Things are about to get spicy…
War Begins: Iranian Ballistic Missiles Rain Down On Israel
Looks like a lot got through the vaunted missile defenses based on videos at that link.
Israel has been trying to provoke this for a long time and now will claim to be the victim. My opinion? When you assassinate people over and over, sooner or later…

That doesn’t make me pro-Iranian but I sure as hell won’t mourn Israel getting kicked in the teeth, other than the likelihood that we get dragged into it.
I feel the same as you, Arthur. I have no love for Iran, and the same israel. I care about my people here in America. I also have no desire to drawn into a war for israel also. Count me out, I have to give the Cat a bath. I am too busy to support israel in any way
If our young men quit signing up to go to war for Israel then Israel wouldn’t act the way they do…But as long as they have big brother to ride to the rescue then they will keep being the mouthy little shit that pushes around the other kids…
Well, it does look like some some progress has been made in that regard; the recruitment numbers have been shite. Of course TPTB will institute a draft to try and cover israel’s ass if stuff really gets serious. The question then becomes how many will risk blowing off the draft notice? I’d hope something approaching 100% now, but am not so foolish to believe that would actually happen.
Still way too many White Boys think it’s their Country and that they need to go die for it…
True enough. It is a damned shame that is the case, but it does appear some subset of erstwhile patriotic white boys has finally figured out the scam, and has conducted themselves accordingly. The ones who still go in willingly are misguided, unfortunate souls who will get chewed up and spit out.
Yep I wish no White Boys would sign up…
Hey Brother! Hope you’re all well out there and your community continues to thrive.
All’s well here in NE Appalachia.
Prayers and Blessings to you all.
Doing well Brother and Hope you and yours are doing good as well…Did you guys get any of that Hurricane or did it pass you by…
Prayers and Blessings to you as well…
The list of people and things that I devote any support to has wizened and shriveled up to the point that it is near indistinguishable from Joe Biden’s nutsack.
I’m less concerned about our military involvement over there than I am about all the illegal muslims over here that might strike on CONUS.
I have been hearing about the Middle East since I was born, and in all that time the situation has essentially become a gigantic sucking hole into which we pour blood and treasure (here in Canada, we can’t support Israel quickly enough, at least until very recently).
I just want it to be over, as I am fed up to the back teeth with hearing about Israel this and Hezbollah that and PLO something, something, something, dark side……
I just don’t care. BFD. Rather than aid to UKR, for whatever reason, how about $8 billion for NC? No? Bueller…?
I hope they kill each other off. Maybe the rest of us will get some peace and quiet.
“I hope they kill each other off. Maybe the rest of us will get some peace and quiet.” Fully agree. A plague on them both.
something that i haven’t seen mentioned …
for centuries now, what do both the jews and muslims completely agree about ?
they both reject Jesus.
Actually, they respect Jesus as a prophet, and they also respect His Mother.
The roots of Islam are a combined Catholic Heresy and desert Pagan beliefs.
They do not know Jesus as Christians do, but they honor him in their writings.
Currently, and for the past several years, Muslims have been converting due to apparitions of Our Lord and His Mother.
Having said that, there is a seriously foul violence streak in Islam, and they’d best be controlled. I’d prefer them to remain in their desert hellholes rather than see any of them here or in Europe.
https://catholicexchange DOT com/the-unlikely-marian-apparition-at-zeitoun-egypt/
That is true enough and yet Christians are picking sides in a fight between two groups of unbelievers.
Ziovangelists worship Judaism although they’ll deny that. Another trait, lying/deception they have adopted from their masters and the interesting thing is that they don’t even recognize that they do this.
Here as well, over 50 years and it has been a disaster and nothing we do seems to make it better. Maybe we should leave well enough alone.
Some old time blogger suggested that the best approach for Africa is to build a giant wall around the entire continent, toss over enough guns and ammo to supply everyone there, and then sit back until all the gunfire subsides. And with any luck the last man standing will do us all a favor and suck-start a shotgun before we began tearing the wall back down.
I feel the same for about 99% of the Middle East right about now.
Yes. The world would probably have been a better place of Balian HAD burned Jerusalem to the ground.
As to
>trying to provoke this for a long time and now will claim to be the victim
Absolutely. Their behavior is essentially womanish behavior, the negative tendencies at any rate. “By way of deception you shall engage in war.” Gaslighting and rewriting history. Keeping enemies lists unto eternity. And always with the provoking, even after clear red lines have been laid down. Repeatedly and consistently. Then after they get the reaction they pushed and pushed for, crying victim.
It is the most militant and yet effeminate nation in human history
I recall the same sort of plan being proffered for Ireland during the Troubles, as well as for Detroit in the bad old days.
Good ideas are always good ideas, no matter their age.
Same solution for Haiti and Detroit and most other large urban areas.
Hundreds of missiles and they didn’t kill anybody. More theater.
How do you know they didn’t kill anyone? You trust the media or the government to give you accurate information – especially when it comes to the kikes?
if it bleeds it leads, especially if it’s one of the chosen…. no casualties at all evidently
I am sure at least a few people were killed but it was clearly telegraphed.
Israel reminds us all of that guy we knew who would go into a bar with you, start some shit, get in a fight and then expect you to back him up.
Frankly I’m tired of their BS. They have 100% instigated all of this and now that the other guy struck back “boohoo… you evil antisemites are attacking us, HELP”.
Meanwhile as my uncle always says “in football the guy who retaliates always gets the flag”.
Ditto here, mainstream media has amnesia and the headlines read:
“Unprovoked attack on Israel”.
I’m so sick of it and while plane loads of supplies are headed their way, a trickle is going to help our fellow citizens who got hit by the hurricane. Biden and Harris when asked showed they totally DGAF.
Why would they Brother they hate us and want us dead… Wish more of our side could figure that out and start getting ready to be able to defend against that…
It still amazes me how the default expectation for so many is that the govt will be there to help. The govt gives no fucks about actual Americans at large. Their focus (and distribution of resources) is on anything but Americans. Ukraine, israel, invaders in our midst (and they are finding and facilitating the invasion itself). The message is uniformly that we can piss off, we will get nothing because they are giving it away to any and everybody else. We are going to be forced to fight these shits for what is rightfully ours, and that fight is coming ever closer to kicking off, as we are insulted to ever greater degrees by the conduct of this illegitimate government.
Everyone laughed when I advocated over 10 years ago that we needed to be building Community with like minded people so we could be ready for whatever bad that was coming our way Brother now some are waking up to that fact…
Even with the stark contrast right now, the Feds leaping into action to “defend Israel” while hundreds are missing and tens of thousands are in real jeopardy in North Carolina, most normies still refuse to see it. More and more are but the bulk of people just don’t care unless it punches them in the face.
Big R,
The reason for no assistance to American hurricane victims?
Not enough wiggle for the skim-scam.
The PuppetMasters and RulingParasites order their flunkies in the federal government to send our money to the Ukraine because 99.99999% of it is untraceable.
Another false flag event coming soon to ‘galvanize’ this nation of utter fools into a war footing for the chosen scum. Stay home and prep for the righteous war White boys!!
Well those fools can go and die over there so there will be less to deal with here at home…
I second that motion!!
Remember when we weren’t involved with indispensable chosen ones or joined at the hip with foreign nations on the other side of the world?
Oh, wait.
When was that?
An update to the classic Dead Kennedys-When Ya Get Drafted is in order.
No shirking in the fight for Israel and Ukraine youngsters.
Yes you can!
Brandon and the mean girl yass kween red diaper babies of the faculty lounge are going to take out RIC?
Whether it is war remains to be seen. I was kind of “meh.” That last Iranian barrage was in April. The only confirmed kill was some poor bastard in Jordan that had a chunk missile fall down on his head. But Israel is probably gonna practice better opsec about how much damage was actually done.
A good analysis is here. https://simplicius76.substack.com/p/operation-true-promise-2-iran-strikes I think Simplicius is right, this is mostly theatre. According to him, Iran gave Israel some notice. I thought that would be a faggoty thing to do.
But I was thinking there might be a reason why it wasn’t stupid. Let’s assume the F-35’s were in very strong bunkers protected from the shit Iran was throwing at them. F-35’s are expensive pieces of shit. Only 29-49% of American F-35’s are ever combat ready at any given time. So, if Israel put all its F-35’s to the sky to save them, then that will probably impact their combat readiness for short-term flight availability because of all the maintenance that will have to be done.
The optics of this barrage were awesome. First of all, the Iron Dome seemed totally non-existent. Today’s wars are wars of attrition. I can help but to think that Iran, et al., are sending shitty, cheap, old missiles at Israel to attrit Iron Dome and US Navy missiles.
I also saw this: https://nitter.poast.org/imetatronink/status/1841285332706394371#m
“Two US destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean launched TWELVE SM-3 ballistic missile interceptors today in a futile bid to stem the tide of a huge Iranian ballistic missile salvo. You know how many SM-3 missiles the US produces each year? TWELVE.”
Watching all those missiles make it to the ground was pretty spectacular. Not to amateur Jewish videographers: use widescreen and quit moving the camera so god damn much.
I will start using the war term when there has been 1/2 dozen back to back barrages. Russia have given Iran some of their S-400 air defense systems. I want to see how good they are against F-16’s and F-35’s.
Israel now seems to be fighting a 4 front war: Gaza, Yemen, Iran, and southern Lebanon. I think when the American leviathan disappears, so will Israel.
BOLO any peculiar Black Swan event that seeks to focus our attention on some “squirrel” so that we will miss what is actually happening. The event will seek to blame some group or nation (that did not commit the act, for sure).
The truly dense will run out to volunteer for military service to aid Israel–that’s also a given.
Our real mission will be to discern the truth, to protect home, family, community, state (state, if worth doing so).
If not in a Red State you do not have my sympathy,* either because you should have moved by now or are a Libtard and so richly deserve the karma that is surely hurtling your way.
*If you are in a Blue State, are a true American and cannot migrate to a Red State due to circumstance, then you do have my sympathy. Good luck and may God protect you & yours.
brother, I am in my 70s. I moved from Nevada (somehow blue, or purple) up to a red state by the northern border. My years of servitude are over, and retirement just isn’t all that profitable. But, my old ass made it, relocated up here despite the “challenges” we might say. I know of families who moved up here, lived in a tent in a campground while mom and pop worked and scrimped and saved and got into a place… If the safety and well being of your family are paramount, you CAN move – you are not a tree.
If my poor, broke down ass can do it, they or you or whoever can do it… it was folks similar to us that crossed a big part of the country in a wagon. Pulled by horses. Fightin’ injuns. It ain’t easy but it ain’t impossible either.
So that leaves pedo fed with a big quandary for the Black Swan FF event that we all know we are a breath away from…….do they send some deranged poor White bastard who they mostly likely kidnapped at a young age and then filled him full of programming and propaganda and have him go do something awful at a non-White target?
Do they send one of our “newcomers” from whatever shithole they invaded from to do something to a White target to stir up the good ol’ boys from Dixie and the Midwest?
Or do they do a multi-pronged FF on (((our greatest victims among us))) and some tradition boomercon normie Evangalical targets with the appearance of a Hamas/Hezbollah/Iran inspired and executed attack?
I think it’s safe to say everyone here, and many of our colleagues will say FOAD and calmly go about our business.
Yesterday after chores, my wife went off on a righteous, well-spoken rant on our beloved Texas RINO, Ted Cruz. His opponent is a POS as well. She said, “I don’t want to vote for either one of these grifters! What the hell are we supposed to do!”
I told her, we just finished it. We fed the chickens, threw in food for the fish in the pond, tended to our fall garden and poured a nice big fucking drink to enjoy the sunset. I’m damn lucky.
So far, it seems to have cooled. We’ll see.