I don’t normally have much tolerance for the sassy Mexican chick thing but this one? Maybe.
Transgender athletes should not compete against female athletes, a Republican candidate for secretary of state of Missouri, Valentina Gomez, has said in an apparent response to the recent controversial boxing match at the Paris Olympics.
The remarks were made during a half-minute video message on X (formerly Twitter), captioned “these faggots don’t belong in women’s sports,” which the GOP candidate posted on Thursday.
In the footage, Gomez, wearing a sweatshirt bearing the Olympic logo of five interlaced rings, claimed: “These faggots should get their own faggot category because before if a man hit a woman it used to land him in jail. Now it gets you a gold medal at the Olympics.”
She went on stating: “These are the worst Olympics in history. They have made a mockery out of Christianity and women. And let me remind you, there’s no such thing as a chick with a d***. Keep women sports female!”
Very nice. Made it into a gif but it doesn’t seem to be working.
Plus added the whole video to Rumble because it cracks me up.
I like her, she can maybe stay after we drive the rest of the mestizo hordes back to Mexico.
Since it is principally women who were behind the whole ‘tolerance’ thing right from the get-go, it has to be women who put a halt to the madness they encouraged and supported. When their big, bleeding hearts insisted that “love is love” and gays should be able to get married and raise children, they never envisioned that their daughters would shortly be edged out of sports scholarships and beauty pageants by deranged male freaks. When they screamed that “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was discriminatory, they did not see a time when their children would be forced to attend drag queen story hour. It starts with ‘tolerance’ and ends with toddlers learning about anal fisting in kindergarten.
They got what they asked for, without having any clue what they asked for.
Ding ding ding, we have a winnah!
And now I await the predictably outrageous response to, and attacks on Based Mamacita™, because surely her remarks will spin up a shit storm of marxist apoplexy. Hope she’s ready for the onslaught of the cancel cunts, because they’re going to be pissed and looking for their pound of flesh.
You should watch her other videos if their not blocked, she goes after other faggotry. All politics is fake & gay but the messages they say can motivate.
Spot fucking on. I feel nothing for these women. I want this to continue and get worse. Let them get the shit kicked out of them. They wanted this, now they have to deal with it.
For some time now I’ve had a rule of thumb that the only reliable way to tell the difference between controlled opposition and “our guys” is whether or not they use racial or sexual “slurs.” If they do, then you know that they’re not representing globohomo. But I’m a little less sure about this than I used to be.
She posted a similarly inspiring message back on juneteenth. Helps her stand out from the other 7 republicans running for secretary of state in Missouri. For which the primary is on Tuesday. She’s only 25.
“Since it is principally women who were behind the whole ‘tolerance’ thing right from the get-go, it has to be women who put a halt to the madness they encouraged and supported. ”
That is because weak men allowed them. Women didn’t pass the 19th amendment, men did. The idea of leaving the responsibility to women to fix things is an abdication of responsibility. Women , left to their own devices without a strong male role model, don’t make good decisions. At what point to men start taking responsibility for what is happening?
It reminds of when a pedophile is allowed to live and someone will quip, “well, he will get his justice when he gets to prison and the prisoners find out he is a pedo.” If you have to leave it to criminals to exact justice, I have nothing but vulgar epithets for your culture and legal system.
“They got what they asked for, without having any clue what they asked for.”
This is why women are never supposed to be in any position of authority above women. Because, like toddlers, they are incapable of seeing the consequences of their actions. The slippery slope may be an informal fallacy, but that doesn’t mean it is always wrong.
…authority above men.
Agree with that Brother…
Just like toddlers. Women, children, horses and dogs (and I add employees to this list) can become quite unruly and unmanageable and even violent and angry when they lack sound, responsible leadership. Adult women are by far the worst. The anxiety that a lack of leadership creates in them (even though they themselves generally reject all guardrails, limits or any other manner of constraint) gives rise to an anger that becomes destructive to everything around them from families to cultures. Most of the ones that have reached their 30’s in that state are beyond hope for anything beyond a “last call” hook up after the bar unless they undergo some manner of catharsis. Young men must be taught that first of all they don’t need women, women need men. Secondly, a woman that will not submit, or who will kill your child is no woman and is not worth your time. Thirdly, that (teachable) women will submit when provided strong, able leadership. But above all, young men must be raised to understand that a man’s calling is not “scoring”, but rather starting and raising a family, and that a woman’s value to him is not in meaningless hook ups, but in birthing children. Very many American young women nowadays are a disgusting, wretched lot-unshapeable and untrustworthy, lost, unteachable and no real heart or stomach for the reality of the way life really is. I pity any man under the age of thirty that aspires to raising a family.
Which is why we need to be building them a White Homeland again so we don’t have to pity them and instead give them the opportunities to have the same chance or better than we did…
Joo run media and entertainment very much twisted those basic concepts during the years of the boomer generation. I hope we can recover.
¡me gusta!
I like her and the words she uses. I believe she understands the impact they have as well.
These satanic degenerates keep normies off balance by declaring what words we can and can’t use and what they mean.
We’re not supposed to words like niggers and faggots because of what they mean.
A mainstream political candidate actually had the courage to drop the word faggot publicly. Maybe another brave woman will properly label Kamel Toe and not being an authentic nigger.
Damn, if I lived in Missouri I’d vote for her.
This brings up a point though and that is just like you would never want to be lumped in with white left wing soy boys, there are ALOT of latinos who agree with us and will vote with us. Many latinos integrate wonderfully into our country, serve in the military (and are good at it) and like this woman are allies against the left wing BS. They also never take a dime of government assistance and work their asses off every day (just like us).
There are of course latinos who come here to grift off the government, are on welfare and commit crimes.
I’m just saying don’t lump them all together.
Not lumping them all together is what got us into this mess that we are in now…The IKAGO mentality is helping them destroy us and everything we hold dear…Why can’t they go back and make their country great why does it always have to be on our and our childrens back…This chick can be in the border zone helping rule that and if crime or drugs get through she will have to be replaced…
Yes, and integrating just leads to race mixing, and the destruction of our race. That’s just the truth of the matter.
Lineman: Well said and Amen.
Voting isn’t real.
Throw all the beaners over the wall. She can still be against faggotry in Mexico.
Men that choose women to rule over them are complete and utter cux.
I like her but can’t keep her. Only takes one and here we go again. MAWA.
Just a reminder PSA:
“We will corrupt the west so bad that it stinks.”
Comrade Willi Munzenberg, Frankfurt School Long March
I’ve known plenty of based spicks. Yet their homelands are stinking shitholes. They all have to go back.
The white knighting for girl sport, especially the degenerate violence variety, is peak cuckery.
The “right” loves to protect the comfortable gains of satanic inversion while shouting at the moon about “liberals”. It’s all so cringe.
Fine if this spicy wetback wants to go after team awful woman but make no mistake she will circle her tortilla cart with her own when it comes time to finally take over. Just look at what the pajeets are doing to suburban post america.
How many more generations of boys must be destroyed so we can make sure future lawyercunts and sporty girls can rule clown world?
Only two ways out. The cleansing fire of a meteor or White Christian Men going a pair and cleaning their own houses, tribing up, and giving up the spoils of progress.
No more cake eating.
The rest
Amen Brother and your house isn’t clean if you still are asking for permission from your wife to do what is needed which a shit ton of our guys still have that problem in their home…
@ Sir Lawrence
If and when that pair is grown, are they going to join us White non-monotheist (i.e. ‘Pagan’) men in arms……. or are we still considered below them?? What do you think?
Yes our people have a great deal of diversity of our own. A challenge as old as time, to be managed, but downstream of the season before us.
As Brothers we serve our people. As a Christian I serve the Lord and trust him to direct me to the cause that is needed in my time here.
As part of that I would pray for you and invite you to open your heart to the Truth, just as I do for those in my own family who are not Christian.
But this is a spiritual war. The physical, earthly conflicts may take precedent in the now, as we are physical beings, but the war is timeless, it transcends.
There is much we cannot see or know. As such I firmly believe we are called to Christ and the Truth because that is the only way to cast off evil – and the only way to draw true meaning and purpose and life ever after from this world.
Not to mention the optimal organizing principles of a society of sinners and broken people in the best model possible for thriving. Especially for what is coming.
There are important shared roots among the pagan and Christian and we are obviously yet again in a time when we will need to draw upon that shared history but I am hopeful the ultimate path converges for the glory of God.
I believe that fighting godless commies and satanic pedophiles calls for a higher universal. The inversion must be righted.
Thor can help I suppose but there is but one God.
And in the end we win. But that end is unlikely to happen on our watch. So, much of this is moot for Christians, who have already secured our place in Glory.
Which IMO does not preclude drawing the sword for our people and a future for our children like a lot of squishy Christ-lites. Quite the opposite.
There are a lot of fat to be rendered my friend.
Another Crusade. The world will again tremble.
You are looking at this from the wrong perspective. All that needs to happen is that a few new categories of Olympic sports needs to be introduced and all can compete.
If that had been done, Imane Khelif would be the first Gold Medal winner of the Freestyle Domestic Violence category.
Modern problems require modern solutions and all that … and yes, the Internet needs a sarcasm font.
My wife – a free-thinking Cuban of Basque heritage – says “Panchita” (her name for Mexican women) is just trying to get attention and can only be taken seriously if she comes out swinging like that regarding illegal immigrants, jews and woke culture in general. Believe me, she knows how Latin women are!
She also says to look at the way she puts red highlights in her hair to look more ‘Anglo’. Gave her credit for not doing a totally fake bleach job like a lot of Latinas do. LOL, you really got her going!!
As expected. She’s a typical Republicunt-cunt hack spewing all their bullshit ‘talking points’ – in addition to genuflecting to Israhell of course. Nothing here to get excited about – unless you’re a RINO retard.
Do we know for sure if Khelif is a tranny or a hermaphrodite or something else?
I’ve heard conflicting reports.
I have nothing against transvestites, I think they all should have an island someplace so they can do whatever it is those people do to each other.
A volcano island.
A nuclear test site/anthrax test site island.
A tangential detail I noted from the video clip is that it appears to have been shot in the city or St. Louis, Missouri. The large church in the background is unmistakably the Oratory of St. Francis DeSales, located at Gravois and Ohio streets in the southern portion of the city (which is its own separate “county”, not to be confused with suburban St. Louis County, which is immediately west of the city).
That’s a rough neighborhood – has been for most of the last 50+ years – and is deep blue politically. Lots of latino population in the general vicinity, but is more heavily concentrated a bit further south of there in the so called Cherokee Street district. She appears to be on a rooftop or balcony, probably East of the church, and there are some old residential row house properties in that area, plus some rehab conversions of old warehouses and such to “loft” apartments and condos.
Interesting choice to shoot there, and I wonder if that is her “home base”. Probably unwise to compromise one’s opsec in such a manner, when speaking hard truths. I know nothing about this chick, but as much as I’m entertained by her spouting off, I can’t take her seriously. The close on that clip could be straight out of “Idiocracy”, and the whole thing reeks of attention whoring.
She should be bashing transfaggots in her own country (that being the country of her heritage), and pressuring men in positions of leadership there to do what is needed to rein them in, not running for office here and making the dubious claim she will actively combat transfaggotry as a political promise that is virtually guaranteed to go unfulfilled, if she even got elected.
Some spicy bearded taco?
Si se puede!
I have a big burrito for your chalupa Chica!
Connenting as a racist by definition, the generations old mexican ranching families are beyond solid in their beliefs. Never had any quarrel with them and us “anglos” are meshed in gear usually with them.
The urban Mexican are always suspect and are quickly sniffed out. I’ll give this girl a tentative pass and welcome her into the fold if she leaves the urban/suburban shithole which is hopelessly lost.
I have not heard/heard of the backlash, outcry, outrage or gnashing of teeth about this gal and her remarks. Nothing. My suspicion is that if the left doesn’t go after her, then she just might be one of theirs. Just a hunch.