Indiana childcare provider arrested once again after infant’s leg broken
An Indiana home-based childcare provider is facing felony charges once again after a 2-month-old infant left in her care was discovered to have a broken leg.
Brittany Baylor, 35, of Jeffersonville is charged with battery resulting in serious bodily injury and neglect of a dependent resulting in serious injury, both Level 3 felonies.
Indiana State Police said Baylor runs an unlicensed, in-home daycare in Jeffersonville. In February, a 2-month-old infant was discovered to have a broken leg after being picked up from Baylor’s home daycare.
We often remark on the frequency of “dead eyes” among the black criminal class but this one…

How does a mother drop off a child to be “cared for” by such an obvious psychopath? I would love to see the mother of the child, I am guessing her eyes are every bit as lifeless. To make it worse, breaking the leg of a 2 month old baby isn’t even the worst thing this bitch has done….
This isn’t the first time Baylor’s at-home daycare has come under serious police investigation.
Court records reveal that Baylor faces even more serious charges stemming from a 2022 incident in which a 6-month-old boy left in her care was found dead.
WDRB reported on this case last month with Baylor claiming she was giving the child a bottle before a nap when the infant started throwing up and “went limp”. Police arrived at the home to find Baylor attempting CPR on the child.
An autopsy report later determined the child “died from a closed head injury, including contusion beneath the scalp.” The coroner would end up determining the child died from an assault.
Baylor was charged in Clark County in June with two Level 1 felonies in connection to that incident. Her jury trial in that case is currently scheduled for Oct. 29.
Not only did she beat a six month old child to death but she did so in 2022 and two years later is still awaiting trial, is out of jail and still running an unlicensed daycare.
What else can you expect from animals but animal behavior?
Dogs and cats are euthanized by the millions every year. Seems as though it should be just as legitimate to off these pongoids en masse. Even more so because their severely malicious nature puts them way below our furry friends on the food chain, in my opinion. Toss in the violent, moronic white trailer trash too.
WHY do we keep suffering these fools and dangerous darkies??
I have to assume the victims were black. Which begs the question, don’t black lives matter? Is there (local) outrage over these incidents? Protests in the streets? Riots? No? Yeah, I didn’t think so.
Another thing that struck me on this story is the perps name. She can kind of fly under the radar with a White chick sounding name like “Brittany Baylor”.
Brittany Baylor was a real bad egg,
Running a daycare where she broke a niglet’s leg.
Before that indiscretion, she’d already gone for the grand prize,
That’s the one where a kid who was left in her care dies.
Should give her a medal and then euthanize her…
When I am king, all these people will be sterilized.
And then deported or euthanize them their choice…
Historic! Gutsy call. (/s)
We must keep her from being colonized by any means necessary.
Burn this MOFO down.
Derelicts Ever Incompetent, malicious spiteful mutants… No Room For Commie.
Useful idiot or fellow traveler.
I’m sure it was an Africoon-run enterprise with Africoon employees and niglets.
Tragedy for the fambly of the dead turdler; there will be no more gibs for the deceased.
But the local Africoon tee shirt ship will get a nice order. Niggers are always wearing tee shirts of other dead niggers.
Look at that sullen, low-IQ nigger sweathog. Our Nation is filled with these wildebeests and we cannot rid ourselves of their disgusting reek.
Baylor attempting CPR on the child
Only dis ‘boon think dat ‘CPR’ stand for Colored Peepo’ Reparations (an’ sheeit).
On rare occasions, my wife and I would put our children in the care of babysitters back in the day, every last one of whom was known to us personally and came with impeccable references. Needless to say, they were all lily-White young female adults who would sooner break their own legs than harm a defenseless baby.
Life is cheap on the wrong side of town, apparently. Any “mother” who would willingly put her infant in the care of an unlicensed, unwed, unwashed half-wit the likes of Ms. Brittany Baylor, without making at least a cursory check of her criminal background, is basically axing for tragedy and deserves to share in the charges of neglect and child endangerment. My money is on the single mothers of the abused children being themselves wards of the state who see their sprogs as inconvenient burdens, and nothing more than a ticket to greater social services benefits. (Reference above remark about “Life is cheap”).
If black lives truly matter, I question to whom they matter. Not to their fellow blacks, certainly.
Just cleaning up loose ends for Kermit Gosnell.
it takes a fair bit of force to break a kid leg that young. no, really kids bones are like rubber at that age.
that bitch did this out of spite or hate. and if she is willing to do that to a kid that young ? what else has she done ?
she wasting air that other real people can use.
Here’s another one, search:
“daily mail baltimore daycare worker pleads guilty to killing eight-month old girl”
Whelp. I guess the Lefties are right. Government will save us. After a murder and a broken leg.