Here is Maryland Democrat Jamie Rat Skin casually stating that Congress will declare Trump disqualified before the Inauguration and cause “civil war conditions”…..
“What can be put into the Constitution can slip away from you very quickly and the greatest example going on right before our very eyes is section three of the 14th Amendment which they’re just disappearing with a magic wand as if it doesn’t exist even though it could not be clearer what it’s stating,” Raskin said earlier this year at author Rick Hasen’s book talk and reading at Politics and Prose book store in Washington, D.C.
Raskin then said Congress will stop Trump on January 6, 2025 and issued a thinly veiled threat to US Supreme Court Justices.
“And then they want to kick it to Congress so it’s going to be up to us on January 6, 2025 to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified and we need bodyguards for everybody in civil war conditions all because the nine justices – not all of them but these justices who have not many cases to look at every year, not that much work to do – a huge staff, great protection, simply do not want to do their job and interpret what the great 14th Amendment means,” Raskin said.
🚨Rep Jamie Raskin says Congress will stop Donald Trump on J6 using the 14th Amendment and create “civil
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) August 5, 2024
war conditions”
These uniparty snakes are the greatest threat to our country that’s ever existed
And they won’t give up power without a fight
Rat Skin is of course one of the Chosen People.
Jamin Ben Raskin was born in Washington, D.C., on December 13, 1962, to Jewish parents Barbara (née Bellman) Raskin and Marcus Raskin. His name is a variant of that of his paternal grandfather, Benjamin Raskin.

What Rat Skin is claiming is that Trump is “disqualified” under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution which reads (pertinent section in bold):
Section 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may, by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
The obvious problem is that Trump has never been charged with, much less found guilty of, “insurrection or rebellion”. The case in Georgia is over “election interference” but even those fucks didn’t try to charge him with insurrection or rebellion. That doesn’t stop Rat Skin from claiming Congress would just declare Trump disqualified and providing bodyguards for everybody (assuming that means the traitors who would try to actually overturn the results of the election) in “civil war conditions”. These are the same rats that have been talking about an attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 “election” because a few hundred unarmed American citizens happened to walk around in a public building but now are openly saying that they will simply declare Trump disqualified despite him never even being charged with a disqualification under the 14th Amendment.
Rat Skin doesn’t have the votes to somehow disqualify Trump should he “win” but it is awfully ballsy for him to declare that he and his fellow rats would gladly tell 70 something million Americans to go fuck themselves, disqualify Trump and what? Install Cumala or some other Democrat?
It is clear that Rat Skin and Company won’t let go, not unless They are forced to let go. This won’t be resolved by an “election”.
Could make for spicy times. Living with communism is like living with a bipolar person. Just when you think you have a pathway to daylight, they do the unimaginable and unthinkable just to try to keep the upper hand. Unfortunately, there is no moving away from communism. The only way out is through.
Got bullets?
Yes but not nearly enough
Not nearly enough. The guys on LTC Steven Murray’s podcast (rumble) make frequent reference to doing area studies. I thought I had a decent handle on my area, but I recently discovered a disturbingly unsavory corner in our county that appears to rival meth heaven on a user-per-capita basis. A not so subtle reminder to understand where the threats will come from when the last vestiges of the veneer of the politeness of society is rubbed off.
That’s why my zero is about three houses down the road.
Out in the boondocks.
Got Tribe???
The jewish question comes up again.
It never left.
As I say, once you start to Notice, you can’t stop Noticing.
“It is clear that Rat Skin and Company won’t let go, not unless They are forced to let go. This won’t be resolved by an “election”.”
Elections never did anything but change the players on the tag team that’s been stomping our people for over a century. And yes, ‘They’ must be eliminated entirely from this earth and force is the only way to achieve it.
Is that kike throwing down the gauntlet? Yes – in the typical Kabukiwitz theater way that defines their M.O. Vigorously agitate and then run and hide behind the “bodyguards” they’re assembling in droves while the streets light up in (hopefully) pitched battle.
Make no mistake about it, Trumpenstein is part of the cast, playing the role of the antagonist! Bankers are the producers, Netan-yayhoo is the director and CONgress the script writers.
Don’t buy a ticket to this show. Be on the outside looking in…….. actually zeroing in.
New meme out that hits it on the head. Election poster style “Inigo Montyoya ’24. Prepare to die”.
I like it even though the guy playing Inigo, Mandy Patinkin, is a Jew.
True of much of (((Hollyweird))) but the character he plays isn’t. Still enjoyed Star Trek OS even though Nimoy was one of the chosen. Just lately found out that Shatner was too. And him a Canuck. Guess dark hair and light brown varieties makes for diversity /eyeroll/.
Too bad kumala didn’t choose him as her running mate. Could’ve been the Raskin-Bobbin’ campaign. Sorry, only one flavor.
I’ll see myself out now.
This was just posted at WRSA. Here is a shortcut to get you on your way. When I learned about the dual passport holders in the Fall of 2023 I was shocked. Up until then I thought it mostly conspiracy theory (Jewish control). At the very least it would be damn near impossible to prove. But there’s no doubt anymore we are being run by people who have an allegiance with another nation. There’s simply NO excuse for it. It really bothers me when I see those from the conservative side of the isle ignore it.
Maybe I am wrong, but my instincts tell me that if the average voter (left or right) let it sink in that the dual citizens play an enormous role in their government and institutions the gears would begin to grind once again. This needs to get solved before anything else does. I admit it’s more than a bit unsettling. There is NOTHING bigoted about demanding accountability and straight answers about how this happened. Yet so many refuse to go there. It’s kind of scary to be honest because we know if the dual loyalties were with China, Russia, or even Mexico we would hear about it.
New people are always learning about the eternal enemy.
Welcome aboard, Brother.
There could be a second holocaust and it will be the fault only of people like Chuck Schumer, Merick Garland(Garfinkel), Alexander Mayorkas, Juan Merchan, John Ossoff, and even Jamie Ratskin. The Xyklon C will be quick and painless. But it is not the Neo-Nazis or “White Supremacists” they have to worry about.
And this time it could be for real…
Hymie Ratfuck should be encouraged, as should everyone who “thinks” as he does; that his special jewishness lets his importance speak as if he rules over us. Keep it up you fuckers, loudly identify yourselves for the coming reckoning…
because as surely as you think yourself above reproach – you’re not.
Yep. As I’ve said elsewhere, this eternal whining, self-righteousness, and demanding “punishment” of persons who had nothing at all to do with what (they claim) happened isn’t just hypocritical and morally wrong, it’s flat out STUPID. At some point even normal people are gonna say, “Enough of your shit. You keep accusing me of being the kind of guy who does death camps and einsatzgruppen? Well, now you’re gonna GET einsatzgruppen.” Above reproach is not the same thing as untouchable.
High-IQ dumbasses without a shred of self-reflection. Psycho-culturally Ratskinism is a mess of cluster B personality disorders. It’s like being governed by Amber Heards, only much uglier.
Oh, and @Luke: Welcome to the party, pal! It’s a real shock when you start to realize how badly we’ve been had, isn’t it? It was for me. I think Filthie (above) had a similar experience. And as our host says, once you start Noticing, you see it’s EVERYWHERE.
Once you put on the glasses you can’t just take them off again…Wonder how long it would take for them to “shut it down” if we started selling “They Live ” glasses with a big jew nose etched into the lenses…
Only if the underlying claim — election was stolen — is false can any accusation of any wrongdoing be made. And having worked the polls for thirty years prior to 2020, I can tell you there is as strong of an inferential case that Trump won as there is about the dark side of the moon
Before the Sixties one couldn’t bring direct evidence about this, but it could be strongly strongly inferred that the moon was not a gigantic glowing disc
Just like how (((they))) want to start a World War to set White against White, here in the F-d Up States of Amerika (due to (((their))) Treason) they want to start an (un)Civil War, hoping that nobody (White) “Notices” who is behind it. well, “Noticing Intensifies” may be on the (j)ADL’s list of ‘anti-semetic terms, but…. Noticing Intensifies.
What I think is the most Pathetic part of Ratskin’s insanity is, the Idea that traitors like him will somehow be “Protected” by the “Security Services”. Or that the (woke) Military will be able to “Put Down the Insurrection of Deplorables” by using F-15’s and Nukes.
Mike C. put it brilliantly – “….You keep accusing me of being the kind of guy who does death camps and einsatzgruppen? Well, now you’re gonna GET einsatzgruppen.”
“civil war conditions”
Please, please make it so… The time is drawing near where retribution will be unrelenting.
Even if vOtInG was sensible and worked, only a cultist fool believes that matters would be resolved on 5 November.
All fucking Cuckservative Inc. grifters must fucking hang.
Statements like that are made by people that feel themselves free from consequences and who do not expect to suffer if such a thing were to occur
Weimar problems create Weimar solutions.
Just attempting to start a civil war?
Your best weapon is … Names and addresses,
The more Names and Addresses you have acquired, of better off you will be.
Henry Bowman had a lot of them.