LaCain spoke to Marq’Abel his half-brother. And when dey wuz in da abandoned lot, LaCain finna kill his half-brother Marq’Abel and done bust a cap in his ass.
Genesis 4:8 GSV (Ghetto Standard Version)
There is ghetto, downtown Leroy Brown ghetto and then there is this shit.
‘Cain and Abel all day long:’ Jury finds teen guilty of killing his half brother
An Allen Superior Court found Leland P. Hairston, 19, guilty of killing his half-brother, Divoryan Warren Hill in February. He will be sentenced Sept. 6.
Closing arguments had barely finished when the parties were called back around 4 p.m. for the verdict. Hairston, wearing a Tribe of Judah white cotton shirt with patterned trim at the hem at his trial, was found guilty of murder and using a firearm in the commission of a crime and faces up to 85 years.
What the fuck is a Tribe of Judah t-shirt and why is that relevant to the story? I did a quick search and it looks like it is some gear worn by the black Hebrew Israelite types that think they are Jewish royalty and sheeit. Like this shirt…

Sold and designed by a store calling itself “blacktoroyalty”. These freaking people crack me up. It is not bad enough being the race with the least to be proud of in the world, they have to try to co-opt the achievements, real and imagined, of other races? I might have to do an entire post just from that Etsy store.
Oh it gets better.
The jurors heard that the brothers were close and played video games in the basement where Warren-Hill’s body was found, covered in carpet and other items, including a blue chair.
The body was found Feb. 26 at a Lynn Avenue home, approximately six days after he’d been beaten with a blunt object on the head, stabbed in the neck and shot five times in the back.
Bludgeoned. Stabbed. Shot five times. A little overkill there boy? As you can imagine, both Leland Hairston and Divoryan Warren Hill are black, sharing a baby daddy but with different mothers. The family of Divoryan Warren Hill is pictured below wearing the ubiquitous tacky t-shirts all blacks seem to wear when one negro kills another.

I am not sure that Divoryan Warren Hill is the greatest at anything but he is not going to live long seeing as how he is already dead. Also notice that besides the center pic of him with angels wings, in gold of course cuz that is classy, the other photos all seem to show him fanning out cash. I wonder where that money came from?
When others contacted Hairston, he suggested that Warren-Hill was being held in another county and as far as he knew, his brother had gone to see a girl at the Baldwin Creek apartments. He intimated that Warren Hill might be involved in something he couldn’t talk about.
“I’m not saying what he did. He accumulated lots of money,” Hairston said. On the stand he also said he would have reported Warren-Hill’s death had he known.
He accumulated lots of money but I ain’t saying where it came from? Huh, I wonder if Divoryan Warren Hill might have been engaged in the trafficking of illegal substances. Those t-shirts just crack me up. He da greatest!

The pièce de résistance of the story comes near the end….
It would be easy to say the killing of Warren-Hill ripped apart a family with many blood ties, so numerous it could be compared to the family trees of European monarchs.
That is what I thought of immediately, a black guy spreading his seed around to various women who raise little chitlins that eventually bludgeon, stab and shoot each other to death can easily be compared to European royal families. It is just like the Hapsburg dynasty and sheeeit.
Seriously, who the fuck writes something like that?
I could see getting enraged enough to shoot someone. Or stab someone. Or bludgeon someone. But to do all three? Damn son, that is some epic impulse control.

Sure, just throw some carpet and random objects on top of that rotting corpse in the basement. That ought to take care of it! They seem to be some trashy people, but this damn near takes the cake.
A lot of it reads like the Bible stories of King David and his dysfunctional family. Nothing new here, chimpouts as old as the species.
I’ve heard of whites butt sucking sub saharan africans with that “black israelite” nonsense, and I’ve heard “black israelites” vow to kill God and anyone else that threatens their supremacy. Especially Whites. Why did Joy Reid dump the Trumpster-‘doo anyway? Did she finally get over her crush on him?
Say what you will, Divoryan is still going to vote for Biden.
The Shylocks can’t be happy about this.
Oh…it hurts YT so that means Hymie loves it.
I almost feel bad for genetic misfire Christian Zionist defects.
The stupid looks on faces when the Rapture Express is AWOL is going to be EPIC.
I miss DiVoryan, such a loss. (The V is capitalized)
He accumulated money from his construction company, and was acquiring his own rental company (whatever a rental company is).
Seriously go read the obituary, more comedic gold. Mentions preceded by great grannies, no mention of daddy or momma.
It did mention his parents, still worth a read.
The truly frightening here is that these creatures actually believe all of their own bullshit. When I was in college many years ago, one of them tried to spew this horse shit at me. He didn’t yell, or scream and I let him finish. Once he did, I politely told him, “I’m not the one you’re trying to convince, you’re trying to convince yourself. If you repeat it often enough, you’ll believe it, but people like me know otherwise. The proof is what happens when Whites leave what we built to you. Once great cities like Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, in ruins because you people can’t maintain much less build anything. And you expect everyone to believe you built the ancient world? Please!”
That was when he reverted to type and began shouting insults.
Just once i want the family to be honest and say ‘he was a no good POS, he was a thug who sold drugs to kids, treated his family like shit and had poor impulse control, it was no surprise someone popped his ass’
Never going to happen
All those traits you listed are things these savages like and celebrate.
This is why we can never live together.