Speaking of chickens…..
Police: Indy man, upset food was cold, waved around gun inside KFC
An Indianapolis man is accused of waving around a gun inside a KFC in Speedway after becoming angry that his food was cold despite being allegedly late to pick up his order.
Anthony Williams, 32, was arrested and charged with intimidation, a Level 5 felony, and criminal recklessness, a Level 6 felony.
According to court documents, Williams and a manager at the KFC on Crawfordsville Road go into a verbal argument on Sept. 15 after Williams arrived to grab his pick-up order and became angry his food was cold. The manager told Williams it was due to him being late to pick up the order.
Williams reportedly made threats about being in a gang from “South Central” and went to his vehicle to retrieve a handgun. He then is accused of walking back into the restaurant and waving the gun around at employees.
Williams also allegedly jumped over the counter and demanded a refund or warm food.
Of course there are many gang members from “South Central” in Indianapolis, assuming he means South Central Indy rather than L.A. I already knew the answer but I always try to do my due diligence….

They do take their fast food quite seriously.
1. He needs to have been ventilated upon entry into the store. Self-defense is a real thing!
2. Wait until the nog fires his weapon, deliberately/randomly harming or killing people or structures.
Hint: Selecting #2 is a bone-headed choice. (If someone ‘covers’ me with a gun I have likely already fired because I have zero assurance that the nog would not pull the trigger, obliterating my very existence).
He will be right back out of prison thanks to commie “Prosecutor” Mears in Indy but maybe next time someone will shut him down, permanent like
awww… they missed the chance to douse him with
BURNING HOT chicken grease!!!
Then they could have invited some Haitians for some chicken fried Nog. I hear it’s popular down there.
At KFC they would have mopped it up and reused it
In the nog-osphere, notions such as ‘timeliness’ are White racist traps designed to make the bruthas and sistas look bad. He wasn’t ‘late’ picking up his food. He was on black time. KFC was at fault for being ‘early’ with his food prep and failing to appreciate his black timeliness. The only worse crime would have been if he showed up before his food was ready and KFC did not respect his right to have whatever he wants, whenever he wants it. Ask your toddlers to explain it. They know.
Anthony likely has never had a job, being a notorious gangsta from South Central, so he likely has no idea how long it takes to prepare a meal
Good old nigger time paradox…
The Kwanstain of Amerikwa, the steaming fourth world turd, is like that scene in Scarface where he says… this town [country] is like a great big chicken just waiting to get plucked. (censored for G rated readers)
A steaming fourth world turd in four years!?
Historic, gutsy call, New Civility comrade.
Allegedly, according to, reportedly. Let’s wait until we know more details.
At the least, there are mitigating circumstances that could be considered. The food was not acceptable and no refund paid. I can see some liability on KFCs violations.
Let’s be reasonable.
let’s be reasonable and not go off on the poor people making your food
Felony and cold food? Or just cold food?
I thought the preferred goyslop chicken place for pepil of colours was Popeye’s? So racist Col. Sanders is still ok? Chickens is serious bidness with pepil of colours.
The best time to be irate and wave a gun around is when you are to blame for the problem about which you are irate and waving your gun around.