The tally is in for my 2024 reading.
That is down a little bit in terms of total pages and number of books from 2023. Looking back at my books post from January of 2024 recapping 2023, I was serious about reading more non-fiction and also finally reading The Silmarillion.
I did neither.
I loaded The Silmarillion onto my Kindle in January but never even opened it and while I did read some non-fiction last year, fiction novels still overwhelmingly dominated my list. I will make a resolution yet again to change that this year but I won’t be holding my breath.
On the bright side I did post 507 times in 2024 here at Dissident Thoughts so that accounts for a lot of my free time. February was the top month with 54 posts, I guess it was cold and I had nothing better to do. You might be surprised how much time it takes to post even something fairly simple and some of the longer posts I work on multiple days at a time. I should probably read more and blog less but that also isn’t going to happen.
Sorry for blowing by the topic, but I hope everyone is ahead of the curve for this storm that’s coming thru tonite and tomorrow, and the the arctic blast that is projected to follow. Stay safe.
Indeed, my AO up the I-44 corridor is looking to get hit pretty hard here starting tonight. If we get the freezing rain that is being discussed (and then heavy snow on top of that), large scale power outages are likely, and that’s even worse in the sort of temps (and wind) that will be extant. I’m setup with multiple generators available for my own place and mom’s, as is my sister and BIL. My youngest brother and his family are not, and they are a good 40 minute drive away in good conditions, so I really hope I don’t end up needing to go out there to deliver and hookup a genset. Hope everyone here in the affected areas are good to go.
Sounds like you’ve got it wired tight, Big Ruckus. We used to rock the generator at our old place, but we only ever ran it to run the well pump if the power went out anyway. So we decided to go old school where we are now-1860’s style. We’ve got cisterns for (lotsa) water storage and the wood burner for cooking/heat. We’ve also got one of those DeWalt chargers to keep the cells and laptops charged, and we’re relying on the cold to keep the freezers in the shop squared away. Hopefully this storm comes and goes with minimum consequence. We shall soon see. Honestly my biggest concerns is whatall shenanigans they’ve got planned for when half of flyover country is without electricity. All the best, brother.
And good luck to you as well in riding this one out. I have a Generac natgas standby unit at my place, plus an old (but reliable) Coleman Vertex 8.5KW gasoline portable to fall back on if the Generac falls down on the job (though it has been rock solid reliable since installed in 2010).
Also have a knockoff Honda (Chinesium) 7.5KW I got for free that needed repairs, and an old Porter Cable 6.75KW unit stored for use at my mom’s place. Have a proper inlet box and manual transfer switch setup there. Just filled up all the gas cans yesterday, so am ready for action. Heat and major appliances at both locations are all natgas, so power needs aren’t that much to maintain a minimally inconvenient stretch running on generator backup. The portables are noisy, but are both full masonry houses, so not too bad a sound level inside.
Anyway, I’m headed back out for some last minute preps.
The Generac whole home/standby is the way to go for sure. We used that setup when we lived in the Idaho panhandle. Never had a problem with it, and we had some extended outages to contend with. Never a problem.
Good luck, Ozark and Big Ruckus with the inbound weather. Glad to see you prepped upon prepped with redundant fuel, energy and water/food resources.
I’m close to I-10 about 15 miles as the crow flies from the Gulf of Meh-he-coe and we are only looking at 31/32ish degree lows.
Hopefully we don’t have any rain mixed with it as the yocals don’t understand 80 mph of black ice usually doesn’t end well.
Keep stacking!
Appreciate the sentiment. I don’t think this is really going to be much of a bit deal, but I’m ready even if I’ve underestimated it. The worst thing here is our first winter storm of every winter always causes major trauma on the roads, mostly because we don’t get enough of that weather here for most people to learn (and remember) how to properly drive in it. I expect tomorrow to be a shit show on the local roadways. My apologies to our gracious host for taking the thread so far off topic.
I’m a big fan of Edward Abbey style of writers.
Just finished re- reading desert solitaire. Maybe 35 books or so a year that I read.
Many books I get to read are reviews from other “blogs”. WRSA has had some of the best.
I am currently reading War of the Flea, Total Resistance, and the Discourses of Livy, the Roman Historian by Niccolo Machiavelli. All good reads.
Recommend The Complete Visions of Anne Catherine Emmerich.
There are many references to the punishments inflicted by God, on those who married outside of the Jewish race.
At that time there were only Jews and pagans. And the second group was not “favored”.
98 in 2024 for me.
My blogging has fallen off a lot. Life is more important sometimes.
108 in Kindle app, 36 in Libby app and unknown number of physical books. I bought a lot more physical books last year than I read, big stack insisting on being read this year.
Nicely done. I’m behind. Already.
Article for you:
How did we miss this one? Another fk’n nog harasses/crashes into/throws tiny White woman to the ground.
Nogger gets $2500 bail! WTF?
What would we expect in “Mao-tse-chu-setts?
She needs to sue him out of every penny in his worthless nog life now and into the indeterminate future.
I doubt that jail time will happen to the nog.
Mao-tse-chu-setts, and all……
Around blax, never relax.
Good on ya Arthur, I had a TERRIBLE year for reading, I’d be surprised if I got half the number you did. I rarely use Kindle so I have no idea the actual number, but it wasn’t much. Got a big stack of unread books next to the bed, so planning on a big year in ’25!