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Sleep Now. Analysis Later.

I stayed up until around 3 AM and then was back up for work at 5:30 AM so I am a little groggy. Not to mention I need to keep my strength up as I will be conducting interviews/tryouts for my Handmaiden this week.


      • Arthur Sido

        Many of those high status women are surrounded by beta males, including their husbands and boyfriends. You think AOC wouldn’t love to be ravished by an actual man instead of that pasty soyboy she dates?

    • dagobaz

      I was raped. It sucked. I did not orgasm, but sex is designed to be pleasurable. Perhaps if he hadn’t broken my arm and 2 ribs, I might have enjoyed it more. I didn’t have sex again for 3 years.

      • Arete

        I am sorry to hear this–truly. And sorry Troy Messer thought it appropriate to throw out such a ridiculous and absurd statement that he somehow apparently believes to be a fact.

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