If there was one word that characterized the first Trump administration, it was chaos. Not just the sort of chaos we saw in the 2020 Summer of Love following the death of Saint George Floyd of the Fentanyl but also the absolute chaos that infected every aspect of our culture. The lizard people in the Lügenpresse stopped even the barest pretense of impartiality and openly became the party organ of the Left and neocon “Right”.
On the flip side, Trump could send the country and the world into a tizzy by simply tweeting something crazy and he is already doing that. Justin Trudeau might be the first world leader to have been trolled into resigning. He was never going to recover from Trump mocking him about being the governor of Canada, the 51st state. Lately he has been saying stuff about renaming the Gulf of Mexico and calling it the Gulf of America, of buying/seizing Greenland and retaking control of the Panama Canal. The media has been going apoplectic and he is still 12 days away from officially taking office, although he is basically dictating policy already while Biden’s handlers are doing their best to cause as much damage to the country as possible before wheeling the decrepit corpse of Pedo Joe out of the White House.
As an aside, my wife and I talked about this yesterday. I can’t remember an outgoing President taking such an enormous number of unilateral actions that served no real purpose other than giving the middle finger to the American people, the same people that allegedly loved Joe Biden and voted for him in greater numbers than any previous President. President Potato Head and his handlers simply hate the American people, and that is not hyperbole. I just read that two of the people on Federal death row refuse to sign the commutation paperwork because they apparently want to be put down. There should be limits on what a President with dementia can do from election day until the inauguration.
Back to the main point. This story flashed across my feed on Faceberg the other day.
Ah, a war that was encouraged and in fact could have been prevented but was not, by the Biden administration is coming to it’s inevitable conclusion. The only question is how much of Ukraine will be left, if any, before Ukraine is allowed to surrender. Yet it is Trump that is “facing a catastrophic defeat”. The balls on these people.
Note the author of this piece is Robert Kagan. Bobbie K is married to Victoria Nuland and both of them are of Eastern European Jewish ancestry, meaning They have an irrational hatred of all things Russian like most neocon types. Nuland has had her greasy little paws in shenanigans in Ukraine going back to at least 2013 and of course in the “Revolution of Dignity”, a ridiculous new name for what was previously known as the Maidan Revolution, orchestrated by the U.S. to depose the Ukrainian government and install a more pliable, anti-Russian government. This resulted in the 2014 “Russo-Ukrainian War” leading to Russia taking Crimea and in a direct line to the current Russian invasion in 2022.
In other words, a great deal of the blame for this war and the slaughter of a huge percentage of fighting age Ukrainian men and loss of Ukrainian territory lies squarely on the shoulders of the Gruesome Twosome of Nuland and Kagan.
The actual essay itself is painful to read, full of pie-in-the-sky predictions about a Ukrainian “victory” if the U.S. just sends an unlimited amount of “aid” to be siphoned off by Zelenskyy and his enablers in the West, that may or may not include Nuland and Kagan of course. You can read an archived version here if you are a glutton for punishment and don’t want to give The Atlantic the clicks. Suffice it to say that the essay is aimed at the Washington establishment to encourage them to keep sending the billions to Ukraine despite the simple fact that after sending hundreds of billions in “aid” already and gutting our own munitions stockpile, Ukraine is still losing. The news is grim all across Ukraine as Russia inexorably marches on. The Kursk “incursion” was intended to be a morale booster and presumably cause Putin to panic and reallocate large forces to liberate the area but that didn’t happen and now the Ukrainian forces are being ground into the mud while the main Russian forces keep pushing further into the Ukrainian industrial heartland. Instead of trying in vain to stop the Russians in Ukraine, Zelenskyy sent a “counterattack” in Kursk that is not going well: Russia Has Blunted Major Ukrainian Counterattack In Kursk. To make matters worse, Russia has been figuring out how to wage war in the 21st century and has hundreds of thousands of battle experienced troops that would chew up and spit out American trannies and fatties if it came to war.
When all is said and done, Kagan resorts to this sophistry:
If Trump fails to support Ukraine, he faces the unpalatable prospect of presiding over a major strategic defeat. Historically, that has never been good for a leader’s political standing. Jimmy Carter looked weak when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, which was of far less strategic significance than Ukraine. Henry Kissinger, despite his Nobel Prize, was drummed out of the Republican Party in the mid-1970s in no small part because of America’s failure in Vietnam and the perception that the Soviet Union was on the march during his time in office. Joe Biden ended an unpopular war in Afghanistan, only to pay a political price for doing so. Barack Obama, who moved to increase American forces in Afghanistan, never paid a political price for extending the war. Biden paid that price in part because the exit from Afghanistan was, to say the least, messy. The fall of Ukraine will be far messier—and better televised. Trump has created and cherished an aura of power and toughness, but that can quickly vanish. When the fall of Ukraine comes, it will be hard to spin as anything but a defeat for the United States, and for its president.
Outside of the Beltway and the slavish devotees of the Orange Man Bad cult, will anyone think that a final defeat of Ukraine will somehow be Trump’s fault? The lack of any leadership in the White House for four years, as it has been revealed formally what we all knew, that Biden was never in charge of his faculties or the Executive Branch from day one, has meant that grotesque shadowy figures like Nuland and Kagan have been running U.S. foreign policy behind the scenes. Make no mistake, Nuland and Kagan and all of Their loathsome ilk, don’t give a shit about Ukraine. All they care about is hurting Russia while pocketing Their share of the “aid” loot. They will fight to the last Ukrainian while chanting the mantra “Just a few billion more will defeat Vodka Man Bad!”.
If you paid any attention from 2017-2020, you know to expect a lot more of this. Nothing Trump manages to do will be credited to him, and everything bad will be laid at his feet. A conflict that is none of our business that has shown America to be a paper tiger is coming to a close and the fault for that is entirely on the people in charge, both when the U.S. supported a coup in 2014 and in 2022 when the same people prevented a negotiated settlement. This essay is essentially a child making a mess in their room and then blaming their mom for not picking it up quickly enough.
These people are willing to see an entire nation destroyed for their own personal vendetta, don’t think for a moment that will hesitate to do the same here. You might think you hate Them enough. You do not.
I think we can all agree, fUSA military equipment is ‘paint-over-rust’.
Too complex for field conditions, far too reliant on maintenance and supply support.
And, as always, the American military is stuck in 1938 preparing for the Great War of 1914.
Dumping a few trillion fedbux of unusable antiques accomplished a clear goal:
* illustrating the single-purposed graft of fUSA Military-Industry-Complex, the skim-scam coming in at close to 99.9999%.
The rest went to overhead.
Both Kagan and Nuland/Nudelman are Ukrainian jews. Kagan is quite possibly related to the Ukrainian bolshevik jew Lazar Kaganovich,organizer and implementer of the Holodomor genocide.110!
The two prisoners refused the commutations because they say that while on death row they have better legal aid in trying to overturn their convictions. They would lose that if they are just on life without parole.
Meh. Jew’s gonna jew.
They can either control themselves and their mutts… or others will do it for them at some point because they’ll have no choice.
It’s so tiresome. They are doing the same shit today that got them wasted in WW2, and is going to get Israel wiped off the map.
Thankfully the world is getting fed up with jewish narratives.
Her real name should be Victoria Nudelman
That’s the year that Trumpstein converted to Judaism.
He’s going to end all wars for Israel?
Voat Moar Harderer.
I suspect he will truly earn the name Zion Don in the next couple of years here. Much to the disgust even to those of us who already knew he would kiss Israel’s ass. I knew less than halfway through his first term he wasn’t what we wanted or needed, so I had no illusions of what he was all about this time around. With my expectations set so low, maybe he’ll actually surprise me with something decent.
Thanks for the post Arthur. I knew about the Kagan/Nuland deep swamp. It will be interesting if we ever get any real accounting of the vast grift operation that is Ukraine.
A couple other observations I haven’t seen explicitly addressed: It has been said that the treaty with Panama over the canal has provisions for the USA to use force if necessary to protect our interests in readily transiting the canal. I’m too lazy to research it myself, but I’d like to see it spelled out.
And as for Greenland and PDJT refusing to rule out use of force, can anyone NOT see “The Art of the Deal” in operation? He has no need to use force when a deal can be made with Denmark, the EU, or Greenland itself.
What I see in operation is Trump throwing a laser pointer all over the place every day since the election just to keep the idiot cats in the MSM occupied with trivia while the transition team chugs along at full speed.
In other “Fake and gay” news, the Las Vegas bomber supposedly used ChatGPT to find out how to acquire and use explosives.
The former Special Forces soldier had to use ChatGPT to know how to get and use explosives.
Yeah, to make an explosive of Coleman white lantern fuel, 1.4g consumer grade fireworks mortar shells and some black powder (or so we are being told, in any case). The mortar shells check out at least, they could be seen going off in the CCTV video from Trump Tower. Like this guy wouldn’t have had access to the “good stuff”.
Where’s another Führer when he’s needed…
Chris (CIII)
He needs a populace worth saving Brother…
Absolutely correct!
Z man has something interesting about the EU kerfuffle about “losing Ukraine” to Trump solving it.
Seems even MSN had something about some 25% of Ukraine’s total (INCLUDING Russian controlled) Ag land being sold to Montesanto.
As Genetically Modified Food isn’t ALLOWED in EU it’s an interesting purchase, indeed.
Bidenowitz’s handlers will continue to strive up to the very last minute to provoke The Just into violence in order to “justify” more unjust violence and perversion of The Law. And they want to turn all them tranny SAW gunners loose against Just Americans so bad they can taste it.
I hope they do turn them loose because I can always use more SAWs…
They will find out that attacking certain Americans will not at all resemble attacking old women and beta cucks in Portland or Seattle. No question.
Dear Mr. Pinochet,
Do you still have those helicopters?
Your friend
“You might think you hate Them enough. You do not.”
Yeah, but you should hate them more still, as should we all. No depth of hatred for the enemy is ever truly enough.
> Nuland and Kagan and all of Their loathsome ilk, don’t give a shit about Ukraine.
That, Arthur, is a filthy lie! The Kagan dynasty care very much about Ukraine. They want to asset strip Ukraine. They want to see ethnic Ukrainians suffer. They want to sex-traffic blonde, white women and children, easy to do in the chaos of something like 10 million displaced and refugees. No one’s going to notice a few thousand here and there gone missing. They want Slavic cousins to kill their blood kin. After all, brother wars are Their speciality.
And then when the men are dead, to swoop in and take their pick of the remaining women, buy the land at pennies on the dollar, and then sit back in control some of the most productive farmland in Europe. “The Slav will plow, and sow, and reap, while We sit like an effendi and eat.” Just as G-d intended.
I concur with this assessment. The damage being done to Ukraine (and it’s population and future prospects as a viable nation) as well as Russia and it’s population in this matter is not a mere side effect of the conflict, it is one of the most desired features of it, in fact. And it is sickening to see these smug, small hatted, exploitative motherfuckers getting away with it yet again. Their eternal grudge against Russia (and by extension Ukraine) is breathtaking in its ongoing depth and strength.
Trump is motivated by pride, but I’m not sure he reads much outside of X.
“If you paid any attention from 2017-2020, you know to expect a lot more of this. Nothing Trump manages to do will be credited to him, and everything bad will be laid at his feet.”
Yes, I am sure that the usual suspects will be filling articles with the usual vitriolic rants, but the difference is that Covid happened in the interim and those people utterly destroyed their credibility with the vast majority of Americans.These “editorials” that used to carry influence now just ring in a largely empty echo chamber. They did it to themselves and it is glorious to watch.