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Phast Phood Phollies!

No impulse control plus fast food equals urban shenanigans.

Can I draw your attention to this guy, Kevin Holland?

What is the minimum brain function required to consider someone sentient, because this guy is right at the limit.

So what happened here?

Samori Husamudeen, 25, worked as a DoorDash driver in the Fayetteville, N.C. area. On the night of Thursday (Dec. 26), Husamudeen entered a local McDonald’s to pick up an order, according to WTVD.

That’s when Cumberland County District Attorney Billy West said the victim got into an altercation with one of the employees of the establishment, Kevin Holland, also 25. From there, Holland allegedly retrieved a gun from inside the McDonald’s and began shooting Husamudeen.

Samori Husamudeen is said to be the loving father of four but no mention of being a loving husband. Looks like we just inherited four more future felons and burdens on society.

Basic civility in the workplace seems like….not much to ask. DoorDash and McDonald’s have a sort of partnership and for normal people that is just part of daily life. I have people other than customers that I interact with on a daily basis in the course of doing business and on most days I manage those interactions without shooting them.

What could possibly happen in an “altercation” in the workplace that would lead you to shoot someone? Probably nothing because you aren’t a violent animal with an IQ barely sufficient to allow you to work at McDonalds.

Just wait, that isn’t the dumbest looking breadcrumb in a mugshot you are going to see today. Hoo boy.


  1. Steve

    The vic probably tried to pick up the door dash order without properly identifying what he was doing. Once questions were unanswered; the mickie-d’s employee had enough of his s**t.

  2. Mike_C

    In other takeout food related diversity homicide news, a postal carrier was fatally knifed in a Harlem NYFC delicatessen by a “woman” called Jaia Cruz. That thing might be biologically female but I highly doubt it. You never get a good look at the face, but it’s gotta be at least 6’3”.

  3. SirLawrence

    How long will hot food delivery be around in this low trust dystopian diversity shit hole? I see a future of lawsuits at best.

    My brother had to draw down on a delivery ape who wouldn’t leave because it didn’t understand the tip was via the app purchase. He wanted his gibs probably to go score his next high. Cash is kang.

    When the cops showed up after the crack head finally scooted under point of gack, they were basically: do you have a firearm? “Yes”. Good. If he comes back, just do what you need to do.

    And then they rolled out.

    All to save the 15 min drive to get his own goyslop. It’s gonna be some tough lessons to get the normie out of the population before people orient to the new reality already well established. I guess at least my bro carries.

    I had a couple buddies trying to get me to meet them in Vegas for some concert. Ffs. These guys are loaded but just can’t cotton to the current year.

    Why do all the retards have all the money and no fucking sense?

    So frustrating. With their wealth they could buy a whole mountain and we could all be raising kids and building up our own economy far away from this bullshit. But nope. Vegas.

    No wonder the joos laugh so much.

    • Lineman

      True that Brother they laugh their asses off and why wouldn’t they when they know we could squish them like a bug if we came together but since we stay isolated and atomized by choice then they can do whatever they want to us and all they know that will happen is we will complain and fight online about what’s happening to us…Sad that, it really is that we are so fucking broken and selfish we will allow ourselves to be genocided by fucking pipsqueaks…

      • LargeMarge

        For a sec, I am playing Satan’s Advocate (and ‘no’, I am not a juice).
        What if…
        * What if juice are trying to get normal folk to gang up, family up, community up to avoid getting holocausted?
        * What if juice are trying to get Northern European Heritage folk to remember our genetic roots so we go all holocausty on parasites?
        * What if Planned Parenthood is engineered to pulverize negro uterus so its operator cannot reproduce?
        etcetera etcetera etcetera

        • Mike_C

          IOW: Do you want Einsatzgruppen? Because this is how you GET Einsatzgruppen.

          And the answer is “yes, kinda.” It’s a twisted impulse like how rape (or rape-adjacent) fiction is so popular among women. If your cultural identity is based on being oppressed and genocided then you aren’t a “real one” unless you’re also personally at risk of getting rounded up and gassed. Of course no one wants to actually get gassed, but it’s “fun” to LARP about it. If you’re all about being oppressed and hated (for no reason at all) then you’ll create hatred if the organic supply is inadequate to meet your demand.

    • Big Ruckus D

      The retards have the money because they sold out and chose to work with the system. Thus, they were materially rewarded. This is just a lower level version of what Vox Day calls “ticket takers”, who are the useless fuckups and degenerates who becomes politicians, Hollywood celebutards, and others of high profile and wealth. Those of us with actual principles (and who won’t sell out to the system) are in a position where our lack of supplication has the system working against us in various, even if only subtle ways. Yes, it’s possible to get wealthy without being a sellout, but it is a lot more work than it is for the whores who take the ticket (look at the Biden family for a perfect example) and thereby appear to have the ability to print money to buy mansions, cars, yachts, drugs and and hoes.

      Sure, nearly any of us could’ve taken that path with the right sort of networking, but then we’d just be pieces of shit ourselves, all to gain greater material comfort. I’ll stick to my principled existence, even if it makes my life more difficult. At least I can look at myself in the mirror and not be repulsed by the fact I’m a fucking shill for the scum of the earth.

      • TakeAHardLook

        “The retards have the money because they sold out and chose to work with the system.”

        I agree. But, what IS the “system” with which they are working?

        This video is >5 hours in duration. One can skip around to the finish but it is a rather “Illuminating” journey if you watch it all, getting the fullest effect. Plus, one can identify dozens upon dozens of celebs, pols, etc whom you’d never have guessed have crossed over to the dark side.

        From the incantations on our $1 bill to the “Solve et Coagula” satanic writing on J.K. Rowling’s forearms, you cannot/ought not ignore the overwhelming evidence of your eyes.

        I am, as you may know, fully grounded in reality, but this video is truly beyond the pale:

        Q: Where is the Moral Center of our Nation?
        A: There IS no Moral Center of our Nation.

        • Big Ruckus D

          Well, I guess I’d define the “system” I’m referring to as mainstream society and it’s trappings. Live in the right neighborhood, go to the right university, network (kiss ass) to the right sort of people, have the right sort of career, buy box seats for the right sports ball team, espouse the right political and social views, and never question the narrative. Go along to get along for fun and profit. Now, that is an oversimplification, but more or less conveys what I’m talking about.

          This system is also self perpetuating into the sense that if you are already in/of the system (born into it, essentially), then your spouse will naturally come from the same strata, and your kids will be born into and exist within it, and in turn will almost certainly be part of it as adults unless they choose to eschew the lifestyle, or fuck up badly enough to get kicked out. Lather, rinse, repeat. These are basically the white liberal affluent upper class set who live in the nicest suburbs, drive Land Rovers and G wagons, probably have a place at Vail (or at least a timeshare at Breckenridge), whose daughters ride show horses and whose sons have names like Hunter, and play Lacrosse in college. Yes, these are stereotypes, but they are rooted in observable reality.

          They are the subset that largely comprises the credentialed, managerial class that has bloated the government and corporations, and who really do think they are better than you. They remain at the level they are because they “play ball” with those they need to stay in the good graces of by not rocking the boat, and by overlooking certain problematic behavioral tendencies of those in their class. They are simultaneously conceited toward those they consider beneath their station, and obsequious to the power brokers above them. These are shallow, self important people who I find insufferable, but they control a lot of what matters in day to day existence.

          And lest anyone think I’m bitter or envious of these people, I’m not. I can’t stand them, nor the thought of being one of them. These are degreed power pushers, they contribute little to nothing actually productive to society. Their entire existence is about status striving and virtue signalling, and it’s all so petty and disingenuous.

  4. None Other

    That is what has basically happened across the board. Either nigger dad doesn’t want to be dad, so he vanishes…or dad is a violent nigger and goes away to prison….or dad is violent, but runs into a more violent nigger and gets killed. And all these little nigger cumstains turn out just like daddy. And it just goes round and round. And the very, very, very few who aren’t like the 99.999% of the rest? They are so miniscule of a group, they don’t get noticed. Unless ofcourse dey is uncle toms an sheeitt an do wut duh white man telz him to doo den fuk him cuz he be uh sellout nigger an sheeiitt who wuz better off not doin nuffin to get ahead in life. Man, our forefathers really fucked us with these burdensome motherfuckers.

    • TakeAHardLook

      Christ-on-a-Cracker, but you are “dead nuts” correct! Gddm our idiot forebears and joo merchant slave ships for bringing low-tech, delayed-fuse bioweapons to our shores. We are surely paying for their monumental greed and stupidity.

      Lincoln was right; we should have shipped all the nogs to Liberia after the CW, but the Left killed him off before that policy could get rolling. Now we’re left with the Shitskin Epidemic.

    • Tree Mike; eff bee eye code name, Foghorn Leghorn

      Low performance, idiot white cop. FAFO. Cost/reward, analyze…don’t do shit like that. Out of shape cop had memories of high school athleticism, but now he’s fat, old and slow…and maybe (more) brain damaged…lifetime disability, 2-3 million?

  5. Anonymous

    Wait a cotton-pickin’ minute here…

    Two gainfully employed black men getting into an altercation while both are discharging the duties of their noble occupations? Color me shocked.

    Also color me alarmed to note that in this current age of incessant deliveries (Amazon, DoorDash, Uber, etc.) there is a steady stream of non-residents through my otherwise quiet, upscale, lily-White neighborhood, stopping at random addresses throughout the day and night. It seems that blacks in particular have gravitated to the low-skill delivery gigs, giving them legitimate access to areas where their presence would ordinarily stand out as highly suspicious. Ahmaud Arbery, much?

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