Here in Clown World, one side is endlessly referencing their precious CONstitution while the other side cheerfully ignores that obsolete document written by racist old White men who owned slaves. When it is convenient, in places the Constitution is inviolable as it was when the Supreme Court declared a right to get an abortion in the emanations of penumbra of the Constitution or whipped up a right for faggots to “marry” out of thin air. When rulings don’t go Their way? We need to rein in the out of control, radical Supreme Court! It’s part and parcel with trying to fight playing by rules that the other side modifies or ignores at will.
This also applies to one of the cornerstones of the Federal government as organized under the Constitution, the three co-equal branches of the government that are supposed to act as a check on each other.
Recently the people pulling Joe Biden’s strings and posting on his social media outlets came up with some silly idea to amend the Constitution to have term limits and an “ethics” code for the Supreme Court. Setting aside the belly laugh inducing idea of Joe Biden calling out anyone else about “ethics”, the SCOTUS doesn’t have term limits for a reason. Of course when it was created people didn’t live quite so long and I doubt the Founders anticipated someone like Ruth Bader Ginsburg lingering on the court when she was nodding off during the state of the union address.
Allegedly the Supreme Court has become too powerful or something. Meanwhile…
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stated Wednesday, just hours after Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh’s death, “If Israel is attacked, we certainly will help defend Israel.“
He issued the words aboard the USNS Millinocket during a visit to the Philippines. “You saw us do that in April; you can expect to see us do that again,” he said, in reference to the prior Iranian ballistic missile and drone attack in retaliation for the previous Israeli attack on Tehran’s embassy in Damascus.
Certainly? Just hours after Israel assassinated yet another Hamas leader, the Secretary of Defense declared that the U.S. would “help defend Israel”. Oh really, silly me I thought that the Congress had to declare war but here we are operating under these super vague “authorizations of force” that apparently are open-ended.
Not the exact quote from the movie but you get the point.
RT is reporting that Iran will attack Israel as soon as this weekend….
Iran and its allies are expected to launch a large-scale attack on Israel within the next few days following the assassination of Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran, US officials have reportedly told the media.
Haniyeh, one of the top figures of the Gaza-based militant group and the head of its political bureau, was murdered on Wednesday while staying in the Iranian capital. Hamas says the official was taken out by a missile strike on his residence in Tehran. The New York Times, however, has claimed that the murder was carried out using an explosive device planted inside Haniyeh’s guesthouse.
This is the same pattern repeated over and over. Israel hits someone and then hides behind the U.S..
It has worked so far because Iran is still concerned about tangling with the U.S. but that fear has to be fading and fast as they see how ineffective the U.S. Navy has been in stopping the Houthis from attacking ships.
Should Iran strike back at Israel, the U.S. will almost certainly take direct action and just as certainly won’t bother with little things like getting Congressional approval first. That approval would be perfunctory, Thomas Massie and The Squad aside most of Congress would trip over themselves racing to vote for an authorization to attack Iran in defense of Our Greatest AllyTM and those sweet, sweet AIPAC dollars.
Nothing in our system of government is working within the confines of the Constitution and never will again, the only solution is to simply adopt Their tactics and stop trying to fight a war with our hands tied behind our back. Should Trump “win” in November, will he have the stones to do what is necessary to save the American people? I doubt it. It will most likely come down to us.
Christians: “ Jesus died for our sins.”
Israelis: “ Christians die for our sins.”
As recently pointed out on Identity Dixie, Trump is beholden to the tribe. Note that even all his grandchildren are Jewish.
Graham’s Combat Killhouse rules apply.
“the only solution is to simply adopt Their tactics and stop trying to fight a war with our hands tied behind our back. ”
That is why I did an analysis of the Olympic mockery a few days ago using Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. Is Saul Alinsky a piece of shit? Yes, no doubt. Yet his rules are very effective. And one of the main and most effective rule is make the other side play by their rules. That is why I keep ranting that if you are virtue signaling about playing by the rules, you aren’t virtuous, you are a stupid fucking chump.
In these comments, our esteemed host allows me to rag on White Christian Evangelicals a lot. In moments I wonder if I am being too hard on them. Then I read stories like this:
If you don’t read the article, the jist is that Muslims condemned the mockery of Jesus Christ more ardently than many American “Christians”. I think then conclude, no. No, I am not too hard on Christian evangelicals because they are the epitome of cowards.
” the U.S. will almost certainly take direct action”
As far AINO retaliating against Iran, or anyone for that matter, in a large scale matter, that isn’t going to happen. AINO is simply logistically unable to prosecute large scale military matters. There was an article about an aircraft carrier, (the USS Stennis or something like that) that took literally years to repair. It takes about a decade to build a Gerald R Ford class aircraft carrier. Compared to China, our ship building capacity is practically non existent.
Sure we might send some tomahawks off a submarine, but I doubt the navy will allow the USS Roosevelt to get too close to the Iranian coast. Putting some boots on the ground in Israel might be good optics, but that makes little, tactical, operational, or strategic sense vis-a-vis attacking Iran. Any troops on the ground in Israel are gonna be fighting Iranian proxies and not Iran itself. All that strategy does is attrit AINO resources (that are being used faster than they are being replaced) whilst doing nothing to Iranian resources in Iran.
Prediction: the day the first AINO aircraft carrier is disabled or prevented from launching aircraft, by whatever means or method, will be the day history marks as the official end of the AINO empire.
I suspect that the US’ “Suez moment” is fast approaching.
Given what we’ve seen lately of our eviscerated military, it may well come to pass that Israel will have to bail our sorry ass out eventually. On Day One of any conflict, you can bet that our trannies-in-uniform will decide that they don’t want to play soldier boy dress-up anymore.
America will be declared the New Israel under President Shairo.
President Shapiro.
Bail us out with what? Serious question.
I have the strong suspicion that their claim of being the “Nth most powerful military in the world” (where N is some number between 3 and 10) is about as true as their claim of being “the most moral military in the world.” In other words, their usual narcissism, propaganda, and bluffing.
Maybe the actual military guys can help me out here, but I’m thinking their successes are not because they’re smarter, tougher, or better trained than US servicemen, but because they have more ruthless and permissive ROEs.
I’m further suspecting that the quality of their service members is going down (on average) as more segments of their very divided and fractious society undertake military service. (The recent rape business being an example of the moral, morale, and human quality decline.) I’m reminded of a discussion I sat in on about 30y ago with an IDF major and another officer whose rank I can’t remember. (They we’re talking over beers; I just happened to be there.) Anyway, both were here in Boston to get graduate degrees. So the other guy was complaining about how segments of the Israeli population (like the ultra religious) were exempt. The major who I was sort of friends with cut him off. “Think about what you’re saying. Do you want work next to those assholes? If we make them serve, eventually some will become senior officers. Do you want to be under orders from that kind of nut job?” The other guy shook his head and allowed that that would be a disaster. Then they looked at each other and said, “Nukes!” and shook their heads. Then they changed the subject.
Later I asked the major a bit about that discussion. He said, “My God, I don’t want to deal with either, but if I have to pick, Palestinians over Settlers every time. They both hate us, but the Palestinian might be reasonable. The settlers are mostly assholes.” I have no idea if he was putting me on or what, but there it is.
The last ‘incident’ where the FUSSA Military tried to ‘Defend Israel’ against the Persian Army Rocket Forces, it was reputed to cost more than a Billion ‘dollars’ (borrowed from the jew banksters) and other than shooting down the Low-n-Slow Drones and Cruise Missiles, even the Best Anti-Missile Radar and Interceptors (Crewed by U.S. troops in israel) could not stop the Ballistic Missiles that hammered two Military Airfields.
I expect that exactly the same thing will happen, a Raid with plenty of ‘easy targets’ (that MUST be engaged no matter what) and when the entirety of Air Defenses are engaged, the Heavy Ballistic Shells will get through and do the Damage (and more, this Time). Iran has not yet used the largest Missiles in their Arsenals, and also has chosen not to Attack the FUSSA Bases in Saudi Arabia and other Arab States (so far), which would force those States reconsider “Whose Side are We On”.
And as Troy said, the First Time a FUSSN Carrier gets Sunk (or even Hit) it’s pretty much ‘Game Over’ for AINO…
“…as organized under the Constitution, the three co-equal branches of the government…are supposed to act as a check on each other…”
My four grandparents came from Ireland, and lived next door while I was growing up.
Us kids were mostly home-schooled.
I was taught American people have *TWO* branches of government:
* bureaucrats, and
* armed citizens.
An aside:
* What Would Michael Collins Do
Never had much use for anything authority.
People that do are either children, or need to be killed.
Ghost: That was subtle.
Bibi is moving fast to get AINO/FUSA into Sandbox III.
It’s not like Trump won’t rebuild the temple and bomb bomb Iran.
It was deleted by the “historic” pen and phone.
No golden parachutes, shekel buckets or pensions were harmed.
And who will be giving the order? It won’t be Biden.