scrambling trying to respond to the events changing.
What an awful day. I remember driving to work the next day, I was in a small office tower in northern Kentucky on the Ohio River looking into Cincinnati. My commute to work always included a ton of plane traffic in the skies as the Northern Kentucky/Cincinnati airport is a major hub for Delta but the skies were empty for days afterward.
Meanwhile the alleged mastermind behind 9/11 is still rotting in Gitmo. Makes me suspect that They don’t want anyone to hear what he has to say. I bet he has some interesting stories.
9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed awaits trial after two decades
We will likely never know what really happened but I know this. The best case scenario from that day is that 19 goat-humpers got to meet Allah after getting really lucky. That is also the least likely explanation. Every other possible scenario is far worse.
Nobody who isn’t a boomer or silent (and even a good chunk of them) believes the official story.
Whatever the truth is, it isn’t the one they are telling us.
They did a memorial on the talk radio this morning…more Lee Greenwood syrupy patriot bullshit. Turns my stomach.
It is the height of naiveté to believe that 19 muslims, coordinated by a 20th muslim hiding in a cave, pulled off 9/11.
The “coincidences” are too much to hold in one’s head all at one time. Only a Nation-state could have pulled this off.
They did.
Requiescat in pace.
A few years ago, I had some dipshit over at my house babbling about how the buildings were “blown from within,” that “jet fuel doesn’t burn hot enough to melt steel,” and all that bullshit. So, I went downstairs to my shop, got out my torch, and a piece of 1″ steel rod about a foot long. I had him try to bend it. No can do, of course. Then, I got my torch and annealed the metal in the center. I didn’t MELT it, I just heated it up enough to remove the hardness. Then, I handed him my welding gloves and had him repeat the bending attempt. It, of course, bent like a paperclip. I said, “THIS is what happened to the steel in the towers. Anyone who has spent five minutes welding or cutting metal knows it. Any other questions?” He turned red, got his wife, and left.
I personally think that 9/11 was rank incompetence and a society cowed by accusations of ‘racism.’ Do I believe there might have been a bit of skullduggery behind the scenes? Yes. I do. It wouldn’t shock me in the slightest to find out that there was CIA contact with KSM, giving him tips on how to make something big happen in the USA. But I have no trouble believing that, for instance, a ticket counter person had her hackles raised by an Arab buying a one-way ticket with cash, thought of reporting it, and then decided not to because that would be ‘racist.’ I also have no trouble believing that the people at the flight school who taught these sand niggers to fly, but thought it weird that they were unconcerned about the process of taking off or landing, also didn’t say anything for the same reason.
9/11 was a turning point in the USA – but we turned in the wrong direction. It enabled the modern surveillance state, as noted. Muslim immigration tripled in the years after 9/11. Bush the Lesser said, “We’re fighting them over there so we don’t have to fight them here.” What he really meant was “Invade the world, invite the world.” Cocksucker.
And yeah, the Lee Greenwood song makes me barf. “I’m an American, where at least I know I’m free.” Fuck that, we are infinitely less “free” than we were on 9/10/2001.
How do you explain that the Pentagon was hit by a US cruise missile, caught on a parking lot camera..Or that Building 7, ignored in the report, collapsed without being hit, and was a textbook example of demolition…
Riddle me this, batman;
How did they deliver all the plane parts scattered around the pentagon crash site? Wheels, engines, tail parts with the AA logo on them?
I used to drive by that side of the pentagon every day. I know people that were on that road then it happened. I had a brother-in-law in a building across the highway in Crystal City that saw it.
Building 7 was rent by debris, from what I remember. Buildings aren’t engineered to have tons of debris fall on them, or rip through their sides.
A textbook example of a demolition would have weeks of work weakening beams, installing explosives, and running detcord everywhere. Someone would have noticed.
@ “Skeptic” …….which you ain’t!
Your simpleton cocksure explanation has been debunked multiple times. You obviously never read any of the research by Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth/Richard Gage. No one will ever find out exactly what brought those towers down but it sure wasn’t the way you submitted. Then there’s the collapse of Building 7, of which no planes hit. Think that was cut and dry too?
Not to mention those amazing dancing Israelis.
Yes! There are interviews with one of the cops that caught up to them. He doesn’t mince words about what a sham it all was. Those kosher turds even admitted on Pissraeli TV that they were there to “document the event
Then there’s all the ‘Israeli art students’ that were infesting the country just prior to 9 11. I believe it was Fox News featured an expose’ on that and it was pulled right after 9 11. The kikes were major players, no doubt about it!
I remember working late the night before and planning on sleeping in the next morning. Got woken up the next day by the boss calling to tell me he was trapped in the US since his flight just got cancelled and why.
The real ‘question’ that most people CANNOT ‘handle’ is simply the “JQ”. Too Many of (((them))) obviously Knew about it in advance – from the ones Arrested by NYPD for Filming it, (promptly released by (((federal officials))) to the Thousands, including the (((owner))) of the Buildings who ‘stayed home from work’, to the (((stockbrokers))) who put ‘shorts’ on Airline Stocks and made huge Profits.
Skeptic – I’ve been a Jet Mechanic for 45 Years now, no telling how many Turbine Engines I’ve taken apart and put back together. There is NOTHING in one of those Engines that resembles the kind of ordinary “Steel” used in Construction, because the Metals have to withstand Extreme Loads at over halfway to their (far higher) Melting Points without Yielding even a few Thousandths of an Inch. And the ‘Flame Temperature’ of Jet-A Kerosene in Free Air is a Lot Lower than when it is in a Confined Space with a Draft- like in a Tall Building’s Elevator Shafts.
And the Flying – Mad Skills, done by guys with Thousands of Hours in Transports – anyone who thinks that dumb gay-rabs who had a few hours in a Sim did that is just cucking to the ‘Official Narrative’. Plenty of U.S.-trained Military Pilots in Sandland could have been recruited to participate. I worked with a Persian guy (ex- ‘Shah of Iran’ AF) who could do a Neutral-Axis Roll in a Lockheed 1011-20 Freighter, and not Spill my Coffee as I stood in the Cockpit Door. (I played Mechanic/Flight Engineer on that Gig). Flying a 200-Foot Span Plane into a 400-foot Wide Building is easy compared to Landing that Plane on a 100-Foot Wide Runway.
My thoughts and opinions have also changed about what occurred post-9/11. No thinking person can deny that the incident was used to further the police/security/intelligence state that we live in today. Even today, after all the abuses of power that have been brought to light as a result of enhancing “state security laws” there’s not enough critters in Modor on Potomac who have the intestinal fortitude to reverse some/all of it.
i,m still waiting on proof of what hit the Pentagon? there was no plane wreckage
in front of the building
No wings or jet engines found..so hit by a cruise missile, caught on a parking lot camera,,,hit exactly where the Pentagon $6 trillion fraud investigation was taking place…
Bullshit. Google the images.
The parking lot camera was 1990s tech, with a lower than 30fps frame rate. That’s why it looks like a silver streak.
Another riddle: Where’d the cruise missile come from?
I was on a FTX in Hawaii when the shit went down, the commanding general had to order my dipshit Captain to bring us back on post.
Fast-forward to September 2002 and coming back from Bosnia, one of the new guys was a sergeant from the 10th Mountain Division that was on the first plane into Uzbekistan.
They were all amped up on the plane, locked-n-cocked in Full Battle Rattle and when the tail dropped there were guys in suits laughing at them and saying “Calm down, we’ve been here the last 6 months getting this place ready for you.”
Take of that what you will, the little blonde sergeant was Lonnie from Texas, and Engineers Lead The Way.
If 9/11 wasn’t an inside job (planned, aided and perhaps even directly executed by the Cocaine Import Agency or some such) it was, at the very least, tacitly allowed to happen. The owner of the flight school in Florida repeatedly contacted the FBI about the students who “didn’t need to learn to land the plane”, and this tip was repeatedly blown off as unimportant. The operation could’ve been scuttled right there by bagging these goat fuckers.
So too could their plan have been stopped if these muzzies, some of whom were on expired visas, and thereby in the country illegally, had been rounded up and deported. The state of Florida, conservative stronghold that it is (ha), even granted these assholes drivers licenses. And of course Airport security fucked right off and utterly failed to properly screen these sand niggers, which would have excluded them from flying if we had actual functional security. Which we didn’t have then, and still don’t 23 years later.
All we got out of the experience was the Patriot act, DHS and TSA; a massive expansion of state power. My biggest disappointment is that the attack didn’t massacre scores of government personnel. If it had, at least we would’ve gotten something useful out of the experience. Instead, it wrecked what little was still left of the American ideal. Now it lives only in the minds and memories of an ever shrinking contingent of legacy Americans.
In hindsight, the terrorists won. They destroyed the country I was born in, as it observably no longer exists. Theirs was just the final blow of course. In hindsight, the place was already fucked and done before 9/11, given the trajectory it was on socially and economically. All these guys did was give it that last push over the edge. If they hadn’t done it, something or someone else would have.
Yeah. A really sad and horrific day. My opinions have drastically changed since that day. I would agree with almost all the comments here. So much more to investigate and comprehend to this day.
The hardest idea to comprehend is certain people profiting off mass murder and war.
Now these same people have their eyes set on White people. It’s hard to comprehend.
Why would you kill off the host?
The host that tolerates you now won’t in the future.
Sorry got off in a tangent.
I’m of the opinion that the Kennedy assassinations, (hell) pretty much all assassinations, 9-11, the latest attempt on Trump are products of Alphabet agencies. There’s a lot that can be added to that.
I remember being patriotic that day. I was for weeks and years after that as well. I slowly lost it over time. It’s not really my country anymore.
I still fly the flag. I know my neighbors and get along with them. Everyone is armed. So there’s that…
Maybe someday we will know but I doubt it because we will never have the power to have the truth come out…
We’ll never have the truth, because any solid evidentiary documentation of it has long since been intentionally destroyed. Think about it, if you were of a group that had a hand in pulling off stuff like JFK ,9/11 et al, why would you retain file cabinets and hard drives full of the information that would incriminate yourselves by revealing who was responsible and how it was all planned and carried out?
I laugh at the notion we will ever be given paperwork (lacking enough redaction to actually be useful) that shows who did JFK, or any of the other stuff that stinks based on the extant official explanation.
The era when “civil servants” would dutifully type up and file away the records of all the dirty doings, and then classify it beyond the scope of a human lifetime, is long since over. Now we have an managerial state that his openly hostile towards any sort of accountability, and since there are no actual consequences to them for failure to do what “the law” requires, they openly thumb their noses at doing any such thing. I’ll bet there are more shredders than lateral files or digital archival storage in existence in DC and it’s various outposts these days.
And really, we don’t need the truth. It’s moot now, the only thing that matters is that the leviathan be thrown off and utterly destroyed. If we never get the receipts, who gives a shit? We know all these turds need to be flushed, and already have more than enough justification to do so irrespective of any other official misconduct being positively proven to a legal standard.
In short, fuck it. While I’d like to know who planned and carried out the dirty work merely for the sake of satiating my curiosity, I’d happily sacrifice access to that knowledge to destroy all those involved in the ongoing planning and execution of such operations, and just write off the past bullshit as settled business. It’s not like knowing the details can change anything now.
Well Brother I would say they still have all of it just to show how much power they have over us but your right it doesn’t fucking matter just like a lot of stuff posted here and elsewhere which can all be erased in the blink of an eye…It’s amazing to me how much time and effort are put into things that on the grand scale of things and especially our survival don’t mean a damn thing…
“I would say they still have all of it just to show how much power they have”
I was just about to say that. These people are malignant narcissists. Records would be like the trophies (a lock of hair, a tooth) some whack job serial killer might keep of his victims. It’s difficult for most normal people to think like Them, because you don’t have the cultural paranoia, hostility to out-group people, and above all, the astonishing capacity for massive self-delusion.
Most can’t comprehend the evil that’s behind these people especially ones that have never seen a demon…
As for what happened on 9/11, all I know is, per George Carlin’s #1 rule, whatever is the official story is…. that didn’t happen. As for the towers being wired to explode, it isn’t that I don’t think the feds were evil enough to do it. It is that I am skeptical of their competence to do it. It is one thing to be ruled by evil. But we are ruled by astonishingly stupid evil people. The idea that a dumb cunt like Kamala Harris could get so close to the presidency is amazing. That a dumb nigger like Lloyd “Raytheon” Austin could lead the DOD is equally amazing.
” I slowly lost it over time. It’s not really my country anymore.”
I still watch George Carlin interviews. He often talks about how he learned to not give a shit. To not have any interest in the outcome of the game. He says it allowed himself a kind of freedom to do his job as a comedian. I think I am working my way to such a place. It isn’t my country. I am a dissident. Getting angry that stupid sociopaths are destroying the country with the additional anger from recognizing my impotence is not conducive to good mental health.
There are stories like this: https://areaocho.com/hatet/ where a man whose son was killed by an immigrant wishes his son was killed by a white man just so he could hate on republicans. IMHO, this cocksucker should be given what he wants. If I were king, I soak him with [redacted], then [redacted] him alive in the middle of town. That is the only way you can deal with that kind of insanity. And warn anyone else who does not want to express a preference for preservation of their self, family, and nation that the same thing could happen to them.
The only thing I can do is keep my head on a swivel and take care of family. But other than that, I don’t give a shit. if you don’t have the wherewithal to recognize, much less do anything about, existential risks, fuck you…. I’ll just watch as Hatians destroy your town.
I read the DiveMedic column at your link.
My comment in part:
The child was not murdered by an illegal or illegals.
The school-teacher parents volunteered to sacrifice their child in service of their ideals.
BOLSHEVIKS or mohammadans.
What is the difference.
9/11 was fake and gay. Just like everything else.
I believe the buildings were indeed hit by planes, but it was very much “allowed” to happen.
That’s pretty much my contention. Some of the more…outlandish… theories do the good guys a disservice be making us all look like skizos with such paranoid delusions that they are entirely discrediting to our cause. Like the proposed theory the planes were holograms. FFS, way to massively and unnecessarily overcomplicate the whole thing with a chimera. But I’ll not get off into the weeds with that stuff. Suffice it to say I think the circumstances that came together to culminate in the attacks were just too convenient (too many compound failures and oversights working in concert) for it to believable as having happened entirely by chance. People in alphabet agencies knew as much as they needed to in order to forestall the attacks. They didn’t fail by inadequate intelligence gathering, or by simple failure to detect. It was a series of willful oversights that lead directly to the events of this day in 2001.
And maybe you guys are correct about these shits holding the evidence as trophies, and I understand the theory behind that thinking. But I don’t really think it necessary. Their trophy is having done these sorts of things as accomplished fact in broad daylight, and never facing any accountability for it. They are, in point of fact, making reality to their own perverse desires, and that is probably enough to satiate their demonic psyche. After all, the real objective is to make us suffer. And God knows they are doing that with great success, with far worse yet to come. Besides, why collect physical trophies if they are never revealed to exist? That strikes me as defeating the whole purpose of doing so.
Hypothetically, if I had a 12″ dick, and managed to convince all the hot girls in a sorority of it just by telling them I had it, but never showed it to them (or put it to it’s intended use) is it really a trophy? What’s the point in that? Then again, I don’t think the way these people do, so I can’t relate directly to their mindset and rationale.
Further, meticulous record keeping us a hallmark of a competent and functional society. Which we no longer have, and haven’t for some time. Maybe older events were fully and properly documented. Much of what has happened in the last 10-15 years, probably reads like a paper written by a retarded nig in a resource room at 5th grade level, if it exists at all. Then factor in the effect of incompetence on proper records retention, and we’ll probably find disks full of midget donkey porn, instead of the official records that are supposed to be stored in the government archives.
Like I said, forego the proof and just burn it all down to suppress any furter ability of the state to conduct such operations. That’s the only outcome I’m interested in now.
Getting into campfire chat territory but just want to say on your dick analogy if only the hot girls knew because they seen it would you give two shits about the ugly ones?
The general public are the ugly girls the elites puppets are the pretty girls…
It simply doesn’t add up. There are no coincidences.
Might be surprising to hear from a Chinaman, but I too have a 12-inch dick. It’s in a jar of formaldehyde on my desk.
Agreed on the “but evidence doesn’t matter because the system is obviously irreconcilably broken (corrupted)” part. And “the real nutters aren’t helping” part too. You’ve gotta wonder if it’s not organic spontaneous crazy, but deliberately orchestrated/scripted crazy to smear by association.
Oops. Was meant to be a reply to BRD @2110.
I used to accept the official narrative pretty readily, (and still avoid the more outlandish conclusions) but I started being more skeptical after watching a very thorough documentary about the Oklahoma City bombing. So much there that is unexplained and suspicious.
Allahu ackbar is part of the Fundamental Transformation?
Si se puede!