The Orange Man takes office again in just a few days. It appears that many of the rats, like Jack Smith, are fleeing while They can. It would seem that the threat to our 2nd Amendment rights has subsided significantly. I say with that the caveat that Trump has been, at best, very squishy on the 2A. Trump will hopefully put the hammer down on the ATF as they are still up to their nonsense.
As a result, the already soft market for firearms has gotten worse meaning the sales are even better. Ammo prices keep sliding, even 5.56/.223 is getting a little better although still at or over $.40/round. I would love to see in drop to the low $.30s again, that might happen if Ukraine wraps up quickly.
You might think this means that we are in for an extended golden era of gun buying. You may be right but then again…
Think back to the days of yore circa 2020 when ammo prices first exploded and then you simply couldn’t get ammo at all. Guns were next to unobtainable. People would drive for hours in each direction to buy even the most basic of firearms.
The President that year?
Donald J. Trump.
It went from everything in stock and cheap to nothing in stock and what was became super expensive and did so very, very quickly. It can change in a matter of weeks. Don’t go out and panic buy right now but be smart. Fill in the blanks, upgrade where needed. Buy more ammo, you always need more ammo.
If something can’t last then it won’t and where we are right now in the world of firearms and ammo….it can’t last.
IIRC, the issue in 2020 (and the timeframe during which those prices/availability you mentioned) were the result of the Summer of Love, weren’t they? Not because Trump was president, but more because Trump was president IYKWIM.
Perhaps I have these timelines confused, but that would be okay…
God bless.
Thanks for the update Arthur. Your analysis and conclusions seem to be right on.
Blantifa apparently has some armed insurrection type activities in the offing for around the inauguration, so that might spark demand in some quarters.
Even still, most folks would benefit more from storing more water, food, magazines, ammunition and having a plan for sanitation than they would from buying “one more gun”.
Even still, most folks would benefit more from storing more water, food, magazines, ammunition and having a plan for sanitation than they would from buying “one more gun”.
True That and more friends as well…
(thumbs up)
Boebert of Co and Burlison of Mo have submitted a bill to shut down the ATF. We’ll see if CON-gress has the stomach for that action. If that fails, the nonsense about SBR’s and suppressors being regulated and taxed needs to go away. Forever. What BS rules to begin with. Also, all federal gun laws since 1934 need to be vacated, but I dream…
I do realize that a stabilizing brace turns every weapon into an SBR which is basically a combination flame-thrower and fully automatic machine gun capable of manufacturing and loading its own ammunition additionally which is both sentient and self replicating, but encroachments are encroachments.
Hey! I’ll take two of those in .308, please. I hear that Dillon Precision (Scottsdale, AZ) is working on that very platform (the self-replicating part).
Not having a gazillion dollars, I’ll have to wait for a Groupon. 🙁
If you buy the 80% lowers you can build your own pretty cheap. All the cool kids are doing it.
Boebert (let’s go the movies anytime) will hopefully succeed but they are investigating the fires out in the glorious CPUSA (D) republic of CA.
Doing fine on good commie makers and feed but could use some holsters and spare parts.
I am always amazed at how so many people don’t have the money to buy ammon/guns/food/supplies when its’ all relaxed and calm and prices are reasonable. But when the crisis comes and prices go 2x or 3x or more, THEN and only then do they magically have money to buy.
Buy it cheap, stack it deep, sell some at the peaks and pay for your own.
Works every time
Just like Novocaine, just gotta give it time to work.
I endeavor to invest in precious and semi precious metals.
What qualifies as semi precious metals, you ask?
Copper, brass, and lead, in various configurations. They have enormous utility and will thus never lose value if purchased when prices are reasonable.
2nd Amendment isn’t a priority for Don, but it is for his judges.