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Cumala Chooses!

Ol’ Cumala finally a running mate, Minnesota governor Tim Walz, an old White guy of course who definitely isn’t there so They can kneecap Cumala later on.

Tim Walz is so old and White he makes me look like an urban yoof in comparison.

Cumala must be exhausted after a week of vetting potential running mates.


  1. Big Ruckus D

    Oof, that image, Veep Throat indeed. And a truly inspiring selection she’s made, I dare say. I could be mistaken (as I don’t have the mindset or outlook of a shitlib, obviously) but I can’t see where this generates much excitement. I kind of picture a bunch of potential VP picks begging off accepting the job with lame ass excuses (“thanks, but I have to clean my fish tank for the next 4 years”) when she called.

    Despite the media whores going all in on the narrative, it doesn’t “feel” like she is generating any real excitement among the base. Sure, there are some boxed wine cat ladies posting breathlessly on Facebook, but these are the same sort of freaks who have xanax omelettes for breakfast and wore life size vagina costumes to the pussy hat “women’s” rally a few years ago. Not exactly representative of mainstream thought. But for the epidemic of TDS, she’d be a complete joke of a candidate.

    • Arete

      Agreed on the potential picks begging off. Roy Cooper is a good example. A Democrat governor of a purple state who is not loved by the conservatives there, but not hated, either. I don’t know how seriously he was considered, not being from what they would consider a firewall state, but he excused himself from consideration a week or more ago. One never knows, of course, but I think in terms of policy failures and personal scandal (apparently former NG members are speaking out) Cooper would have been a less risky choice.

    • Lineman

      Which makes me wonder if the guys who say they are going to let Trump win this one are right because they are setting themselves up for failure and if they lose it doesn’t hurt anyone’s chances further down the line which it would have with Newsome or Shapiro…

  2. Mike_C

    Tim Walz, Tim Kaine. This is weirdly familiar.

    Heard this the other day (Michael Malice talking about the 2016 Democrat debates and Gabbard eviscerating Harris): “Like any good Hawaiian, Tulsi knows how to roast a pig.” Heh.

    • Arete

      I said the same thing last night–boring, slightly creepy old white guy who has exactly what appeal to anyone outside liberals in his own state? Although he’s not quite as creepy as Kaine, who looked like the Joker.

  3. Flyin Bryan

    It should be interesting to see how Tim Walz spins his failure to put down the Saint George Floyd riots back in 2020. JD Vance will ream him a new one in the debates with that question.

  4. 3g4me

    I genuinely don’t understand the deep-seated leftism in Minnesota. All those competent, capable, Nordic people who built a successful and functional state and then . . . willingly helped destroy it. My husband had a former co-worker from there. Sexually ambiguous, one of 5 kids, and only one sibling had any children. I visited the place in the late ’80s with an eye towards moving there (got married instead) and found what little I got to see as beautiful and filled with friendly White people. Liberalism really is a mental disorder, which is why it makes no sense to me at all.

    • Georgiaboy61


      Re: “I genuinely don’t understand the deep-seated leftism in Minnesota. All those competent, capable, Nordic people who built a successful and functional state and then . . . willingly helped destroy it. ”

      If you ever get it figured out – why the Swedes have done what they have done in MN, please let the rest of us know. They’ve ruined Sweden, their homeland, in precisely the same manner. Pathological altruism, anyone?

      • Berglander

        It’s the Nordic traits of compassion and generosity… something that helped northern European people prepare for and get through the winter.
        The Scandinavian people have traditionally looked at themselves as one big family and helped each other as people needed it. Unfortunately, they have extended that to foreign invaders who do not contribute to their system, but take freely from it.
        Their system of social charity, and the honor system of repaying society when you took help worked incredibly well for those people. The influx of massive non-Scandinavian immigrants has had very negative effects on those communities.
        All part of the (((plan.)))

        • Big Ruckus D

          But this raises the question of just how the cathedral managed to totally brainwash that demographic (among others) that they unquestioningly accepted turd world scum that quite clearly isn’t part of their tribe. It would be one thing if the invasive sorts looked like Nordic Swedes, and could pass themselves off as more or less the same (heh, kind of like a certain parenthetical demographic does selectively and out of convenience with White people in general) until their subversion was an accomplished fact. But they are so obviously alien in appearance and behavior to the host population they have taken advantage of that I still can’t grasp just how they were so effectively duped into dropping their defenses.

          Further, the mindless and rote way in which so many will speak the undeniably false and destructive platitudes like “diversity is our strength” is not only difficult to understand, but brings me to an absolute rage at how readily so many people were co-opted into a lie. But that same stupifying compliance is in evidence for so many other idiotic beliefs that are driven by nothing more than a brute force programmed ideology. Masks, shots, believing Ukraine (and the FUSA gov’t) are the good guys and blaming Putin/Russia for invading the place, and so many other self evidently fucked up, patently false ideas.

          Finally, the fact so many White people have been readily duped into espousing and defending ideas that are utterly destructive to their own well being causes me to question if they are even worth saving. That it is so easy to manipulate them into working against themselves is evidence of a fatal flaw in their psychology. And that can’t be fixed, even if we managed to remove the parasites doing the programming. There is a maxim in the IT business that “security through obscurity” is never a good policy. The hardware needs better microcode, so that it is impervious to sneaky fucker attacks to begin with. Just removing the bad influence is not a successful long term defense.

          • Berglander

            I don’t find it hard to understand. We’re a very kind and compassionate people. It’s in the Eddas, it’s in the Kalevala. Kindness and hospitality to strangers, for it is the way to be. It’s been there for thousands of years. It makes absolute sense when, like you said, applied to people who look like us. And it utterly fails with racial strangers.
            It’s a lesson that wasn’t learned until the last few years because it wasn’t needed. There was so very little contact between Nordics and muds. And they’d been told so long (as have almost all of us) that blacks and browns and mohamedians are “just like us,” and hated simply “for the color of our skin.”
            Until quite recently, the only interactions Whites in Northern Europe had with those people were the smarter ones who could function in civilization. The NAXALT and IKAGO became prevalent there, as they did in the US…despite many of us having actual experience with knowing tons of bad ones…
            May fiance is from Finland, and I’ve had a lot of conversations on the topic with them and how Finns and Swedes are getting fed up with all immigration (small sample size, yes.) I have faith that it will all correct; it’s just going to be very bloody.

            • Berglander

              “May fiance is from Finland,” should say “my fiancé and her family are from Finland.” Three of her eight siblings live in the States; all of them meet up a couple times a year in Finland or the US.

      • Mike_C

        Maybe pathological altruism, but they had help. In the same way a depressed guy found with his throat cut, from behind, ear to ear, committed “suicide because of depression” — with help.

        At 0:56 where she stumbles over her words then finally says “monolithic” — I think she was about to say “white” and last-minute realized it would be a huge tell. And those facial expressions. That is not a normal person. (But I’m familiar with that weird smile/smirk/grimace. Unfortunately familiar.)

  5. WDS

    I remember back in ’08 when another melanin enhanced poser picked an old white guy for a running mate and the debacle that ensued. It’ll only be worse with this shitty dollar store version if they get installed.

  6. ozark homesteader

    Is picking the traitorous, globalist dictator of Minnesomalia as vice president candidate THOT’s way of courting both the black and the somalian vote? How to say “I’m doubling down on retarded” without actually saying “I’m doubling down on retarded”. On another hand, the pick is entirely in keeping with the humiliation ritual that the FUSA’s presidential elections have turned into.

  7. Bean Dip Tray

    Historic gutsy call by Barry.
    Make Minneapolis into Zimbabwe again.
    A St. Floyd of Fentanyl statue in the glorious cess ridden district of criminals.
    Fourth term steaming fourth world turd?
    Si se puede!


    But you have to admit it would be fun to have a pajeet nigger hoe as the Commander-in-Queef leading normies and whatever off-brand turds they slap U.S insignia on into the the blaze of WWIII.

    An added bonus would be for this turd milque toast Republicuck speaker to whip the house into a formal declaration of war with Iran if and when they retaliate against (((them))).

    What could possibly go wrong?

  9. TakeAHardLook

    Kamala Cumdumpster plus the despicably amoral baby killer Walz is a ticket made in Hell.

    Watch them steal this one; they will not relinquish their power.

    Things will get spicy, fo’ schizzle.

  10. Squib

    Swedes=Church of Sweden. Evangelical Lutherans.

    Lutheran Church Services operates in USA.

    They are one of the NGO’s responsible for the placement of “newcomers” in your home town.

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