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Those Names Just Kill Me

The Miracle-Americans and their names. Always good for a laugh.

WATCH: ‘Extremely Scary’ Footage of Milwaukee Police Shooting Resulting in Death of Unborn Child

The controversial traffic stop occurred June 20 at the corner of N. 17th Street and W. Vliet Street, authorities said. Police sought the occupants of the vehicle in connection to two prior attempted armed carjackings. Officials said officers went on a speed chase until the car was blocked inside a construction lane by a cement truck. MPD officers then approached the car giving several commands to the occupants of the car to exit: six teenagers.

Police said the driver, 17-year-old Calveyon Jeans, then reversed the vehicle, hitting the squad car behind it. Jeans then drove forward and reversed again as an officer stood behind the vehicle, police said. Another officer fired into the vehicle striking two of the teens: Jeans and his 18-year-old girlfriend who was six months pregnant, per The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The teens were transported to the hospital for treatment. However, the unborn infant did not survive the injuries, authorities said.

Not to be callous but that is one less breadcrumb on the welfare rolls and eventually in prison or an unwed mother.

But that name. Calveyon Jeans. I thought, no way could that be what I was thinking. Then I saw a quote from Calveyon’s daddy….

“I just would not believe that they would use deadly force when he’s simply still just trying to evade police and capture. Nothing about his action showed he was trying to hurt any officer,” said Calvin Jeans, via the Journal Sentinel. He said his son is currently in county jail.

Calvin. Jeans.


You have to be my age or older to get this….

Note to the kids: don’t try to back over a cop.


    • Mike_C

      Careful with the anti-simianitism, bucko!

      Also, you WILL be sexually attracted to what we tell you is sexy, bigot!
      As for “Not to be callous …”
      Too late. That’s exactly what I thought as soon as I saw it.” It’s a messed up world.

  1. Dr. Hollowpoint

    Hey Sheboon! You know what SHOULD come between you and your Calveyons? A condom!

    You know what will now come between you and your Calveyons? Prison walls.

    Does Calveyon Jeans know he’s apparently named after a gay Jew?

  2. Big Ruckus D

    You guys kill me, some top shelf stuff here tonight. Now just wait until you hear about his gay, gender confused cousin way out west, Cal’trans.

  3. Bean Dip Tray

    I love that old SNL faux commercial of Gadaffi jeans from early 80s.
    Colon Blow cereal is another one and the Taco Bell mocking Taco Town burrito/chalupa/cheeseburger/deep dish pizza in one with deep fried pancake gaucaomolita and tote bag!
    Went to school with a CoCo Miracle American but no Rastus.
    Call a suburban MA Carlton as it pisses them off.
    One ran through the girl’s locker room in a Michael Jackson outfit just to get expelled.
    You could hear the screams by the cafeteria study hall and it worked.
    A basketball Jones pushed me into a doorway and got the boot but the after school race fights were always the best.
    How they hated our Metallica/Slayer/Stormtroopers Of Death/Anthrax concert shirts.

  4. Joe Blow

    This is why I am hopeless for a peaceful solution to what ails our society.
    Ramming your car into 2 others while trying to evade police capture, is… acceptable behavior? On what fucking planet?
    “I can’t believe they used lethal force…”… How about you do what the fucking cops tell you to do, after pointing a gun at you? Honestly, simply low-IQ can’t possibly explain behavior this retarded.
    I mean, were the cops just supposed to get out of the way and let him go after all that? He’s wanted for CARJACKING… When you catch a perp for that, you don’t let them casually drive away! And ramming cars to get away, is not non-violent?!! Jesus, it’s like they speak a different version of the English Language than the rest of us.

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