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Docs: Noblesville man found with cocaine in butt after traffic stop arrest

A Noblesville man has been charged with multiple cocaine-related felonies after police reportedly found bags of cocaine in his butt when he was arrested during a traffic stop.

According to court documents filed Wednesday in Hamilton County, Allison Hyatt was arrested on Tuesday for the following charges:

  • One count of dealing in cocaine manufacture/deliver/finance 10 or more grams, a Level 2 felony
  • One count of possession of cocaine between 10 and 28 grams, a Level 4 felony
  • Two counts of obstruction of justice, each a Level 6 felony
  • One count of dealing in cocaine manufacture/deliver/finance between 5 and 10 grams/prior, a Level 2 felony
  • One count of possession of cocaine between 10 and 28 grams/prior, a Level 3 felony

With a name like Allison, the poor guy must be the butt of many jokes…..

Hyatt was then transported to the Hamilton County Jail. Law enforcement said that while at the jail, Hyatt continued to ask officers if he could use the restroom and “kept making furtive movements towards his anal cavity.”

“The jail booking staff conducted a custodial search of Mr. Hyatt,” the documents read. “While the search was being conducted, Mr. Hyatt retrieved several bags of white powder from his anus, threw it on the ground and began to attempt to stomp on it.”

Jail staff was reportedly able to control Hyatt and was able to retrieve the white powder before it was fully destroyed. The documents said that the powder later tested positive for cocaine.

“furtive movements towards his anal cavity” sounds like a great band name.

Allison had better hope they don’t house him with Dametric Gaddis….


  1. old cranky guy

    “Would have been funnier if a bag burst in him and he OD’d, but that is just me.”

    Just desserts! 😛 😛 😛

  2. Anonymous

    How would you like to have the job of performing full body cavity searches on arrestees? That is some nastiness that I just don’t want to think about. Ain’t enough money in the world to compensate me for that job.

    • Troy Messer

      I was thinking the same thing. I wonder how an interview for a prospective employee goes? “So you might have to go up some stinky nigger’s asshole looking for contraband. You OK with that?”

    • Phil B

      I once was employed to write the manuals for a new prison and had to work with the jailers. if they suspect that something is being hidden like that, the prisoner is put into a “Dry Cell” – that is, with no plumbing whatsoever and has to use a bucket. They are kept there until they “perform” (if you follow my meaning) and then the jailers examine the contents of the bucket.

      Contrary to rumours, the prisoners diet for a week was not oatmeal, cabbage and strong coffee.

  3. TakeAHardLook

    Imagine, if you will, having a job so gross that you are required to examine, by hand (gloves optional?), the bungholes of nogs who are being booked into the local slammer! Some jobs are not worth getting out of bed for; or is it a “perk” to rummage around in a nog’s behind, searching for gold?

    • Lineman

      And yet you still have White People doing that job which for the life of me I can’t figure out why…Who in their right mind wants to live around niggers let alone try and police them…You would of thought the past examples of Whites getting thrown in jail for policing them would of gave the rest a clue on just where they stand in the food chain…

      • Troy Messer

        for the life of me I can’t figure out why…

        For the CivNat normies, the “equality” Kool-aid has literally been bred into them. Weak men have been allowed to procreate leading to an even weaker kind of man who literally has had his sense of preservation bred out of him. AS and aside, I have a hunch that breeding with weak men is a result of mass birth control.

        If the fake bird-fly comes to pass, we should encourage these kinds of normies to take the shots. Removing their weak genes should be encouraged.

        • TakeAHardLook

          During the first Plandemic I exhausted myself in trying to (gently) counsel friends & family on the dangers of taking an untested government-sanctioned “biologic agent” into their bodies.

          The next time? Not. Saying. Shyt. To anyone.

          My niece, an RN, was fully vaxxed. Later, I watched her have fertility issues, then a miscarriage, then pre-term labor X2 (now, those things happen but those above issues were preceded by a mild stroke! In a healthy, non-smoking 27 y/o)?

          Nah! ClotShot issue all the way. My brother will not even recognize the issues and never answers my calls…….

          • Big Ruckus D

            Mmm hmm. Can very much relate to that. I’ve [begrudgingly] accepted that stupid should hurt, even for close family and friends. Have also had to accept that even if the stupid hurts badly, still nothing of value may be learned.

            It’s fucked up, but it is not something I can realistically have any impact on. That much has become painfully clear after COVID blindingly revealed who actually had the instinctual sense of self-preservation, and who didn’t. Or at a more fundamental level, who was smart enough to be right, and who was stupidly compliant.

            • Lineman

              Key is not letting their stupid become a problem for you… Always try and live from a position of strength whatever that may look like for you… Example a lot of my family thought I was crazy every time I moved somewhere new but each move made me,my position, my family stronger and allowed us to become more self sustainable and sufficient…It also allowed those who disagreed with our choices options later on when they finally saw the light…We have to be pioneers because we do have the knowledge of what is coming for all of us…Tribe Up or Die…

  4. Big Ruckus D

    I seem to recall a little ditty that went something like this:

    Remember this fact, you can’t get it back. Cocaine.

    And once’s it’s been stuffed up a black hole for storage and transport, you really don’t want it back, irrespective of the street value. Imagine snorting that shit.

    “Get that coke out of your nose, God only knows where it’s been!”

  5. Dr. Hollowpoint

    My understanding is drugs or pretty much anything else shows on an x-ray. Prisons do have medical staff or local hospitals which use a sigmoidoscope for rectal cavity searches.

    Your milage in middle eastern or African countries may vary.

  6. Don W Curton

    Not that I have any sympathy for him, but he basically did 2 crimes, he had some illegal drugs on or about his person, and when discovered he attempted to destroy the evidence. But he now has at least 6 charges against him and potentially more coming as the DA starts reviewing the case. Prosecutors have been using this tactic for years to force people into confessions, plea deals, and to polish up their record during election season by using the full power of the state against any individual that draws their attention. Our just-us system is rigged and anyone getting caught up in that nightmare is screwed.

    But hey, a baggie of coke is amateur hour. I recall a story where some inmate stuffed a North American Arms .22lr mini-revolver up their ass, pulling it out while being transported and killing a cop by shooting him in back of the head. Talk about your deep cover concealed weapons carry.

  7. J J

    “Hey Justavius, I just knocked off a piece of ass from Allison and my dick is gone numb. Why de call him coke butt anyway?”

  8. Cederq

    I am that person that had to preform anal cavity searches on suspects the cops would bring in under arrest when I was a nurse and worked ER. It is not a pleasant job and with a suspect resisting you. It didn’t matter if it was white or black, brown or yellow. The only problem is removing packets of drugs was not to puncture the packet. Of course I didn’t have to be gentile or apologetic for being necessary rough… In the same note, other walking in with stuffed vegetables, and glass bottles and yes, gerbils and other assorted sex toys that was too far in.

  9. Bean Dip Tray

    They use the corner of a sandwich bag tied off for swallowing in case the Johnny Law 5-0 pulls up.
    St. Floyd of Fentanyl did this and lost.
    Maybe this Magic Soiler had never heard of it and Noblesville is still YT but Fundamental Transformation is coming to every town and county in West South Africa.
    Si se puede!

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