When the news broke out of England that there had been a stabbing attack involving little girls at a Taylor Swift themed event, it seemed to cause something to break. The assumption, understandable given their fondness for killing young children (something they have in common with Our Greatest Ally), was that it was a Muslim going on a mostly peaceful stabbing spree.
There have been protests in the aftermath targeting “immigrants” and the government of the UK has responded by promising to protect Muslims from angry Englishmen that are unreasonably upset by three little girls being stabbed to death.

Don’t they know that little girls being murdered is part and parcel of living in a modern multi-ethnic society? Besides, it is a small price to pay for curry and kebabs (see: Diversity Is When Food Nummy). It isn’t as if Europeans could make these ethnic foods, after all it isn’t like Europeans know how to cook. No one thinks of fine dining when they think about French cuisine, right?
In the face of a brutal murder, the UK government was mostly concerned with…mean things being said on social media. It is not an exaggeration to say that new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer, who looks like someone begging for a swift kick in the ass, was far more outraged by people being upset over little girls being stabbed than he was by the stabbing itself.
The anger among the British people was so intense that authorities released the name and picture of the then 17 year old killer, one Axel Rudakubana. He is the child of Rwandan “refugees” and is apparently not a Muslim. Rwanda is one of the least Muslim countries in Africa and people overwhelmingly identify with Christianity, although not in a form recognizable by most Christians (see: Genocide, Rwandan). However the focus seems to mostly be on Muslims and this has led to a public debate over religion instead of immigration.
It is noteworthy that this stabbing didn’t happen in a vaccum. There have been examples over and over again of Muslims committing atrocities in England. The Manchester Arena bombing is probably the best known of them, a 2017 attack by Muslims at an Ariana Grande concert that resulted in 22 people dying and over 1,000 injured. The same year featured the London Bridge attacks by Muslim terrorists with 8 dead and 48 more injured. A few years earlier in 2013 a British soldier named Lee Rigby who was run down and then beheaded by two Muslim terrorists, who stayed on the scene covered in blood and bragged about the killing. Not to mention the 1400 mostly poor White teenaged girls raped and trafficked by Pakistani Muslim men that was ignored and continues to be ignored by the British government and media. Those are just the high profile incidents.
Understandably when someone stabs a bunch of little girls to death, the British public assumes it was a Muslim, just as certain cues make it likely that crimes were committed by blacks in the U.S., like a high wounded to killed ratio, taking place at a hookah bar or block party, “no ongoing threat to the public”, “no suspects have been arrested”, etc. Despite this attack not being the work of Muslims, the focus has been on Islam and “Islamophobia”. This is an error on the part of the British and is certainly the work of agent provocateurs who are working within the British “far-right”. See this interesting piece about “Tommy Robinson”, Pwned By Tommy Robinson.
Robinson is interesting because he can so easily direct the British “football hooligan” conservative right and terrify the British reactionary right. Robinson can turn essentially racial problems into “religious” problems by redirecting right-wing anger toward migrants to the adjacent concept of Islam. By making the issue anti-religion rather than anti-persons, the state can more easily justify intervention on the part of the migrants on the basis of religious freedom. By redirecting the focus from immigration to “Islamofascism,” the responsibility of Parliament for the ethnic cleansing of native Britons is replaced with animosity toward the Muslims themselves.
While I am not an expert on England, that has the ring of truth to it and it is similar to what is going on here but substitute “illegal migrants” for “Muslims”. Conservatives and even the Orange Man love to wax eloquent about the virtues of legal immigration while railing against illegals. Conservative comments often include statements about “coming here the right way”, all the while missing that a Mexican in America is a problem whether they came legally or illegally.
Houston is the fourth largest city in America and is already under 25% White with blacks close to the same level as Whites and mestizos charging toward the 50% mark, currently around 45% and climbing. However the Houston Independent School District, 8th largest in the country, is 62.01% mestizo, 22.19% black and only 9.51% White. Not surprisingly with those demographics around 80% of the students are “economically disadvantaged”. The Los Angeles Unified School District is the second largest in the country and the student body is almost three quarters mestizo. Over 86,000 students are “learning to speak English proficiently”

The additional strain of having enormous school districts full of students with room temperature IQs that often barely speak passable English is making education impossible. Even the Chicago Public School district student body, over 1,000 miles from the busiest border crossings, is almost half mestizo.
It is one of the Big Lies of the immigration “debate” that something magically changes if a Mexican or Guatemalan gets a green card. A mestizo with a green card or a work permit is still a mestizo. There is nothing fundamentally and biologically different from a mestizo in Guadalajara versus one in San Diego. The problem with non-Whites in America is not primarily one of culture or religion but of race.
Making any of this a religious war is a foolish mistake.
If you Notice those sort of things you will realize that when the Left is bitching about the dangers of “Christian nationalism” and warning about (hoping for) a real-life Handmaid’s Tale, They are always talking about White Christians. No one on the Left cares what black churches are doing and in fact leftist leaders love giving overtly political speeches laced with religious language from the pulpits of black churches. To frame this as a religious war between Christianity and Islam or atheism or Da Debil is handy for some eschatological systems but it misses the real danger.
It wouldn’t change anything if you only imported church going mestizos, Indians and Africans. The demographic devastation would be the same. Don’t allow Them to distract from the primary issue with is and always will be race. Culture and religion are downstream from race and even the best Christian upbringing doesn’t change the nature of a black or mestizo.
Well said and en pointe. But most people are convinced that ‘x%’ of whatever race can be safely ‘assimilated.’ Assimilation is an oxymoron. What happens is some sort of synthesis. Most murkans – even Whites – are so thoroughly marinated in the made-by-media ‘murkan’ culture that they think everyone eating jalapeno peppers and immersed in a cellphone is their “bro.” It’s like all the YT channels that claim to be murkans in Europe – except the blogger is black or asian. Genetics matter. Environment can help maximize or minimize inherited traits, but it cannot change them. Perhaps 5 out of 100 black/han/mestizo children adopted by Whites end up appreciating the stability and affection and opportunities that were given to them. The rest feel endlessly torn between genetic impulses and environmental mores and habits, and they reject (and many times kill) their naive but well-meaning White ‘saviors.’
Could not have said it better. Exactly right. Also, at least IMHO, the only issue at all that matters is that of race. It is literally all that matters.
Absolutely. At some point, this obsession with neo-babelism that has been pushed upon us by those who have been holding power in all western nations has to end with extreme prejudice, and the notion of cohesive and homogenous ethno states will have to reassert itself. Failing that, those countries that now comprise the west will become just more perpetual third world shit holes as are typical of Africa and South America.
Even if one finds a tame black or mestizo, their children likely will not be. We had a neighbor when we moved here, a black couple with the lady being a doctor and her husband raising draft horses of all things. Their daughter? An angry piece of shit who was mad because her parents raised her in a nice, intact family instead of an authentic black experience in the ghetto.
” [T]he 1400 mostly poor White teenaged girls raped and trafficked by Pakistani Muslim men”.
That is/was only in one town, Rochdale. It is the only town that has been thoroughly investigated (in the teeth of fierce opposition from the Police and authorities) and is guaranteed to be an underestimate. In EVERY town that has a Muslim population in the UK, this happens so you are looking as a bare minimum much nearer 200,000 girls trafficked and raped.
Tommy Robinson’s autobiography is on Oceanofpdf.com as Enemy of the State. Everyone is a hero in their own story but even if you discount 90% of what he says, then what remains is disturbing enough.
Also, the British Government only state “NET” Immigration figures. If 5 million educated, enterprising and hard working white British emigrate as I did – I could see the writing on the wall – and 5 million and one third world “refugees”/”Asylum seekers” arrive annually then net immigration is only one per year so what is your problem? The replacement rate is unsustainable and I can see that Britain will be like the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul. It was St. Sophia’s Cathedral when built in Constantinople by Christians. It still physically exists but is no longer Christian.
They are crying about White Christian “Nationalists”, and bypassing black Christians. Using the French Revolution, and later the Terror, they will go after the White Christians first, then turn on the black Christians in time.
I don’t really think so, most of what is being preached in black churches bears no similarity to actual Christianity. Of course the same could be said for most White churches.
Black “Christians” are black first, last, and always. Their Christian faith is heavily race specific, and their beliefs are generally a syncretism of Christian and animism. They will not be turned on or attacked because their race makes them untouchable – and they do and will still hate Whites despite whatever ‘faith’ they claim.
Several articles that I have read showed Pics of the Protesters (and Rioters) carrying Nationalist and Royalist Flags, shoulder-to-shoulder. British commenters noticed that this has NEVER Happened before, in the History of the Known Universe. It’s now “When the Irish and the English began to Hate”, and given the Hysterical Reaction of Starmer the WEF-puppet ‘leader’, it’s only going to get Worse.
Remember, after the ‘political solution’ to the “Troubles”, the Factions nominally ‘agreed’ to turn in their Weapons to the Crown…. but next to none of them did so. Hopefully, these Arms and Boom Stuff have been properly Stored all these Years.
Gonna try and drop this in here; building on what you just shared:
Worth a look.
No more brother wars, we need each other. The spiteful mutants who have spurned this Brotherhood excepted, of course.
Race War for the divide and conquer final battle to distract during the last round of looting then the Ordo ab Chao crackdown.
The forces of evil really just want a large KIA count and all of the spoils as those bizarre Satanic poems by comrade Karl Marx spoke of.
More for them and less for us as George Carlin said.
Fear no subhuman maggot vermin minions and an angel gets its wings every time you make a good commie.
I hate everybody equally.
There’s an especially cold place in my heart for the jews.
I also notice that the UK has had four PMs since 2020. All the same bullshit, someone gets elected on some promises ignored and unfulfilled. I know, the parliamentary system is different than ours, but they’re burning through leaders like the old Soviet Union. Well, kinda, those old fuckers would just die.
Assimilation worked when it was white Europeans coming here. Once they started bringing in the third world shitholers, assimilation ended.
As I read somewhere – they don’t want our culture, they just want our stuff.
Well, up to a point it did. My family lineage is half German, half Irish, and I could make the case (with current day hindsight) that the Irish should’ve been excluded (even though that would’ve scuttled my eventual existence). One of the main reasons Boston is such a political shithole today is because the Irish more or less took it over, once upon a time. Now it’s mostly nogs and other 3rd world trash that make it political shit hole, but the decline into corruption started in force under the Irish. They did a number on NYC too, with Tammany Hall.
Not that it really matters, both of those (and all big city blue hives) are write-offs, unfit for purpose, and will need destruction of nearly the entire existing populations therein if they are ever to be anything other than harmful and destructive to our existence again.
Of course, looking at today’s Germany and England, and their embarrassingly unrestrained race cuckery (present protests in Britain notwithstanding), those lines have turned out not to be worth much of a shit either, by the looks of where they’ve collectively ended up. Not sure what the hell happened the countries that supplied the founding stock of the US, as the Brits, Germans, and Dutch (who were the big 3 that established the major colonies) have, in the span of 250 years, turned into self destructive pussies. Granted, Germany has been the recipient of the most destructive long term demoralization campaign ever devised, because they dared to try and stop the rot. But it is more difficult to explain away the others.
Makes me want to entirely disclaim my ancestral heritage, even though Ireland is showing a possible glimmer of hope in overcoming their intractable dysfunction just recently. Whether that pans out remains to be seen.
Good point, brother. Tammany Hall was a Trojan Horse going back to 1786.
But I view the Irish as a mixed bag. For sure, Boston is shite. But those Irish, Scottish and Welsh critters who settled and populated Appalachia were some hearty, God-fearing critters who carved out some great culture.
And that’s coming from a Lutheran. I hope Orange and Green continue to unite and purge the brown and black.
If you haven’t, read Sir John Glubb’s “The Fate Of Empires.”
Explains the 250 year cycle very well. It’s a quick 30-page read you can find online
Granted, Germany has been the recipient of the most destructive long term demoralization campaign ever devised, because they dared to try and stop the rot. But it is more difficult to explain away the others.
Atomization and Individualism has really done a number on our people Brother…
“ It wouldn’t change anything if you only imported church going mestizos, Indians and Africans. The demographic devastation would be the same. ”
Lutheran Church Services.
Catholic Charities.
Two large ones that “grow their memberships” by importing above said.
Bottom line is if your church members aren’t making babies to fill your church pews, your church isn’t growing.
Just saw this article after I sent this to Arthur:
NOTHING is ever what it seems.
Pull the string and Every Single Time one or more of ((((Them))) falls out in the light.
Nice, nice observation about Tommy.