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The Great Replacement: They Aren’t Even Trying To Hide It

One of the mile markers on the road to enlightenment is realizing that the media is simply the mouthpiece of the ruling class, and that the ruling class has almost no overlap with the people “elected” to public office. What you see in the “news” is what They want you to see, how you see it is how They want you to see it and what you don’t see is what They want to hide from you. Automatically assuming that what you are seeing on the “news” is intended to manipulate you is a great start on being politically aware of what is actually going on.

Something else to note. While it might seem odd that a political party that is allegedly terrified of a second season of “Orange Man Bad In The Capitol” would put forward the most unpopular Vice President in modern history as their candidate, without so much as a single vote by actual voters, and a creepy, boring weirdo with more baggage than a Kardashian family vacation as her running mate, it makes sense for an outfit that is feeling their victory is imminent. I am not talking about in this “election” cycle necessarily but definitely the future is looking decidedly unhappy for team White people.

This is ground that we have plowed before, perhaps as often as Cumala has been plowed by random politicians. That all politics are fake and gay and voting is a futile exercise is without serious challenge. The American political theater that we are expected to participate in and pretend to believe in is simply the smoke and mirrors that are used to camouflage the real power moves in behind the scenes.

What was so upsetting to Them about January 6th was that it was the first time that White men in recent history in any numbers called Them out on Their bullshit. It was such a minor thing that was turned into a LITERAL INSURRECTION because it was a crack, the smallest possible crack but a crack nevertheless, in the facade of respectability that shrouds the shenanigans going on behind the scenes. Part of the backlash was as a warning to other Whites to not color outside of the lines but part of it was that They are still terrified that if a critical mass of Whites get pissed enough, Their heads will end up on spikes. That is why They push so hard for gun control and confiscation, not to stop Breadcrumb-Americans from shooting each other but to get guns out of the hands of White men.

Anyway, the most significant fact of American politics is a simple one that applies not only to politics but to culture and everything else in our lives:

Demographics is destiny

With the Left starting to take a victory lap, They are letting normies see a little bit behind the curtain like the “revelation” that hey, Hunter Biden was indeed selling influence as part of his deal with Burisma: Hunter Biden Asked State Department To Aid Burisma Deal While Father Was VP. No shit, I never figured that out. I assumed Burisma paid Hunter Biden millions for his expertise in the energy sector. This was a much bigger one from the New York Times:

Immigrants Are Becoming U.S. Citizens at Fastest Clip in Years

How fast is this clip?

At under five months, application processing speed is now on a par with 2013 and 2014. About 3.3 million immigrants have become citizens during President Biden’s time in office, with less than two months to go before the close of the 2024 fiscal year.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services took 4.9 months, on average, to process naturalization applications in the first nine months of the current fiscal year, compared with 11.5 months in fiscal 2021.

Less than five months. An actual citizen can barely get a passport in 5 months. That number is enormous. 3.3 million new “Americans” and many are eager to vote:

“My case was done in less than six months,” said Gladis Brown, who is married to an American and emigrated from Honduras in 2018….

…“I’m so glad that the process moved quickly,” said Ms. Brown, who was one of the 31 immigrants being sworn in. “People like me want to vote in the election.”

After the ceremony, Ms. Brown celebrated with cake and punch from a local women’s volunteer group — and by completing a voter-registration form provided by a representative of the League of Women Voters.

People like me want to vote in the election and guess who they are voting for?

Naturalized Latinos, who make up the largest share of the new citizens, have historically leaned Democratic, as have naturalized Asians and Africans, according to Louis DeSipio, a political scientist at the University of California, Irvine, who studies voter behavior.

“Leaned Democratic” is understating it by a lot. There is a reason They are cramming them through the process at breakneck speed and have people on hand at the naturalization ceremony to sign them up to vote. At least 2 out of 3 of these new “Americans” are probably going to vote for Cumala Harris so that is a net swing of around one million new voters for the Democrat since Biden took office, and that doesn’t count all of the children of immigrants, legal and illegal alike, that became “Americans” by virtue of Consuela squeezing them out on American soil that have turned 18 since Biden took office, nor the huge numbers of Whites that die every year.

Something like 3 million Americans die each year and they of course tend to be heavily skewed to the older generations that are also the Whitest age cohorts. In short, while the country is creating new brown, black and yellow “Americans” by the millions plus who knows how many new 18 year old voters that are also largely non-White, at the same time the White population is dying off and not being replaced by new White children. American elections are going to be decided by people that have no relationship to the heritage American population.

We might not know for sure what that means until November but some of the seemingly irrational confidence and exuberance among Democrats is surely due to the fact that They know that demographics have shifted a ton even since the 2020 “election” and that with a little creative ballot counting America might get our first female President. How embarrassing it must be for women to contemplate that the first woman to hold the highest office only got there by whoring her way to the top?

They are getting confident and that confidence is turning into hubris as They dare normies to notice. Noticing won’t do much, even with a Trump “win” and a large GOP majority in both chambers it won’t matter for long because the number of new “Americans” has created an insurmountable electoral majority.

The Great Replacement is no longer a conspiracy theory, now it is official U.S. government policy.


  1. ghostsniper

    Something terrible is coming, it looms just beyond the horizon.

    At this point I’m not sure if I’d rather be 40 years younger so that I could take on what’s coming, or 10 years older so that I could be dead and avoid all of it.

    I’m 69 and never imagined my “golden” years would be this way.

    Regardless, I am disappointed and enraged.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Yeah. I’m 50, and so I know I get to face this shit head on, unless I die unnaturally young due to an accident, crime, government hit job, or some unforeseen serious health problem. Of course, all 4 of those possible outcomes are now well within the realm of possibility. Even excluding those potential outcomes, I can be assured my standard of living is going to decline, and the tyranny brought against me in every fucking little thing will increase exponentially from here forward.

      Thing is, I could die tomorrow and not be all that pissed about it; I’ve lived 2/3 of my likely life span, and most of it was pretty decent. It does enrage me to think of what this portends for my nieces and nephews though. They are great kids, and don’t deserve the shit sandwich they are going to be served by a country that was stolen out from under them.

  2. Jeffrey Zoar

    As we have discussed before, it doesn’t take a whole lot of Replacement Americans to flip a relatively unpopulated state like North Dakota or Wyoming from red to blue. Just a small fraction of the horde let in by “Biden” since 2021 would suffice to do the job. So it’s been my prediction that we will see such a flip this year, and everybody will be surprised or act surprised.

    And then I see the Orange Menace holding a rally in Montana the other day. Why would he do that in a “safe red state” just 3 months out from the election? Does his internal polling tell him something?

  3. Mike in Canada

    I still have young children, having had a family later on, so at 53 I am very aware that this is my fight and I hope to God it comes while I am still reasonably hale and angry, so that there is at least a chance that my children will be spared the initial onslaught…..
    I am still trying to understand what on earth I am going to tell them, how to explain this unmitigated disaster that is about to befall them. We just signed the papers for a house of our own today, so once we are moved and forted-up maybe we can make a worthy stand…
    God help us. Once the range goes two-way, we are in serious trouble.

  4. Anonymous White Male

    “How embarrassing it must be for women to contemplate that the first woman to hold the highest office only got there by whoring her way to the top?”

    I honestly don’t think women care, or at least the ones that vote Demonicrat. A win is a win and feelings are more important than reality. Besides, women know best and will always be on the “right side of history”. Plus, all women have used their “equipment” to get what they want, so they wouldn’t be offended if Cumala did.

    • Big Ruckus D

      Absolutely true. Of course, women will suffer terribly in what is coming. And those who have given support to the policies and idiocy that brought us to this point deserve everything that will befall them. The minority of women who haven’t espoused all that bullshit are, unfortunately, going to get dragged along for the ride into hell whether they want to or not.

    • ozark homesteader

      The same treasonous feminists, the same cat ladies, the same middle aged, add-nothing-good-to-society hags that voted for Killary will vote for Que!Mal-la (TM).

    • Bear in Indy

      you are right, as “feels” is the important thing, beyond logic and a clear eyed recognition of reality, to most females.
      The suburban white females are this way. And, they Will vote against, any man trying to help the country, as they just don’t care, and are not going to be lectured to by Any man.
      And we wonder why young men don’t want to marry/have kids. The Communists have won the battle against white families, white men having families.

      And the black community is not immune to this either: no black fathers raising, guiding their kids as role models, why would they? Looking at their women, why would these men want to?
      So crime is elevated to almost epidemic proportion, and the Democrats do nothing. The black community is also being replaced.
      Who is doing this? Well is sure as hell isn’t any of the IDOITS in the White House, nor the DNC. My vote is for Chinese Communist Party, the CCP.

    • SirLawrence

      Yep. Whoring is only whoring if you don’t stick the landing. For all intents its been illegal to inquire about or speak negatively about a woman’s sexual past for a long time already.

      The mythological sacred feminine journey in the sexpozz gynocracy does not punish or even shame women for using their sex to get ahead in the “patriarchy” – or in landing the betabux or alpha in the sexual dystopia aka “following her heart”.

      Parents encourage this path. Even “traditional” ones. It is normal now.

      The whole system is built around optimizing female choice while removing poor outcomes of the obvious dysgenic nature of the fundamental lies that underpin the moral imperative of progress (with trad cherries on top.)

      This is the purest form of the divide and conquer.

      White men competing with White women. Adversarial instead of complimentary. Zero-sum. The women become the men they want to marry (some day, not anytime soon) and then lament the lack of men at the top to choose from, all while lamenting the men who did manage to make it to the top because its proof of the White male patriarchy.

      And on it goes, feeding on itself.

      Kamala is a success story. Careerist. Cockhopper. Self-absorbed. Childless striver who lands a well-positioned tribesmale in the bottom of the 9th. Then used by the system to further the ends. Celebrated.

      There are legions of government and corporatist stronk women who will not stick the landing of course. But by the time nature corrects all this in real time we will have bigger problems. Like eating.

  5. Squib

    “I’m so glad that the process moved quickly,” said Ms. Brown, who was one of the 31 immigrants being sworn in. “People like me want to vote in the election.”

    Her “case” was done in less than 6 months.

    Everybody knows that people coming to America do so because they want to vote. Not come here for a better life, work opportunities, or live the American Dream….

    Unqualified voters electing Unqualified Americans to public office.

    New Israel.

  6. Zorost

    “…it makes sense for an outfit that is feeling their victory is imminent.”

    I think a big part of the confusion and chaos that we are seeing is due to victory being imminent… but whose victory? There are many factions of elites, and not much love or trust. There is a game of musical chairs going on, and whoever gets the last chair when the music stops gets to be Supreme Overlord for the foreseeable future. The presidency might seem like a weak position compared to those who buy its residents… but in the hands of a strong person it could very well put that person’s faction at the top simply due to being CinC plus the power of the pardon.

    Declare an emergency, round up political enemies (fellow elites), they all regrettably die in transit and those responsible get a pardon, and Bobs yer Emperor. This is why they are scared to put anyone competent up; they might reach for the crown that is currently lying in the gutter waiting for someone to pick it up. A Bill Clinton or Newt Gingrich in Biden’s position in 2020 would have likely made themselves Boss in Perpetuity by now, rather than merely hustling a few measly millions of dollars.

  7. Warren Shafer

    When I was younger, my Dad always told me,” it won’t happen here”. There was always a qualifier, “if you do this”, or “but if you allow this”. Etc. I am now 66, I still take his advice to heart.
    In addition, I was told that the Replacement Movement was a, “conspiracy theory”. I wonder if they still say that?

  8. Warren Shafer

    It seems that blacks didn’t seem to have a problem with replacement when it affected Whites. Now they are also being replaced by the democraps. Now they are concerned. Isn’t it great!, NOT!

  9. Joe Blow

    The Mexicans in Mexico (allegedly) just elected a shill Jewess for their leader… Which is funny, b/c I’ve worked with a lot of mexicans, and not one of them would ever vote for a female leader, let alone one named “Scheinbaum”.
    Voting is pointless, we are not a representative government. It’s debatable when the last decent election was, but that’s like arguing how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Pointless.


    Agree and agreed. (((They))) don’t even have to bother flipping Texas from red to blue when we have a cripple RINO guvnuh rolling around Austin. And Drunk Dade, the speaker of the house who, with Dems and fellow traveler RINOs impeached the Repub attorney general. One of the Rs in the state who actually stands up to (((them))).

    The Repugnant precinct chair texted me the other day to say they have Trump – Vance signs for our yard. I just replied back “no political signs in our yard”.

    Fuck the GOP. They are on their own.

    • 3g4me

      The Texas GOP is poison. Wheelchair gov is all about the photo ops, and bringing in big business and lots of New Yorkers and Californians. The entire party has been MIA for decades re mestizo immivaders. All the big cities (Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas) are overflowing with non-Whites and run by the same. It’s hard to find a native Texan in much of the state. Formerly small towns like Celina and Princeton have been taken over by the endless supply of liberal locusts.

      We got out of Texas last year and wish we had the means to do so years earlier. 284 mosques in the state; can’t find the precise # of synagogues. It’s not the Texas my husband grew up in nor the Texas too many cuckservatards think it is.

      Fuck both parties and the entire electoral system. I don’t ‘consent’ to be governed by any of them.

  11. Gryphon

    A good site to look at for Truth about the jew, and the War against White People, is National Vanguard

    They have an immense library of Articles, Books and other references that point out the Demographic and Racial issues, as well as not just “naming the jew” but Documenting the Perfidity of this inbred, racist/supremacist ‘religion’. They have Extensive Documentation, and Links, of how throughout the last 2000+ Years, the ‘tribe’ has acted to Degrade and Destroy every other Civilization it has Infested, and Infected with its Lies and Perversion of Natural Order.

    IMO, it is one of the Premier Sites that tells the Truth about the White European Civilization and How and Why we have things like the ‘internet’, and the Footprints on the Moon. One thing that every White Man should keep in mind is, that ALL of the Technology that the jews and muds rely on to Enslave and Parasite off Us of comes from Whites, and Only Whites can keep it Running. Thus, as the inevitable, slow Collapse procedes, soon things come to the point where the Parasites cannot command the Loyalty of enough Whites to ‘keep the Lights On’, and then lose control of… everything.

    You can see this happening in Real-Time in South Africa – the jews Forced Out the Whites who ran things, and the niggers cannot maintain the Civilization they didn’t Build. The only thing that Functions in that Country are the (jew-owned) Diamond Mines, run by Whites, and now, a coulple of isolated, White-Run Towns well away from the rest of the Chaos. This may well be how it plays out here in the FUSSA, but you can count on any place of Whites openly trying this to be Attacked, quickly, first ‘politically’ and then Physically. Only until the Zionist Occupation Government is weakened enough by External Factors, will Whites be able to “Form a Tribe” and Advance from the rest of the Chaos.

    note: I am not a member of this Group, nor do I think their Ethno-religious Wordview is entirely correct, but in the end, they “Tell it like it Is” with regards to White Men vs. ‘muds’.

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