It sure feels like I have been mailing in low effort posts a lot lately so I apologize. There are some minor nagging issues that are causing stress with my extended family and seemingly endless doctor and dentist appointments for the kids and work is pretty busy as well but that is no excuse for my lack of decent content.

We are in a super bizarre timeline right now. I can’t remember such a weird time leading up to an election season with so much seemingly teetering on the edge of collapse while two dipshits are arguing about the dumbest stuff possible. While the “Left” is united in their hatred of the Orange Man and his evil, literal Nazi, followers, people on what passes for the “Right” are all dividing themselves into little camps with their own pet position as The Only Important Issue. The kerfuffle last week over Winston Churchill of all people was simply bizarre. I will have more to say about that later on.
Like it or not we are about to enter the real campaign season and with a “debate” this week things promise to start getting crazier in a hurry. Putting Cacklin’ Cumala on stage live with Trump is a recipe for some straight up lunacy. I commented elsewhere that if If I were Trump I would respond to every question by yielding my time to Cumala, the more she speaks, the better Trump will appear.
Obviously the polling is complete bullshit. No one, not one person, is actually excited to vote for Cumala Whorris and Tampon Tim Walz. Hell, his entire family turned on him. Meanwhile Trump is gathering former Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr. while Cumala is honored to be endorsed by Dick Cheney. Dick Fuckin’ Cheney! I could have gone three more lifetimes without hearing that name. The list of “Republicans” supporting Cumala or at least publicly declaring they won’t vote for Trump is a who’s who of the worst people alive: Dick Cheney and his demon-spawn witch-whore daughter Liz, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Mike Pence. I could hardly come up with a list of worse people given that John McCain is burning in hell already.
I maintain my belief that we are being set-up for a Trump “win”. The “judge” in Trump’s New York case just announced that sentencing for Trump will be delayed until after the “election”. Meanwhile the current “administration” is quietly trying to “Trump-Proof” the Department of Justice in anticipation of a Trump “victory”: Biden-Harris Admin Busted Using Secret Rule To ‘Trump-Proof’ DOJ
The current administration has resorted to using a “Schedule A” hiring rule to staff DOJ offices with individuals who may be shielded from potential termination by a new administration, including that of Trump if he wins the 2024 election.
Several hundred employees have been hired under this rule, bypassing merit-based qualifications and allowing them to keep their jobs even at the end of the current administration’s term.
Put in practice, this means that if Trump is sworn in as president, he could find himself grappling with leftover Biden appointees. This follows several reports suggesting that President Joe Biden is implementing policies designed to undermine Trump if elected.
According to documents released by Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT) and first reported by the Caller, the specific offices targeted include the powerful Environmental and Natural Resources (ENRD) and the Antitrust and Immigration Review departments.
This includes “over 100 immigration judges”, meaning that if this stands that Trump could not get rid of the people who are packing this country with low IQ imbeciles.
I believe the goal is to allow Trump to “win” but faced with an intractable Federal bureaucracy packed with anti-Trump idealogues that will thwart anything he tries to do.
Regardless, everything is super bizarre right now and promises to only get weirder so I am hoping things settle down a bit. I will try to do better.
Please, no apologies. We are all living with the Crazy-Making of Clown World, but you have young children, other family members, and a vital business to tend to. Your yeoman efforts are appreciated by this sometime commenter, whatever they may yield. Thanks for all that you do.
Trumps first move on day one should be to FIRE about 80% of ALL gov’t employees. Then, put the remaining 20% on a 90 day probation pending a performance review.
Eliminate the roadblocks right from the git.
Which government employees?
Exactly. 50% of the “Economy” is tit-sucking subsidized regulatory capture rent-seeking fedbucks vampire middlemen juicing fiat for paper profits they are racing to convert into tangible porfolios they can rent/flip/arbitrage to workers in the rest of the economy which is just changing the oil in their cars and servicing their portfolios. Which is mostly invader labor at this point.
Even in straight up dotgov makework nobody is going to fire 80% of the female and blixes that dotgov employs. And nobody is going to displace what’s left of STEM, which is largely hitched to dotmil, DARPA, DOE, social media spy-tech etc.
That people are rooting for Elon in this latest pulp fiction of politk is proof that all the right’s talk of small government, crony capitalism, etc. is lost in the smoke and mirrors of their insecurity to maintain their personal economic station
People want the economy of clown world without the overt social engineering. Cake eating is our national pastime.
They are just upset that their kids arent thriving in the grift. And that the cost to buy their bubble in cloud striver world has inflated faster than their own ability to extract other people’s value from the system.
Now that replacement is a foregone conclusion it also stings a little to have it mashed in your face.
But of all the collapse porn, I kinda like the idea of just turning off the fiat spigot. Shrinking fedgov to some 19th century skeleton crew. We will never de-diversity without breaking the incentives. And we will never break the incentives without breaking the whole machine. But I don’t think most understand how close we are all six-degrees from moloch’s moola.
do what you need to do for the family, Art. That’s 1st. As for the political shit going on right now… know the folks around you, and nearby. Head on a swivel, load mags, and be alert. “We” are going to fix this, that’s an Imperative for our kids and grandkids. Refer to “the kill house rules”. For those still for some reason behind the curve:
there’s going to be a fight, worse than we can imagine.
“No way out but through”
Let’s win.
Take care of important things first. (And best wishes that all turns our well). Post when you can.
Love the polar bear postman!
Speaking of the US Postal Service. I live in a small town of about 4,600 people in north central Wisconsin. As of late I am seeing blaque postal workers employed. In coincidence with this I get an increasing amount of mail delivered to my mailbox that does not belong to me. Huh I wonder why that would be?
More kosher Kabuki theater on steroids. Two sides of the same shekel ‘debating’ on who can carry the most water for the chosen scum and their policies. It’s all such a colossal, repulsive sham. Trumpenstein won’t get rid of anyone because it’s not in his script.
They may have a job, but they can be told to work from Anchorage. Outside. In winter.
Without internet access.
“….[P]eople on what passes for the “Right” are all dividing themselves into little camps with their own pet position as The Only Important Issue.”
I noted this today on another site and posted the following:
“Our problem as “conservative” Americans is that we are too rigid–we want our candidate of choice to be a Messiah of sorts–a perfect person (when none such exists), whose policies–all of them–must align with our own before we will give our full support.
If RFKJr can help the Party of Not-Satanists get to The White House then we will deal with whatever happens vis-a-vis gun control if, and when, that occurs.
Anything beats the malignantly, overtly communist future that looms in 2025 with Komrade Harris and the Party of Satan.
We need to get off our high horses, for Chrissakes!”
My 2 cents.
Agreed with all. Look forward to your posts but we all have things we need to do.
As others have said, give your time and attention to what really matters first. The blog is a worth and entertaining sideline, and is much appreciated, but posting should not come at the expense of family and professional responsibilities. Can’t agree more with you on how incredibly screwed up everything is right now, and I’m amazed it hasn’t collapsed in on itself already.
That’s coming of course, but somehow it keeps being pushed off just a little longer.
I just figured you were as busy as I am trying to get ready for the hell that is coming to us all.
Charlie Hargrave nails it^.
Could Trump put them all on administrative leave with pay? Take of Federal equipment like computers and cell phones and revoke all of their accesses?