Those interested in questions of ethics and philosophy often discuss a hypothetical ethical quandary: if you could go back in time to April of 1889 in Austria, would it be ethical of you to murder the newborn Adolf Hitler? On one hand, you would be preventing his rise to power but on the other hand you would be murdering an infant that hadn’t committed any crimes yet. It’s one of those silly exercises that people like to argue about, and it of course assumes that you accept at face value the popular narrative of the Third Reich. No one ever seems to ponder the same questions about Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin or Mao Zedong despite Marxism leading to far more deaths than even the most ridiculous claims about Moustache Mad Bad….
This is something that has to be on the mind of many of the Trump deranged Left, which is to say most of them.
It has been more than two weeks since the disastrous “debate” and while the chorus of voices calling on Biden to step aside has grown steadily louder, Ol’ Joe and of course “Dr.” Biden have seemingly dug in like a tick and defiantly declared Joe ain’t going anywhere. It’s almost halfway through July now and while there is a chance that Biden drops dead or is somehow forced out, things are looking like a 2020 rematch with Biden on the top of the ticket*.
While most hyper-partisan Democrats would vote for a sack of dog shit if they thought it would keep Trump out of the White House, the less enthusiastic part of the electorate is decidedly unenthusiastic about Biden and while they might not vote for Trump, they also might not vote at all. The Biden camp is desperately trying to whip up support in the black community that will be critical in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania.
That brings me to “Project 2025”. It is all over social media and I am starting to see more “mainstream” news sites talking about it. Project 2025 is a blueprint dreamed up by the eggheads at The Heritage Foundation. From what I can tell, Trump had nothing to do with it and even now doesn’t really understand it. The purpose of the entire project actually makes some sense:
In November 2016, American conservatives stood on the verge of greatness. The election of Donald Trump to the presidency was a triumph that offered the best chance to reverse the left’s incessant march of progress for its own sake. Many of the best accomplishments, though, happened only in the last year of the Trump administration, after our political appointees had finally figured out the policies and process of different agencies, and after the right personnel were finally in place.
The usual suspects in the permanent political class will be ready for the next conservative administration. Will we be ready for them? That’s where Project 2025 comes in. We have two years, and one chance, to get this right.
When Trump took office in January of 2017 with both chambers of Congress, it looked like he was going to get a lot of stuff done. What he didn’t know and never did figure out while in office was that both sides of the Uniparty and the Federal bureaucracy were working in lockstep to stop his agenda. Of all of Trump’s faults, his awful personnel decisions were at the top and not just by letting Jared “Jewish Grima Wormtongue” Kushner whisper in his ear but at most levels of the bureaucracy Trump failed to get rid of obstructionists. Hopefully behind the scenes there really are cadres of new appointees being prepared that will take over if Trump “wins” in January.
The landing page for the project has an intro dated January 31st, 2023 so this thing has been out there for more than a year and a half. Now that Orange Man is looking like he might get back into office, someone on the Left latched onto this as LITERAL FASCISM COMING TO AMERICA! and now they are all over it with stuff like this:

I don’t see much there that I would disagree with. Damn, if that was true I would say sign me up.

Just a brief glance at the policy papers, something essentially none of the people screeching about Project 2025 on social media have bothered to do, reveals pretty innocuous policy proposals that aren’t much different from most “conservative” proposals since as far back as I can remember. That doesn’t matter because the audience for the social media frenzy can’t read anyway and even those that can read lack any sort of critical thinking skills. The intent is to just frighten garden variety leftists and TDS sufferers into showing up to vote. As I said, this wasn’t Trump’s project and he has actually been disavowing it. Even the New York Times admits this:

To their credit, the NYT does point out over and over that this is not Trump’s plan and that he has basically disavowed it. I am sure he hasn’t even read any part of it, policy details are not his thing. Policy wonks all along the political spectrum do enormous projects like this one all the time and no one reads them, but this one has been latched onto by leftists that fear a Handmaid’s Tale theocracy (and not a few spinster feminists are secretly hoping for that very thing so they can be ravished by MAGA hat wearing Chads).
Of all the hysterical stories about Project 2025, this one was my favorite:

Well that is odd. It sort of sounds like Rabbi Jay Michaelson is saying that the Jewish “American Dream” is different from the American Dream of actual Americans. The essay is hilarious but this might be my favorite part:
Consider that for a moment. The overwhelming majority of antisemitic attacks, from the Tree of Life on down, are perpetrated by right-wing Christian Nationalists. With the FBI and DOJ hobbled, who will prevent the next massacre before it takes place?
There have allegedly been tons of “antisemitic” incidents and attacks every year but in the videos I see, the attackers are usually black or Middle Eastern and not a one of them was wearing a MAGA hat. Christians and Christianity are mentioned around two dozen times in the piece, and if that doesn’t tell you who Jews think are Their enemies you aren’t paying attention. How delicious given the normiecon obsession with “Supporting Israel” while Leftists are the ones calling for divestment from Israel. The good Rabbi is quite upset that the FBI might not have the manpower to entrap autistic kids in chat rooms:
Do you really believe that a Christian Nationalist DOJ will go after Christian Nationalist groups, chatrooms, and networks that incubate and encourage terrorists?
Oy vey the horror! Not entrapping kids in chat rooms is literally another Shoah! Not to mention that backing off “climate change” bullshit will cause Israel to sink beneath the waves. Globe warms, Jews hit hardest! See kids, it is fine for Jews to have a group identity over Their American identity and to seek after Their self-interest but when White people do the same thing it is only one more step to rounding up the Jews again.
As you can see, the rhetoric is over the top with the mission of getting recalcitrant Democrat voters to show up at the polls in November to pull the lever for a man that can’t complete a sentence and that said that Trump was his Vice-President.
How does all of that theory jive with my idea that Trump is going to be allowed to “win” in order to scapegoat him next year? Simple, the people who are pushing that are not the same people running these social media accounts or the mainstream journalists. Those people are useful idiots and their job is to make a good show of it. No one is including editorial boards of mid sized newspapers in the higher level planning because those people, despite their seemingly impressive credentials, are simply morons.
Back to Baby Hitler and Orange Man Bad. Every Republican in my adult life has been likened to Hitler. Before he was rehabilitated, George W. Bush was regularly linked to Moustache Man Bad. With Trump that has been taken to a new level. This is from The New Republic about a week ago:

From Twitter:
Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, “He’s damn close enough, and we’d better fight.” We unreservedly choose the latter course.
That is just delightful. They come right out and admit that Trump doesn’t meet the definition of fascism, not as if the people at The New Republic could identify any of the points, but darn it he is close enough! They have also latched onto a statement from the President of Heritage, Kevin Roberts, who stated:
“…we are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be”
The people that chant “No justice, no peace” and quote MLK that “A riot is the language of the unheard” are heading for the fainting couch and grabbing the smelling salts about that? Conservative Inc. is smelling blood in the water and the Left is suddenly worried that OUR DEMOCRACY that they claim is “under assault” might return the Orange Man to office, and we can’t have that. Who ever heard of a democracy where the will of the people results in decisions that other people don’t like? No one seems to remember that when Orange Man was running in 2016, his supporters were regularly attacked by leftist mobs when trying to attend a rally, or that speakers were shut down sometimes by violent mobs (ex. Charles Murray), or that leftist loons shot up Republicans at a Congressional baseball game, attacked Senator Rand Paul, burned federal buildings, rioted when Trump was being inaugurated, rioted later. Remember this:

50 Secret Service agents injured in a leftist riot that forced President Trump to be rushed to a secure “terror attack” bunker. Did any of them spend a day in jail, much less be given long sentences for wandering around a public building? Of course not. Did Congress hold endless hearings about the threat to “Our Democracy”? Nope. Why would a fiery but mostly peaceful attack on the White House not get at least the same treatment as some people breaking a few windows in the Capitol Building? Weird.
There is ample historical precedent for Leftist violence to force political change, so it makes sense to say that conservatives are going forward with a clear agenda and that it will be peaceful unless the Left decides to make it not peaceful.
If I was in charge of the Secret Service, this would be making me nervous. Many of these knuckleheads think that Trump will become some sort of authoritarian strongman (I wish) and LITERALLY HITLER. Asking a variation of the Baby Hitler question, what if you had the chance to avoid a second Donald Trump administration? These are the people that hold up signs that read “By Any Means Necessary”. Would you put anything past them? Is there anything they wouldn’t do to keep Trump out of the White House?
Keep your powder dry, your neck on a swivel and both eyes wide open. We are coming to a dangerous juncture and the relative quiet we have enjoyed is coming to an end.

*Yes elections are fake and gay, I am fully aware of that.
I first ran across your work on Gab, which I visit only occasionally now, to see what Pat Condell might have to say. But I get emails now and then, probably because I’ve donated occasionally, and recently got another one about a request from Belgian authorities to remove an account for ‘anti-Semitic’ content. I’m sure there are many accounts in those crosshairs, but yours are accompanied by the vivid AI art, which would make them stand out. So I’m curious–have you ever wondered if yours has been the object of one of these demands? The claim was that the account advocated violence, which I’ve never seen in yours, but, you know that words are violence, and all…
Not that I am aware of but I also moved to a new platform a few years ago because I knew that being on Blogger would mean getting nuked sooner or later.
If I was somebody in charge I would never permit a solitary word of anything resembling 2025, “cleaning house”, justice for those who have betrayed America or any manner of retribution of any kind. Then let the hammer fall a second after inauguration. Why let them get entrenched in preparation and why signal such intention? My money is on the communists burning it all to the ground in one fashion or another before they ever surrender political and bureaucratic power and there are justifiable questions as to whether MAGA’s truly have the stomach to really do what needs to be done to rid our country of the scourge that is communism.
Make your Plans as Dark as Night, and When You Strike, Strike like a Thunderbolt….Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
Funny you should bring up the classic ‘killing baby Hitler’ theme this morning. I was just musing yesterday that if I could go back in history and kill some folks, the group would include Lincoln, Wilson, MLK, and Emma Lazarus.
I’m still not fully convinced they want Trump to win to be the fall guy, but to me it ultimately does not matter. An economic crash is coming regardless of electoral politics. And the only things in life that are inevitable are death, taxes, and population replacement.
I am not sure what the attempted assassination tonight is going to do but it sure has me pissed off
Yes, yes and yes. Curious though, who has most cause to see and use Hitler as a boogeyman (by currently available history versions)? Uh huh. (((Them.))) Violent attack at the WH? What would the Brazilians do? Hint: rhymes with belt fed. And my favorite, the NY Slimes reporting Biden campaign attacking Trump over amassing power in the executive branch. Kettle, pot.
If “Project 2025” would be ‘bad for the jews’, it would certainly be Good for the Nation…
As Outsiders to every Nation/State (((they))) Infest, jews can ONLY see politics as a Zero-Sum game, where “Is it Good for the jews” is the only way to Play.
Spend some Time reading what Henry Ford (the car guy) said about “The International Jew”, and you will gain a much better understanding of the Threat to Civilization posed by these ‘people’. You might even start to wonder if the guy who talked about the “Reptilian Aliens from the Strange-Matter Universe” wasn’t correct….
Well, they just tried.
I hate being right sometimes
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Just read Substack about Bathhouse Barry giving comrade Clooney the green light on that go away Brandon turd in the New York Times (CCCP/CPUSA/CCP).
The CPUSA (D) plans on Big Mike burn down what is left of AINO.
Infiltrated by homegrown commies from local all the way up to the rotted head of the reeking scaly fish.
Many great minds warned us of the commie infiltration and quisling traitors who sell out the Blood and Soil.
May the subhuman vermin get what they deserve.
Well, this turned out to be timely.