That the Founding Fathers were thoughtful, intelligent men is without much question and especially when you consider the recent crop of imbeciles, bastards and lunatics that have either been President or a candidate for the Presidency. If they had a flaw when writing the Constitution it was that they assumed that the people who would populate America hundreds of years later would be halfway decent.
If they could see the humanity stumbling around America in 2024 and watch a few minutes of “news”, they would have made a number of changes to the Constitution. I think this one would have received unanimous support after a few seconds of listening to Cumala.
No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. Absolutely no one that has ever sucked a dick will be eligible to the Office of President.
Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution (Revised)
The idea of Cumala Harris potentially being the President of the United States is an obvious humiliation ritual. The astroturfing is out of control and the number of people that unironically jumped on the bandwagon on command is disappointing even to a (near term) black-pilled cynic like me. “Look, the most unpopular Vice President in history who was only selected because of her sex and race(s) was unceremoniously chosen to be the party nominee without a single primary vote. Please clap!”.
The sudden alleged cash influx and the polls showing a tight race are just more gaslighting. Other than randos on social media, do you know anyone that is excited to pull the lever for Cumala in November? So what is really going on?
Well we know that Ukrainian resistance is collapsing despite regime media (including “CONservative” outfits like Newsmax) declaring that Ukraine is still valiantly fighting back and scoring victories while their lines collapse all over the place. We know that the U.S. is dutifully sending a ton of support toward the Middle East in anticipation of an Iranian response to Israel’s latest assassination. Meanwhile the Russians are allegedly shipping heavy military gear to Iran, with a potential for a new proxy war to kick off even as Ukraine collapses. Riots in the UK after a Rwandan kid stabbed three White girls to death. Venezuela, Bangladesh, there is bad stuff happening all over the world and the Global Policeman is being run by a man that has barely been seen in public for weeks.
It would be tough to come up with someone less qualified to run the country in a time of crisis than Cumala, she is so awful that Trump seems like the sober, serious adult in the race. Another cheat like 2020 is going to be tougher to pull off even with the media in lockstep supporting Cumala.
I spent like 15 minutes messing around with something like this and then saw someone on Twitter already did it.
The original cover was so cringe that even I was a bit embarrassed for them.
You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist or prepper to feel that there is an ill-wind blowing and we don’t even have a figurehead at the helm of the S.S. America. Three months to “election day”, three months to get your own house in order.
Tick tock.
I’m topping off and rotating some preps while things are calm, trying to use the time wisely and still pause for some R&R.
I smell a big cheat in November and the tripling down of 2020. If we dare protest we know the results of that.
The Founding Fathers were brilliant men, and incredibly courageous on top of that….George Washington, possibly the richest man in the colonies, fought for years against the most powerful military on Earth, knowing that if he lost he would lose everything, including his head…Some signers of the Declaration of Independence did lose everything, including their lives….
We shall not say their like again….
I think it’s safe to say the founders would be astonished to see the same constitution ostensibly in force 235 years later. Emphasis on ostensibly. But ostensibly or not, that demonstrates that it is, in fact, a damn good constitution. I know it’s en vogue on the DR to blame it for many of our ills, but relative to other constitutions that have been in force around the world, its longetivity speaks for itself.
The cheat will not be any harder to pull off. If anything, it should have gotten easier with time, practice, and more organization. She most likely doesn’t need any more than the 81 million Joe got, since it would be very unlikely for Trump to add 6 or 7 million new voters since last time, which is how many he would need to top that.
Look on the bright side, Trump would have been unable and (truly) mostly unwilling to do what needed to be done. I refer you to his first term, and his distancing himself from Project 2025. He doesn’t even bother talking about a wall anymore. So we are not going to be much worse off with Harris.
The percentage of the population that are idiots and degenerates has increased exponentially just in my lifetime. That trend was already underway well before I was born 50 years ago, and so here we are. It is said so much as to have become a cliche, but the FUSA has become the country portrayed in the movie “Idiocracy”. We have a literal cocksucking whore running for president. Her opponent is a bullshit artist extraordinaire, and the whole thing, including the down ticket races, is as dysfunctional and disgusting as a Tijuana donkey show. And most of population is either indifferent or is actively eating that shit up.
I keep saying it can’t be saved (which is self evident) but also that it isn’t worth saving. I don’t know what the hell this current culture is, but is isn’t the one the founding fathers espoused and it damn sure isn’t one I want to live in. Something entirely different needs to be built to replace it, so shitcanning what presently exists doesn’t strike me as a loss, or even a bad idea.
Of course, that is what the leftists have been in the process of doing for decades. And now they more or less have the depraved and unlivable society they sought, so we will have to destroy that and assert a properly ordered patriarchal civilization again. I don’t know if we can be successful at doing so, but I do know the present state affairs cannot survive, and will die a thrashing and violent death as it collapses under the weight of its ruination.
Your remarks are spot-on and appreciated. My thoughts run in sync as well; I’ve often said (Padraig Martin said it better in Identity Dixie) that the current FUSA is not deserving of being fought for, that fighting for one’s tribe, county and (possibly) state, would be a more appropriate use of ones’ blood & treasure.
He is correct. Can you imagine fighting for the 40% or so of non-native-born immigrants who currently reside within our landmass (“border” is, of course, meaningless thanks to our FedGov)? For the 47% of “Americans” who do not pay taxes and still vote more and more gibs from the public treasury?
If there is a correction/movement/CWII coming, I pray that I will have the wisdom to decipher what is real from what is mere manipulation of the masses once more.
What I know for sure is that the present abomination is unsustainable and not worthy of being held together in its present form. I prep–and pray for wisdom.
About 80% of the population could vanish over night and the remaining 20% would be that much better off. It’s the “Pareto Principle”.
IOW, more than 3/4 of the people in the US are basically parasitic, and useless.
Yes, a great culling is way over due.
The burn off will be glorious.
Know how to make and use 18th century tools?
The founding fathers did warn us about the joos also. Had generations of Americans heeded the warning with scrupulous diligence we would likely not be where we are now.
^ exactly this. It kind of went unsaid in my previous post, but that’s about the size of it. Humanity – aided by modern medicine, sanitation and government provision to the parasitic at the expense of the productive – has cultivated a massive oversupply of those who can’t and won’t survive when reality reasserts itself. Which is why the entire system has been built up to, and is so vehemently engaged in preventing the recognition of reality. Nobody wants to die of starvation while living under a bridge in a cardboard box, but too many simply don’t care to pay their own way and are always innovating new ways to leach off others for some portion of their existence. As fucked up as the economy has gotten, many who would pay their own way no longer can, as they cost of housing, food and other basics of civilized life have gotten out of their reach, so they too are pushed into parasitism of one type of another.
I consider the great experiment over, and to have been an abject failure based on where we’ve ended up, noting we aren’t even at the true end of the line yet. Worse still is to come.
Now a Malthusian die off almost has to happen so that the remaining stock of humanity will be the hardened and the capable who can actually get shit done themselves, without all the dead weight stealing from them and sucking up resources merely to exist in relative comfort. And stating that makes me sound something like a diabolical WEF asshole Bond villain, but I really don’t see any other way humanity can go on long term unless a massive culling of the unfit takes place. Thinking seriously about this stuff sure takes me to a dark place, and I’m not talking about Baltimore.
managers and politicians die 1st!!
I can go for that. But that barely scratches the surface. We have, in point of fact, a largely defective and unfit populace upon which no working civilization can be built or maintained, which is how we’ve arrived at this point, and the FUSA is far from unique in being a demographic shithole. The same can be said of all “western” countries, all of which are on a trajectory to implosion.
Now, it’s easy to say they all have to go, but damnit if that won’t be a nasty job at the scale required. It is one best handled by mother nature (if she will step up to the challenge) because if the cleanup is initiated by the direct actions of men, the chances of success are slim, and those who dare to try – and fail – will be perpetually portrayed as the worst villains ever by the historians of the future.
What’s funny is that when the bad guys do it, they get a pass. Marx, Mao and Pol Pot never get the attention and hate for their mass purges that a certain Austrian guy of some repute still does nearly a century later. Yeah, somehow that one is different from the others, and shame on anyone who notices and chooses to belabor that fact.
All of which is superfluous to the point that humanity has gotten itself in a dysgenic doom loop by creating conditions that permit the stupid, lazy, malinformed and dangerously subversive to flourish in such numbers that we are now swamped with a massive imbalance of the parasitic versus the productive. Something has to give, because what we have now isn’t working.
Weird. I was just thinking about how it seems like the majority of people are liars, narcissistic, or mentally ill. Or a combination of all these.
Add apathy, as no one seems capable of finishing the thought process of “fighting back”. Bringing up anything remotely outside the realm of small talk gets you a blank look and subject change.
I’m unsure how many people are vaxx injured and have cognitive decline in addition to all the various health problems.
When “4 Years of Kumala” is uttered, and I say, “what makes you think they’ll leave after 4? After stealing it in the 1st place….
Thing is Brother if people won’t even do the small things like Building Tribe and doing the hundred little/big things that you need to do if you want to win then how do you expect them to actually have the balls to fight…
Don’t dung beetles make balls like that?
“I come not to bring peace, but to bring a sword” (Matthew 10:34)
Leave the World Behind 2025 will be the Curry Toe’s legacy.
Replacements aren’t meant for Constitution Representative Republic model that is why Barry is fundamentally transforming it.
Read that Pajeets/Pajeetas are not happy with the historic gutsy call.
Sure does have a pretty mouth on her… where you goin’ city girl!
This just in from Gator McKlusky:
Is there a country any where on the planet that does NOT have any negroes and is mostly white people?
Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Denmark.
There is only ONE country that is allowed to be an ethnostate. That’s Israel, and if they have to genocide their way to that blessèd status, then that’s just G-d’s will. Gotta problem with that, anti-Semite?
The rest of you filthy, soulless, talking animals can just suck it. Learn to enjoy your negroes, you bigots.
Unfortunately the Nordics and Russia are not uncontaminated. Also, while the Danes and Norwegians seem to be ejecting some of their trash, not all the trash are black. Remember the “poor Bosnians” those “evil Serbs” were persecuting? Those Muslim assholes were the thin end of the wedge in Denmark, for example. And there’s blacks in Russia too. But not many. Wish I could find the video of two drunk Africans causing trouble in Russia. One’s trying to play the race card of victimhood after they get called out on their bullshit. And the Russians are having none of it. They beat the Africans up (lightly; they clearly were just making a point) and tell them to fuck off. That’s what any sane country would do to asshole invaders without manners.